Welcome to Millwoods Acupuncture Centre

Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683



Make strawberry as your medicine




1. Chronic dry cough

Material:  Strawberry, 6g; Rock sugar, 30g.

Preparation: Steam the two together, make into mud form.

How to use: Eat it three times a day.


2. Cough due to Lung Fire

Material: Fresh Strawberry juice, 50g; Citron juice 50g; pear juice, 50g; honey, 15 g.

Preparation: Mix together

How to use: Drink all within twice. This is one day dose.


3. Low appetite

Material: Fresh Strawberry juice, 250g.


How to use: Drink all within twice. This is one day dose.


4. Indigestion

Material: Strawberry, 100g; Chinese Hawthorn (Shan Zha), 30g.

Preparation: Mix the two with water to cook as to prepare soup.

How to use: Drink the soup.


5. Constipation

Material: Strawberry, 50g; sesame oil, little.

Preparation: Mix the two and grind into mud.

How to use:  Eat with empty stomach.


6. Summer diarrhea

Material: Strawberry, 50g;

Preparation: Mix with water to boil.

How to use:  Eat it all.


7. Difficulty in urinate

Material: Strawberry, 60g;

Preparation: Mix with cold water.

How to use:  Eat it all. Three times a day.


8. Diabetes

Material: Strawberry


How to use:  Eat it frequently everyday.


9. Chronic fatigue

Material: Strawberry, 250g; dried grapes, 100g; white sugar, 100g.

Preparation: Mix all into 800 ml. Boil, then keep small boiling for 5 min. Leave for 10 hours before eat.

How to use:  Eat all.


10. Chronic anemia

Material: Strawberry, 100g; Chinese date, 50g; Litchi, 30g; rice, 150g.

Preparation: Mix all into 800 ml. Cook as for a soup.

How to use:  Eat all.


11. Unclear head, bloating feeling in head (such as feelings after heavy and long time study, reading)

Material: Strawberry juice, 100g;


How to use:  Eat all.


12. High lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. ) in blood

Material: Strawberry, 100g; Chinese Hawthorn (Shan Zha), 30g, lotus leaves, 15 g; wax gourd skin (dong gua), 15g; wax gourd seeds, 15 g.

Preparation: Mix all with water to cook as for a soup.

How to use:  Drink the soup.


13. Dry mouth and very thirsty in summer season

Material: Strawberry juice, 100g; and rock sugar, 10g.

Preparation: Mix all with cold boiled water.

How to use:  Drink the mixture, from time to time.


14. Sour throat and hoarseness

Material: Strawberry juice, 100g;


How to use:  Drink it in the morning and at night.


15. Mucus ulcer in mouth

Material: Strawberry juice, 100g;


How to use:  Drink it in the morning and at night.