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<<Yi Zong Jin Jian>>  Chapter 3


Taiyang stage, its condition, pulse and treatment (3)

太阳中风者,风伤於卫也;伤寒者,寒伤於荣也。其说已详上、中二篇。兹以风寒两伤,荣卫俱病者,疏为下篇。盖风寒二气,多相因而少相离,有寒时不皆无风,有风时不皆无寒。风寒并发,邪中於人,则荣卫兼病,惟其证均无汗,皆谓之实邪,故立大青龙清两解之法,发其寒邪并发,邪中於人,则荣卫兼病,惟其证均无汗,皆谓之实邪,故立大青龙汤两解之法,发其寒邪外闭,风邪内郁,不汗出而烦燥之汗也。然必审其人脉不微弱,无少阴证者,乃可与之。若误施之,则大汗淋漓,厥逆筋惕肉俽,必致亡阳之变,故又立真武一汤,以救青龙之误。夫表寒里 热者,大青龙固所宜也。若表里俱热,则又非大青龙之所胜任,爰立白虎一汤,以辅青龙之不逮。至於寒热轻微者,则更出桂枝二越婢一汤、麻黄桂枝各半汤、桂枝二麻黄一汤,皆两解荣卫法也。合上、中二篇而熟读之,则三法了然,以之施治,庶不紊耳。

In Shanghan disease, for Wind-invasion, the Wind invades the Weiqi of the body; for Cold-invasion, the Cold attacks the Rongqi of the body. This has been well explained and introduced in the previous chapters. In this chapter, we introduce the combined invasion by the Wind and Cold to the body. In nature, the wind and cold are commonly going together, though they come separately too. When the body is invaded by both the Wind and Cold, the Weiqi and Rongqi are affected the same time. The person has no sweat, so the disease is called Shi Xie. [1] In this case, Da Qinglong Tang is needed to expel both the Wind and Cold. However, one should be very careful to use to a person with strong pulse, e.g. there is no Shaoyin condition[2]. Otherwise,  there could be a heavy sweat, muscle shaking or spasm, reverse cold in the hands and feet (similar to shock). To correct this mis-treatment, herb Zhenwu Tang is introduced. This herb formula works when the body surface is Cold but the inside is Fire. However it is not suitable if the body both surface and inside are Fire. This condition is then solved by herb Baihu Tang. If the Cold and the Fire is not so severe, we use either Guizhi two Jubi one Tang, Mahuang Guizhi half-half Tang, or Guizhi two Mahuang one Tang, to solve the disease in the Weiqi and Rongqi parts. Combined with the introduction in previous two chapters, readers should now have a clear understanding for the diagnosis and treatment of Shanghan disease in the Taiyang stage.


01 太阳中风,脉浮紧,发热恶寒,身疼痛,不汗出而烦躁者,大青龙汤主之。若脉微弱,汗出恶风者,不可服,服之则厥逆,筋惕肉俽,此为逆也。

When Wind-envision in the Taiyang stage, the person has floating and tight pulse[3], fever, chilly, pain the body, no sweat but annoyed, irritable emotionally and physically, Da Qinglong Tang is the main formula[4]. However, if the pulse is weak, the person has sweat and dislike wind, it shouldn’t be used. Otherwise the person will have reverse cold in hands and feet, irritable body movement, muscle jumping and spasm – a wrong treatment. (Herb Zhenwu Tang should be used to correct the problem)

02 伤寒脉浮缓,身不疼,但重,乍有轻时,无少阴证者,大青龙汤发之。

For Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, if the person has floating and slower pulse, no pain in the body but heavy feeling in the body from time to time (not always), and there are no more indications to Shaoyin condition[5], the Da Qinglong Tang can be used.[6]


Da Qinglong Tang

麻黄(去节)六两, 桂枝二两, 甘草(炙)二两, 杏仁(去皮,尖)四十枚, 生姜(切)三两, 大枣(擘)十二枚, 石膏(碎,绵裹)如鸡子大。

Mahuang (remove stem joints) 90 gram, Guizhi (remove skin) 30 gram, Gancao (Processed) 30 gram, Xingren (remove skin and tips) 28 gram, Fresh ginger 45 grqam, Chinese  Date 62 gram, Shigao 30 gram.


