Welcome to Millwoods Acupuncture Centre

Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683



Make pineapple into your medicine



1. Bronchitis

Material: Pineapple, 120g; honey, 30g.

Preparation: Add to water to cook as for a soup.

How to use: Eat the soup. Twice a day.


2. Bronchitis

Material: Pineapple, 120g; honey, 30g; loquat ( Pi ba), 30g.

Preparation: Add to water to cook as for a soup.

How to use: Eat the soup. Twice a day.


3. Indigestion

Material: Pineapple, one.

Preparation: Remove the skin, prepare juice.

How to use: Drink the juice. 20 to 30 ml each time. Several times a day.


4. Diarrhea

Material: Pineapple leaves, 30g.

Preparation: Add to water to cook for 30 to 60 min.

How to use: Drink the juice.


5. Chronic fatigue

Material: Pineapple, 30g; honey 30g.

Preparation: Add to water to cook until the mixture turns into paste form.

How to use: Eat the paste every morning and evening.


6. Difficult in urinate

Material: Pineapple, 100g.

Preparation: Add to water to cook for 30 to 60 min.

How to use: Drink the soup every morning and evening.


7. Dry mouth due to diabetes

Material: Pineapple, 100g.

Preparation: Add to water to cook for 30 to 60 min.

How to use: Drink the soup every day as a tea.


8. Swelling

Material: Pineapple, 250g.


How to use: Eat the pineapple meat. (Do not eat it if you have skin rash or other skin problem).


9. Thirsty and hot flash

Material: Pineapple, 250g; salt, little.

Preparation:  Prepare juice.

How to use: Drink the juice, twice a day.


10. Thirsty and hot feeling in summer season

Material: Pineapple, 250g;

Preparation:  Prepare juice.

How to use: Drink the juice, one cup each time.