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Chapter 8. Huanglian series

Huanglian (Coptis chinensis Franch) is the root of plant RHIZOMA COPTIDIS.  Huangqin is the root of plant Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. Both herbs work to reduce Fire and remove Wetness. In addition, the Huangqin can work to stop bleeding and calm the fetus. Due to the Fire, the person feels annoyed (Fire in heart), and acid reflux (Fire in the stomach). Also due to the Fire, the person has bleeding.

Both herbs work to clear Fire from the body. They belong to the same group as Zhizi, Shigao and Dahuang in the Fire depletion function. Huanglian depletes the Fire in the Heart, Stomach and the Liver. The Huangqin depletes the Fire in the Lung. In clinic, they are usually used together.

For their Wetness depletion function, they works to reduce the temperature to make the humidity (the wetness) condensed into water to pass away from the body. This function is just as to bring the summer into the autumn. In the summer, the weather is hot and humidity, and in the autumn, it is cold and dryness. Previously we said that the Shigao has also a function to deplete Fire. Shigao works as a storm in summer. It can reduce the body temperature very quick as a storm in the summer, but the main humidity atmosphere wouldn’t change too much to dry for a long time.


(1). 黄连汤

Huanglian Tang

黄连 三两, 甘草(炙)三两, 乾姜 三两, 人参 二两, 桂枝 三两, 半夏(洗)半升, 大枣(擘)十二枚.

Huanglian 45 gram, Gancao (processed) 45 gram, Ganjiang 45 gram, Renshen 30 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Banxia (washed) 62 gram, Chinese date 62 gram.


Add the herbs and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil then keep it in mild boiling until there is about 1500 ml liquid left. Remove the herbal residue, collect the herbal tea. Separate the tea into five parts. Drink three parts during the day time, and two parts in the night.

17 伤寒胸中有热,胃中有邪气,腹中痛,欲呕吐者,黄连汤主之。

With Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, if the person has Fire in chest but Cold in stomach, he will have stomach pain and tends to vomit. Huangliang Tang should be used. [1]


(2). 黄连阿胶汤

Huanglian Ajiao Tang

黄连  四两, 黄芩 二两, 芍药  二两, 鸡子黄  二枚, 阿胶  三两

Huanglian 60 gram, Huangqin 30 gram, Shaoyao 30 gram, chicken yolk two, Ajiao 45 gram.


Add the Huanglian, Huangqin, Shaoyao and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the water in the pot is about 500 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Add Ajiao in with stirring until it is completely dissolved. Wait a movement to cool. Add the yolk with stirring. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.

33 少阴病,得之二、三日以上,心中烦,不得卧,黄连阿胶汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage for more than two to three days, the person feels annoyed, hard to fall sleep, use Huanglian Ajiao Tang.[2]


(3). 小陷胸汤

Xiao Xianxiong Tang

黄连 一两, 半夏(洗)半斤,栝蒌实(大者)一枚

Huanglian 15 gram, Banxia 124 gram, Gualushi 45 gram.


Add the Gualushi and 1500 ml of water into herbal pot. Bring to boil until the inside liquid has about half left. Remove herb reside, add the remaining two herbs in and continue to cook until there is about 500 ml left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, totally three times a day.

43 小结胸,病正在心下,按之则痛,脉浮滑者,小陷胸汤主之。

For small Jiexiong condition, the problem is in the upper stomach area. It feels pain when touch. The person’s pulse feels floating the smooth. This condition indicates the use of Xiao Xianxiong Tang. [3]


(4). 黄芩汤

Huangqin Tang

黄芩三两, 甘草(炙)二两, 芍药二两, 大枣(擘)十二枚

Huangqin 45 gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Shaoyao 30 gram, Chinese date 12 badges.


Add the herbs and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid in the pot is about 750 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea, repeat once in the day time, and the last one at night.

18 伤寒脉迟, 六、七日,厥而下利[4],  而反与黄芩汤彻其热,脉迟为寒,今与黄芩汤复除其热,腹中应冷,当不能食,今反能食,此名除中,必死。

If Cold-invasion Shanghan has slow pulse for six and seven days, the person has Jue condition and diarrhea. He however is given Huangqin Tang to remove the Fire, he will have cold in stomach, loses appetite. If he remains appetite, his condition belongs to Chuzhong. He tends to die. Slow pulse suggests Cold. The use of Huangqin Tang will deplete the Yanggi from the stomach.

03  太阳与少阳合病,自下利者,与黄芩汤,若呕者,黄芩加半夏生姜汤主之。

With co-exist of Taiyang and Shaoyang stage[5], if the person has diarrhea, use Huangqin Tang; if he has nausea, use Huangqin jia Banxia Shenjiang Tang.


