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 第七章. 治吐衄方

Chapter 7. herbal formula for blood-vomit and bleeding-nose.



1. Hanjiang Tang (Han means Cold here in Chinese; jiang: falling down)

This formula is used for the treatment of blood-spitting and nose-bleeding. The pulse is big, slippery and long, or the pulse can be felt as long as to the thenar muscle. This condition is caused by the Hot in the stomach, which cannot fall down. Here use Cold, Cool and heavy herbs to suppress the stomach Qi down, so to stop the bleeding.

生赭石(六钱,轧细) 半夏(三钱) 蒌仁(四钱,炒捣) 生杭芍(四钱) 竹茹(三钱) 牛蒡子(三钱,炒捣) 甘草(钱半)
Daizheshi 18 gram (grind to powder), Banxia 9 gram, Gualuren 12 gram (fried and grind), Baishao 12 gram, Zhuru 9 gram, Niubangzi 9 gram (fried and grind), Gancao 4.5 gram.


Jin Kuiintroduced the use of herbal formula Xiexin Tang (Xie here means depletion in Chinese) to solve the blood-spitting and nose-bleeding due to Heart Qi insufficiency, in which the Dahuang and Huangliang and Huangqin are used together. Later doctor did not really understand the meaning the Master Zhang Zhongjing in the set up of this formula, so had many misunderstanding. They do not know that, when talked about the “insufficiency” of the Heart Qi, it is not really the “insufficiency”. If it was indeed insufficiency, how it can be depleted further more? The condition solved here by the Xiexin Tang is: the Yangming Stomach Hot moves reverse up to push the Heart, and to cause palpitation, appearing similar to the weakness of the Heart Qi. The Master introduced the herbal formula by using a simple example, by calling this condition as Heart Qi insufficiency, so to make people easy to understand. In the book Nei Jing, it has clearly contributed the blood-spitting and bleeding-nose as the not-falling of the Stomach Qi. In the Xiexin Tang, the herb Dahuang penetrates into the Yangming stage, to suppress the reversed Stomach Fire. The Huangqin works to clear Lung Fire, so to promote its falling property, ans so to help the falling of the Yangming meridian. Herb Huanglian cools the Heart Fire, to make the Yuan Yang hidden, and to save the Shaoyin True Liquid. All work to nourish the insufficiency by clearing the extra condition (Fire). The Huanglian has capacity to restrain the Large Intestine, so to stop diarrhea. It can prevent the diarrhea side effect by over-function of the Dahuang. By this way, if the bleeding is not caused by Cold and weakness, this formula always works fantastic. Again, after stop of the bleeding, the previous dead blood, or stagnated blood is also cleared off. This formula is really good one. Even if the bleeding is really due to the Heart Qi insufficiency and if the condition put the life into risk, this formula should also be used as soon as possible. After stop of the bleeding, consider the treatment of the disease source. This is the principle in the clinic treatment for most urgent conditions.  However, ordinary doctors fear the strong function f the Dahuang, so they are very hesitated to use it, or if use, only use very little of it. Once use it, the family would also be scared and doubted. For this, I have to set up the Hangjiang Tang here, by using large amount of Daizheshi to replace the Dahuang. In my several experience, it worked also well.


It might be asked: Later edited pharmacognosy stated not to use the herb Banxia in bleeding conditions, for its spicy and dryness property. In your Hangjie Tang to treat the the bleeding that comes from Hot, why do you use Banxia? You don’t worry its damage to the blood, for its spicy and drying property? Answer: there are different bleeding conditions. If the bleeding occurs in Xulao (exhausting condition) cough, blood in the phlegm, the Banxia should not be used. If the person vomits a lot of blood, or has continuous bleeding from nose, even if it is the Xuhao condition, the Banxia can still be used to stop the bleeding first. After stop of the bleeding, stop the Banxia and use other proper herbal therapy. In most cases, the blood vomit is due to the reverse up of the Stomach Qi that coerces the Chong Qi. The bleeding nose is due to the reverse of the Stomach Qi and the Chong Qi, both pressing the Lung Qi up too. In the Chapter for Jueyin, in the book Nei Jing, it is stated: in the Yangming Jueni condition, the person has cough, asthma, hot body, tends to have scaring bleeding from nose and during vomit. The great statement by ancient generations has been correct for generations. Therefore, to treat the bleeding vomit and bleeding nose, it should be to suppress the Yangming reversed Qi. To turn over the reversed Stomach Qi, it is the Banxai that has to be used.

A kid, 14 years of old, vomited blood suddenly for whole day and night. The condition was really dangerous to life. I was asked to have a look. His pulse was big and long. The right side was especially strong upon hard touch. I considered his condition was due to the Stomach Qi not fall due to Hot, so that the blood rushes up reversely. He was given this Hangjie Tang. One dose stopped his bleeding. The second dose completely normalized the pulse too.


