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Chapter 4. Herb formula for asthma



1. Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang

This formula is to treat asthma, short of breath, due to Yin-Yang both deficiency. The condition is so svere to threaten life and the Yin Qi and Yang Qi are to escape. It is also used to treat fullness due to Stomach Qi not falling, which is again due to the Kidnes weakness, which causes the Qi in the Lower Jiao rush reversely up.

野台参(四钱) 生赭石(六钱,轧细) 芡实(五钱) 山药(五钱) 萸肉(六钱,去净核)生龙骨(六钱,捣细) 牡蛎(六钱,捣细) 生杭芍(四钱) 苏子(二钱,炒捣)

Wild Taishen 12 gram, Daizheshi 18 gram (make into powder), Qianshi 15 gram, Shanyao 15 gram, Shanyurou 18 gram (remove kernel), Longgu 18 gram, Baishao 12 gram, Souzi 6 gram.

The herb Daizheshi is powerful to suppress. It works to suppress the reversely up-rushed Stomach Qi, to open and loose the chest and diagram, to remove phlegm, to stop nausea, and to remove dry-block in the intestine. If used in a proper way, its effect is marvelous. If the person is in a weak condition, use it together with Renshen.

Master Zhang Zhongjing used Xuanfu Daizheshi Tang, in which the Daizheshi and the Renshen are used as couple. It is used to treat the fullness in the abdomen and continuous hiccup, which happens after vomiting therapy, or bowel-cleansing therapy, or a sweat therapy.

A woman, about 30 years of old, due to heavy labor work and emotional hurt, suddenly had asthma and short of breath. Her father-in-law knew medicine, so gave her Qi-nourishing and Qi-restraining herbs for treatment. She then felt fullness and bloating in the chest. The second doctor though that she had a common cold, gave her small amount of Xiao Qinglong Tang, but her asthma was even worse. When I saw her, her pulse was floating and slightly frequent, which felt disappeared when touch heavier. I considered it was the Yin-Yang both deficiency condition. Because the Yuan Yang is insufficient, the Yuan Qi cannot hold the Qi, and because the Yin is not sufficient, the Liver and Kidney cannot contract the Qi into the body, so cause the asthma. The Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang was so prescribed to her. After drink of the tea, before she put down the cup, she said, “I can live again”. She said, she felt breath was only on the throat level, which was almost to stop. Now the the breath can move down to the lower abdomen. One dose made her condition improve much better. Several more doses solved her problem.



A lady, about 20 years of old, had quarrel with her husband so she swallowed a opium. She was already saved from this condition. But soon later, she had sudden asthma. Her breath was very urgent. Soon again, her breath stopped without any air in or out. After about ten times of breath circle, her extremes moved madly and her asthma turned even worse. The condition circled as such and her life was in dangerous. Several doctors were invited to have a look, none could tell what disease she had. When I saw her, her pulse was string and hard on the left side, but weak on the right side. I thought for a pretty long time. Later I realized that it must be due to the stimulation to the Liver-Gall bladder Fire by angry. The Fire rushed up press the Stomach Qi. The Stomach Qi in normal condition moves down, but now it moved up in abnormal manner, so it again pressed the Lung Qi up too. This should be the reason for her asthma. The reversed Qi up in the chest pressed the Big Qi in the chest and made it down to sink. The lung hangs in the chest and fold with the Big Qi all of the time. If the Big Qi sink, the lung would have no way to have normal breath. This is the reason for her stopped breath. … It is indicated in the book Shennong Bencao Jingthat herb Guizhi works for asthma, reversed Qi, blocked Qi, throat Bi syndrome, short of breath that is due to the in-coming are cannot move deep to the bottom. Clearly, it can work to suppress the reversed Qi. It herbal nature is warm, can suppress the reversed Qi, so to raise the Big Qi. Consider this, I prescribed her the single herb Guizhi (use its tip part) 9 gram. After she drunk the herbal tea, her breath turned normal.


The single and simple herb Guizhi can suppress the reversed Qi and can also raise the Big Qi. Its double functions can save body life. It is really a gift from the Great Nature. Without my own experience, how could we believe its marvelous! Later, I let her drink the Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang, in which the herb Shanyao and souzi were removed, but Guizhi tip 9 gram and Zhimu 12 gram were added. After several doses, her condition did not recur any longer. Because her asthma is very special, so I cite it here. 



