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Chapter 29. herbs for woman disorders



1. Yuzhou Tang (Yu means jade in Chinese; Zhou here means candle.)

This formula is used to treat cold-hot shift feeling in woman, or first cold, then hot, and the hot disappears after a sweat.

生黄芪(五钱) 生地黄(六钱) 玄参(四钱) 知母(四钱) 当归(三钱) 香附(三钱,醋炒)柴胡(一钱五分) 甘草(一钱五分)
Huangqi 15 gram, Shengdi 18 gram, Xuanshen 12 gram, Zhimu 12 gram, Danggui 9 gram, Xiangfu 9 gram (fry with veniger), Chaihu 4.5 gram, Gancao 4.5 gram.

If the sweat is too much, use herb Yinchen to replace the Chaihu, with addition of Shanyurou several grams. If the hot feeling is severe, add herb Baishao several gram. If the person feels more cold, add fresh ginger several grams.


Woman has more such cold-hot shift (hot flash) syndrome. The reason for this is explained differently among medical books. In some books, they said that, if the body is with Yang deficiency, the person will feel cold before the noon. If the person is with Yin deficiency, he would have hot feeling after the noon. They said that, before the noon, the Yang Qi is overwhelming, and after the noon, it is the Yin that is overwhelming. When it is in overwhelming condition, the weak part of the Yin or Yang would be calm relatively, since the Nature supplies what the body is in short. But, how they could to explain the discrepancy that, the person with the Yang deficiency would feel cold before the noon (before the noon, the nature Yang Qi is overwhelming, according to this theory). Other books said that, when the disease is in the Shayang stage, there would have the cold-hot shift (hot flashing syndrome). Especially when the Xie Qi invades into the Shaoyang, if it shifts back to the Taiyang stage, the person will feel cold, and if it shifts into the Yangming stage, the person will feel hot. But, the disease is due to a damage inside of the body, there is not such Xie Qi invasion, and, what shift back and forth to the Taiyang and the Yangming stage? Again, some said that, if the body condition is a Liver deficiency, there would have the cold-hot shift feeling. I have tested this theory. Following the statement in the book Shennong Bencao Jingthat, herb Shanzhuyu (remove kernel) dominates the cold and the hot, I used Shanyurou 60 gram to patient. The cold-hot shift syndrome stopped very quickly after drinking of the herbal tea (see the paragraph for the Laifu Tang). However, this is a condition, in which the Liver is in extreme weak and the Liver Wind is to start. It is not a commonly seen clinic condition for most people.



In fact, the body Qi circle is following the Qi circle in the nature. The time before the noon, is as the same as the spring and summer of a year. The Yang Qi in the body vibrates with the Yang Qi in the nature and distribute to the body during this time period. Woman tends to worry and to consider things too much, which create more blocks in the organs and in the meridians, which again blocks the Yang Qi to distribute in whole body, even makes the Yang Qi sink inside, or makes it hard for the Yang Qi to activate up, so that the body feels cold. When the Yang Qi accumulates to a higher amount, it will erupt off. Since its erupting force and the blocking force vibrates in between the organs and the meridians, the hot is created. This is why the cold before the noon becomes the hot feeling in the afternoon. The herb Huangqi is the herb working in the Qi portion of the body. It can nourish the Qi and to raise the Qi too. When it is helped by Chaihu to raise the Qi, by the Xiangfu to disperse the Qi, the blocked Yang Qi would be opened and dispersed and distributed evenly in the body. Further more, the blood circulation is following that of the Qi. If the Qi is stagnated, the blood circulation would be stagnated too. Therefore, women with the cold-hot shift feeling usually has also disorders in the menstruation. The menstruation blood is usually also in deficient condition. The menstruation is therefore adjusted by herb Danggui, and nourished by herb Shengdi. In addition, the Zhimu, Yuanshen and Ganao work, for their bitter-sweet nature, can develop the Yin in the body, so to supply more amount of blood. Moreover, the cold nature of the Shengdi and Zhimu works with the hotness of the Huangqi, to become a good herbal couple to adjust the Yin and Yang, and the Cold and Hotness in the body.

至方书有所谓日晡发热者,日晡者,申时也,足少阴肾经主令之候也。其人或肾经阴虚,至此而肾经之火乘时而动,亦可治以此汤。将黄减半,地黄改用一两。有经闭结为 瘕,阻塞气化作寒热者,可用后理冲汤。有胸中大气下陷作寒热者,其人常觉呼吸短气,宜用拙拟升陷汤,方后治验之案,可以参观。
In medical books, there is a condition described as hot feeling in the afternoon (no previous cold feeling). The afternoon here means the time period between the 5 pm and 7 pm, which is the time span dominated by feet Shaoyin Kidney meridian. The person may have Yin deficiency. At this time period, the Kidney Fire erupts to cause the hot feeling. This formula of Yuye Tang can also be used to solve this problem, in which the Huangqi is reduced to half, the Shengdi is changed to 30 gram. If the person has stopped menstruation, which develops into a mass in the uterus, and which again cause the cold-hot shift syndrome, use Lichong Tang (see later). If the cold-hot shift feeling is caused due the sink of Big Qi in the chest, the person usually feels short of breath, use my Shenxian Tang (check the corresponding chapter).


other formulaWestern medicine has rust sodium chicken pill. It is used to treat disorder in woman menstruation; slim and weak body condition, or sometimes cold-hot shift feeling. It works well. It uses ion rust 3 gram, herb Moyao (avoid fire) 3 gram, cinchona 1.5 gram, and Huajiao 1.5 gram. All are made into powder and prepared into 60 pills. Each time, take three to five pills. The ion rust is the compound from the iron and oxygen. It is the iron that makes the human blood as red in color. The rust contains oxygen; it is also red in color as the blood, and its smells as blood, so that it can nourish the blood and to smooth the meridians. In the blood of human, it contains the iron, so to use the iron rust to nourish the blood also means to use the iron to nourish the iron. The cinchona has function to treat malaria. In this formula, it is used for its ability to treat anemia, and for its ability to go to the Shaoyang meridians in the hands and feet, so to adjust the cold and the hotness. The use of Huajiao here is to prevent the cold nature of the cinchona, so to make the whole formula calm.



Japanese has a formula called Zhongjiang Tang. It is used to solve the disorder of women menstruation. It works well too. My student, Mr. Gao, has sent it to me by letter, but there is no indication for the dose in the formula. I tried to set up the amount of the dose. It works. Here the dose is listed here for a reference.

Yuanhu 9 gram (fry with vinegar), Danggui 18 gram, Rougui 6 gram, Gancao 6 gram, Dingxiang 6 gram, Shanzha kernel 9 gram (fry with vinegar), Yujin 6 gram (fry with vinegar), Shashen 12 gram, Xuduan 9 gram (fry with wine), Roudoukou 9 gram (fry with Chishizhi, but the Chishizhi is removed afterwards), Kushen 9 gram, and Hai Niuxi 9 gram. All ingredients were prepared into powder and separate into three parts. One part is used each time. Add boiling water to the herb powder, rinse for half hour. Drink the herbal tea. The herbs were rinsed twinec to three times. Drink it one rinse for one day. After several doses, the menstruation will be normal. In this formula, there are cold, hot, nourishing and breaking, astringent and slippery herbs all together. The dose I used works for disorder in the menstruation, especially for heavy discharge.



2. Lizhong Tang

治妇女经闭不行或产后恶露不尽,结为 瘕,以致阴虚作热,阳虚作冷,食少劳嗽,虚证沓来。服此汤十余剂后,虚证自退,三十剂后,瘀血可尽消。亦治室女月闭血枯。并治男子劳瘵,一切脏腑 瘕、积聚、气郁、脾弱、满闷、痞胀、不能饮食。
this formula is used for the stop of menstruation, or continuous bleeding after childbirth, so that there is a mass developed in the woman system (ovary or uterus). The person feels hotness due to Yin deficiency, and hot due to Yang deficiency, poor appetite and exhausting cough, as well as various weakness condition. After ten doses, the weakness condition can be solved. After 30 doses, the stagnated blood clots can be dissolved. This formula can also be used to girls (not married) without menstruation, and to man with exhausting condition. The person has mass (various tumors), Qi stagnation, weakness in Spleen, bloating feeling, fullness feeling, hard to eat.

生黄芪(三钱) 党参(二钱) 于术(二钱) 山药(五钱) 天花粉(四钱) 知母(四钱)三棱(三钱) 莪术(三钱) 鸡内金(三钱,黄者)
Huangqi 9 gram, Danshen 6 gram, Baizhu 6 gram, Shanyao 15 gram, Tianhuafeng 12 gram, Zhimu 12 gram, Sanleng 9 gram, Ezhu 9 gram, Jineijin 9 gram (yellow color).

Cook in water. When it is ready, add little high quality vinegar in it. Continue to cook for several boiling.

After drink the herbal tea, if feel fullness or bloating, reduce the amount of Baishu. If feel tired, reduce the amount of Sangleng and Ezhu 3 gram from each. If there is diarrhear, use Baishao to replace the Zhimu and change the Baishu to 12 gram. If feel hot, add Shengdi and Tianmendong several grams. If feel cold, reduce the Zhimu and Tianhuafeng to half, or delete them. If feel very cold, add Rougui 6 gram (grind and drink it with the herbal tea from other ingredients)., and Fuzi 6 gram.

瘀血坚甚者,加生水蛭(不用炙)二钱。若其人坚壮无他病,惟用以消 瘕积聚者,宜去山药。室女与妇人未产育者,若用此方,三棱莪术宜斟酌少用,减知母之半,加生地黄数钱,以濡血分之枯。若其人血分虽瘀,而未见 瘕或月信犹未闭者,虽在已产育之妇人,亦少用三棱莪术。若病患身体羸弱,脉象虚数者,去三棱莪术,将鸡内金改用四钱,因此药能化瘀血,又不伤气分也。迨气血渐壮,瘀血未尽消者,再用三棱莪术未晚。若男子劳瘵,三棱莪术亦宜少用或用鸡内金代之亦可。初拟此方时,原专治产后瘀血成 瘕,后以治室女月闭血枯亦效,又间用以治男子劳瘵亦效验,大有开胃进食,扶羸起衰之功。《内经》有四乌 鱼骨一茹芦丸,原是男女并治,为调血补虚之良方。此方窃师《内经》之意也。
iF there is clear mass formed (clear evidence for a tumor-like mass), add Shuizhi (do not process) 6 gram. If the person is strong in physical body condition, she only need to dissolve the tumor, remove the Shanyao. If this formula is used for girls or woman without pregnancy, use lower amount of Shanleng and Ezhu, reduce the amount of Zhimu, but add Shengdi several grams to nourish the blood. If the woman has blood stagnation, but has no mass, or if the menstruation does not stop, though she is in the age of pregnancy, the Sanleng and Ezhu should also be used in low amount. If the woman is weak and slim in the body condition, the pulse was weak and frequent, re move the Sanleng and Ezhu, change the Jineijin to 12 gram. Jineijin can dissolve the stagnated blood, without damage to the Qi portion of the body. It is not too late to use the Sanleng and Ezhu in such woman after the body condition is improved stronger. In the beginning to set up this formula, it is used to solve the tumor in woman. Later it is found that it also works well for girl without menstruation or with very little menstruation. Later again it is found that it can be used for man with exhausting condition. It works to improve appetite, so as to improve the body physical condition. In the book
Nei Jinthere is a formula called Siwuyugu Yirulu Wan. It is used in both man and woman, to nourish the blood and solve the weakness condition. The formula here is to mimic the idea of this formula.