A man, 18 years of old, had vomited blood occasionally, which was not severe in the beginning. Later, due to a wrong treatment, he had big blood vomit. His pulse was as floating grass over the water. It was so frequent that it is hard to count the pulse rate. This belongs to very weak condition. His life was threatened without a proper treatment. He was so given this Hanjie Tang, with removal of Shanyao, but with additional of Shanyao 30 gram, and with modification of Daizheshe to 24 gram. One dose stopped bleeding. His pulse could not be touched at all on both sides, however. I was terribly scared. When asked, he said he felt kind of calm in heart, only sour, lazy and weak. I suddenly remembered a case of skin bleeding that was treated by Mr. Lu Canzhou: the person also had no any pulse. Mr. Canzhou said: the pulse is the wave of blood. Now the blood is damaged by skin bleeding, so there is no waving of the pulse and it is hard to touch it. After disappear of the skin bleeding, the pulse recurred. I (Mr. Canzhou) then used Baihu jia Renshen Tang to solve the skin bleeding, and the pulse returned back again. (This case was introduced under chapter for Qingyu Tang). Now, in the case here, the damage of the big vomit to the blood is much stronger than the skin bleeding, would the no-pulse be due to heavy damage of the blood by the bleeding, so the blood cannot pump as waving? When he vomited, his pulse was as floating-grass over water, is it due to the pushing of the pulse by the reversed Qi and Fire? I heard that, after visit to me and return back home on the way, he vomited several times again. Is it due to more loss of blood? I have considered for a long time, the decided to use large amount of Liuwei Dihuang Wan, with reduction of Fuling and Zexie two third, addition of Renshen and Daizheshi several grams each. One doses made his pulse appeared. With additional twenty doses, his condition recovered completely.


Comments: either Cold or Hot can cause stagnation of Stomach Qi. The condition is well known if it is due to Hot. But it is not commonly known when it is due to Cold. Mr. Huang exclusively discussed the Cold-caused reverse of Stomach Qi, for he had had experience. There was one lady. She had Upper Jiao annoying hot, not able to eat, had frequent vomiting of water-like saliva. Her pulse was string, thin and weak. It was considered to be the Spleen-Stomach Damp-Cold. It blocked the digestion function of the Spleen-Stomach, so as to cause Yin (Damp) condition (water-accumulation condition). When asked, he told that, in the beginning of the disease, he had cough and lazy to eat. A local famous doctor gave him Gualu, Beimu and Maidong. The condition was improved very soon, but very soon again, it recurred. The condition lasted so far for month. I prescribed him Linguizhugan Tang, plus Ganjiang and Banxia (see Liyin Tang) and told him the meaning of the herbs. After I left, he dared not to take it and he turned back to the previous doctor. After month, he died. It is just so so, of a so called famous doctor. Why not read the Mr. Huang’s book and criticizes self!

My student, Mr. Gao, had tried one formula: use equal amount of Daizheshi and Huashi. Grind it to thin powder. Drink it with newly get spring or well water when the weather is hot; or drink it with hot water when it is cold weather. Dink it 30 gram to 60 gram, it worked very well in the treatment of blood vomit or bleeding nose due to extreme Hot. He also treated a case in Gaoyang city. The patient had heavy blood vomit. No herbs worked for him. His pulse was floating and strong. It was either very frequent or slight frequent, but not strong when pressed heavier. He was given Baoyun Hanjiang Tang first. The condition was slightly improved, but recurred again. Mr. Gao so give Daizheshi 60 gram, Taishen 18 gram, and Baishao 30 gram. One dose solved his problem.



Mr. Zhang, from Qing city, Zhili province:


Mr. Cao, in Tianjin city, 25 years of old, had blood vomit from spring, which occurred and recurred, so that he did not pay much attention. Upon winter, the blood vomit became severe. He coughed with hoarse voice and anemia face, had annoying hot in the chest, ate little and felt tired. He visited doctors but no effect, so he came to me. His left pulse was thin and weak and right one was string and strong. I considered that his condition was due to long time of disease, which created Hot. The Hot Qi moves reversely up, so bring the blood up too. I prescribed him the Hanjiang Tang. For his cough and hoarse voice, Chuan Beimu 9 gram was added. For two doses, the condition was much improved. Additional two doses later, his blood vomit stopped, as well as cough, harsh voice and other symptoms.

Letter from Mr. Wu, Dangyang city, Anhui province.


One day during a summer, the weather was very hot. There was a man called Mr. Tao, who was a business man and went out to buy grains every day. In an afternoon, he vomited blood on his way. The vomit did not stop upon home. He came to me in the early morning. His pulse was big and slippery, which is still strong when pressed heavier. His condition was considered to be: the Hot presses the Stomach Qi and the Stomach Qi could not fall or move down. Since it is recommended to use the Xiexin Tang in the book Jing Kuito treat the blood vomit and bleeding nose, I prescribed this formula, with swallow of Black Zhizi powder 6 gram with the herbal tea. After drink, the blood was not stopped, and his pulse was still very strong. I then used this Hangjiang Tang, with addition of Sanqi powder 9 gram. One dose solved his problem.