Add Mahuang and 2250 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid part in it becomes about 1750 ml. Remove the floating residues. Add the remaining herbs in. Continue to boil until there is about 750 ml liquid left. Collect the liquid part (the herbal tea). Drink one third of the herbal tea and wait for sweat to come. When the sweat comes, stop to drink, otherwise, repeat the drinking after 2 to 3 hours until it comes. The mild sweat is required. If the sweat is too much, apply warm Huashi powder over the body to stop the sweat. Too much sweat will deplete Yangqiand makes person too weak, dislike wind, annoyed, and hard to fall into sleep, therefore is forbidden. 

03 脉浮而紧,浮则为风,紧则为寒,风则伤卫,寒则伤荣。荣卫俱病,骨节烦疼,当发其汗而不可下也。

If a pulse feels floating and tight, the floating suggests invasion of Wind; the tightness indicates that of Cold. The Wind attacks Weiqi, while the Cold attacks Rongqi. If both the Weiqi and the Rongqi are affected, there will be pain in the joints. A sweat therapy but not bowel-cleansing therapy should be used. [7]

04 太阳病发汗,汗出不解,其人仍发热,心下悸,头眩身俽动,振振欲擗地者,真武汤主之。

When in the Taiyang stage and after sweat therapy, the person has sweat but the disease remains[8]. He feels fever/hot, palpitation[9], dizziness[10] and shaking in the body[11] (almost to fall). In this case, herb Zhenwu Tang should be used mostly.

真武汤方 见少阴篇

Zhenwu Tang (see the version of Shaoyin stage)

05 太阳病二日,反躁,反熨其背,而大汗出,大热入胃,胃中水竭,躁烦,必发谵语,十馀日,振栗自下利者,此为欲解也。故其汗从腰以下不得汗,欲小便不得,反呕欲失溲,足下恶风,大便僐,小便当数而反不数,及多,大便已,头卓然而痛,其人足心必热,谷气下流故也。

A person is in the Taiyang stage for two days, without annoyed physically. Now he feels annoyed physically. A hot-press therapy on his back causes heavy sweat. Due to the Hot comes in the stomach, makes the stomach dry, so the person feels annoyed emotionally and physically, and he must have delirium. On about ten days, he feels shaking in the body with diarrhea – the disease will cure by itself. The previous symptoms are due to the sweat cannot come out of the body from the lower part of the body, it making him hard to have urine, but loss urine when nausea, to have dislike wind on the sole of the feet, to have hard stool. When the stool is hard, the urine should be frequent, but now it is not frequent, or smooth. If the condition continues, he will feel headache after bowel movement, feels hot on the sole of feet – for the flowing of Gu Qi down now.

06 服桂枝汤,大汗出,脉洪大者,与桂枝汤如前法。若形似疟,一日再发者,汗出必解,宜桂枝二麻黄一汤。

After drinking of Guizhi Tang, there is strong sweat and the pulse becomes big[12], repeat the Guizhi Tang as the way introduced before[13]; If the person feels as malaria (sometimes fever and sometimes cold, repeatedly) again and again during the day, sweat therapy will cure it. The Guizhi two Mahuang one Tang[14] should be used. 


Guizhi two Mahuang one Tang

桂枝一两十七铢, 芍药一两六铢, 麻黄(去节)十六铢, 甘草一两二铢, 杏仁(去皮、尖)十六枚, 生姜(切)一两六铢, 大枣(擘)五枚.

Guizhi 26 gram, Shaoyao 20 gram, Mahuang (remove joints) 26 gram, Gancao 17 gram, Xinren (remove skin and tips) 6.4 gram, Fresh ginger 20 gram, Chinese date 26 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil for 2 to 5 min, remove the upper floating herb residue, add the rest of the herbs in. Continue to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid volume is about 500 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink half of the tea, repeat after several hours.