从来医者调气行血,习用香附,而不习用三棱莪术。盖以其能破 瘕,遂疑其过于猛烈。而不知能破症瘕者,三棱莪术之良能,非二药之性烈于香附也。愚精心考验多年,凡习用之药,皆确知其性情能力。若论耗散气血,香附犹甚于三棱莪术。若论消磨 瘕,十倍香附亦不及三棱莪术也。且此方中,用三棱莪术以消冲中瘀血,而即用参、芪 诸药,以保护气血,则瘀血去而气血不至伤损。且参、芪能补气,得三棱莪术以流通之,则补而不滞,而元气愈旺。元气既旺,愈能鼓舞三棱莪术之力以消 瘕,此其所以效也。
It is common that, doctors used herb Xiangfu, not the Sanleng and Ezhu, in the treatment of disorders in the Qi and blood portion of the body. They thought that, the Sanleng and Ezhu can break the tumor mass, so their function might be too strong. They do not know that, it is the marvelous function of the Sanleng and Ezhu to break the tumor mass, not that they are too strong in herbal nature than the Xiangfu. I have tested this idea carefully for many years, since we must really understand the herbs we commonly used. To talk about the disperse of Qi and blood, the Xiangfu is even stronger than the Sanleng and Ezhu. To talk about the dissolve the tumor mass, ten fold of Xiangfu is not as good as Shanleng and Ezhu. In this formula, the Sanleng and Ezhu are used to dissolve the tumor mass or blood stagnation mass. The Dangshen and Huangqi are to protect the body normal Qi and blood, so that after removal of the tumor mass, the normal body structure and function are not damaged. In addition, the Dangshen and Huangqi are to nourish the Qi. The Sanleng and Ezhu can conduct and to promoto the circulation of the Qi in the body, so that the nourished Qi would not block in the body, and the Qi would be more stronger. The stronger the Qi, the stronger the ability of the Qi to work with the Sanleng and Ezhu to dissolve tumor mass. This is the reason that this formula works.

The organs in the body are connected together by the one Qi, which as the castles defense for each other. If one castle is attacked, other castles can help. When treat a disease with herbs, it is needed to really understand the spot and the reason for the disease. Use one or two special herbs that target to the spot for the treatment. Even the Qi-blood in that spot is damaged somehow, the Qi-blood in other part of the body can move to supply it. Together with the use of nourishing herbs in the formula, the body normal structure and function would not be hurt after the use of the attacking herbs to remove the Xie Qi out of the body. Ordinary doctors did not know this idea. When they see a formula that works for a specific disease, such as my Lichong Tang here, do not try to understand the meaning of the formula. When they see the Sanleng and Ezhu in the formula, they feel scared and dared not to use it in clinic. From common sense, they appear prudent and careful in the clinic work. Upon having a look at the herbs they used, it uses various herbs that might target much more spots of the disease, showing a scattered structure of the formula. It seems they want that, any of the herbs in the formula anyway may work, though most of them have no use. They could collect the herb Muxiang, Chenpi, Sharen, Zhiqiao, Houpo, Yuanhu, Wulingzhi, etc. all in one formula, or use more then ten, or several tens of herbs in one formula. Upon drink, the herbs cause muddled in the body function. A disease that should be cured commonly, now became hard to treat, after drinking such muddle formula for some times. Furthermore, in a condition with floating Fire and asthenic Fire, the use of herb Zhizi, Huangqin, Gualushi, etc., in which the breaking herbs are used together with the Cold herbs, should not be drunk for a long time even if the person is stronger in his Spleen-stomach system. Otherwise, the side effect or a long term effect to the body is very much undesirable.

一妇人,年三十余。 瘕起于少腹,渐长而上。其当年长者稍软,隔年即硬如石。七年之间,上至心口,旁塞两肋,饮食减少,时觉昏愦,剧时昏睡一昼夜,不饮不食,屡次服药竟分毫无效。后愚为诊视,脉虽虚弱,至数不数,许为治愈,授以此方。病患自揣其病,断无可治之理,竟置不服。次年病益进,昏睡四日不醒。愚用药救醒之,遂恳切告之曰:去岁若用愚方,病愈已久,何至危困若斯。然此病尚可为,甚勿再迟延也,仍为开前方。病患喜,信愚言,连服三十余剂,磊块皆消。惟最初所结之病根,大如核桃之巨者尚在。又加生水蛭(不宜炙)一钱,服数剂全愈。
A lady, who was 30 years of old, had a mass growth in the lower abdomen, which grew gradually up. The mass was soft on that year, but became hard as a stone on the next year. After seven years, it grew up to the upper abdomen position and reached the side of abdomen too. She had reduced appetite, and felt dizzy and cloudy in mind from time to time. On severe time, she lied on the bed with cloudy mind for day and night, without eat or drink. She had been given herbal therapy for several times but no use at all. Later, when I saw her, her pulse was weak, but not frequent. I thought her condition can be solved. She was given this formula. The patient thought that her disease had no way to cure, so she did not drink the herbal tea. The next year, the disease became worse. She lied on the bed without wake up for several days. I used herbs and waked up her. I convinced her: if you had used the formula last year, the disease should have been cured long time ago. No need to suffer from it for so long time. However, it was still possible to treat, and don’t delay any longer. I prescribed her the same formula again. The patient felt happy and believed me this time. She drunk the herbal tea for 30 doses and the tumor mass disappeared. Only the original tumor root, which was about a walnut in size, remained. To the herbal formula, added the Shuizhi (not processed) 3 gram. After additional several doses, the tumor root disappeared too.

一妇人,年二十余。 瘕结于上脘,其大如橘,按之甚硬,时时上攻作疼,妨碍饮食。医者皆以为不可消。后愚诊视,治以此汤,连服四十余剂,消无芥蒂。
A lady was 20 years of old. She had a tumor mass on the upper abdomen. The mass was about an orange in size and felt hard when press. It caused pushing-up pain from time to time and interfered with eating and drinking. Doctors all believed it was not way to cure. Later when I saw her, I used this formula to her. After 40 days treatment, one dose for one day, the mass disappeared.

A old lady, 60 years of old, felt short of breath and fullness in the chest and abdomen, could not eat. She ate very little every day. Such condition had last for months. When I saw her, her pulse was slight thin but it was not too frequent or too late. Apparently her condition can be solved. I used this formula, with reduction of Sanleng and Ezhu for 3 gram each. The herbal tea was continued for several days. Her appetite was increased. After additional several days treatment, the while condition was solved. 

奉天孙姓妇,年四十许。自幼时有 瘕结于下脘,历二十余年。 瘕之积,竟至满腹,常常作疼,心中怔忡,不能饮食,求为延医。因思此证,久而且剧,非轻剂所能疗。幸脉有根柢,犹可调治。遂投以理冲汤,加水蛭三钱。恐开破之力太过,参、 黄芪又各加一钱,又加天冬三钱,以解参、 之热。数剂后,遂能进食。服至四十余剂,下瘀积若干, 瘕消有强半。因有事还籍,药遂停止。阅一载,腹中之积,又将复旧,复来院求为延医。仍照前方加减,俾其补破凉热之间,与病体适宜。仍服四十余剂,积下数块。又继服三十余剂,瘀积大下。其中或片或块且有膜甚浓,若胞形。此时身体觉弱,而腹中甚松畅。恐瘀犹未净,又调以补正活血之药,以善其后。
Mrs. Song in Fengtian city was 40 years of old. She had a tumor mass in the lower abdomen that started from her early age and it was there for 20 years now. The tumor mass was so big to full up the abdomen. It felt pain. She felt palpitation and hard to eat. When I saw her, I thought that, her condition was there for a long time and it was so severe. Ordinary herbs might not be strong enough to solve the tumor. However it was lucky that the pulse had root, suggesting that it has chance to solve. I used this Lichong Tang, with addition of Shuizhi 9 gram. For fearing that the breaking power of the Shuizhi might be too strong, I also added Dangshen 3 gram, and Huangqi 3 gram. I also addced Tianmendong 9 gram to solve the hotness of the Dangshen and Huangqi. After several doses, she could eat. After 40 days of continuous treatment, with one dose for one day, the abdomen shrunk about half amount. Since she had to return home, the treatment stopped. After one year, the mass in the abdomen grew up again as before. She again came for help. The same formula was used with similar modification of some ingredients, to make the herb function match the body condition. After 40 days of treatment, the mass was removed out of the body some. After additional 30 days, the mass was removed in the stool, which looked as pieces, block with film or membrane material as a shell. She felt weak but the abdomen felt lighter, not so fullness or heavy. Considering that the mass might have not been cleared completely, additional herbal therapy was used to nourish the body normal Qi and blood for an maintenance.

××妻,来院求为治 瘕。自言瘀积十九年矣,满腹皆系硬块。亦治以理冲汤,为其平素气虚,将方中参、 加重,三棱莪术减半。服数剂,饮食增加,将三棱莪术渐增至原定分量。又服数剂,气力较壮,又加水蛭二钱、樗鸡(俗名红娘)十枚。又服二十余剂,届行经之期,随经下紫黑血块若干,病愈其半。又继服三十剂,届经期,瘀血遂大下,满腹积块皆消。又俾服生新化瘀之药,以善其后。
The wife of Mr. Wang had tumor mass and wanted to have a treatment. She said she had the mass for 19 years, with hard blocks everywhere in the abdomen. She was also given this Lichong Tang. For her Qi deficiency usually, the amount of Dangshen and Huangqi was increased, but that of Sanleng and Ezhu was reduced. After several doses, her diet was improved. The Sanleng and Ezhu were increased to initial amount as indicated. After another doses, she felt stronger. So, herb Shuizhi was added, together with Chuji ten granules. After 20 doses, upon the menstruation, she had several purple-black blood clots, in the menstruation blood. The condition was improved half. After additional 30 doses, during the menstruation again, she had lots of stagnated blood in the menstruation blood. The mass in the abdomen all disappeared. Later, she was given herbs that work to clear the stagnation and also to promote the new blood production, for a maintenance.

一少年,因治吐血,服药失宜, 癖结于少腹(在女子为 瘕在男子为 癖)大如锦瓜。按之甚坚硬,其上相连有如瓜蔓一条,斜冲心口,饮食减少,形体羸弱。其脉微细稍数。治以此汤,服十余剂癖全消。

A young boy, for the treatment of blood vomit, drunk medicine in a wrong way, so that there was a tumor mass developed in his lower abdomen, which was a size as small watermelon and felt hard very much. There was a strip as a melon crane that connect slant to the upper stomach. He felt reduced diet and was slim and thin in the body condition. His pulse was slightly thin and slightly frequent. He was given this Lichong Tang for ten days. The condition was cured.


