Alergic rhinitis - Acupuncture can help

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Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic Nasosinusitis

过敏性鼻炎鼻窦炎患者疾病发作时鼻子塞,流清涕,打喷嚏,眼痒咽痒。多在春秋季节发作,也有人一年四季都发作。西医对此只能是用激素类药物抑制免疫系统,以及测过敏原,让病人避免过敏原。问题是,用上西药后,症状会缓解,停药后病症照常未变。以后再发作时,激素的需要量会越来越大以至于很容易出现激素类药物的副作用。另外,所被测出的过敏原会越来越多, 从早前的对花粉,灰尘,螨类过敏,到后来对某些食品添加剂,或化纤衣物过敏,再后来到对气候,温度等都过敏,似乎该病人就不适合在地球上生活了。可见,对于过敏性鼻炎鼻窦炎的治疗,西医主要是从外治疗,让病人避免过敏原,效果不好.

Patient with allergic rhinitis has stiff nose, running nose, sneeze, itch in the eyes or throat. It happens mostly during the spring and fall, but for some one, it may happen all over the year. To treat the allergic rhinitis, western medicine mostly use steroid-like drug or test the allergens to ask patient away from the allergens. Surely, in the beginning, the use of steroid drugs could release the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but the symptoms would come back again soon after stop the drugs. The dose of the drug has to be increased again and again to solve the problem, so that the side effects of the steroid drug might become new problem. For the allergens, along with the occur of the rhinitis each year, the amount of the allergens would become more and more. In the beginning, the person may be allergic to just dust, pollen, and later, he may become allergic to addictive in the food or fibro material in the clothes, and later on, even to the change of weather and air temperature. At this stage, it seems that the earth is no long suit to the person to live. Apparently, western medicine tries to treat the allergic rhinitis from the care of outside of the body.  


Traditional Chinese medicine works well for the allergic rhinitis. Opposite to the western medicine, the Chinese medicine solves this problem by the correction of the body allergic constitution. If the body is not so sensitive to the outside stimulation, the allergic disease should not occur, no matter how many kinds of the allergic agents that the body exposes to.  


To treat the allergic rhinitis or allergic nososinusitis, Chinese medicine uses herbal therapy, acupuncture and moxibustion.


Herbal therapy

如果病人的过敏性鼻炎鼻窦炎发作主要表现为流清鼻涕,打喷嚏,以流清鼻涕为主者,我们用小青龙汤 (服药后心悸,换为锡纯从龙汤);如果病人还有口干咽干便秘,加石膏。如果以打喷嚏为主,我们用桂枝附子汤,如果伴有便秘尿频,用白术附子汤,如果伴有全身肌肉酸痛困胀不适及身常冷,用附子汤。如果病久体弱常嗜睡,精力不足,用四逆汤。一旦症状缓解,用劫敏汤收功。

If the patient with the allergic rhinitis and nasosinusitis shows mostly as running nose, sneeze and more as running nose, we use Xiao Qing Long Tang for the treatment. Chinese medicine mostly use mixture of various herbs for the treatment. The ingredients come from the leaves, barks, seeds, or roots of various plants, not from a single plant (if the Xiao Qing Long Tang causes palpitation, change it into Cong Long Tang). If such patient also has dry mouth and throat, and constipation, use Xiao Qing Long Tang Jia Shi Gao.

If the sneeze is the most severe symptom, use Gui Zhi Fu Zi Tang. If there is constipation and frequent urination, use Bai Zhu Fu Zi Tang. If the person feels cold in the body, and has sour on whole of the body, use Fu Zi Tang. If the person is weak in the body constitution, tends to lie down for break, easy to feel tired, use Si Ni Tang.

有些病人发作时主要表现为鼻塞,前额胀满不适,或者眼睛后胀满不适,这种情况我们用葛根汤, 或葛根加黄芩汤。

Some people has mostly the stiff nose, bloating and sour on the front head or behind the eyes, we use Ge Geng Tang or Ge Gen Jia Huang Qin Tang.


If it is difficult to verify the types of herbal formula to choose, directly and simply use the herbal formula Guo Min Jian. This formula can be used for almost all kinds of allergic diseases, including allergic dermatitis.

以上的草药疗法多需要2-3 周, 一旦症状得到控制,就需要转为劫敏煎治疗2-3周,以减少复发机率。之后转为体质改善疗法(见下)。

For above treatment, once it works to stop the symptoms (it takes about one to two weeks), change to Jie Min Tang for 2 to 3 weeks and shift to the body constitution correction therapy below.


The commonly seen body constitutions that tend to the allergic diseases are the Gui Zhi Tang constitution, Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang constitution, Dang Gui Shao Yao San constitution, or Si Ni San constitution.


For the Gui Zhi Tang constitution, the person is usually weak, easy to have sweat, dislike cold and wind (including air conditioner), and is slim in the body. For such person, use Gui Zhi Tang for the treatment. If such patient is white in skin color and is with big body size, use Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang.


