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102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

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Chapter 22, Various diseases in woman


For woman’s disease, it could be due to weakness, accumulated Cold, or accumulated and stagnated Qi movement. All can cause stop of the period. After a long time, the Cold in the blood accumulated in the uterus. The Cold damages meridian, and if the damage is in the upper part of the body, the woman has nausea, spits saliva, and has Feiyong after a long time with skinny body. The Cold also sticks to the middle of the body, causing Cold hernia with pain around the naval and on the both sides of the upper abdomen. If the woman has Fire in the middle part of the body for a long time, this time she will have no Cold hernia, but Fire in the middle part of the body. She feels pain the lower part of the abdomen. If her pulse is frequent, she will have ulcer in skin. If she has no ulcer, the Fire will burn the Yin in the body, causes dry in the skin so the skin is as fish scales. However, the above symptoms can also happen to male, not only on female. If the Cold sticks in the lower part of the body, it causes spasm pain the in the perineum area, chilly in the lower abdomen, which may connect to the lower back, or to the upper and  inside and of the thigh. She may also feel air-pushing up feeling, acute pain, annoying pain in the knee and small legs, feels cloudy and dizzy in the head from time to time as person has madness or kind of psycologic disorders. She may also feel sadness, easy to get upset. All are due to the problem in the woman’s discharge. For a long time, she will be skinny in the body. The pulse is weak and cold. Na matter what kind of the clinic manifestations it is, check her Yin and Yang condition, the pulse, to make assessment.  


If the woman has sticky and harsh feeling in the throat, use Banxia Houpo Tang.


Banxia Houpo Tang


Banxia 250 gram, Houpo 45 gram, Fuling 60 gram, fresh ginger 78 gram, Souye 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1250 ml into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 1000 ml herbal tea left. Drink one quarter of the herbal tea, three times during the daytime and once at night.


If a woman has Zangzao disease, feels happiness but soon sadness, smile but soon crying, as there is ghost in her body, and she tends to yawn, use Ganmai Dazao Tang.


Ganmai Dazao Tang

三两,小麦 一升,大枣 十枚

Gancao 45 gram, wheat 250 gram, Chinese date 10 badges.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one quarter of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.


If a woman spits saliva, it is a Cold condition and needs warm herbal formula to solve the problem. However, if she is given a bowel-cleansing therapy, she will develop fullness in the upper abdomen. To solve the spiting saliva, use Xiao Qinglong Tang. After the stop of the spiting, start to treatment the fullness, using Xiexin Tang.


Xiao Qinglong Tang (see the chapter for Feiyong)  (见肺痈中)


Xiexin Tang (see the chapter for Scaring and palpitation) (见惊悸中)

Asked: a woman at 50 years of old has continuous diarrhea tens times a day. She has fever in the evening, feels spasm in the lower abdomen, fullness in the abdomen, hot in the palm and sole, dry in the lips of mouth. What condition it is? She has had abortion before. How do we know if she has stagnated dead blood in the lower abdomen? Master: The dry lips and dry mouth indicate the hosting dead blood in her lower abdomen. This belongs to a Discharge disease in woman. Use Wenjing Tang.


Wenjing Tang

三两,当归,芎藭,芍药各二两,人参桂枝牡丹皮阿胶生姜  各二两,甘草  二两,半夏  半升,麦冬(去心)一升

Wuzhuyu 45 gram, Danggui 30 gram, Chuanqiong 30 gram, Shaoyao 30 gram, Renshen 30 gram,


Add the herbs and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day. This formula also works for woman with cold feeling in the lower abdomen, difficult to have a pregnancy, and for women who has heavy bleeding from uterus, or has too much period blood, or has delayed period.  


For woman with discharge problem has irregular period, fullness and pain in the lower abdomen, or has twice period within the same month, use Tuguagen San.


Tuguagen San


Tuguagen, Shaoyao, Guizhi and Zhechong, equal amount.


Prepare the herbs into powder. Drink 1 gram each time, three times a day.


(hard to translate this paragraph)


Xuanfuhua Tang


Xuanfuhua 45 gram, Onion green 14 stems, new jiang little amount.


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 250 ml herbal tea left. Drink all the tea once.


If the woman has heavy bleeding from uterus, use Jiao Jiang Tang.

 (the herbal formula for the Jiao Jiang Tang is missing).


If the woman has fullness in the lower abdomen as there is a basin there, has slight difficult in urine but no thirsty, and if this condition happens after baby delivery, it is due to the hosting of both Water and Blood in the uterus. Use Dahuang Gansui Tang.


Dahuang Gansui Tang

四两,甘遂  二两,阿胶  二两

Dahuang 60 gram, Gansui 30 gram, Ajiao 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 250 ml herbal tea left. Drink all the tea once. The blood should be depleted out.