Letter from Mr. Bing in Liuzhou city, Guangxi province:


A woman was 17 years of old. She got married when she was 14 year of old. She had no menstruation at all. She came here for the treatment of pain in the abdomen and on the side of the abdomen. I used Huoluo Xiaoling Dan, and the pain disappeared very soon. To solve her menstruation, I used the Lichong Tang for three doses. The menstruation came too and it last for three days. For fearing that the stagnated blood was not dissolved, I changed to use the Shaofu Zhuyu Tang from Dr. Wang Qingren for three doses. From then, her body condition all solved.



3. Lichong Wan

 This formula is used to treat the same condition as previous Lichong Tang.

水蛭(一两,不用炙) 生黄芪 (一两半) 三棱(五钱) 莪术(五钱) 当归(六钱) 知母(六钱)生桃仁(六钱,带皮尖)
Shuizhi (leech) 30 gram (do not process), Huangqi 45 gram, Sanleng 15 gram, Ezhu 15 gram, Danggui 18 gram, Zhimu 18 graml, Taoren 18 gram (with peel and tip).

Make the ingredients into powder, and then make the mixture into pills with honey, a size of 1 cm in diameter. Drink 6 gram each time. Once in the morning and once in the evening.


仲景抵当汤、大黄蟅虫丸、百劳丸,皆用水蛭,而后世畏其性猛,鲜有用者,是未知水蛭之性也。《神农本草经》曰:水蛭气味咸平无毒,主逐恶血、瘀血、月闭,破 瘕、积聚、无子、利水道。徐灵胎注云:凡人身瘀血方阻,尚有生气者易治,阻之久则生气全消而难治。盖血既离经,与正气全不相属,投之轻药,则拒而不纳,药过峻,又转能伤未败之血,故治之极难。水蛭最善食人之血,而性又迟缓善入。迟缓则生血不伤,善入则坚积易破,借其力以消既久之滞,自有利而无害也。观《神农本草经》之文与徐氏之注,则水蛭功用之妙,为何如哉!特是徐氏所谓迟缓善入者,人多不解其理。盖水蛭行于水中,原甚迟缓。其在生血之中,犹水中也,故生血不伤也。着人肌肉,即紧贴善入。其遇坚积之处,犹肌肉也,故坚积易消也。
The herbal formula of Didang Tang, Dahuang Zhecong Wan, Bailao Wan, from the Master Zhang Zhongjing, all used herb Shuizhi. The doctors in the later history feared its strong nature, so used it very rare, indicating that they do not understand the herb Shuizhi (leech). In the book
Shennong Bencao Jing, it is stated: the Shuizhi is salty and calm and has no toxic or poison. It dominates the treatment of dead blood, poisoning blood, stagnated blood, cessation of menstruation, breaking the tumor mass, improving pregnancy, and to smooth the urine.  Dr. Xu Lingtai explained: if there is blood stagnation in the body, and if the body has reasonable level of normal Qi, the stagnation is not so hard to solve. Otherwise, if the body is weak in amount of normal Qi, the stagnation is hard to solve. Once the blood leaves the vessels, it is not connected with the normal Qi. If use less amount, or less intense herbs, the stagnated blood is not to be shacked or affected. If use the stronger, or intense herbs too much, it would damage the normal blood. For  this reason, the treatment of the stagnated blood is hard. The Shuizhi is good at sucking human blood and its nature is slow and good at penetrating. Late means it does not damage the normal blood; penetrating means it is good at breaking the clot or block or mass. Taking its such advantages means it can dissolve the stagnated blood mass without causing side effect. From the statement in theShennong Bencao Jing, and from the Dr. Xu explanation, it is well indicated that marvelous of the Shuizhi in the treatment of blood stagnation. Only problem is the difficult for ordinary people to understand what Dr. Xu said that the Shuizhi is slow and good at penetrating. The Shuizhi moves in the water. It moves slow. Its stay in the fresh blood as its stay in the water. That is why it does not hur the fresh blood. Once it touches the body skin, it will attach on it and penetrate in the skin. When it meets the hard part of the body is as it meets the muscle (skin), therefore the hard mass in the body can be dissolved (penetrated in) by it.


方中桃仁不去皮尖者,以其皮赤能入血分,尖乃生发之机,又善通气分。杨玉衡《寒温条辨》曾有斯说。愚疑其有毒,未敢遽信。遂将带皮生桃仁,嚼服一钱,心中安然,以后始敢连皮尖用之。至于不炒用,而生用者,凡果中之仁,皆含生发之气,原可借之以流通既败之血也。《神农本草经百种录》注曰:桃得三月春和之气以生,而花鲜明似血,故凡血瘀血枯之疾,不能调和畅达者,此能入于其中而和之散之。然其生血之功少,而去瘀之功多者,盖桃核本非血类,实不能有所补益。若 瘕皆已败之血,非生气不能流通,桃之生气在于仁,而味苦又能开泄,故能逐旧而不伤新也。夫既借其生气以流通气血,不宜炒用可知也。若入丸剂,蒸熟用之亦可。
In the formula, the Taoren (peach kernel) used should be the original one with peel and tip, since the peel is red in color, so it goes into the blood part of the body; the tip bears the growing nature, and is good at conducting the Qi portion of the body. This has been indicated by Dr. Yuang Yuheng in his book
Han Wen Tiao Bian. I have doubted it might be poison, so did not trust it completely. I drew 3 grams of the Taoren with its peel and tip. Nothing wrong happened, so I trusted it. The reason for the use of the non-processed, the original form of it, not the processed (not dried), is that, any kernel of fruit bear growing power, so that it can dissolve and conduct the rotten blood. It has been indicated in the book Shennong Bencao Jing Bai Zhong Luthat, the peach grows with the spring Yang Qi in the march, its flower is fresh red as a blood, so it can conduct and dissolve any stagnated, rotton and withered blood in the body. The reason that it is better in removal of withered and stagnated blood, not so in production of new blood, is that its growing power is in its kernel, and its bitter taste enables it to break, so that it is good to remove the old blood but not cause damage to the new blood. If the formula is to prepare pills, the Taoren can be steamed to use. 


【附方】秘传治女子干病方,用红螺(榆树内红虫大如蚕)二个,樗树(此树如椿而味臭俗名臭椿)荚二个,人指甲全的,壮年男子发三根。用树荚夹HT 螺、指甲以发缠之,将发面馒头如大橘者一个,开一孔,去中瓤俾可容药。纳药其中,仍将外皮原开下者杜孔上,木炭火煨存性为细末,用黄酒半斤炖开,兑童便半茶盅送服。忌腥冷、惊恐、恼怒。此方用过数次皆验,瘀血开时必吐衄又兼下血,不必惊恐,移时自愈。以治经水一次未来者尤效。

(This paragraph is not translated)



4. Anchong Tang(An means to calm. Chong means the menstruation).

This formula is used for continuous bleeding of the menstruation; heavy menstruation, long time menstruation; bleeding from time to time.  

白术(六钱,炒) 生黄芪(六钱) 龙骨(六钱,捣细) 牡蛎(六钱,捣细) 大生地(六钱)生杭芍(三钱) 海螵蛸(四钱,捣细) 茜草(三钱) 续断(四钱)
Baizhu 18 gram (fry), Huangqi 18 gram, Longgu 18 gram, Muli 18 gram, Shengdi 18 gram, Baishao 9 gram, Haipiaoxiao 12 gram, Qiancao 9 gram, Xuduan 12 gram.

The daughter-in-law of Mr. Liu, had menstruation, which was heavy and lasted for long time for up to eight to nine days. After several days, it started again. Doctor had treated her for months, with only slight improvement, and the condition remained the same later. When I saw her, I checked the formulas she took previously. It was this Anchong Tang but with the removal of herb Qiancao and Sangpiaoxiao. So, I added these two ingredients in. One dose stopped the bleeding. After second dose, the condition was cured, and it never recurred later. Mr. Liu felt curious and asked: how it worked so good for the herb Qiancao and Sanpiaoxiao and why the previous doctor removed them off? I said: the previous doctor only knew that the Qiancao and Sanpiaoxiao can open the menstruation, but not knew that they can also solve the bleeding from the urine, menstruation, and stool, due to Liver damage, which is indicated in the formula in the book
《内经》, in which the two herbs are made into pills with bird egg and the pills are to take with the help of abalone soup for swallow. For this, they dared not to use them in the heavy menstruation condition. They did not know that, these two herbs can fix the Lower Jiao of the body, so are the main herbs for heavy bleeding in menstruation.

一妇人,年三十余。夫妻反目,恼怒之余,经行不止,且又甚多。医者用十灰散加减,连服四剂不效。后愚诊视,其右脉弱而且濡。询其饮食多寡,言分毫不敢多食,多即泄泻。遂投以此汤,去黄 ,将白术改用一两。一剂血止,而泻亦愈。又服一剂,以善其后。
A lady was about 30 years of old. Due to upset with her husband, she felt angry and had continuous and heavy bleeding in the menstruation. Doctor had used Shihui San, with kind of modification, for four doses for the treatment, but no effect. When I saw her, her right pulse was weak and ru. Upon asked, she told that she could not eat little bit more food each time, otherwise she would have diarrhea. I used this formula to her, with removal of Huangqi, but changed the Baizhu into 30 gram. One dose stopped the bleeding, as well as the diarrhea. The second dose was used for the maintenance.

A lady was about 20 years of old. She had abortion for several days, and the bleeding had stopped. On the seven to eighth day after the abortion, she had bleeding again. She visited doctor for help for twenty days, but the bleeding continued. When I saw her, her pulse was waving, slippery and strong. She felt hot in the heart and felt thirsty. I doubted that she might have both common cold and inside disease. Upon asked, she told that she did not feel hot. I again doubted it was a Hot-blood flooding condition. So, I changed the Shengdi in the formula to 30 gram, added Zhimu 30 gram. After drinking of the herbal tea, the bleeding continued and the hot and thirsty feeing remained. At that time, I confirmed that her had both common cold and the inside disease. I used Baihu Jia Renshen Tang, with Shangyao to replace the Genmi. In the formula, the Shigao used Was 90 gram. The ingredients were cooked for two cups. It was drunk one cup each time for twice. After that, the invading Fire stopped, as well as bleeding. Then, she was given the Anchong Tang. One dose solved the problem of bleeding. Additional doses were used for a maintenance.  



Letter from Mr. Zhang, Qing city, Zhili province:

王氏妇,年十九岁,因殇子过痛,肝气不畅,经水行时多而且久,或不时漏下。前服逍遥、归脾等药,皆无效。诊其脉,左关尺及右尺皆浮弦,一息五至强。口干不思食,腰疼无力,乃血亏而有热也。遵将女科方安冲汤去 、术,加麦冬、霍石斛香附米,俾服之。二剂血止,六剂后食量增加,口干腰疼皆愈。继将汤剂制作丸药,徐徐服之,月事亦从此调矣。
Mrs. Wang was 19 years of old. Since lose of her sun, she felt stagnation in the liver. Her menstruation bleeding lasted long and heavy in amount, with dropping from time to time. She was given Xiaoyao San, Guipi wan, and so on for the treatment, but no use. Her pulse was floating and string on the left Guan and Chi position and right Chi position. The pulse was five times per breath circle. She felt dry in mouth and no desire to eat; felt lower back pain. The condition was thought as blood deficiency with hotness. The Anchong was used, with removal of Baizhu, but with addition of Maimendong, Shihu, and Xiangfu. After drink of the herbal tea for two doses, the bleeding stopped. After six doses, the appetite increased, with stop of thirsty and pain in lower back. The herbal tea was prepared into pills and asked her to take gradually. From then the menstruation was normal.