07 太阳病,得之八、九日,如疟状,发热恶寒,热多寒少,其人不呕,清便欲自可,一日二、三度发,脉微缓者,为欲愈也;脉微而恶寒者,此阴阳俱虚,不可更发汗,更下更吐也;面色反有热色者,未欲解也,以其不能得小汗出,身必痒,宜桂枝麻黄各半汤。

The disease has been in the Taiyang stage for eight to nine days, the symptoms seem as malaria, the person feels fever and cold, but more fever and less cold, no nausea, bowel movement and urine are ok. Such condition repeats two to three times a day. If the pulse is slightly slow, it means that it will be recovered by the body itself. (No extra treatment is needed)[15]. If the pulse is weak and the person feels dislike cold, it means he is weak in body Yin and Yang in the body. Further sweat therapy, bowel-cleansing therapy or vomiting therapy is forbidden to use.[16] If his face is pink, seems having fever, it means the disease is not on the way to recover by the body itself. This is because he did not have slight sweat, so he should feel itch on the body. In this case, Guizhi Mahuang half-half Tang should be used.[17]


Guizhi Mahuang half-half Tang

桂枝一两十六铢, 芍药一两 ,生姜一两, 甘草(炙)一两, 麻黄(去节)一两, 大枣(擘)四枚, 杏仁(去皮、尖)二十四枚

Guizhi 26 gram, Shaoyao 15 gram, Fresh ginger 15 gram, Gancao (processed) 15 gram, Mahuang (remove joints) 15 gram, Chinese date 20 gram, Xinren (remove skin and tips) 10 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil for 2 to 5 min, remove the upper floating herb residue, add the rest of the herbs in. Continue to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid volume is about 450 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink 150 ml of the tea, repeat after several hours.

08 脉浮而迟,面热赤而战惕者,六七日当汗出而解,反发热者差迟,迟为无阳,不能作汗,其身必痒也。

For person has floating and slow pulse[18], has hot face and red color on the face, feels shaking in muscles, will get recovered on about the sixth or the seventh day. If he fells hot again on these days, the recover sill be delayed. This is because the slow pulse, that indicating short of Yangqion the body surface, so that the body cannot produce sweat to expel the disease out of the body. In this case, he will feel itch in the body. [19]

09 太阳病,发热恶寒,热多寒少,脉微弱者,此无阳也,不可发汗,宜桂枝二越婢一汤。

In Taiyang stage and after sweat therapy, if one feels fever and dislike cold, with more fever than cold, and pulse is very weak, it means no Yangqiin the body. Further sweat therapy should not be used. The herb needed is Guizhi two Juebi one Tang[20].


Guizhi two Yuebi one Tang

桂枝十八铢 芍药十八铢 甘草(炙)十八铢 石膏(碎,绵裹)二十四铢 麻黄(去节)十八铢 大枣(擘)四枚 生姜一两二铢

Guizhi (remove skin) 12 gram, Shaoyao 12 gram, Gancao 12 gram, Fresh ginger 20 gram, Chinese date 4 badges, Mahuang (remove stem joints) 12 gram, Shigao 16 gram.


Add Mahuang and 1250 ml water in herbal pot. Bring to boil for 2 to 5 minutes. Remove the upper floating residue. Add the remaining herbs in. Continue to cook until the water volume in the pot is about 500 ml. Collect the water supernatant. Drink one half of it.

10 伤寒,无大热,口燥渴,心烦,背微恶寒者,白虎加人参汤主之。

After drinking Guizhi Tang in a Cold-invasion, if person has strong sweat, feels very annoyed emotionally, very thirsty and drinking water that however does not help to calm down the thirsty, pulse is big, Baihu-jia-Renshen Tang should be used.

11 伤寒表不解,心下有水气,乾呕发热而咳,或渴、或利、或噎、或小便不利,少腹满,或喘者,小青龙汤主之。

If the Cold-invasion Shanghan disease is in the Taiyang stage and it continues, and if the reason for the delayed recovery is due to the presence of Shuiqi in the upper stomach[21], the one will feel dry nausea, fever, cough, he may also have thirsty, or diarrhea, or burping, or hard in urine, full in lower stomach, or have asthma. In this case, Xiao Qinglong Tang is the main formula to use.[22]


Xiao Qinglong Tang[23]

麻黄(去节)三两, 芍药三两, 五味子半升, 乾姜二两, 甘草(炙)三两, 半夏(洗)半升, 桂枝三两, 细辛三两.