2. Wenjiang Tang (Wen means warm in Chinese. Jiang means reducing, falling down)

This formula is for the condition, in which the patient has blood vomit, or bleeding nose. His pulse is xue, weak, ru, and late. The food ate stops in the upper abdomen, hard to digest. This condition is due to Cold, that makes the Stomach Qi not falling down. This herbal formula is to warm, supply and to open the stagnated Stomach Qi, so to stop the bleeding.

白术(三钱) 半夏(三钱) 山药(六钱) 干姜(三钱) 生赭石(六钱,轧细) 生杭芍(二钱) 川浓朴(钱半) 生姜(二钱)
Baizhu 9 gram, Banxia 9 gram, Shanyao 18 gram, Ganjiang 9 gram, Daizheshi 18 gram, Baishao 6 gram, Houpu 4.5 gram, and fresh ginger 6 gram.


It might be asked: this formula is named Wenjiang Tang. The herbs used should so be warmed not cold herbs. Since the Ganjiang is used, why use Shaoyao for its cooling property, and why also use fresh ginger? Answer: the Spleen-Stomach and the Liver-Gall Bladder, are the opposite organ couples. The Liver-Gall Bladder belongs to Wood, which holds Xiang Fire inside. Its nature dislikes Hot herbs. To use the Shaoyao is to prevent the Hot power of the Ganjiang into the Liver. Again, the Liver is the storage place of blood. The Shaoyao could nourish the Liver by cooling it down and humidify it. By this way, the Liver is calm and restrained, the blood would not hurry everywhere without order. When used with Ganjiang, it can harmony the Yin and Wei, adjust and direct the meridians, and to direct the blood within the blood vessels. This is the reason for the combination of the Ganjiang (dried ginger) and the fresh ginger. In the Jueyin chapter of the book Nei Jing, it said that when there is Jueni in the Yangming, there would be blood vomit and/or nose bleeding. The so called Yangming, means the Stomach. The so said Jueni, means the rushing reversely up of the Stomach Qi.


The Stomach functions to digest food, and to conduct the digested food down. Therefore it is normal that the Stomach Qi should go down. If it goes up, it is a wrong condition. The reversed Stomach Qi can cause blood vomit and/or nose bleeding, since the blood would also hurry up with the reversed Qi. However, though in most cases, the reverse of Stomach Qi is due to Hot, it can also be seen caused by Cold. A young student, 13 years of old, had nose bleeding four times. His pulse was calm. When asked, he said no special hot or cold feeling in his chest. I considered that, the nose bleeding is mostly due to Hot, and the children body is Shaoyang, and it was summer at that time, I used cooling and blood-stopping herbs to him. His bleeding was worse and his pulse was weaker. I so understood that his condition was due to Cold, which turned the blood up to cause the nose bleeding.  I gave him the Wenjinag Tang. One dose solved his problem. After several days, there was student in another school, 14 years of old, had blood vomiting for several days. His vomit was mostly due to cough. His pulse was late and ru, especially on the right Guan position. I suggested he might have Spleen-Stomach weak and Cold, which may also damage his digestion function. Upon asked, he confirmed. The blood vomiting is mostly due to the Stomach Qi not-falling down. If the Stomach Qi does not go down, the food cannot be digested. The cough is mostly due to the accumulation of Phlegm-Damp in the lung. The poor digested food would cause more phlegm to accumulate to store in the lung to cause cough. If the cough makes the Qi not go down, and moves reversely up, there would also be the bleeding. He was given this Wenjiang Tang. One doses stopped the bleeding. After additional several doses, the cough stopped and digestion became normal too.

Recently we have talked about this case when we were in Shenyang city. Mr. Li said, previously there was a doctor named Dr. Xu, who treated a long term blood vomiting case by use of formula Lizhong Tang. It is the clear proven that the bleeding can be caused by weak and cold in stomach. However, Dr. Li knew to use Lizhong Tang to warm and nourish the Stomach, but not knew to use Daizheshi and Banxian to suppress the reversed Stomach Qi. So his formula is not perfect. Especially if the herbal formula is prepared by herb shop, the way to prepare the formula is usually not correct. The Banxia usually contains vitrial. To treat the bleeding vomit or bleeding nose, it should be washed off. After wash, the depleted weight of total herbs should be refilled with more Banxia.

In addition, Mr. Xue Lizhai has a experience to treat the bleeding due to Cold, by use of Lizhong Tang plus Danggui. Since he did not clear the mechanism by which the Cold could cause bleeding, so there are argues about his formula. This suggests that, authors of medical books need to clarify the mechanism by which the formula or herbs work, to help the readers to understand. Otherwise, there might be suspect.


Not only the bleeding vomit or bleeding nose can be caused by Cold, so bleeding bowel stool or bleeding urine, though it is not common. Mr. Gao in another village, about 40 years of old, had bleeding urine for a long time. His pulse was mild, weak, thin and late. His body was weak; he felt chilly, eat very little. His condition was considered to be due to Spleen-Stomach weak and Cold, so the Middle Qi sink. Thi is as Dr. Huang Kunzai said: “the reason for the loss of blood due to bleeding urine is the inability of Taiyin.” He was then given herbs: Ganjiang 12 gram, Baizhu 12 gram, Shanyao 18 gram, Shoudi 18 gram, Fuzi 9 gram and Zhi Gancao 9 gram. After one dose, the blood disappeared in urine. Continuous intake of about ten doses, the condition was completely cured. The reason for not use herb Rougui, is the fear that it may disturb blood.  