Letter from Mr. Song, Sanshan city, Zhili province:

In July 1924, the mother of my friend Mr. Zhang, due to over work during the care of marriage party for her sun, had continuous bleeding in the urine. There was sound in the bleeding during urination. When I saw her, she had jump in the arm and legs; had weak breath. Her pulse was sting and thin on the right side and string and hard on the left side. I used this Anchong Tang to her. After drink of the tea, her condition was improved somehow. The next morning after getting up, she felt coma. The family was very scared and asked me to come again. When I saw her, her pulse was calm, so I know that the condition was due to over-help from the Huangqi. I again used the original formula, with addition of Daizheshi 24 gram. One dose solved the problem.


A lady was my relatives, who had the menstruation bleeding condition. She had been treated for ten years. The condition stopped and recurred from time to time, without radical cure. In the June of 1926, her condition recurred again. I was asked to have a look. I used the formula of Xuebeng Fang, from bookFuqingzhu Nuke, with addition of Shengdi 30 gram, following your training. One dose solved the condition. In July, the condition recurred again. This time, I used Anchong Tang. For her cold feeling in the heart, I added Ganjiang 6 gram. One dose stopped the bleeding again.


In an early autumn, a girl with family name of Li, 17 years of old, had continuous menstruation bleeding. Her mouth lips were pale and the pulse was thin and frequent. She was given the Anchong Tang, with addition of large amount of Shanyurou. Three doses solved her problem



5. Guchong Tang (Gu here means to fix; Chong means the menstruation).

This formula is used for the treatment of metrorrhagia (continuous and heavy bleeding menstruation).

白术(一两,炒) 生黄芪(六钱) 龙骨(八钱,煅捣细) 牡蛎(八钱,煅 捣细) 萸肉(八钱,去净核)生杭芍(四钱) 海螵蛸(四钱,捣细) 茜草(三钱) 棕边炭(二钱) 五倍子(五分,轧细药汁送服)
Baizhu 30 gram (fry), Huangqi 18 gram, Longgu 24 gram, Muli 24 gram, Shanyurou 24 gram (remove kernel), Baishao 12 gram, Haipiaoxiao 12 gram, Qiancao 9 gram, Zhonglutang 6 gram, Wupeizi 1.5 gram (drink it with the help of herbal tea from other herbal ingredients).


If the pulse shows hotness, add Shengdi 30 gram; if cold, add Fuzi 6 gram; if the condition happened after heavy angry, the Liver Qi attack stirred the metrorrhagia, add Chaihu 6 gram. After two doses, if the condition is not improved, remove the Zhonglutan, but add Ajiao 15 gram, which needs to be cooked separately but drink it the same time. If the person feels hot after drink of the herbal tea, add Shengdi.

In previous formulas, the Longgu and Muli are used as original form, without any process. The reason has been discussed under the paragraph for the formula Lichong Tang. Only in this formula here, they are used as processed (duan), for the reason that, the processed Longgu and Muli bear stronger restraining power, so they can help for this movement to stop the bleeding.

A lady, 30 years of old, suddenly had menstruation bleeding, which lasted for two days. When I saw her, she was in coma and her body felt cold all over. Her pulse was slight weak and late. It was known that her Qi and Blood were to escape, and the Yuan Yang was to escape too. She was urgently given this Guchong Tang, with removal of Baishao, but addition of wild Taishen 24 gram, Fuzi 9 gram. One dose stopped her bleeding and the whole body turned warm and the mind turned clear. The Baishao was added again for additional dose for a maintenance.

My sun treated a lady, who was 40 years of old. She suddenly had heavy menstruation bleeding. For half day, she falt very weak in breath, and falt into coma. Her pulse was very weak on the right Chun and Guan positions, as floating grass over the water surface. The pulse was also very frequent as hard to count the number. The pulse on the left side was hard to feel. She was urgently given Huangqi 30 gram to cook and to drink the herbal tea. The pulse was shown after the drinking, but it was still very weak and thin and the bleeding continued. For noticed that she was hard to exhale, and had a sign of to have bowel movement, it was thought she had Big Qi sink condition. So, she was given the Guchong Tang, with the Huangqi in the formula changed to 30 gram. At 11 am in the morning, the herbal tea was drunk. Upon 3 am at night, she was normal as usual. (Later, my sun was in the Beijing, treated another metrorrhagia condition. First, the Guchong did not work. With addition of Chaihu 6 gram in it, one dose solved the condition. Apparently, the raising power of the herb Chaihu is the key to solve the metrorrhagia).

It might be asked: the metrorrhagia condition, is mostly due to heavy angry, that causes Liver Qi stagnation, which cannot go up, but reverse down to push the Kidney switch, so that the blood rushes down as continuous bleeding. For this reason, the folk name of the metrorrhagia is the Qi-pushing condition. If use more restraining herbs in the formula, would they interfere with treatment in person with the Liver Qi stagnation? Answer: though such condition can happen in person due to heavy angry, after the bleeding, the blood escapes, as well the Qi, so that the stagnated Qi turns opened. In addition, in the urgent condition, it is needed first to stop the bleeding. If the condition is newly developed, and if it is not so severe, and if it indeed is due to the Liver Qi stagnation, it is ok to use the Liver-raising and Qi-adjusting herbs as main ingredients, with help from such restraining herbs.  

Appendix formulain the bookFuqingzhu Nu Ke, there is a formula for the treatment of menstruation bleeding in old woman, which has been tested work well. In the formula, it uses Huangqi 30 gram, Danggui 30 gram (liquor washed), Sangye 14 pieces, Sangqi powder 9 gram (drink the Sangqi powder with the help of herbal tea from other ingredients). Tow doses can stop the bleeding and four doses can cure the condition. If the person feels hot, add some amount of Shengdi.

In addition: My friend, Mr. Wang in Zhe city, showed me another folk receipt for the metrorrhagia: prepare juice fron green radish. Mix it with little white sugar. Warm it over slight fire. Continue to drink the mixture for three cups. The condition will be cured. 

In addition, in the western medicine, they use Maijiao, which is the small horn of milder barley. It is good at restraining blood vessels, so to treat various bleeding condition, especially to the bleeding in the menstruation, urine, and stool. The biggest horn can be one inch long. Use one of the horn and lactose (if no lactose, use white cane sugar). Grind the two into powder. Drink twice. I usually use this powder together with the other blood-stop formula. It always works.


Appendix: two herbs for woman metrorrhagia:


The first one is the grass of Sugen (perennial root). One root can grow several stems, as high as less than one feet. Its leaves are as grass Kochia scoparia, which is slightly broad and the broad can double on later stage. Its color is green with slight pale. It has small white and small flower. Its fruit is as birch-leaf pear, which has color as its leaves. Upon old, the fruit color turns slight yellow. It mostly grow in the hard ground in side of house and road. It is called Niudan, or Coukezi, but it smells not so odor. I didn’t know that it can be used as herb. In a summer, I had had something to go home. There was a lady, Mrs. Wang, lived in the South side of the city, had the metrorrhagia. No herbs worked for her. Someone told her to use this grass, with its grass and its root, chop it and cook into herbal tea to drink. The disease was cured. Later after I returned, I mentioned this story, my student Mr. Li said: “I know this formula well. If add black bean about 10 gram to 20 gram, cook in half water and half liquor to prepare the herbal tea, it will work much better.”.

Another one is the grass, which is about one feel high. Its leaves are rough with tip; its color is deep green; and it has small white flower in the summer, with five flower leaves, yellow pistil. Its fruit is as big as Wuweizi (
Schisandra chinensis), looks as small eggplant. When the fruit is young, it is green in color, and in mature, it becomes red, and when it is old, it turns into purple-black. The fruit is sweet and can eat. It is called wild eggplant by folk. In mountain area, it is called Shantiezi (mountain eggplant). The doctors in the Fengtian province usually collect it and prepared after drying. Upon meeting such metrorrhagia condition, chop its stem, leaves and the fruit, cook the mixture as tea to drink. The condition will be solved. When I was in Tianjin city, I tolk with my friend Mr. Zhang about this grass. He said, it is the herb Longkui, e.g. the Tiantiezi, or Laoyaqingcao, indicated in the bookBen Cao Gang Mu. When I check this book, it is said that this herb treat the blood vomit, not the metrorrhagia. However, the herbs that can treat the blood vomit can also treat the blood in metrorrhagia, as clearly proven for the herb Sanqi and Qiancao. The grass that grows everywhere can be used for the treatment of so severe sick condition. How lucky we are.



Letter from Mr. Zhang, Qing city, Zhili province:

One of my relatives, Mrs. Xu, was 30 years of old, had abortion history. After abortion several days, she suddenly had heavy bleeding from uterus. She felt dizziness and fullness in abdomen. Her pulse was small and weak. It was considered to be the Chongmai escaping condition. She was given the Guchong Tang, with addition of Chaihu 4.5 gram, and Danggui body 6 gram. After three doses, the bleeding stopped. She was asked to continue the Kunshun Zhibao Dan for a maintanece. 

Letter from Mr. Li, Sansan city, Zhili province:

The wife of Mr. Zhao in Tianjin city, was 40 years of old, and had continuous bleeding in the menstruation. She had visited some doctors without improvement. When I saw her, her pulse was slight thin and weak on both sides. I used Guchong Tang to her. After several doses, the condition was cured. It has been thought that she was at such age, and the blood portion has been damaged, she may have no chance to have pregnancy. However, next year, she had a sun, who was healthy in body condition, since the Guchong Tang works to stop the bleeding and to nourish the blood too.


In addition: the wife of Mr. Zhang in Tianjing city, was 24 years of old, had continuous bleeding from uterus after an abortion for several months. Doctors she visited failed to help her condition. Her pulse was slight thin and frequent. I used the Guchong Tang to her. For her frequent pulse, I added Shengdi 30 gram. After drink of the herbal tea, the condition was improved but not fantastic. I considered again and again for the reason and had no idea why. I then consulted with the family and knew that the price of the herbs were very cheap. Suddenly I remembered that, there was a saying that the herb Huangqi in the local herb shop might have false. The reason that this formula did not work well, might be due to the false herb. After change to real Huangqi, and after drink for two doses, the condition was cured. From this case, it is well known that the herbs much be real ones to get results.



6. Wen Chong Tang (Wen here means to warm. Chong here means the Chongmai meridian).

This formula is used for infertility due to weakness and Cold condition of the body.

山药(八钱) 当归身(四钱) 附子(二钱) 肉桂(二钱,去粗皮后入) 补骨脂(三钱,炒捣)小茴香(二钱,炒) 核桃仁(二钱) 紫石英(八钱, 研) 真鹿角胶(二钱,另炖,同服,若恐其伪可代以鹿角霜三钱)
Shanyao 24 gram, Danggui body part 12 gram, Fuzi 6 gram, Rougui 6 gram (remove the thick peel), Buguzhi 9 gram (fry and grind), Xiaohuixiang 6 gram (fry), Hetaoren 6 gram, Zishiyin 24 gram (grind), Lujiaojiao 6 gram (cook separately, drink with the herbal tea that is prepared from other ingredients. If doubt the false of the herb, use Lujiaoshuang 9 gram).