Mahuang (remove joints) 45 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Wuweizi 25 gram, Ganjiang 30 gram, Gancao (processed) 45 gram, Banxia (washed) 124 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Xixin 45 gram.







Add Mahuang and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 2000 ml. Remove the floating herb residue. Add the remaining herbs in and continue the cook until the liquid is about 750 ml. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.

If thirsty, remove Banxia, but add Guolugen 45 gram;

If with burping, remove Mahuang, but add Fuzi (processed) 30 gram;

If with difficult in urine and full in lower stomach, remove Mahuang, but add Fuling 60 gram;

If with asthma, remove Mahuang, but add Xinren (remove skin and tips) 40 gram;

If with slight diarrhea, remove Mahuang, but add Fuling 60 gram.

12 伤寒,心中有水气,咳而微喘,发热不渴, 小青龙汤主之。服汤已,渴者,此寒去欲解也。

If there is Shuiqi in the Upper Jiao Cavity (within the chest), and the person now attacked by Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, the disease could stimulate the Shuiqi to cause cough and slight asthma, hot but no thirsty. After drinking the Xiao Qinglong Tang, and if the person feels thirsty[25], it suggests the recovery of the disease, not a worse prospect.

13 下之後,复发汗,必振寒,脉微细,所以然者,以内外俱虚故也。

If after bowel-cleansing therapy followed by a sweat therapy[26] again, and if the person feels shaking and chilly, with weak and thin pulse, it suggests that he is weak in body surface and inside.

14 下之後,复发汗,昼日烦躁不得眠,夜而安静,不呕不渴,无表证,脉沉微,身无大热者,乾姜附子汤主之。

If after bowel-cleansing therapy followed by a sweat therapy again, if the person feels annoyed emotionally and physically and hard to fall in sleep during the daytime, but quiet and no problem to sleep at night, no nausea, no thirsty, no hot/fever, no Taiyang Biao condition[27], but his pulse is deep and weak, herb Ganjiang Fuzi Tang should be used mostly.[28]


Ganjiang Fuzi Tang

乾姜一两, 附子(去皮,生用,破八片)一枚.

Ganjiang 15 gram, Fuzi (remove skin, cut into eight pieces) 30 gram.


Add the two herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 250 ml liquid left. Drink the herb tea all once.

15 发汗若下之,病仍不解,烦躁者,茯苓四逆汤主之。

If after bowel-cleansing therapy followed by a sweat therapy again, if the Taiyang symptoms remain and the person feels annoyed emotionally and physically, herb Fuling Sini Tang is the main choice.[29]


Fuling Sini Tang

茯苓六两, 人叁一两, 甘草(炙)二两, 乾姜一两半, 附子(生用,去皮,破八片)一枚.

Fuling 90 gram, Renshen 15 gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Ganjiang 24 gram, Fuzi (not processed, chop into eight pieces) 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid in the pot is about 750 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink 175 ml each time, repeat three times a day.

16 太阳病,先下而不愈,因复发汗,以此表里俱虚,其人因致冒,冒家汗出自愈。所以然者,汗出表和故也,得里未和,然後复下之。

If in the Taiyang stage, a bowel-cleansing therapy fails to solve the condition, so a sweat therapy is given, the person then feels smear in mind and head (hard to recognize, to analysis, to have conversation). This is due to the weakness (of the disease, the Xieqi) in both surface and inside of the body. After sweat by the person himself, the conditions will release, since disease will deplete from the body through the sweat. [30] This is because the sweat will harmonize the surface. If the person has bowel movement but the disease remains, use bowel-cleansing therapy again.[31]

17 凡病若发汗、若吐、若下、若亡血、若亡津液,阴阳自和者,必自愈。

For any disease, if after sweating therapy, vomiting therapy, bowel-cleansing therapy and those have also caused depletion of Blood or water part of the body, but the pulse on every levels[32] and positions[33] are even (the same), the disease will cure by itself.