It is the Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang constitution, if the person is slim but energized, irritable, acute and active in action, sensitive to the environment temperature, smell, humidity, or sensitive to the personal relationship; and body feels some time hot, some time cold; sometimes feels very hungry, sometimes no any appetite; sometimes has constipation and sometimes diarrhea; feels bitter in mouth, dry in the throat, dislikes wind, feels pain on the joints. For such person, use Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang for the treatment. If such person is with dry mouth, use Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang.


If the person is slim, feels cold in hands and feet, easily feels tied, and short of breath after labor work; the hands or feet are easy to become swelling; the face is yellow-white in color without bright; dress much more than others even in summer; the discharge is white, thin as water-like without odor. The desire for sex is low, it is the Dang Gui Shao Yao San constitution. 


If the person is cold in hands and feet, but likes to drink cold or ice water, has dry mouth, slight pain in the belly from time to time, it is the Si Ni San constitution.


After correction of the body constitution with these herbal therapy, it can be said that the allergic rhinitis is solved. The body constitution correction therapy needs about 2 to 3 months.



Acupuncture therapy

针灸治疗需要至少每2-3天一次。主要穴位为迎香,四白,印堂, 上星,合谷,列缺,足三里,膻中,风市,以及督脉诸穴。一般需要3-5 次针灸,症状基本上就可以得到控制。但是,这并不是痊愈。次年过敏性鼻炎还会再犯,但是再犯时的症状会大大减轻,持续时间也会变短。到时候接着针灸,症状一般都会更快得到控制。如此重复3 – 4 年,体质就会得到根本性改变,对于以前能够引起疾病发作的那些因素,比如花粉等变得能耐受了。

Acupuncture is also used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. It needs once everyday or at least once every 2 to 3 days. The commonly used acupuncture points are Yin Xiang, Si Bai, Yin Tang, Shang Xing, He Gu, Lie Que, Zu San Li, Shan Zhong, Feng Shi, as well as the points on the Du meridian. It needs about 3 to 5 times of acupuncture to control the symptoms. But this is not the cure of the disease. Most possibly next year, the symptoms will come back again, but the symptoms would be much less in intensity and last much less time. The acupuncture treatment needs to be repeated again at that time. Then the same way is repeated on the third year. This is what we say that, the healing of allergic rhinitis is a year-by-year course. It is impossible to expect the cure of allergic rhinitis by one time treatment.


Moxibustion over a piece of fresh ginger

隔姜艾灸对于治疗过敏性疾病的效果也很好。方法是在后背的穴位上放上一片生姜片(约 2-3 毫米厚)然后放上高约1厘米,底座直径也是1厘米的金字塔状艾炷。将艾炷点燃,等病人感到很烫的时候取下,抬起生姜片,上下抖动数下,让姜片变冷一些,再放回原来的位置上,放上新的艾炷,再点燃, 如此重复艾灸十次。这种方法对于所有虚寒性的疾病都有效。

To do the moxibution over a fresh ginger is a special type of moxibustion. Moxibustion means to burn a herbal pile to stimulate the body acupuncture points by the heat/warm. Moxibustion over a ginger means to put a thin layer (about 2 to 3 mm in thickness, and 2 to 3 cm in diameter) on the skin, put a pyramid shape of herbal pile (about 1 cm height and 1 cm diameter on the base) on the ginger and burn the herbal pile. Remove off the burning herbal pile when the person cannot tolerate the hot from the ginger. Lift the ginger up and down several times to cold down it. Put it back to the original spot, put a new herbal pie on it and burn the herbal pile. Repeat the moxibustion for 10 times. This therapy is very useful for the treatment of various diseases that belong to the Cold-Weak syndrome in the Chinese medicine.



Hot weather time moxibustion

另外一种常用于改善过敏体质的方法是白芥子灸贴。这种艾灸选择在每年夏天天气最热的2-3 天,准确地讲,是在三伏天。到时候医生将沾有中药药粉的膏布贴在病人前胸后背的穴位上,保持6-8小时后取下(儿童保持3-4 小时)。一共九次。每年的三伏天对应的阳历日期是不同的。2015年的三伏天是从713日到821日。灸贴应当是每伏的前三天,就是说2015年应当在713 1415 723242581213 14 日进行。

Hot weather time moxibustion is another common way used in Chinese medicine for the treatment and prevention of allergic diseases. It is to put a herb mixture onto a medical tape (can be square in ship, 2 x 2 cm), then put this herb tape onto the skin (acupuncture point) of the patient, with the herb mixture faces the skin). Keep the herb tape for 6 to 8 hours for an adult or 3 to 4 hours for a child. The best time to do it is whenever the weather is hottest in the year. Such date is variable from year to year, for year 2015, it should be done on July 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25 and August 12, 13 and 14. Totally nine times a year.  


In recent years, it is also done during the very cold time of the year, so as to further more increase the healing effect of the hot weather time moxibution. Although it is not a burning of herbs, the herbs on the tape will make the patient feel very hot. This is the reason to keep the moxibustion for such therapy. It is very good for the prevention and cure of many chronic diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic colonitis, allergic colonitis. If you have chance to visit Chinese medical hospital in China, you may see that there are lots of patients waiting there for this kind of therapy.

Overall, if your allergic rhinitis cannot be improved by your current medical doctor, try Chinese medicine. You still have chance to get rid of it.