The blood sea in the body is called Chongmai, which is located on the side of blood space (uterus), which connects upper to the Stomach Yangming meridian, and lower to the Kidney Shaoying meridian. In the body Renmai meridian works to hold it; Doumai works to govern it; and Daimai is to hold and fix it. Other meridians, such as Yangwei, Yinwei, Yangqiao and Yinqiao, all around it to help it. All of these meridians are called mysterious meridians of the eight meridians. These eight meridians and the blood space are in both man and woman. In the man, the Chong works together with blood space to develop sperm. In woman, the Chong and the blood space is the place for pregnancy. In the book
Nei Jing, it is said that, “When the Chongmai is rich, the menstruation will show up regularly and monthly, so there could have pregnancy”. For this reason, infertility in woman is considered to the disorder in the Chongmai. If there is stagnation in the Chongmai, to lose it; if there is weakness, to nourish it; if there is Wind attack, to expel the Wind; if there is accumulation of wetness, to evaporate it; if there is loss of the Qi, to restrain it; if there is extreme condition for the Yin or Yang, to adjust it. If there is no problem in the Chongmai, there is no infertility. After I came into the clinic work, I know that, if the person usually has no disease but the infertility, in most case, it is due to the weakness in the Xiang Fire, so that the Chongmai is nor warm enough. For such condition, I set up this formula Wen Chong Tang. If the person usually dares not to sit on a cold place, dares not to drink or eat cold food, and if her menstruation is normal, but has infertility, give her this formula. Either ten doses, or several tens of doses, the problem will be solved.


A lady, got marriage when she was twenty years of old, but had not pregnancy when she was 30 years of old. Her husband came to consult with me. I asked in detail about her daily life, habit etc. He said she feared cold very much. She dared not to eat fruit even in hot weather or when the body felt hot. Her menstruation were roughly normal. Only on occasion, it might be two or three days delay. It was therefore known that she had weakness and Cold condition in the Lower Jiao. Considering that in the book Shennong Bencao Jingthat, the herb Zishiyin “is sweat and warm, can treat Wind and cold in the uterus, so that the woman has no pregnacy for ten years.” I used this formula, in which large amount of Zishiyin was used (18 gram), to take its advantage of warm in nature and heavy, so it can bring other herbs right into the Chongmai to warm it. After 30 doses, the Cold feeling stopped. Several months later, she had childbirth of sun and daughter. I felt more trust what it is said in the book Shennong Ben Cao Jingthat the Zishiyin can solve the ten years of infertility.



7. Qingdai Tang (Qing here means to clear; Dai means the discharge.)

This formula is used to treat various discharge conditions in women.

山药(一两) 龙骨(六钱,捣细) 牡蛎(六钱,捣细)海螵蛸(四钱,去净甲捣) 茜草(三钱)
Shanyao 30 gram, Longgu 18 gram (grind), Muli 18 gram (grind), Haipiaoxiao 12 gram (clear the shell), Qiancao 9 gram.

If the discharge is red in color, it is called Chi discharge, add Baishao and Kushen 6 grams each; if the color is white in color, add Lujiaoshuang and Baizhu 9 gram, each.

带下为冲任之证。而名谓带者,盖以奇经带脉,原主合同束诸脉,冲任有滑脱之疾,责在带脉不能约束,故名为带也。然其病非仅滑脱也,若滞下然,滑脱之中,实兼有瘀滞。其所瘀滞者,不外气血,而实有因寒因热之不同。此方用龙骨牡蛎以固脱,用茜草海螵蛸以化滞,更用生山药以滋真阴固元气。至临证时,遇有因寒者,加温热之药,因热者,加寒凉之药,此方中意也。而愚拟此方,则又别有会心也。尝考《神农本草经》龙骨善开 瘕,牡蛎善消 ,是二药为收涩之品,而兼具开通之力也。乌 鱼骨即海螵蛸,茹芦即茜草,是二药为开通之品,而实具收涩之力也。四药汇集成方,其能开通者,兼能收涩,能收涩者,兼能开通,相助为理,相得益彰。
Discharge condition is a problem in the Chongmai and Renmai. … It is due to the failure of the Daimai to hold the Chongmai and Renmai, so that the Chongmai and the Renmai are in a slippery status. However, the problem is not only due to the slippery, it can also be due to sticking, e.g. the slippery is mixed with sticky. It is the Qi and blood that sticks, but the sticky also belongs either Cold or Hot condition. In this formula, the herb Longgu and Muli are to stop the slippery-escaping; the Qiancao and Haipiaoxiao are to dissolve the sticky; and the Shangyao is to nourish the True Yin and Yuan Qi. In clinic, if the person has Cold codition, add Warm herbs; if she has Hot condition, add some Cold herbs in the formula. When I use this formula, I still had some more experience. In the book
Shennong Ben Cao Jing, it stated that, Longgu is good at dissolving formed mass, and Muli is good at dissolving no-form mass in the body. It means that, the two herbs, along with their ability of restraining, also have opening ability. The Haipiaoxiao and Qiancao are herbs to open and to break, but also herbs to restrain. The four herbs work together, work to open, to break, and to restrain and to fix. The breaking and restraining work and help each other, so the formula works well.

A lady, 20 years of old, suffered from heavy white discharge. She visited doctors for many years without improvement. Later when I saw her, her pulse was very weak. She said she felt cold in the Lower Jiao of the body. I used this formula, with addition of Ganjiang 18 gram, Lujiaoshuan 9 gram. After ten doses, the condition was cured. 

In addition: a lady of 60 years of old had red and white discharge. The red one was more than the white one. She visited doctors for many years without improvement. Her pulse was very waving and slippery. She said she felt hot in the heart and felt dizzy. She could not get up the bed for half year. I used this formula, with addition of Baishao 18 gram. After several doses, the white discharge stopped, but the red discharge remained the same, as well as the hot feeling in the heart and dizziness. In the formula, I added Kushen, Longdancao and Baitouwen, several grams for each. The formula was continued for seven to eight doses, the red discharge stopped too. The other disorders were cured too. After I set up this formula for the discharge, many patients have been cured. The reason for only introducing these two cases is that the condition for these two cases are different. One is Cold condition and another is Hot condition. In addition, you see in the young lady, I used big Hot herbs, and in the old lady, I used big bitter-Cold herbs. In clinic, it should be known to use the herbs according to the patient exact condition, not stick to the age.


Comments: the herb Baitouwen is good to treat the discharge due to Hotness. Use its fresh root to treat bleedinglin condition, bleeding in urine or in stool, all due to Hotness. It is really a useful herb. That’s why the Master Zhang Zhongjing has Baitouwen Tang to treat the Hotness dysentery in Yueyin stage.

For the discharge condition, if the Qingdai Tang here does not work to cure, drink Mizhen Dan 3 gram with the help of drinking this Qingdai Tang herbal tea.


I always hold the idea that, the discharge is similar to a sticky condition. Having a look at the western medicine, it says that, if the large intestine is sick, there would be white dysentery, so, if the uterus is sick, there would be the discharge. For the later, it used Echa, Baifan, and Shiliupi, Moshizi, in water solution, to wash. If the discharge condition is very severe, combine the use of the external therapy.


More way for the internal treatment of the discharge: grind Moshizi 30 gram. Add water 450 ml, cook until the solution was 250 ml. Each time, drink 30 ml of the solution, three times a day. Or, grind the Moshizi into powder, drink 1.5 gram each time, twice a day. The water solution can be used to wash the vagina, or with help of a syringe.

Comments: the herb Moshizi is bitter and astringent. The bitter works to open, and the astringent is to restrain. One herb has such two abilities. Its function is in consist with my Qingdai Tang. Its restraining ability is very strong. Whenever it is the slippery and escaping conditions in the Lower Jiao of the body, the slippery stool, the leakage of the urine, or leakage of male sperm, or female metrorrhagia, it works well. It is pity that the current doctors do not know to use it. In addition, the Japanese Zhongjiang Tang is good in the treatment of the white discharge too. It has been listed under the chapter of Yuzhou Tang. If use it for the treatment of red discharge, the Rouguia, Dingxiang should be used in lower amount but the Kushen should be used in a large amount.

For the red and the white discharge, the red discharge is more indicating a Hot condition, and the white one, a Cold condition. However, it should not always use the color to tell the Hot or Cold nature of the discharge. It is needed to ask the patient if she feel hot or cold in the body, and to check the pulse, if it is late or frequent, strong or weak, so as to tell the condition Cold or Hot. The principle in the treatment is to use the restraining herbs, with help from opening and conducting herbs. For the Qingdai Tang, if the condition tends to be Hot, add Baishao and Shengdi; if it is very hot as to a Fire condition, add Kushen and/or Huangbo, or together with some herbs to prevent rotten, such as Jinyinhua, Hansanqi, or Yadanzi; if the condition is more Cold, add Baizhu, Lujiaojiao; if it is very Cold, add Ganjiang, Guizhi, Fuzi, or Xiaohuixiang.


Lately when I red the newspaper Hangzhou Yi Bao, there was an article about a formula for the treatment of white discharge. It used green mungbean sprout with head and root 750 gram. Wash it clear, add it into two big bowl of water to cook. Collect the supernatant, add fresh ginger juice 75 gram, yellow cane sugar 60 gram, continue to cook to prepare paste. Drink the paste every morning with hot water. Finish one of the dose within 12 days. Continue two of such healing periods, the condition must be cured. Comments: this formula has been tested several times. It works well.



8. Jiawei Maimendong Tang (Jiawei means to add more ingredient; Maimendong: the name of a herb)

This formula is used for reverse menstruation condition. This is a Chinese medicine concept, no similar concept in western medicine. It means tat the menstruation blood does not flow through the vagina, but from the nose.

干寸冬(五钱,带心) 野台参(四钱) 半夏(三钱) 山药(四钱,以代粳米) 生杭芍(三钱)丹参(三钱) 甘草(二钱) 桃仁(二钱,带皮尖捣) 大枣(三枚,捭开)
Maimendong 15 gram (with the kernel inside), wild Taishen 12 gram, Banxia 9 gram, Shanyao 12 gram (to replace the Genmi), Baishao 9 gram, Danshen 9 gram, Gancao 6 gram, Taoren 6 gram (with the peel and tip), Chinese date three, (chop to open it).

For the reverse menstruation condition, Dr. Chen Xiuyuan in his book
Nu Ke Yao Zhiused the formula of Maimendong Tang that is originally listed in the book Jin Kui. It is very smart idea of him. The original formula is used to treat the “reverse Fire, and reversely rushing up Qi, the person feels harsh in the throat”. It is now used for the treatment of reverse menstruation, after little bit modification to match the disease condition.