18 问曰:病有战而汗出,因得解者何也?答曰:脉浮而紧,按之反芤,此为本虚,故当战而汗出也。其人本虚,是以发战,以脉浮,故当汗出而解也。若脉浮而数,���之不芤,此人本不虚,若欲自解,但汗出耳,不发战也。问曰:病有不战而汗出解者何也?答曰:脉大而浮数,故知不战汗出而解也。问曰:病有不战、不汗出而解者何也?答曰:其脉自微,此以曾发汗,若吐、若下、若亡血,以内无津液,此阴阳自和,必自愈,故不战不汗出而解也。

Asked: why a person’s disease could be solved after a body tremor and sweat? Master’s answer: That the pulse is floating and tight, but deeper touch feels Kun[34], means the body is weak originally, so that the person has tremor and sweat. The weak makes him to tremor, and the floating pulse suggests that the disease will cure after a sweat. If the pulse is floating and fast, but not Kun when deep touch, the person is not weak originally, the sweat therapy is the way for cure and the person does not have tremor. Asked: why person does not have tremor but a sweat then cure? Master: The big, floating and fast pulse suggests the recovery of the disease without a tremor. Asked: why someone get cure without sweat or tremor? Master: the person must have weak pulse, it is due to previous sweat therapy, vomiting therapy, bowel-cleansing therapy, loss of blood, all of which cause short of water/liquid, so that both Yin and the Yang in the body is balanced. In this case, the person could get cure by himself without either sweat or tremor.

19 问曰:伤寒三日,脉浮数而微,病人身凉和者何也?答曰:此为欲解也。解以夜半,脉浮而解者, 然汗出也;脉数而解者,必能食也;脉微而解者,必大汗出也。

Asked: A person having Cold-invasion Shanghan disease for three days has floating, fast but weak pulse, he has no fever. What does it mean? Master: it means that the disease is to recover. It will recover at the middle of night. If pulse is floating, the recover follows sweat; if the pulse is fast, the recover follows good appetite (to eat); if the pulse is weak, the recover comes after big sweat.

20 太阳病未解,脉阴阳俱停,必先振栗,汗出而解,但阳脉微者,先汗出而解,但阴脉微者,下之而解,若欲下之,宜调胃承气汤。

The disease remains in the Taiyang stage. The pulse is hard to feel in any of the three position or the three levels in each position. In this condition, the person must have tremor and sweat, then get recovery. This is because for one with weak pulse in the Chun position, he will have a sweat, then recover. If his pulse is weak on the Chi position, he needs to have a bowel movement, before to get recovered. To create the bowel-cleansing, herb Tiaowei Chingqi Tang is needed. 

21 伤寒,腹满谵语,寸口脉浮而紧,此肝乘脾也,名曰纵,刺期门。

With the Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, if the person feels fullness in the stomach and has delirium[35], his pulse is floating and tight, it means a Liver over Spleen. It is called Zhun, use acupuncture, on the Qimen point.

22 伤寒发热,啬啬恶寒,大渴欲饮水,其腹必满,自汗出,小便利,其病欲解,此肝乘肺也,名曰横,刺期门。

If a person with Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, feels mild chilly, but very thirsty and wants to drink water, he will feel fullness in stomach area, has sweat, easy urine. The sweat and easy urine suggests the disease is to recover. This condition belongs to the Liver over Lung. It is called Heng. Acupuncture on Qimen point is recommended.

23 太阳病欲解时,从巳至未上。

For a disease in the Taiyang stage, it may be improved from any time between 9 am and 3 pm, or it may be worse from any time of this time period.[36]

With a proper treatment, or if the disease is in cure by itself, or if the disease belongs to a weak condition, the disease is improved from any time during this time period[37]. With an improper treatment, or if the disease is progressing, or if the nature of the disease belongs to a Shi condition, it will be worse from any time during this time period.[38]

[1] Xie means Xieqi. It means something that causes disease. Shi Xie means a Xieqi that is stronger to cause a strong reaction of body during the disease. The opposite concept of the Shi Xie is the Xu Xie. Xu Xie means the Xieqi is relatively weak and it cause less extent of disease reaction in the body. The Wind alone usually belongs to a Xu Xie while the Cold is a Shi Xie. When the body is attacked by both Wind and Cold, the nature of their combination still belongs to the Shi Xie.

[2] In Shaoyin condition, the pulse is weak and thin.