3. Qingjinag Tang (Qing means cleansing here in Chinese; jiang: suppress)

This formula is used to treat continuous bleeding from vomit or nose, that causes Yin deficiency, which again cannot restrain the Yang, and the Yang becomes Hot. The Hot again causes inability of body in inhalation and causes asthma. In severe case, the reversed Qi could rush up to cause hiccup or dizziness. Due to Heart blood weakness, which cannot nourish the body, the person feels palpitation, scaring and hard to fall sleep, or has cough, hiccup, or sweat, and other more.

山药(一两) 半夏(三钱) 净萸肉(五钱) 生赭石(六钱,轧细) 牛蒡子(二钱,炒捣)生杭芍(四钱) 甘草(钱半)

Shangyao 30 gram, Banxia 9 gram, Shanyurou 15 gram, Daizheshi 18 gram, Niubangzi 6 gram (fried and grind), Baishao 12 gram, and Gancao 4.5 gram.



4. Baoyuan Hanjiang Tang (Baoyuan means protest here in Chinese; Han: cold; Jiang: falling, suppressing)

This formula is for over bleeding, so that the Qi part of the body is very weak; the person has asthma, short of breath, and cough. The blood is to escape, so the Qi.  

山药(一两) 野台参(五钱) 生赭石(八钱,轧细) 知母(六钱) 大生地(六钱) 生杭芍(四钱)牛蒡子(四钱,炒捣) 三七(二钱,细轧药汁送服)
Shanyao 30 gram, wild Taishen 15 gram, Daizheshi 24 gram, Zhimu 18 gram, Shengdi 18 gram, Shaoyao 12 gram, Niubangzi 12 gram (fried and grind), and Sanqi 6 gram (grind, drink with help of the herbal tea).

A old man, 64 years of old, had Laoji (exhausting condition) for a long time. For cough too much, he had nausea and vomited blood several bowls. His pulse was shacking without root, or one moved, on stopped, or for every two or three pulses, there was one stop. This is a very weak condition for Qi and Blood, both of which were to escape. Upon diagnosis, it is seen that the phlegm and blood are mixed. Upon asked, he said he had hot feeling in the chest before. He was given this Baoyuan Hanjiang Tang. After one dose, his bleeding stopped. Several more doses solved his pulse too.


Letter from Mr. Zhang, Qing city in Zhili province:


Mr. Qiu in Hejiang city, 28 years of old, had cough and bleeding during cough. The amount of blood was too much, so the Qi part of the body was very weak. He had asthma and short of breath. He had hot feeling in the Upper Jiao. His pulse was big but not strong, especially on the right side. It indicates that the Blood is to escape and the Qi too. It was hurry to give him Baoyuan Hanjiang Tang, with addition of fresh Zhuru 9 gram and Meimendong 9 gram. After one dose, the bleeding stopped. On the second dose, the Taishen was replaced by American Ginseng 3 gram. The formula solved his condition. When the herbs match the sick condition, it works very fast.



5. Baoyuan Qingjiang Tang

This formula is for blood vomiting or nose bleeding. The person has weakness in the Lower Jiao and the Middle Qi is weak and withered, so that the Chong Qi hushes up. The pulse was string, hard and urgent, felt as strong.

野台参(五钱) 生赭石(八钱,轧细) 芡实(六钱) 山药(六钱) 生杭芍(六钱) 牛蒡子(二钱,炒捣) 甘草(钱半)
Wild Taishen 15 gram, Daizheshi 24 gram (grind in powder), Qianshi 18 gram, Shanyao 18 gram, Baishao 18 gram, Niubangzi 6 gram (fry and grind), Gancao 4.5 gram.


友人毛××曾治一少年吐血证。其人向经医者治愈,旋又反复。毛××诊其脉弦而有力,知其为冲胃之气上逆也。遂于治吐血方中,重用半夏、赭石以降逆,白芍牡蛎(不 )以敛冲泻热,又加人参以补其中气,使中气健旺以斡旋诸药成功。有从前为治愈之医者在座,颇疑半夏不可用,毛××力主服之。一剂血止,再剂脉亦和平,医者讶为异事。毛××晓知曰:此证乃下元虚损,冲气因虚上逆,并迫胃气亦上逆,脉似有力而非真有力,李士材四字脉诀所谓:直上直下,冲脉昭昭者,即此谓也。若误认此脉为实热,而恣用苦寒之药凉其血分,血分因凉而凝,亦可止而不吐,而异日瘀血为恙,竟成劳瘵者多矣。今方中用赭石、半夏以镇冲气,使之安其故宅,而即用白芍牡蛎以敛而固之,使之永不上逆。夫血为气之配,气为血之主,气安而血自安矣,此所以不治吐血,而吐血自止也。况又有人参之大力者,以参赞诸药,使诸药之降者、敛者,皆得有所凭借以成功乎。