It might be asked, the main indication for the formula of Maimendong Tang in the book
Jin Kuiis different from the reverse menstruation. How could the herbal formula be used for the reverse menstruation too? Answer: The Chongmai is the blood sea, which is located on the both side of the lower stomach. It connects with the Stomach Yangming meridian on the top and with the Kidney Shaoying meridian on the bottom. When the Shaoyin Qi is deficient, it fails to hold and to seal the Chongmai, so that the Chongmain Qi is easy to rush up. When the Chongmai Qi rushes up, the blood in the Chongmai also rushes up. This is the reason for the reverse menstruation. For the Maimendong Tang, among large amount of Qi-nourishing herbs, which work to supply liquid-fluid to the body, has the herb Banxia, which works to reduce the Stomach Qi and to calm the Chongmai. In addition, the use of Shanyao to replace the Genmi, so to nourish the Kidney and to restrain the Chongmai Qi, and to make the Chongmai stays in its home, not to rush up. In this way, the blood in the Chongmai would neither rush up to cause the bleeding from the nose. It should be pointed out that, though mostly the rushing up of the blood in the Chongmai is due to the reverse rush up of the Chongmai Qi, but it can also be due to block of the blood to flow down, as showing in clinic that, the bleeding happens upon the menstruation time coming, then the bleeding starts from the upper part of the body. For this reason, the herb Shaoyao, Danshen, and Taoren were used to clear the front way of the blood in the menstruation, making it flow downwards in the menstruation time. This is the reason that, with little modification, the formula of Maimendong Tang can be used for the treatment of reverse menstruation condition. We cannot prevent from admiring the marvelous effect of the herbal formula.  

In most cases of reverse menstruation, this formula works. Occasionally if it does not work, it is due to co-existing some other problems in the body. I treated a girl. She had reverse menstruation for years without improvement. Her pulse was weak. I used this formula. After drink of the herbal tea, she felt short of breath. When I felt her pulse again, it was much weaker. She said she had the short of breath usually. Now it was worse. I suddenly realized that her Big Qi in the chest must have sunk down, so she could not tolerate the falling force from the Banxia. The herbal formula was changed to the Shenxian Tang. After continuous ten doses, the short of breath stopped and the reverse menstruation stopped too. 


A young lady had the reverse menstruation for half year. Her pulse was weak and late. The pulse was very deep in the Chi position on both sides. She felt short of breath. I knew that she had Qi sink condition. She was also given the Shenxian Tang for several doses. The short of breath stopped. The body was stronger than before, so the herbs stopped to drink. Her menstruation was also normal afterwards.


It might be asked: if the reverse menstruation is due to the reverse rushing up of the Chongmai Qi and the Stomach Qi, how the Qi sink condition can also cause the reverse menstruation, since in the Big Qi sink condition, the Qi falls down, rather than reverses up? Answer: the mechanism by which the Qi sink condition can cause the reverse menstruation is very cute. The Big Qi in the chest can normally dominate the Qi circulation and function in the whole body. So, in normal condition, the Big Qi is full in the chest, can direct the Stomach Qi to make it move downwards, so to suppress the Chongmai Qi, to make it not reverse up. When the Big Qi sunk, it lost its governing power, the distribution and the function of the Qi in the whole body became in disorder, so that the Stomach Qi and the Chongmai Qi both can reverse up. For this reason, it is known that, the reverse of the Stomach Qi and the Chong Qi is not due to the Big Qi sink per se, but the Big Qi sink could cause the reverse of the Stomach Qi and the Chongmai Qi. If the reason for the disorder, here the reverse menstruation, is different, how the formula should be the same?



9. Shoutai Wan (Shou here means to prolong; Tai means fetus).


This formula is used for the treatment of slippery abortion.

菟丝子(四两,炒炖) 桑寄生(二两) 续断(二两) 阿胶(二两)
Tusizi 120 gram (fry and steam),

Grind the first three ingredients into powder. Melt the Ajiao with water. Mix all the ingreadients and make them into pills, each weights about 0.3 gram. Drink 20 pills each time, once a day. If the person is with Qi deficiency, add Renshen 30 gram. If she is with Qi sink condition, add Huangqi 45 gram. If the person has poor appetite, add Chao Baizhu 30 gram. If she feels cold, add Chao Buguzhi 30 gram. If she feels hot usually, add Shengdi 30 gram.

胎在母腹,若果善吸其母之气化,自无下坠之虞。且男女生育,皆赖肾脏作强。菟丝大能补肾,肾旺自能荫胎也。寄生能养血、强筋骨,大能使胎气强壮,故《神农本草经》载其能安胎。续断亦补肾之药。阿胶系驴皮所熬,最善伏藏血脉,滋阴补肾,故《神农本草经》亦载其能安胎也。至若气虚者,加人参以补气。大气陷者,加黄 以升补大气。饮食减少者,加白术以健补脾胃。凉者,加补骨脂以助肾中之阳(补骨脂善保胎修园曾详论之)。热者,加生地黄以滋肾中之阴。临时斟酌适宜,用之无不效者。

When the fetus is in the uterus, if it is good in absorbing the mother’s Qi, there should have no worry that it falls as an abortion. In addition, the whole course of pregnancy depends on the making-strong function of the male and female. The herb Tusizi can nourish the Kidney. It the Kidney is strong, it can of course protect the fetus. The herb Sangjisheng can nourish the blood, enhance the tendons and bones, and can make the fetus stronger. For this, it has been indicated in the book Shennong Ben Cao Jingthat it can calm and protect the fetus. The herb Xuduan is also a herb to nourish the Kidney. The Ajiao is prepared from the skin of a donkey. It is good at hiding and saving the blood, and at nourishing the Yin and the Kideny. In the book, it indicated that it can also calm, protect and keep the fetus. If the person has Qi deficiency, add Renshen to nourish the Qi. If the Qi is in sink condition, add Huangqi to raise the Qi. If the appetite is poor, add Baizhu to promote the Spleen and Stomach. If she feels cold, add Buguzhi to help the Yang in the Kidney (Dr. Chen Xiuyuan has explained in detail that Buguzhi can calm and keep the fetus). If the person feels hot, add Shengdito nourish the Yin in the Kidney. With modification of the formula according to each person’s condition, no failure would happen in the use of the formula to prevent the abortion.

此方乃思患预防之法,非救急之法。若胎气已动,或至下血者,又另有急救之方。曾治一少妇,其初次有妊,五六月而坠。后又有妊,六七月间,忽胎动下血,急投以生黄 生地黄各二两,白术、山萸肉(去净核)、龙骨 捣)、牡蛎 捣)各一两,煎汤一大碗,顿服之,胎气遂安。将药减半,又服一剂。后举一男,强壮无恙。
This formula is used for a prevention of abortion, not for urgent save of the abortion. If there is already a sign for the abortion, or if the lady has already bleeding, there is other formula to solve the problem. I treated a young lady. She had abortion in her first pregnancy at the fifth or the sixth month. Later she had pregnancy again, on about the sixth or the seventh month, she suddenly felt jumping of the fetus and bleeding from vagina woo. She was urgently given Huangqi 60 gram, Shengdi 60 gram, Baizhu 30 gram, Shanyurou 30 gram, Longgu 30 gram, Muli 30 gram. The herbal tea was drunk all once. The fetus became calm. The formula was reduced to half dose. She was asked to drink again. Later, she had a childbirth of a boy, who was strong in body.


Abortion is always a problem in woman. The formulas cited in medical books does not always work. The point in the treatment of abortion is that, the treatment should focus on the fetus. It is needed to change and to modify the ability of the fetus in absorption of the mother’s Qi to nourish itself, so that there should have no worry for abortion. If it is aimed to only nourish the mother, with the thought that, when the mother is strong in the Qi and blood, her body should be able to protect the fetus, it is not a complete and mature decision in the treatment of the abortion. After I started the clinic work, often I saw the woman, who had several times of abortion, is strong in her physical body condition, without any disease. On the other side, a woman who is very weak in physical body condition, is thought that frequent pregnancy might makes her body weaker, and she has been hoped to have an abortion, but the abortion does not happen. Therefore it is known: whether the woman will have abortion or not, does not depend on the physical condition of the mother, but on the ability of the fetus in absorption of mother’s Qi. From this observation, I found, among thousands of herbs, one most important herb, that is good at the treatment of abortion. It is the herb Tusizi.



This Shoutai Wan used the large amount of Tusizi as the main ingredient, which is helped by other herbs, such as Xuduan, Sangjisheng, and Ajiao. For any women with pregnancy, after the two months, drink this herbal pills. There should have no worry for abortion. It worked for women who have had several times of abortions before. That Dr. Chen Xiuyuan said that the women with abortion history should take strong nourishing and strong warm herbs, so to make the uterus got warm continueously, and to allow the fetus growing in calm in the uterus, is due the fact that, his wife drunk the Baizhu and Huangqi, but still had five times of abortions. Later, he let her drink the herbal tea of Sini Tang with addition of herb Buguzhi, Lujiaojiao and Xuduan and the fetus was calm until childbirth.  So he believed that, Cold herb formula could cause abortion, and the Warm herbal formula would calm the fetus. He did not know that, the reason for the herb Huangqin to cause the abortion, is not due to its Cold in herbal nature. In the bookShennong Bencao Jing, it is said that, the Huangqin could deplete the blood block from uterus. How could a herb that is good at depleting blood clot can protect the fetus? Before the Han and Tang dynasty, famous doctors always followed this book in their clinic work. They believed that, this book can be one of the medical bibles. The use of the herbs or herbal formula following this book was rarely causing side effect or mistakes in clinic. Upon the Song and Yuan dynasty, doctors were usually explaining and using the herbs in this book by their own guest. They were even against the direction of this book. This is true even for famous doctors, such as Dr. Zhu Danxi, who was so careless that he used the Huangqin as pregnancy-protecting herb. The use of his formula is not only useless, but also harmful. Even a famous doctor can commit such mistake. How could he only knew that, the Baizhu and Huangqin can cause abortion, but not knew that Huangqin can break open the blood clot/block, but only emphasized that it, for its Cold herbal nature, was not suit to protect the fetus? Surely the calm of the fetus depends on the warm temperature. Too Cold herbs are not good for the fetus, but too Hot herbs neither. Dr. Chen Xiuyuan usually liked to use Warm herbs, rather than Cold herbs, so that his statement about the influence of the Cold or Hot herb to the fetus is a kind of bias.



10. Anwei Yin (An meant to calm down; Wei here means stomach; Yin means herbal tea).

This formula is used for the treatment of nausea in the early stage of pregnancy.

半夏(一两,温水淘洗两次毫无矾味然后入煎) 青黛(三钱) 赤石脂(一两)
Clear Banxia 30 gram (wash twice with warm water until there is no any smell or taste of vitriol), clear Qingdai 9gram, Chishizhi 30 gram.

Cook the herbs in a cooking pot to collect a big bowl of supernatant. Add 60 gram of honey in. Drink the mixture slowly and gradually, one mouth one time. Finish the drinking within half day. If the person still has vomit or the stool is dry and hard to pass after the herbal drinking, remove the Chishizhi, but add Daizheshi 30 gram (grind). If still worrying the taste of Qingdai, it can be depleted, and only use the Banxia and Daizheshi. 