Letter from Qing city, Zhili province:

Mrs Wu lived in Ding city. She was sick. Her condition was no any improvement after taking herbs. Her brother saw her. He felt her pulse floating and weak. She felt fullness in the chest as there was stuff there to block. After eating, she felt the food stop in the stomach and felt burning there, not move down to intestine. Following the Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang, he sued wild Taishen 18 gram, and Daizheshi 60 gram. After drinking the herbal tea, she felt release of the chest. After the second tea, the food can move down also. For constipation, additional Gangui 12 gram and Shanyurou 12 gram were used. Then the problems all were solved. 


Letter form Jixi city, Anhui province:

××,年五十余,家素贫苦,曾吸鸦片,戒未多年,由咳而成喘疾,勉强操劳,每届冬令则加剧,然病发时亦往往不服药而自愈。兹次发喘,初由外感,兼发热头痛。医者投以二活、防、葛,大剂表散,遂汗出二日不止,喘逆上冲,不能平卧,胸痞腹胀,大便旬余未行,语不接气,时或螈 ,种种见证,已濒极险。诊其脉,微细不起。形状颓败殊甚。详细勘视,诚将有阴阳脱离之虞。适日前阅赭石解,记其主治,揣之颇合。但恐其性太重镇而正气将随以下陷也,再四踌躇,因配以真潞党参、生怀山药、野茯神、净萸肉、广桔红、京半夏龙骨牡蛎、苏子、蒡子等,皆属按证而拟,竟与参赭镇气汤大致相同。一剂病愈大半,两剂即扶杖起行,三剂则康复如恒矣。前月遇之,自言冬不知寒,至春亦未反复。

Mr. Hong, about 50 years of old, was poor and took opium before. After stop the opium some years later, his cough turned into asthma but he still tried to have labor work. His condition was worse every winter. However, his condition can solve by itself without taking any medicine. This time, he had asthma again. It followed a common cold, during which he had fever and headache. Doctor gave him herb Duhuo, Qianghuo, Fangfeng, Gegeng in large amount to expel the Cold-Wind. He had heavy sweat for two day without stop. He also had asthma, hard to lie face up, fullness in the chest and abdomen, and constipation for several days, hard to speak. All symptoms suggested his dangerous condition. His pulse was subtle and weak with very stranger feeling as withered. The condition strongly suggests that there is a risk that her Yin-Yang is to escape. Just by chance that I studied the function of the Daizheshi several days ago, so I remembered its function and felt that its function matches the patient condition. However, I still worried that its nature might be too heavy, so the Big Qi might fall sink with it. After hesitated for some time, I used Dangshen, Shanyao, Fushen, Shanyurou, Jihong, Banxia, Longgu, Muli, Souzi, Niubangzi. All are chosen according to her symptoms, but the formula was just similar to the Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang. One dose of the formula made her most condition much better. Two doses allowed her get up to walk with helper. The third doses solved the problem completely. I met her last month. She said she did not feel cold even in winter. Her problem did not recur even up to spring.



2. Shuyu Naqi Tang

This formula is to solve the asthma due to Yin deficiency, which is hard to inhale.

山药(一两) 大熟地(五钱) 萸肉(五钱,去净核) 柿霜饼(四钱,冲服) 生杭芍(四钱)牛蒡子(二钱,炒捣) 苏子(二钱,炒捣) 甘草(二钱,蜜炙) 龙骨(五钱,捣细)
Shanyao 30 gram, Shoudi 15 gram, Shanyurou 15 gram, Shishuanbing 12 gram (drink with herbal tea), Baishao 12 gram, Niubangzi 6 gram (fried and grind), Souzi 6 gram (fried, grind), Gancao 6 gram (processed with honey), Longgu 15 gram (grind).