My friend, Mr. Mao, treated a young boy with blood vomiting. He was cured by other doctors before, but it recurred. When he came to Mr. Mao, his pulse was string and strong. It was considered as Stomach Qi reverse condition. To the herbal formula, used Banxia and Daizheshi to suppress the reverse Qi, Baishao and Muli to restrain the Chong Qi and cleansing the Hot, used Renshen to nourish Middle Qi, to supply sufficient Qi to help other herbs work. The doctor who previously cured the child was at the clinic too. He suspected the use of Banxia in the formula. Mr. Mao however insisted to use it. After one dose, the bleeding stoppted. After the second, the pulse became calm too. The doctor felt very supprised. Mr. Mao explained to him: “This is a Lower Jiao deficiency condition. The Chong Qi rushes up due to the weakness, which also presses Stomach Qi to rush up together, so that the pulse felt strong but it was not a true strong. Mr. Li called such pulse as: strainght from one end to another end of the pulse. It is also called Chong Mai Zhao Zhao. If this pulse was regarded as true Fire, so to use bitter and cold herbs to cool his blood, the blood would be clotted due to the cold. By this way, the bleeding can also be stopped. However, the clotted blood would stay in the body to cause Laoji condition (exhausting condition). In this formual, Daizheshi and Banxia work to suppress the revesed Qi. The Baishao and Muli keep the returned Qi calm in the Lower Jiao, not reversed up again. In Chinese medicine, the blood is the base that the Qi works on, and the Qi is the director of the blood. When the Qi is in calm, the blood of course is calm. This is the way to treat the blood disorder by not treating it directly. The function of the Renshen in the formula is to help other herbs, making these herbs having sufficient energy to function.



6. Mihong Dan

When the Liver Qi is stagnated, not stretched smoothly or easily and I the person tends to be angry, the Stomach Qi would reverse up to cause blood vomit or nose bleeding. If such condition is hard to solve with other herbal therapy, no matter if it is caused by Hot or Cold, use the formula here. It works fast.

大黄(一钱细末) 肉桂(一钱细末) 生赭石(六钱细末)
Chuan Dahuang 3 gram (in powder form), You Rougui 3 gram, and Daizheshi 18 gram (powder form). Mix the Dahuang and Rougui powder well. Drink it with the Daizheshi tea (cooked as regular herbal tea).


A lady, about 30 years of old, had cough with blood in phlegm. In severe time, the blood is heavy and she also felt hot in the chest. Her pulse was up to 90 times per min, and it felt not solid. She was given herbs several doses, which work to nourish Yin; stop cough and to clearing Fire, but not use. Upon considering that, if use herbs to stop the cough, and if the cough stops, the bleeding should also stop. So, the herbs used were: Chuan Baimu 27 gram, in the tea of which, added Shanyao powder 30 gram and continued to cook the mixture as soup. This soup was eaten for two doses a day. The cough stopped (this formula is good one to stop cough).  The bleeding also stopped.


Several days later, she felt blood and Qi rushed up. The lung felt itch and she started cough blood again. She said that, at night when she had sleep, she had angry dreams, she could feel angry or cry in the dream. Upon waked up, she would have blood vomiting. According to her statement, her Liver Qi was in a stagnated status. So I used herbs to release the Liver (herb Lianqiao and Bohe should not be used in large amount) and to cleansing the Liver (such as Longgancao and Chuanlianzi). These herbs were helped by herbs to nourish the Liver (Boziren and Ajiao) and herbs to suppress the Liver (Longgu and Muli). After several doses, the condition was improved only to a small level. She still had angry dream and had blood vomit after awake. I decided to give up, but the family insisted to continue. After consideration again and again, I suddenly realized that, to calm the Liver, the best herb is Guizhi. The Liver belongs to Wood. When a wood meets Guizhi, the wood would be withered (see, if insert a nail that is made from the Guizhi, into a tree, the tree will withered to die). However, if use the Guizhi alone, its side effect is Hot. Also, the best herb to suppress the Stomach and stop bleeding is the Dahuang (see the book Jing Kui, in the formula for bleeding, Dahuang was used in a large amount). If the Stomach Qi does not rush up reversely, the blood would not leak either. However, the use of the Dahuang alone has side effect of too Cold. If use them together, they should work well to stop the bleeding but prevent the side effect each other. Not to speak of the fact that, in folk prescription they are used together to treat blood vomiting. So, to use them here, they should work well. Together with additional heavy herbs to suppress the Stomach Qi, the formula should work much well. So, I asked to take Dahuang powder and Guizhi powder, each for 3 gram. Mix them well and drink the mixture with the cooked Daizheshi tea. The bleeding stopped right away, and the angry dream also stopped. Later, there were several other cases with blood vomiting, all are solved with this formula. If the person’s body is strong, this formula can be modified little: use Dahuang power 4.5 gram, Rougui powder 4.5 gram, and Daizheshi powder 18 gram. Drink the powder mixture, one third each time, three times a day. Repeat the drinking every one and half hours.