[3] With Wind-invasion, the pulse is floating and slow; with Cold-invasion, it is floating. Now a floating and tight pulse suggests the invasion of both Wind and Cold. Therefore the Da Qinglong Tang is the combination of both Guizhi Tang (for Wind) and Mahuang Tang (for Cold), plus herb Shigao (to remove more Fire inside).

[4] Wind-invasion typically cause fever, sweat and dislike wind. Here it said that if the wind-invasion caused more like a Cold-invasion: fever, no sweat and more pain in the body, and more annoyed (irritable emotion and body movement), Da Qinglong Tang should be used. Da Qinglong Tang belongs to the Mahuang series, so it is used in fever, no sweat but strong annoyed feeling. In clinic, the fever is not so needed indication for the use of Da Qinglong Tang. Many clinic conditions are with annoyed feeling. This formula is only one of them. If the disease is in the Taiyang stage with strong annoyed feeling, Da Qinglong Tang should be kept in mind to use. The person who can tolerate the Da Qinglong Tang should be strong, so if he is weak in pulse, and if he has sweat, both of which indicating a weak body condition, it should not be used. In clinic, there are many people with anxiety (not means sometimes happy and sometimes sadness), who are in the Taiyang stage (no other healthy disorders), Da Qinglong Tang is the good choice (better than the Xiao Chaihu Tang – the one the textbook TCM doctors usually use).

[5] Shaoyin condition: one feels weak to lie down, pulse feels deep and weak. The body is not heave but weak. The weakness feels always, not from time to time. Another clinic condition with heavy body is the Wet-invasion, in which the heavy feeling is also always  there,

[6] Here is another clinic indication for the use of Da Qinglong Tang: heavy feeling in the body from time to time. There are other kinds of clinic condition with the heaviness of body: the Wet-invasion condition and Wet-accumulation condition. For the Wet-invasion condition, one feels heavy always and in whole body. In the wet-accumulation condition (the wetness accumulated in the body due to disorder of water metabolism, to lack of Yang Qi, etc.), one feels heaviness mostly in or lower than the lower back (such as in legs).


Remember the condition for the use of the Da Qinglong Tang: pulse is floating, with either annoyed (irritable emotion and body) or heaviness in the body.

[7] Remember: the Da Qinglong Tang is another choice for the treatment of joints pain: Wind-Cold type.

[8] Too much sweat caused depletion of Yang Qi out of the body.

[9] Palpitation suggests Weakness in side.

[10] It indicates Weakness in the head.

[11] It indicates Weakness in the meridians.

[12] If the person’s pulse feels big and if he has heavy sweat and very thirst, his disease may have come into the Yangming stage.

[13] Usually after sweat, the pulse should be deeper and becomes soft on touch. Now, the sweat is strong but the pulse is big, suggesting that the invaded disease has not been fully removed out of the body yet. The body is activating its defense system to counteract the disease, so the pulse is big. Further more Guizhi Tang will help the body to do the last expel work.

[14] Take two part of Guizhi Tang and one part of regular amount of Mahuang Tang. Mix them together to drink.

[15] Note that the condition is that the person any sign for disease in inside of the body – no nausea and bowel movement and urine are ok

[16] There are many clinic conditions in which person feel sometimes fever/hot and sometimes cold – similar to malaria. For example, one with menopause syndrome can feel hot flash and cold repeatedly. Depending on the extent of the hot and cold, herbal therapy is different. 


Always remember that the sweat therapy, bowel-cleansing therapy and vomiting therapy require the body condition is reasonably stronger – the pulse is not too weak. If, under some conditions, one of the therapy has to be used, close monitor is very important.

[17] Mahuang Tang is another herb formula. Here means to take half dose of Guizhi Tang and half dose of Mahuang Tang and mix them together to cook. In clinic, this formula is also used to skin itch: if a person has itch with hot feeling on face. The success rate will be higher if the person is with floating pulse and no usually no sweat.

[18] Here, if a person has floating and slow pulse, his recovery may be slow too.

[19] For one with skin rash and itch, pay attention to this clinic conditions: hot face, itch skin and floating and slow pulse.

[20] Take two parts of Guizhi Tang and one part of Yuebi Tang. Mix them together to drink as one dose of herbal formula.