It might be asked that: it is indicated in the book
Shennong Bencao Jingthat the Daizheshi can cause abortion. To use this formula for pregnancy nausea, and use the Daizheshi to replace the Chishizhi, do not worry its side effect of abortion? Answer: in severe case with pregnancy nausea, the lady could vomit even a mouth of water drink. Her Qi and liquid-fluid fail to fall down. This condition can last until a constipation, in which the stool is very hard to pass for months. Even worse, the hard stool is blocked on the lower opening of the stomach, and in between the small intestine and the large intestine, to cause the complete block there. The person feels very pain all over the abdomen, so as to risk the life. Since the condition is urgent, strong herbal therapy must be used to save the life. The herbal nature of the Daizhishi is originally not to break. Its heavy falling power only pushing down the formed blocking stuff. If the pregnancy has been more than six to seven months, its use might bear some problem of abortion. At the time of early stage of pragnacy with nausea, which is only two to three months of the pregnancy, the fetus physical body has not been formed yet. It is only a stagnation of the Qi and blood. In this case, the Daizheshi has no any blood-breaking function, so there is no worry for any side effect. In addition, the person with nausea, her Chongqi and Stomach Qi both reverse rushing up. The falling power of the Daizheshi could bend down their rushing up Qi, so the Qi movement in the body became calm.



When I treat the nausea in the early stage of pregnancy, and if the lady has block in the upper abdomen, she could not drink even a spoon of water. No matter water or herbal tea, once into her mouth, she would vomit it out, many doctors feel hard to treat so refuse to continue, I however use large amount of Daizheshi 30, 60, or 90 gram. Cook it into herbal tea and let the patient to drink slowly and gradually. It works to sop the vomit, break the block, without causing any hurt to the fetus. (please check the chapter for the discussion for Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang).



11. Da Shun Tang (Da here means great, big, significant; Shun means smooth)

This formula is used for the treatment of difficulty in childbirth. It should not be drunk early. It must be waited until the amniotic fluid breaks, the head of fetus moves to the the opening of the uterus.

党参(一两) 当归(一两) 生赭石(二两,轧细)

Wild Danshen 30 gram, Danggui 30 gram, Daizheshi 60 gram (grind).

Fry the Weizuhua (sunflower) seeds 3 gram. Drink with the herbal tea. It works as a herbal guider. It can be replaced by 3 gram of sunflower petal. It is also ok, if the two are not available.

If doubt that, the Daizheshi is a metal-stone, and dares not to use it in a large amount, it means that you do not understand the herbal nature of the Daizheshi. The herbal nature of the Daizheshi is very calm. Though it is heavy and with falling nature, it does not hurt the Qi or the blood, not to speak of the addition of the Dangshen, which nourish the Qi, and of the Danggui, that nourish the blood. In addition, the slight warm of the Dangshen and Danggui can balance the slight Cold nature of the Daizheshi. The reason for the difficuly in the childbirth, if not due to the Qi and/or blood deficiency, is due to the Qi and/or blood stagnation, so the fetus cannot fall out. Though the Dangshen and Danggui can nourish the Qi and blood, its nature is slight raising too. The heavy falling nature of the Daizheshi can balance the raising nature from the Dangshen and Danggui. Therefore, the combination of the three can help to speed up the opening of the uterus to induce the success of childbirth. The slippery nature of the Danggui, is originally good choice for childbirth. Used together with the Daizheshi, its slippery function works much better.

A lady, my relatives, the childbirth stopped for two days. Various ways to speed up the childbirth have been tried, but none worked. She felt the fetus Qi started to reverse. She was given this Da Shun Tang. One dose induced the childbirth successfully.

A lady, had childbirth stopped for three days. The condition was very dangerous. She was given this formula. One dose worked for her childbirth. After I started to use this formula, many cases have been saved. Take it easy to use it. It works.

附:卫足花即葵花,其子即冬葵子。缘此花若春日早种,当年即可结子。而用以催生,则季夏种之,经冬至明年结子者尤效,故名曰冬葵子。今药坊所鬻者,皆以丈菊子为冬葵子,殊属差误。盖古之所谓葵,与俗所谓向日葵者原非一种。古所谓葵即卫足花,俗呼为守足花者是也。因此花先生丛叶,自叶中心出茎,茎之下边尽被丛叶卫护,故曰卫足。茎高近一丈,花多红色、与木槿相似,叶大如木芙蓉。此为宿根植物,季夏下种,至次年孟夏始开花,结实大如钱,作扁形,其中子如榆荚,为其经冬依然发生,故其结之子名为冬葵子。须于鲜嫩之时采取,则多含蛋白质,故能有益于人。《圣惠方》谓采其子阴干,是当鲜嫩之时采而阴干之也。若过老则在科上自干,而无事阴干矣。又有一种,二、三月下种,至六月开花,其下无丛生之叶,不能卫足,而其茎、叶、花皆与葵无异,其治疗之功效亦大致相同,即药品中之蜀葵。《本草纲目》谓花之白者治 疟,是卫足葵与蜀葵皆治疟也。
Appendix: The Weizhuhua is the sunflower. Its seeds is the Dongkuizi. Its name comes from the fact that, if planted it in early spring, it can have seeds the same year. If it is to be used for speeding the childbirth, it should planted in the summer, and collect the seeds in the next year. Nowadays, herbal shop takes the Zhangjuzi as the Dongkuizi. It is wrong. The Kui called in ancient time, does not only mean the sunflower alone. In ancient time, the Kui means the Weizuhua, which is also called as Shouzuhua by folk. … its seeds is called Dongkuizi. …

至于俗所谓向日葵者,各种本草皆未载,惟《群芳谱》载之,本名丈菊,一名西番葵,一名迎阳葵,且谓其性能堕胎。然用其堕胎之力以催生,则诚有效验,是以大顺汤用其花瓣作引也。向日葵茎长丈许,干粗如竹,叶大如 ,花大如盘盂,单瓣黄色,其花心成窠如蜂房。迨中心结子成熟,而周遭花瓣不凋枯。其子人恒炒食之,知其无毒,且知其性滑,曾单用以治淋甚效。后与鸦胆子同用(鸦胆子去皮四十粒,用丈菊子一两炒捣,煎汤送下)治花柳毒淋,亦甚效,然不知其能治疟也。近阅《绍兴医药学报》载卢××述葵能医疟一节,则丈菊诚可列于药品矣。
For the sunflower, it was not listed in various herbal books, except in the book
Qun Fang Pu, in which it is called Zhangju, or Xifankui, or Yinyangkui. It is indicated that, it can cause abortion. Taking its abortion function to speed up the childbirth, it works well. For this, in the Da Shun Tang, it is used its flower petal as herbal guide. … The Sunflower seeds are well known no toxic. It is slippery in herbal nature. It alone can be used to treat the Lin condition (a condition similar to urine infection). Later, when it is used together with Yadanzi (Yadanzi 40 granules, remove its peel, fry with Zhangjuzi 30 gram, cook tea to drink) to treat sexual diseases, it worked very well. But it was not known that it can be used for the treatment of malaria too. Recently, there was an article by Mr. Lu, in theShaoxin Yiyao Xuebao, introducing that it can also treat malaria. Therefore, the Zhangju can be listed as a herb.


The childbirth-speeding function of the Zhangjuhua petal is stronger than its seeds. It was noticed that, to use the Zhangjuhua petal alone to speed the childbirth. It is pitty that it is not well known by most people. If use the Weizuzi for the childbirth-speeding, pay attention to the young or old seeds. If use the young Weizuzi, use 30, 60 or 90 grams. Grind it and cook to drink it. If use the old one, use 30 gram to make a dry-fry until the seeds broken. Then cook as herbal tea to drink.



12. Hexue Xifang Tang (Hexue here means to calm the blood; Xifang means to quiet down the Wind).

This formula is used for spasm after childbirth.

当归(一两) 生黄芪(六钱) 阿胶(四钱,不炒) 防风(三钱) 荆芥(三钱) 川芎(三钱)生杭芍(二钱) 红花(一钱) 桃仁(钱半,带皮尖捣)
Danggui 30 gram, Huangqi 18 gram, Ajiao 12 gram (do not fry), Fangfeng 9 gram, Jingjie 9 gram, Chuanqun 9 gram, Baishao 6 gram, Honghua 3 gram, Taoren 4.5 gram (with the peel and tip to grind)

Though this formula is used for the treatment of muscle spasm after childbirth, it actually works mostly to nourish the Qi and blood, since to nourish the normal Qi also means to expel the Xie Qi and when the blood is active in circulation, the Wind is easy to be expelled. If the spasm is due to heavy bleeding or heavy sweat during the childbirth, this formula should not be used, since it contains some herbs to disperse the body surface. In such case, the formula should be used that work to nourish the Yin blood, to nourish the tendons, so to stop the spasm. If the person has the blood deficiency and also the Qi deficiency, add Qi-nourishing herbs to help. Among the Qi-nourishing herbs, the Huangqi is the most commonly used, since it not only nourish the Qi, but also solve the Big Wind. (It is indicated in the book
Shennong Bencao Jingthat Huangqi dominates the treatment of Big Wind).

A woman had spasm on the seventh or eighth day after childbirth. She was given the sweat therapy several doses but no effect. She came to me for help. I thought that she had had already several times of sweat therapy, it appeared that she should not have the sweat therapy again to hurt her body liquid-fluid. I used Ajiao 30 gram, which was dissolved in water, to her to drink. One drink solved the condition. 

A lady, after ten days after the childbirth, had sweat all over the body and had muscle spasm. She was given the Shanyurou (remove the kernel) 30 gram, and Shangyao 30 gram. She was asked to drink the herbal tea two doses. The sweat and spasm both stopped.

A lady, lived in the fishing family in East Sea, felt cold, had no sweat, and had muscle spasm very much. At that time, I was by chance traveling there. Her family asked for formula. It is very far away from the house to the herbal shop, but there are many herb Mahuang in the beach that can be picked up to use. So, I used a handful of Mahuang, together with one fish piaojiao, to cook as herbal tea. She was asked to drink the tea with warm. After drink, she got sweat and the condition was solved. The use of the fish Piaojiao was to prevent over bleeding from the uterus, since the heavy bleeding could cause Yin deficiency, which again can cause the spasm. In addition, it was available in the fishing family.

A lady had heavy sweat after childbirth. She was wet for three layers of coverings. She felt palpitation, cloudy mind, and felt body-floating from time to time to the ceiling. It was a condition, in which her Yuan Qi was to escape, and the spirit is to escape out of the body. When I saw her, she still had heavy sweat, the pulse was floating and weak in all position. The pulse could not be felt upon heavier touch. It was urgently given her the herbal tea from Shangyao 30 gram, Shanyuyou 30 gram, and Baoshao 12 gram. After the drink, the sweat stopped and the mind was clear and calm. The next day, the herbal tea was not drunk so the condition recurred. At the time, I had returned home. The family came and brought the formula to me. I added Longgu 24 gram, and Muli 24 gram to the original formula. I told them to take it for several doses and the condition should be solved. However, the herb shop thought that the herbal formula was too Cold, and that it should not be taken for person after childbirth. The shop said the patient condition belonged to the Wind condition after childbirth, and they had ready formula for that, and tried to convince the family to buy their product. The family really bought it and gave to the patient for use. After use it, she had too much sweat and died. For this case, the patient had had too much sweat therapy that caused the spasm, now the herb shop gave the formula to continue the sweat, it worked as poison to the patient. This is really the lesion that, the sweat therapy should be used with care of the body condition, which is weakness or not.