7. Erxian Yin (Er means number two here in Chinese: Xian: fresh; Yin: drinks)


This formula is used when the person has Xulao condition (exhausting condition) and there is blood in phlegm.

鲜茅根(四两,切碎) 鲜藕(四两,切片)

Fresh Maogeng 120 gram (chop), fresh Ou (lorus root) 120 gram (chop into pieces).

Cook the herbs as soup and drink it from time to time. After weeks, the condition should be improved. If the stool is too loose, reduce the amount of Maogen to half and use Shangyao powder 30 gram to mix into the soup.

The Maogeng is good to cleansing Xue Fire without damage to Spleen-Stomach. The Ou (lutus root) works to clear dead blood and also promote the new blood production. Their combination is marvelous to nourish the True Yin. The lotus root is hollow, can help water disperse. The blood belongs to water, so the lotus root can bring the flooding and spilling blood move down to it original place. When the lotus root is used in the blood condition, the red lotus root is better than the white one in cleansing of stagnated and dead blood; the white lotus root is better in stopping blood vomiting and nose bleeding.


My brother-in-law, 50 years of old, had blood vomiting condition. He had visited various doctors without improvement. His pulse was slippery and frequent, with kind of shacking feeling, which felt not strong. I was young at that time, dared not to prescribe formula to him, so I let him prepare this simple herbal tips. He was asked to drink this herbal tea as regular green tea for two big bowls. On the day, his condition was much improved. After five to six days, the disease was cured. He said, he felt pending of heart, before drinking the herbal tea. After drinking, he could feel the power of the herbs. He pressed the heart with hand, to restore it into the place. This is the reason for the recovery.



8. Sanxian Yin (San means number three here in Chinese; Xian: fresh; Yin: drinks)

This formula works for the same condition as above Erxian Yin, but the person with Xu Hot (hot feeling).

Add fresh Xiaoji root 60 gram into the Erxian Yin formula above.

Herb Daji and Xiaoji both works to clear hot/fire in the blood. To stop the flooding of the blood, the Xiaoji is the best. For bleeding condition due to Blood Hot/Fire, use single Xiaoji root tens of grams to cook herbal tea, or to grind it into juice to drink (diluted with boiling water). Both way work well. It is really valuable herb. 


If the stem of the Xiaoji has insect, it would produce a knob, a size as small Chinese date. Collect such fresh knob about tens, grind it into mud, drink it with help of boiling water dilution, is very useful in the treatment of blood vomiting and nose bleeding. Mr. Li in another village told me: “I had blood vomiting when I was young. The condition was not improved with many therapies. Later, I tried this folk tip, and one drink solved my problem. So, I call it Qingliang Ruyi pearl (e.g. a pearl that can meet whatever you want). It is really nice herb.”



9. Huaxue Dan (Hua means to clear, to melt, or to make it disappear; Xue: blood; Dan: big pill)

This formula works for various bleeding condition, such as bleeding from cough, vomit, nose, urine or stool.

花蕊石(三钱, 存性) 三七(二钱) 血余炭(一钱, 存性)
Huaruishi (
Ophicslcite) 9 gram, Sanqi 6 gram, Xueyutan 3 gram. Grind all the ingredients into powder. Separate into two parts. Drink with hot water.

世医多谓三七为强止吐衄之药,不可轻用,非也。盖三七花蕊石,同为止血之圣药,又同为化血之圣药,且又化瘀血而不伤新血,以治吐衄,愈后必无他患。此愚从屡次经验中得来,故敢确实言之。即单用三七四五钱,或至一两,以治吐血、衄血及大、小便下血皆效。常常服之,并治妇女经闭成 瘕。至血余炭,其化瘀血之力不如花蕊石三七,而其补血之功则过之。以其原为人身之血所生,而能自还原化,且 之为炭,而又有止血之力也。
Ordinary doctors believed that, the herb Sanqi is a very strong herb to stop bleeding, so it should not be used in mild bleeding. This is not true. The herb Sanqi and Huaruishi, both are king herbs to stop blood. They both can clear dead blood without damage to new born blood. To treat bleeding vomiting or nose bleeding, there is no side effect after healing. This is my own experience from many cases, so I can say so. Even use the Sanqi alone, 12 to 15 gram, or up to 30 gram, it works for bleeding vomiting or nose bleeding, bleeding in urine or in stool. Take it in a regular manner can also solve mass formed in woman’s system (uterus, ovary, or breast). For herb Xueyutan, its capacity in clearing dead blood is not as good as Huaruishi and Sanqi, but it is better in supplying new blood, since it comes from human body (Note; it is processed from hair), can restore its source and has blood stopping function after processed into charcoal.


I treated a child, 15 years of old. He had bleeding in stool for several months without stop. The stool appeared as mud, mixed with oily membrane. Doctors refused to treat. When I saw him, his pulse was string, frequent but weak. The herbal formula I prescribed was: grind Shanyao into power, cook it as soup, mix Xueyutan 1.8 to 2.1 gram into the soup to drink. Drink the soup twice a day. His condition was solved after about ten days.



