Acne - Acupuncture can help

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Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683




Infantile eczema



Infantile eczema commonly occurs on the face and on the outside of arms and legs. In Chinese medicine, it suggests that the problem is in the Spleen system, since in Chinese medicine, the outside of the arms and legs belong (or associate to) the Spleen system. Any skin problem occur in these area would be considered to something wrong in the Spleen system (Remember, the meaning of the spleen in the Chinese medicine is different from that in the western medicine). The problem is that the Spleen is stagnated by wet Qi (Qi means body life energy). To solve this problem, we use herb Huang Lian and Cang zhu. Apply the  powder of the herbs on to the skin to stop the itch and to clear the skin rash. After the local condition was improved, it is still needed to use herbal formula Shen Ling Bai Zhu San to nourish the Spleen, to prevent the recurrence of the eczema.


If the occur and the aggravation of the infantile eczema are related to over eat of meat, or to over eat of anything that cause poor digestion, especially sea food, we use herbal formula Bao He Wan, Ping Wei San, or Si Miao San, to improve the digestive system. This is another way to solve the eczema.


There is another more simple way to treat the infantile eczema: cook Chi Xiao Dou (red bean) and Yi Yi Ren (Coix seed) in water. Eat the beans and drink the decoction. Usually, the skin rash can disappear within two days. It is worthwhile to try.







Chinese medicine mostly uses herbal therapy for the treatment of acne. The herbs can be used by drinking the herbal decoction, or by applying herbal location on to the skin.


Chinese medicine believes that acne is not a local disease. It is the local expression of a whole body disease. Therefore, to treat acne, we need to pay attention to the whole body condition first, as well as give attention to the local skin rash too. We pay attention to the body constitution of the person, since different body constitution needs different herbal formula to the treatment of the acne.


If the person is strong in body constitution, skin is rough with more body hair, does not sweat, feels heavy in the body, and looks swelling on the face, we use herbal formula Ma Huang Jia Zhu Tang, Ma Huang Shi Gan Tang, Ge Gen Tang, or Yue Pi Jia Zhu Tang.


If the person is strong in the body constitution, has bigger or bloating  upper belly, and if the acne is dark red in color, we use Da Chai Hu Tang jia Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan. If the bloating is mostly around the navel, we use Fang Feng Tong Shen San.


If the person has sour throat, and also loss stool, it means that the body is upper-hot but lower-cold body constitution, we use Wu Ji San.


For Fire and stagnation body constitution, and if the person is dark color on face, on the gum, has dry mouth and constipation, we use Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan plus herb Da Huang, Hong Hua, Chuan Xiong, and Dan Shen.


For person with white and oily skin, red color on lips, and if the acne is fresh red, it is a inner-Fire body constitution. It needs herbal formiula Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang for the treatment. After subside of the skin rash, change it to Yin Qiao San to further more make the skin pigment subside. For prevention, use herbal formula Xiao Chai Hu Tang Jia Dang Gui Shao Yao San. 


If there is Fire accumulated in the Heart and Lung system (Chinese medicine concept), and if the pulse feels floating and string on the Cun position of the wrist, we use Ma Huang Lian Qiao Chi Xiao Dou Tang. 

如果病人有皮疹,同时还有咽喉病变,如慢性咽炎,扁桃体炎,喉炎, 或者便秘等,可试用升降散加味治疗。

If the patient has acne, and also has trouble in the throat, such as chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, as well as constipation, we can try Shen Jiang San.


If the person feels cold, tired, has anemia and swelling on the eye lids, and has menstrual disorders, us Dan Gui Shao Yao San.  


For most teenage with dark skin color and more body hair and if the acne is dark in color, especially if the person feels anxiety and stress very much, has dry month and wishes to dink cold water, use Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San Jia Jing Jie and Hong Hua.


If it is hard to make a clear TCM diagnosis, directly try Si Jun Qin Lian Er Chen Jia Shi Gao to clear the Fire in the stomach.


The above diagnosis is a basic diagnosis, based on that, we need to add some more specific herbs for the acne per se, such as add Bai Zhi, Bai Ji LI, Bai Xian Pi, Hu Zhang, Zi Cao, Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, or She She Cao, so as to increase the healing effects. If there is clear pus on the acne, add herb We Ju Huang and Huang Qi.

以上是草药的内服方剂。为加强疗效,常合用草药外敷法。比如用用痤疮外敷方(  冰片,黄连,大黄,硫黄,研末,加香油成糊状,外敷患处,一天两次)。

The herbs above are for preparation of herbal decoction to drink. We also use herbal external application (herbal location) on to the acne. There are many kinds of herbal formula that can be tried. We usually use Bing Pian, Huang Lian, Da Huang and Liu Huang. Grind them into powder, mixed them with sesame oil  and the apply the herbal location on to the acne, twice or three times a day, and keep it for 20 to 30 min each time.

针灸治疗痤疮也有效。一般需要每两到三天一次针灸。多需要三到四周。常用的针灸穴位是面部诸穴,如四百,颊车,迎香,地仓等。另外用合谷,列缺,外关,风池,风市,阳陵泉,足三里,血海等。 对于明显的脓包,也用火针直刺脓包顶端。

Acupuncture is also used for the treatment of acne. It is performed once every two to three days for three to four weeks. The commonly used acupuncture points are Si Bei, Jia Che, Yin Xiang, Di Cang, He Gu, Lie Que, Wai Guan, Feng Shi, Feng Chi, Yang Ling Quan, Zu San Li, Xue Hai, etc. For the bigger pus spot, we also use fire-needle acupuncture to puncture the top of the pus spot.  


People with all kinds of skin rash must be careful for their diet. This is very important. They should eat less amount of food that contain higher amount of fat, such as meet, especially beef and lamb. They should not eat too much fried food , such as chips; see food, such as various fish, shrimp, or crab; spicy food, such as onion, garlic, ginger, pepper, etc. ; alcohol, or fertilized food, such as yoghourt. They can eat more vegetable, but not too much fruits. The vegetables should also be eaten together with rice of bread, not the vegetable alone.