(5). 黄芩加半夏生姜汤


Huangqin jia Banxia Shengjiang Tang


Add 124 gram of Banxia and 45 gram of fresh ginger into the Huangqin Tang above. Cook and drink it the same way.

03  太阳与少阳合病,自下利者,与黄芩汤,若呕者,黄芩加半夏生姜汤主之。

With co-exist of Taiyang and Shaoyang stage[6], if the person has diarrhea, use Huangqin Tang; if he has nausea, use Huangqin jia Banxia Shenjiang Tang.


(6). 三物黄芩汤

San Wu Huangqin Tang

(一两) 苦参(二两) 干地黄(四两)
Huangqin 15 gram, Kushen 30 gram, Shendihuang 60 gram


Add the herbs and 2000 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 500 ml herbal tea left. Drink half the herbal tea.

《千金》三物黄芩 治妇人在草蓐,自发露得风。四肢苦烦热,头痛者,与小柴胡汤。头不痛但烦者,此汤主之。

In another book << Qian Jing >>, this formula is used for the treatment of infections for a woman during baby delivery. The Wind invaded into the body, causing annoying hot in the arms and legs, but no headache. If there is headache, use Xiao Chaihu Tang.


(7). 七物黄芩汤

Qi Wu Huangqin Tang

黄芩 人参 干姜
(各三两) 桂枝(一两) 大枣(十二枚) 半夏(半升)

Huangqin 45 gram, Renshen 45 gram, Ganjiang 45 gram, Guizhi 15 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, Banxia 125 gram.


Add the herbs and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.

《外台》黄芩 治干呕下利。

In another book << Qian Jing >>, this formula is used for the treatment of nausea and diarrhea.  


(8). 白头翁汤方

Baitouwen Tang

白头翁三两, 黄连(去须)三两, 黄柏(去皮)三两,  秦皮三两

Baitouwen 45 gram, Huanglian (remove small hair) 45 gram, Huangbo (remove skin) 45 gram, Qinpi 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid is about 750 ml. Drink one third of the herbal tea. If the diarrhea doesn’t stop, drink the second one third. 

26  下利欲饮水者,以有热故也,白头翁汤主之。热利下重者,白头翁汤主之。

If the person has diarrhea and has willing to drink water, it means he has Fire inside, use Baitouwen Tang. Usually if there is Fire, diarrhea with heavy and stick feeling in the anus, use the Baitouwen Tang. 


(9). 葛根黄芩黄连汤

Gegen Huanglian Huangqin Tang

葛根半斤, 黄芩三两, 黄连三两, 甘草(炙)二两

Gegen 95 gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Huanglian 45 gram, Huangqin 30 gram.


Add Gegen and 2000 ml water in herbal pot. Bring to boil until the liquid volume is about 1500 ml. Add the remaining herbs in and continue to cook until the total liquid volume is about 500 ml. Collect the water part from the mixture. Separate the mixture into several parts. Drink each part in one to two hour interval (until the asthma and diarrhea stop).

35 太阳病,桂枝证,医反下之,利遂不止,脉促者,表未解也,喘而汗出者,葛根黄芩黄连汤主之。

When in Taiyang stage and it is Guizhi Tang condition but a bowel-cleansing therapy is mis-used, that causes continuous diarrhea, the person feels asthma and sweat, Gegen Huangqin Huanglian Tang should be used.


(10). 黄连

Huanglian Fen

(the formula for the Huanglian Fen is missing).


For the treatment of the chronic skin ulcer, use Huanglian Fen.

[1] This is a mixed Fire and Cold condition. The Fire is in the chest but the Cold in the stomach. The herbal formula then should also a Yin and Yang in nature to harmonize the co-exist of Fire and Cold in the body.

[2] Note: In Shaoyin stage, the person is basically willing to lie down, rather than activated. Now he feels annoyed that makes him hard to fall into sleep but the pulse is still deep, thin, but may be fast. For such person, he should have no nausea or diarrhea, so do not use Baitong Tang; has no sign of Yinxie, so not use Zhuling Tang. This is a Shaoyin Fire condition. 

[3] For the Small Xianxiong Tang condition, one feels fullness and hard in the upper stomach. He feels pain when touch, but no pain if no touch. This condition is less severe than the Da Xianxiong Tang. In clinic, they need to be distinguished.  Note: for Pi syndrome, the person also feels fullness and hard, but no pain even if at touch.

[4] In original version, there is no “Jue condition and diarrhea”.

[5] The person has conditions for Taiyang stage, such as fever, chilly, but also conditions for  Shaoyang stage, such as Hot-cold shift, or has bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, or dizziness feeling in eyes.

[6] The person has conditions for Taiyang stage, such as fever, chilly, but also conditions for  Shaoyang stage, such as Hot-cold shift, or has bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, or dizziness feeling in eyes.