10. Buluo Buguan Tang (Bu means to supply, and to repair here in Chinese; Luo: conduct; Guan: blood vessels)

It is used to treat long time of bleeding in cough or vomiting.

龙骨(一两,捣细) 牡蛎(一两,捣细) 萸肉(一两,去净核) 三七(二钱,研细药汁送服)
Longgu 30 gram (grind), Muli 30 gram (grind), Shanyurou 30 gram (remove kernel), Sanqi 6 gram (grind, and drink with help of the herbal tea). If the bleeding does not stop after taking this herbs, add Daizheshi powder 15 to 18 gram.

… The herb Longgu, Muli and Shanyurou, all bear nature of restraining, and opening. They can repair the blood vessels in the lung and stomach, so to stop the bleeding without over block the blood vessels to cause later side effect. They are helped by the Sanqi, for the Sanqi being able to clear the dead blood and produce new blood, to make the broken vessels easy to heal. In addition, the Sanqi is good at solving bleeding problem, being originally marvelous herb for bleeding.

(Not translated)

It might be asked: it is said in the book
Nei Jing: If there is Jueni in the Yangming, there would have bleeding from vomit or nose. Western medicine said: the blood vessels in the stomach break to cause bleeding. Are these two statements bear similarity? Answer: In the Yangming Jueni condition, the Qi and blood vessels in the stomach must expand, so the vessels are easy to break. To suppress the reversed Qi, the broken blood vessels would close naturally. If not close to heal, the herb Longgu and Muli, for their restraining herbal nature, can repair it and to prevent it to break. Additional Sanqi, Ruxiang and Moyao can produce production of new muscles, so to repair the broken blood vessels. This is the reason that the formula here works. If the bleeding is not due to the Yangming Jueni, the blood vessels in the stomach breaks due to other reasons, the blood is in the stomach, will follow the food down to stool, not spil up as bleeding vomit.

In the original formula, there was no Sanqi, but Ruxiang 4.5 gram, and Moyao 4.5 gram. One day, My friend said: “When I treat blood vomiting, I also used this Buluo Buguan Tang, but the Sanqi is used to replace Ruxiang and Moyao. The formula works even faster.” I heard this, so changed the formula.

He said again: “Longgu and Muli can restrain the upper spilt Hot to make it flow down; the upper spilt blood is also returning down to its vessels. The Shanyurou is the valuable herb to nourish the Liver. Whenever the bleeding is caused due to Liver damage, Shanyurou is the one that must be used. In addition, the function of Longgu and Muli is surprising. Even if the pulse is very weak, daily herbal therapy showing no any improvement, or the person is too weak to endure nourishing herbal therapy, large amount of Lunggu and Muli still can work. I still don’t know why.” I said: The most valuable part of body Yang is Hong, and the most valuable part of Yin is Po. The Longgu can calm down the Hong, and the Muli can calm down the Po. When the Hong and the Po are calmed down, the spirit of the body is sufficient, the weakness would heal by itself, so that they are the marvelous herbs to nourish the spirit.


 There was a village, where lived a patient with blood vomiting. An old doctor treated him, by using large amount of Chishizhi 60 grams, as well as other herbs. One dose solved the problem. His son later described to me this story, since his father asked him: “What’s the reason to use Chishizhi?” The son answered: “Blood vomiting is usually caused by Xu Fire floating. The Fire in the Heart is as the Fire in an oven. If the space beneath the oven is more hollow and loose, the floating Fire is stronger. The large amount of Chishizhe can pill up the Lower Jiao of the body, so to reduce the floating of Fire.” I said: “You explanation heard interesting and reasonable. However, it is not complete. The nature of the Chishizhe is heavy and it is similar to the Daizheshi, so it can suppress the up-rushing Stomach Qi down. Also, it is sticky and restraining, similar to the Longgu and Muli, so it can repair the blood vessels. Combination of the two meanings is the complete answer to your father’s question. For this reason, whenever there is a case of bleeding, no matter it is due to trauma, of inside damage, if the bleeding continues, I would consider there is broken of blood vessels. I would use this Buluo Buguan Tang, with removal of Shanyurou and change the cooked herb form into powder form without cooking, and let the patient drink the powder by several times. By this way, the sticky and down-suppressing property of the Longgu and Muli is more than cooked drinks. The bleeding is fast to solve. The son said: “When my father used this formula, I was still young and I did not know well the reason. Now, after your explanation, I learned a lot.

Mrs. Ma, in Cangzhou city, had bleeding cough for three years. She tried various therapy without any improvement. If one time there was some improvement, the condition turned back again. When I saw her, she had sweat at night. I so used Shanyurou 30 gram, Longgu 30 gram, and Muli 30 gram, with the aim to stop the sweat first. It was true that the sweat stopped. After second herbal tea, the bleeding cough stopped too. The reason for her continuous bleeding cough is due to the fine blood vessels in the lung, or the blood vessels in the stomach have broken. The Shanyurou, Longgu and Muli, for their restraining property, can restrain the blood vessels to heal the opening, so the bleeding is healed. 