[21] Shuiqi means something as water, humidity, water vapor. When a person with such Suiqi, he could have various symptoms, depending on the position of the Shuiqi in the body. If the Shuiqi is in the Upper Jiao cavity, he will feel cough, asthma, Yue syndrome; if it is in the Middle Jiao Cavity, he may have nausea, bloating in stomach; if it is in the Low Jiao Cavity, he may have hard in urine, and fullness in the lower stomach area.

[22] Xiao Qinglong Tang expel the Suiqi out of the body, and remove Cold Shuiqi inside. It, as the Da Qinglong Tang, is a strong sweat therapy.

[23] Xiao Qinglong Tang is used for person who has Shuiqi in the body before the attack by the Cold. It is used for person who has no sweat. Wuling San is also used for person who has Shuiqi in the body but is attacked by Wind. Xiao Qinglong Tang is also used to treat Shuiqi in the surface of the body, e.g. such as skin swelling, similar to the use of Yuebi Tang. However, the Xiao Qinglong Tang is for Cold swelling, whereas the Yuebi Tang is for Fire/Hot swelling. Such swelling can be ordinary swelling in the feet, leg, it can also be a local phenomenon as urticaria. Similarly, a local swelling in the nose, that causing a running nose, and that is also called a kind of allergic reaction, is well solved by the Xiao Qinglong Tang.

[24] In original version, it is to add “Raohua”, not the “Fuling”.

[25] At this movement, only give the person water to drink little by little. Thirsty is a mark that the Xiao Qinglong Tang works.

[26] Sweat therapy is usually used before a bowel-cleansing therapy if the later is indicated.

[27] Biao condition means chilly, fever, headache, body pain, sweat, etc.

[28] The bowel-cleansing and sweat therapy has caused depletion of Yin of the body, making the condition deep to the Shaoyin stage. No enough Yin, so the Yang is floating. During the daytime, in which the Yang Qi is more whereas the Yin is less, so the person feels more annoyed. At night, there is relatively more Yin from the nature (the night belongs to Yin), so to balance the shortage of the Yin in the body to make the Yang combining to the Yin (to have a rest), so the person is quiet. However, some doctors believe the annoyed here is due to the depletion of the body Yang Qi, not the Yinqi.


Note, basically in the Taiyang stage, the person feel worse in the night, but better during the day time. Here it says the condition seems worse during the daytime – a different clinic picture. Try to make a summary, is this condition easy to been seen in most people with anxiety? They feel annoyed and their pulse is deep and weak (only a doctor know this) but no any other problem to complain?

[29] Note: the Fuling Sini Tang is used when the Taiyang condition remains and the annoyed is in both day and night. It belongs to a weak annoyed, not as the Da Qinglong Tang, which is used for a concrete annoyed (the body condition is not weak).

[30] Be careful this paragraph talks about the Mao person’s body reaction after bowel-cleansing and sweat therapy: the person is easy to loss consciousness. Some people may get self recovery after a bowel movement.

[31] This paragraph is kind of hard to understand.

[32] It means the pressure to touch the pulse: slight touch, deep hard touch or in between.

[33] It means the pulse is touched on the Chun, Guan or the Chi position on each wrist.

[34] A kind of pulse.

[35] Stomach fullness and delirium suggest the Yaoming stage, while the floating and tight pulse indicates Taiyang stage. The disease in the Taiyang stage needs sweat therapy, while the disease in the Yangming stage needs bowel-cleansing therapy. It is contradictory. So, here, it uses acupuncture instead of herbal therapy. However in later co-exist of a Taiyang and Taiyin stage, a herb Guizhi jia Dahuang Tang is used. This is a herbal formula to solve the disease in both stages at the same time.

[36] This is a time period which corresponding to the reduction of a Yangqi in the nature and the shrinking, contracting, or storing of Yangqi in the body. The trends of the Yangqi in the Nature helps, vibrates with the Yangqi in the body, so to cause corresponding trends of the Yangqi in the body: to move deeper from body surface layer to the inside core. This is a time period of Sun rise to peak. 

[37] Proper treatment plus the Yangqi movement in the Natuare helps the cure of the disease.

[38] It is a very important way to distinguish the Taiyang stage from other stages by checking its improvement time period or a worse period. However, it is still under debate how to understand the meansing of this paragraph.