The previous formula works for Yin-Yang deficiency. This formula is for Yin deficiency. Medical books said that, if there is Liver-Kidney deficiency, the person would feel hard to inhale. This is pretty true. …In this formula, Shoudi and Shanyao are to nourish the Kidney. Shanyurou and Longgu are to nourish the Liver, which also means to nourish the Kidney. Shaoyao and Gancao, for their sweet and bitter nature, can develop the Yin. Together with the Shishuanbing, all the three are good to develop the Yin. Souzi and Niubangzi can clear the phlegm and reduce the reversed Qi, e.g. can bring the herbal power down. For the name of the formula Shuyu Naqi Tang, the Shanyao nourish the Kidney and also supply the Lung, it also has restraining ability, so it is very suit to treat the asthma. Shuyu here is another name of the herb Shanyao.


(This paragraph is not translated).



3. Zipei Tang

This formula is used to treat asthma, reduced diet, or with cough, due to Xulao condition. It is also used to various weaknesses due to Yin deficiency.

山药(一两) 于术(三钱,炒) 广陈皮(二钱) 牛蒡子(二钱,炒捣) 生杭芍(三钱) 玄参(三钱) 生赭石(三钱,轧细) 甘草(二钱)
Shanyao 30 gram, Baizhu 9 gram (fried), Chenpi 6 gram, Niubangzi 6 gram (fried and grind), Baizhao 9 gram, Xushen 9 gram, Daizheshi 9 gram, Zhi Gancao 6 gram.

Accumulation of phlegm in the lung can cause asthma. Kidney weakness can reduce the ability in inhalation, so to cause asthma. So in history, doctors contributed the reason for the asthma only to the Lung and Kidney, the two organs. No one has ever related the reason to the Spleen-Stomach. They do not know that, the Stomach Qi should move down. If, for any reason, it does not move down but reverses up to press the Lung, there would be asthma too. Spleen is the blood container. It can buffer the returning blood. If, for any reason, its inside size is reduced to lose its buffering capacity, the returning and accumulated blood may spill up to the Lung, also to cause asthma. The Spleen pulse should be calm and big. The pulse in person with asthma is usually string and frequent, which is opposite of the normal Spleen pulse, so it the sick pulse of the Spleen. There, using herb Shanyao to nourish the Spleen Yin and using the Baizhu to supply the Spleen Yang, when the Spleen Yin and Yang is in harmony, the buffer capacity of the Spleen restored, there is no chance to cause asthma due to the Spleen. In addition, the Spleen and the Stomach is inside-outside relationship. Any herbs that could nourish the Spleen can also nourish the Stomach. … Too much intake of the nourishing herbs may cause block of the pathway of Stomach Qi moving down, so to cause fullness feeling. The Stomach Qi may turn up to cause the asthma. To prevent this side effect, it is needed to use some herbs to reduce the Stomach Qi. Such herbs in the formula are Daizheshi, Chenpi and Niubangzi. These herbs also work to clear the air conduct in the Lung, and to clear phlegm, so when they are used together with the Shangyao and Xuanshen, they also are able to solve cough. The reason to use the Gancao and Shaoyao, is for their sweet-bitter herbal nature, able to develop the Yin and to nourish the Spleen-Stomach. It is indicated that the formula can be used in various weakness conditions, since, when the Spleen-Stomach system burns normal, the person would have reasonable digestion ability, so the Qi and Blood in the body is easier to be developed.



A man, 22 years of old, suffered from severe asthma. His pulse was frequent up to seven times per breath-circle. No any commonly used herbal formula worded for his condition. He was given this formula. When the herbal tea was ready, he could not drink it for too severe asthma. He drunk it by three separated times. One dose made his asthma reduce, additional several doses solved the asthma completely.