Mr. Zhang, lived in another village, about 30 years of old, had bleeding cough every tens fo days, or several hours. Later, it developed into bleeding cough every day. He has tried many times for the treatment but not effect at all. His pulse was near calm, with mild Kong feeling. I used this formula to him. After three doses, his problem disappeared. Later, I added herb Sanqi powder 9 gram to the formula, but let patient drink this powder with the help of the original herbal tea for swallow, to solve long term of bleeding vomiting. All worked. If the bleeding vomiting is too severe, to add Daizheshi 15 to 18 gram to cook with the previous three herbal ingredients, with drink of the Sanqi powder is more effective.

Mr. Zhang was poor. He had to have heavy labor work far away home. For too hard work, he got heavy bleeding vomit. …… He felt dizziness and palpitation and hard to get up or to walk. He felt hungry, and he had cake with him, but felt hard to swallow. On acasion, he picked up more than ten hawthorn. He ate them with his cake. After eat, he felt much better and his disease healed. In this case, the fruit is sour in taste. Sour is with restraining property. For hawthorn, among its restraining property, it has dead-blood-melting property too. Its function is similar to the Buluo Buguan Tang, so he could be healed by such surprising matter. 


Letter from Mr. Cai, Chongming city, Jingsou province:


I remembered when I got graduated from middle school, I suffered from bleeding vomit, due to too heavy study. Though I was in a doctor family, my condition did not solve. I visited various famous doctors, the bleeding sometimes stopped and later recurred. Upon graduation from university, the bleeding became worse. Doctors advised me stop the study and live at home for healing. So I left the study, drink the herbal tea, but the condition was not solved. For no way to go, I picked up some stored medical books at home. The books are so many, with valuable and not-valuable books mixed together, so I felt disappointed very much. This autumn, I got your published book Zhongzhong Canxi Lu, found the Buluo Buguan Tang. I realized that it is the formula for my disease. I cited it out and gave it to my grandfather. He asked to cook the herbal tea, half amount, for me. It worked.  Therefore I used the original amount of the herbs, with addition of Daizheshi 18 gram, following the meaning of Hanjiang Tang. After three doses, my condition was solved. Previously, my condition could recur within half month. Now, months past and there is problem. I felt stronger in my body and stronger in spirit too.



11. Huayu Lige Dan (Huayu: melting dead blood mass; Lige: clear and adjust the function of diagram; Dan: big pill).

This formula works for short of breath, which is due to heavy labor work, which makes blood stagnated above the diagram. For person with bleeding vomiting; with large amount intake of nourishing herbs or cooling herbs, or using more charcoal herbs to stop the bleed, could develop this condition. All conditions as such can be solved by this formula.

三七(二钱,捣细) 鸭蛋子(四十粒,去皮)
Sanqi 6 gram (grind), Yadanzi 40 (removal of peel).

Drink these two ingredients, swallowing with help of hot water, twice a day. When take the Yadanzi, it should not be broken. The broken Yadanzi is very bitter to swallow. If forced to swallow, it would be spit out or vomit out.

一童子,年十四,夏日牧牛野间。众牧童嬉戏,强屈其项背,纳头裤中,倒缚其手,置而弗顾,戏名为看瓜。后经人救出,气息已断。俾盘膝坐,捶其腰背,多时方苏。惟觉有物填塞胸膈,压其胸中大气,妨碍呼吸。剧时气息仍断,两目上翻,身躯后挺。此必因在 中闷极之时努挣不出,热血随努挣之气力上溢,而停于膈上也。俾单用三七三钱捣细,开水送服,两次全愈。
A child, 14 years of old, played with his friends in a summer day. Other boys pressed his head bending to the his pants, with his hands bending back and tied. Then he was left there. They joked as the play of watching melon. Later, when he was saved by others, his breath stopped. So, he was lifted in sitting position, had his back massaged and pouched. After a long time, he waked up, but felt filling-up in his chest, which presses his Qi in the chest, so felt short of breath. When the condition is severe, his breath stopped, with two eyes turning up, and body bending backwards. This condition must be due to: when he felt very stroke and had tried to open the tied and pressure, but could not, so the Hot blood rushing up with his heavy trying and stopped above the diagram. For him, he was given Sanqi 9 gram (grinded) to drink with hot water. After two times of drinking, his condition was solved.  


One man, 47 years of old, had long time of bleeding cough. Doctors said his body was too weak and needed nourishing herbs. After tens of doses, he felt tightness in the chest and the blood continued without stop. Later, he was told a folk-tip for the bleeding: use Dahuang 1.5 gram, and Rougui 1.5 gram, both in powder form, drink with hot water. One dose stopped the bleeding. However, due to mistake of the herbs previously, he felt fullness in the chest, had reduced diet, lazy in the extremes. When I saw him, his pulse was deep and lao (a kind of pulse feeling). I considered his condition as there being stagnated dead blood above the diagram. So, I asked him take herb Yadanzi 50 (with peeling), with help of sugar water, twice a day. After several days, his condition was solved.