If a woman got Wind-invasion, after seven to eight days, she feels hot and chilly again and again, and the period stops. This condition suggests that the invaded Fire has invaded into the uterus. The blood must be clotted[3], so to make the hot-cold repeat as a malaria. Xiao Chaihu Tang is to be used. [4]


If a woman has Cold-invasion, feels hot. At this movement, her period comes. She is normal during the day time, but has Chattering syndrome at night, seeming to meet a ghost. This condition suggests a Fire into the uterus too, no any meaning to the Weiqi or The Upper and Middle Jiao Cavity. This condition can cure by itself. 


If a woman got Wind-invasion, feels hot and chilly, when she has period. After seven to eight days, she feels no hot, but cold in the body and has slow pulse, feels fullness in the chest and side of upper stomach (similar to a Jiexiong condition), and has Chattering syndrome, indicating that she has Fire in the uterus. Acupuncture should be applied, using Qimen point with depletion manner. [5]


In the Yangming stage, the woman has bleeding from uterus, Chattering syndrome, it is the Fire in the uterus condition. She has hot in the head and has sweat. Use acupuncture on the Qimen point using depletion manner on the needle. When she has sweat, the condition will be improved.

妇人经水不利下,(少腹结痛,大便黑,小便利,发狂善忘,寒热), 抵当汤主之。

If the woman has irregular period, (has solid and pain feeling in the lower abdomen, has dark stool, has easy urine, appears madness, easy to forget things, feels chilly and hot), use Didang Tang.


Didang Tang


Shuizhi (processed) 30 badges, Zhechong (processed, remove wings and feets) 30 badges, Taoren (remove tip and peel) 20 badges, Dahuang 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea.


If the woman has irregular period, has solid mass in the uterus, and has white color discharged material form the uterus,[6] use Fanshi Wan.


Fanshi Wan

矾石(烧)三分,   杏仁 一分

Fanshi (burned) three parts, Xinren, 1 part.


Prepare the herbs into powder then into pills with honey as 1 cm in diameter. Put the pill in the vagina. For severe case, use more pills in.


If woman has various Wind condition and sharp pain in the abdomen, use Honlanhua Jiu.


Honlanhua Jiu

红蓝花 一两

Honlanhua  15 gram.


Add the herbs into 300 ml liquor. Bring to boil until the volume is half. Drink half the herb liquor. If the pain remains, drink the remaining part.


For woman with various pain in abdomen, use Danggui Shaoyao San.


Danggui Shaoyao San (see the chapter for pregnancy)


For woman with pain in abdomen, can also use Xiao Jianzhong Tang


Xiao Jianzhng Tang (see the chapter for Weakness condition)


Asked: if a woman is sick, she has normal appetite, but feels annoying hot and feels hard to fall into sleep, or even feels hard to lie body down, what is this condition? Master: this is Zhuangbao[7] condition, meaning the position of the uterus is wrong now, which prevents urine. For the treatment, use urine therapy with Shenqi Wan.


Shenqi Wan


Shendihuang 125 gram, Shanyao 60 gram, Shanzhuyu 60 gram, Zexie 45 gram, Fuling 45 gram, Mudanpi 45 gram, Guizhi 15 gram, Fuzi 15 gram.


Prepare the herbs into pills with honey as a size of 0.5 cm diameter. Drink 15 pills with wine. Gradually increase the number of pills to 25 pills each time. Twice a day.


If woman feels cold in her perineum and vagina, use warm herb therapy in the vagina with Shechuongzi San.


Shechuangzi San




Grind the herb into powder. Mix it with Jianfeng little. Make pills as 2 cm in diameter. Fold it into gauze. Put it into the vagina.


For woman, if the pulse is slippery and frequent in the Chi position, there is ulcer in the vagina and front perineum, use Langya Tang to wash. 


Langya Tang

狼牙 四两

Langya 60 gram.


Add the herb and 1000 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 120 ml left. Use a cotton ball to rinse in the herbal juice. Put it then into the vagina. Repeat four times a day.

胃气下泄,阴吹而正喧,此谷气之实也,(长服诃梨勒丸) 膏发煎导之

If the Weiqi goes down, the woman feels fart from the vagina, use Kelile Wan.


[2] 「再」字当是「不」字,若是「再」字,一月两来,与上文不利不合,是传写之误.

[3] But not develops into typical Jiexiong condition yet.

[4] When treat a menopause syndrome, be careful to exclude this condition.

[5] For women, the period is associated with the development of a disease. If the period comes, the Xieqi could move down into the uterus causing complex clinic conditions. Here, the condition of cold body, slow pulse, should be distinguished with Xiao Chaihu Tang (Shaoyang paragraph 15) and Sini San conditions. Note: this condition is pretty much seen in patients with hysteria.

[6] It suggests the presence of Wetness in the uterus.

[7] Zhuangbao: Zhuang here means turning, bao: uterus. So Zhuangbao means the turns of the uterus.