或问:药之健脾胃者,多不能滋阴分,能滋阴分者,多不能健脾胃,此方中芍药、甘草同用,何以谓能兼此二长?答曰:《神农本草经》谓芍药味苦,后世本草谓芍药味酸。究之,芍药之味苦酸皆有。陈修园笃信《神农本草经》谓芍药但苦不酸。然嚼服芍药钱许,恒至 齿,兼有酸味可知。若取其苦味与甘草相合,有甘苦化阴之妙(甘苦化阴说始于叶天士),故能滋阴分。若取其酸味与甘草相合,有甲己化土之妙(甲木味酸己土味甘),故能益脾胃。此皆取其化出之性以为用也。又陈修园曰:芍药苦平破滞,本泻药非补药也。若与甘草同用,则为滋阴之品,与生姜大枣桂枝同用,则为和营卫之品,与附子干姜同用,则能收敛元阳,归根于阴,又为补肾之品。本非补药,昔贤往往取为补药之主,其旨微矣。按此论甚精,能示人用药变化之妙,故连类及之。
It might be asked: the herbs that nourish the Spleen-Stomach, mostly can not nourish the Yin. The herbs that nourish the Yin, usually cannot supply the Spleen-Stomach. Why in this formula, the use of Gancao and Shaoyao can work for the two aims? Answer: … If Shaoyao is used with Gancao, it is Yin-nourishing herb; if with Shenjiang, Dazao, and Guizhi, it is Yin-Wei harmonying herb; if with Fuzi and Ganjiang, it is Yang-restraining herb to restrain the Yuanyang into the Kidney, so it is also a Kidney-nourishing herb. …

(This paragraph is not translated)

Western medicine stated: the asthma is due to the block of small branchi by phlegm. Such condition can happen every day, or happen after heavy labor work, after exposure to cold weather, or it is due to genetic reason. Upon onset of asthma, the man suffers very much. One way can be tried: rinse a paper into the water solution of
potassium nitrate. Take it out to dry. Burn it in a basin. Have a breath the smoke. Alternatively, smoke the leaves of datura as cigarette; at the same time, intake little powder of camphor, opium, and fresh ginger, alum (seven li). It may not be able to cure the problem, but can reduce the symptom. Comments: the condition is due to the lung damage in Laoji condition. It should be named as Feilao (Fei means lung; lao means exhausting condition). It is bothering on outbreak, but the lifespan of the person can still be reasonably longer. The way to solve this condition is to take my Huangqi Gao (Gao here means plaster).


The condition of Feilao is due to the accumulation and block of small branchi. On warm, it is loss so the breath can be easier and the person feels improvement of asthma; on cold, the branchi contracts, making the block worse, so the condition is worse. This is difficult lung condition to solve. There is basically no good way to solve it. The only thing might be tried is to prepare datura paste to eat, together with other Lung-improving herbs.


Here is the way to prepare it.


Collect datura flower. Chip it into small pieces. Grind and press it juice for 120 gram. Cook in pot with fire until it turns thick. Add borax 60 gram in, until it is melt. Add powder of Yuanzhi 120 gram, Gancao 120 gram, and Shigao 180 gram. Cook all into paste. Make the paste into pills, each 4.5 gram about. Eat one such pill each time, if the asthma is not improved, increase it to 6 gram. Eat it twice a day. Long term intake can cure the asthma. If the person feels hot during the pill intake, add the amount of Shigao in the pills.

肺脏具 辟之机。其 辟之机自如,自无肺劳病证。远志硼砂最善化肺管之瘀,甘草末服,不经火炙、水煮,亦善宣通肺中气化,此所以助肺脏之辟也。曼陀罗膏大有收敛之力,此所以助肺脏之 也。用石膏者,因曼陀罗之性甚热,石膏能解其热也。且远志甘草硼砂皆为养肺之品,能多生津液,融化痰涎,俾肺脏辟之机灵活无滞,则肺劳之喘嗽自愈也。
… The herb Yuanzhi and Pengsha are good at clear the stagnation in the branchi. The powder of original Gancao, if not water-cooked or processed, is good to open the lung Qi, so help the function of lung. The datura plase has strong restraining power, so also help the lung to inhale. The use of Shigao is to reduce the side effect of hot from the datura. In addition, the Yuanzhi, Gancao and Pengsha all are Lung-nourishing herbs, being able to develop humidity in the lung, to dissolve the phlegm, so as to clear the branchi. Therefore, the asthma and cough in the lung is cured. 



Comments: … Dr. Li Shizheng said:  “The datura can make person drowsy as drunk. It can be used as anesthesia.”  “Its water solution can be used to solve anus prolapse”. It has restraining function. The western medicine also said: it can stop pain, improve sleep, and solve cough and asthma, similar to what was said by Dr. Li Shizheng. This herb however is toxic. It should not be used over. Current times, people use its follower and leave to smoke as cigarette, to solve asthma. It works better and fast than its paste form.