In the book
Fu Qingzhu Nu Ke, it said: if a woman had sudden heavy loss of Qi and blood after childbirth, every part of the body lost nourishing; she felt sudden tight in mouth, spasm in arms and legs, which mimic the epilepsy; even if she has asthenic Fire floating with phlegm, treat its symptom only. Do not stick the fixed rule to use the herbal formula that work on the Wind and Phlegm. For such woman with significant weakness, use Shenhua Tang, with addition of Dangshen and Huangqi to nourish the Qi.  It also indicated: if the woman after childbirth felt chilly and nausea, felt shacking in body, felt hot and thirsty, people will think that she had Cold-invasion Shanghan disease. No one could realize that, such condition is due to the weakness in both Qi and blood in such woman, so that the normal Qi could not combat against the Xie Qi.

If the body normal Qi is sufficient, not weak, the Xie Qi is hard to invade. Woman after childbirth lost large amount of blood, her body Qi must be very weak. When the body Qi is weak, the skin layer has no force to defense, so that the Xie Qi is easy to invade. It is even no need for the Xie Qi to invade in, even upon the slight body movement, the Wind can feel easy to penetrate. However, the Wind after the childbirth is easy to come in and also easy to go out of the body. Even if the body is in deed invaded by the Wind, no need to use herbs to expel it. In addition, the chilly feeling after the childbirth is actually due to the inside weak, not due to the sealing of the body by invaded Cold. The body hot feeling is also due to the inside weakness. The body shacking is due to the Qi deficiency. To treat the inside Cold, the outside Cold will disperse by itself. To treat its inside weakness, the out hot feeling will solve by itself. To enhance the body Qi, the body shacking will stop too.

Comments: the statement by Dr. Fu Qingzhu is excellent. However his statement that, even if there is out-invading Xie Qi, no need to really expel it, needs to be discussed. If the woman after childbirth really has out-invading Shanghan disease, she should be given the herbs for the Shanghan disease to expel the Cold and/or Wind, with some other herbs to nourish the Qi and blood. If the Wind-Hot has past into the Yangming stage, the body has Hot both inside and outside of the body, with pulse of waving and sthenic evidence, even the herb Shigao can be used. For this, in the book
Jing Kui, there is formula of Zhupi Da wan to treat the condition, in which the woman feels weak in the breast, feels annoying and agitating, nausea and vomit. This formula contains Shigao.

In the book
Shennong Bencao Jing, it has been clearly indicated that the Shigao is used to produce breast milk. But, it is not used together with the herb Zhimu. It should mimic the Baihu Jia Renshen Tang, use large amount of Renshen, to nourish the Yuanqi, and also use the Xushen to replace the Zhimu, so to expel the Xieqi out. In this way, the Cold nature of the Shigao, can be balanced by the warm of the Renshen, so to remain in the stomach, to dissolve the dry-hot, and to prevent the herb effect falling downwards (the downwards effect is not good for woman after childbirth). (This has been discussed under the chapter for Shigao).

Appendix formulain the bookYi Ling Guai Cuo, there is a formula for the Wind condition post childbirth. It is the Huangqi Taohong Tang. It uses Huangqi 125 gram, Taoren 9 gram (with the peel and tip). Cook in water as herbal tea. For woman after childbirth with reverse body bend, this formula works well.


Appendix formula: In folk therapy, there is a formula, which uses Danggui 15 gram, Mahuang 9 gram, Honghua 9gram, Baizhu 9 gram, Dahuang 6 gram, Chuanqun 6 gram, Rougui 6 gram, and Ziyuan 6 gram. Cook it as herbal tea to drink. This herbal tea works very well. Even if the woman come to have spasm in the mouth, hard to drink anything. In such case, open the teeth and pour the herbal tea in. The condition is usually solved. However, people dared not to use this formula for fearing the Dahuang in it. They do not know that, the western medicine also used blood-breaking drugs for such woman. In the body of woman after chldborn, there is usually dead blood, or stagnated blood. Use the herb Dahuang to break and to open it means to activate the blood, so that the Wind will disappear. Additionally, there are the Mahuang and Rougui, for their spicy and warm, and the Danggui and Baizhu, for their nourishing function, all of which work together to protect the body, so that there should have no worry for the side effect from the Dahuang at all.  



13. Ziyin Qingwei Tang (Ziyin here means to nourish the Yin; Qingwei means to clear the Stomach).

This formula is used for the Wen disease after childbirth. The person has Yangming sthenic condition, has Hotness in both inside and outside of the body.

玄参(两半) 当归(三钱) 生杭芍(四钱) 甘草(钱半) 茅根(二钱)
Xuanshen 45 gram, Danggui 9 gram, Baishao 12 gram, Gancao 4.5 gram, Baimaogen 6 gram,

Cook the ingredients in water to prepare the two bowls of herbal tea. Drink the tea one bowl one time. If the condition is solved after the first drink, stop the drink of the remaining tea.


For a condition after childbirth, it is usually forbidden to use Cold herbs. However, if the disease has developed into the Yangming stage, the Cold herbs must be used. In such case, most doctors feel difficult. They do not know that, it has been clearly indicated in the book Shennong Ben Cao Jingthat the Shigao and Xuanshen work for breast disorders. If the condition is severe in which the disease is in the Yangming stage, it can be used the Baihu Jia Renshen Tang, with Shanyao to replace the Genmi, and with the Xuanshen to replace the Zhimu. If the condition is not so severe, use the Ziyin Qingwei Tang here. Both can work. I have used these two formula for many woman after childbirth. Doctors should trust the book Shennong Bencao Jing, no need to worry the Cold nature of the Shigao and Xuanshen. Not to speak of the Shigao and Xuanshen, in this book, it said they are only mild Cold, not very Cold.



14. Ziru Tang (Ziru here means to nourish the milk).

 This formula is used to promote breast milk production. The poor milk is due to the Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, or due to the block of the meridians. It works well.

生黄芪(一两) 当归(五钱) 知母(四钱) 玄参(四钱) 穿山甲(二钱,炒捣) 六路通(大者三枚,捣) 王不留行(四钱,炒)

Huangqi 30 gram, Danggui 15 gram, Zhimu 12 gram, Xuanshen 12 gram, Chuanshanjia 6 gram (fry and grind), Lulutong three (grind), Wangbuliuxing 12 gram (fry).


Use the towel gourd sponge as herbal director. Omit it if it is not available. It would be better to use two front feet of a pig to cook soup, and use it to cook the herbal tea.



15. Xiaoru Tang (Xiaoru here means to stop milk production)

This formula is used to solve the swelling and pain in the breast, or the newly formed pus condition in the breast (breast carbuncle). One dose can solve the condition. If the pus is formed, it can dissolve the swelling and to stop the pain, as well as to speed up the break of the pus. It also works for various swelling with red color or ulcer.

知母(八钱) 连翘(四钱) 金银花(三钱) 穿山甲(二钱,炒捣) 栝蒌(五钱,切丝) 丹参(四钱)生明乳香(四钱) 生明没药(四钱)
Zhimu 24 gram, Lianqiao 12 gram, Jinyinhua 9 gram, Chuanshanjia 6 gram (fry and grind), Gualu 15 gram (chop into silk form), Danshen 12 gram, Ruxiang 12 gram, Moyao 12 gram.

 When I was in Dezhou city, there was a lady, Mrs. Zhang, who had breast carbuncle. I used this formula to her. Two doses solved her condition. But she still felt slight pain sometimes. I convinced her to take one or two more doses to make a complete cure. I thought the condition had been cured. After several days, she felt swelling and pain again and came for help again. I said: this time, the herbs could not make it disappear completely. It must allow it to have little pus out, since the old disease was not completely cured, now it has ulcer with pus. It was true that the herbs did not work well later. She was then sent to the western medicine hospital. After several days, there was a open on the swelling spot of the breast. Doctor used a surgical knife opened it bigger, to make it easier to apply medication. After several more days, the ulcer became worse, with seven to eight ulcers on the breast. Doctor wanted to make them all connected each other. The patient felt scared and tried to go home and came to me again. When I saw her, there are pus and milk flowing from every openings. There was no way to apply medications from outside. However, to drink herbal tea to help the muscle growth faster, can also promote the expel of pus out. I promised her it needed ten days to cure. I prescribed Neituo Shenji San. Cooked it as herbal tea to drink, one dose one day. The herbs were cooked twice for each dose. It was true that, the condition was solved after ten days.  


Appendix formulaMr. Liu, my relatives, followed me to lean Chinese Medicine. He treated a lady who got a herbal formula for the treatment of the breast swelling and pain. The formula uses Baifan 4.5 gram, Xionghuang 4.5 gram, Songluo tea 4.5 gram. Grind the ingredients into powder. Separate the mixture into three parts. Drink one part a day with help of yellow wine for swallow. It is better to drink more cups of the rice-wine. This formula has been tested several times. It works very well. It is really marvelous formula. If there is no Songluo tea, use the high quality green tea instead.



16. Shengan Shuyu Tang

This formula is used to treat the vagina protrusion. It can also be used for liver weakness, with Qi stagnation.

生黄芪(六钱) 当归(三钱) 知母(三钱) 柴胡(一钱五分) 生明乳香(三钱) 生明没药(三钱) 川芎(一钱五分)
Huangqi 18 gram, Danggui 9 gram, Zhimu 9 gram, Chaihu 4.5 gram, Ruxiang 9 gram, Moyao 9 gram, Chuanqun 4.5 gram.

肝主筋,肝脉络阴器,肝又为肾行气。阴挺自阴中挺出,形状类筋之所结。病之原因,为肝气郁而下陷无疑也。故方中黄芪与柴胡、芎 并用,补肝即以舒肝,而肝气之陷者可升。当归乳香没药并用,养肝即以调肝,而肝气之郁者可化。又恐黄芪性热,与肝中所寄之相火不宜,故又加知母之凉润者,以解其热也。
The Liver dominates the tendons in the body. The Liver meridian is around the sexual organs and the Liver works on behalf of the Kidney to move the Kidney Qi. When the vagina protrudes out, it looks as knob of a tendon material. The reason for the vagina protrusion is the stagnation of the Liver Qi and its sink. For this reason, the herb Huangqi in the formula is used with the Chaihu and Chuanqun to nourish the Liver, so as to loose the  Liver and to smooth the Liver, and the sunk Liver Qi can also be raised up. The Danggui, when used together with the Ruxiang and Moyao, can nourish the Liver, so to adjust the Liver, so the stagnation can be dissolved. For fear that the Huangqi is hot in herbal nature, it might not match the Xiang Fire in the Liver, the herb Zhimu is used, for its cooling nature, to balance the hot of the Huangqi.

A lady, about 30 years of old, had the vagina protrusion. She was given the herbal formula for the vagina protrusion, cited from the book by Dr. Chen, the
Nu Ke Yao Zhi, no effect. Since I remembered that there is a formula in the book Fuqingzhu Nu Ke, for the same condition after childbirth. The lady usually felt angry that damaged the Liver, and when she had childbirth, she pushed very hard in labor, she had some material out of the vagina, which looked as tendons, but not tendons, looked also as flesh, but neither flesh. The book said to use the Liver-Qi raising herbs, and the condition should be solved. I followed the master’s direction, give her this formula. After several doses, the condition was much improved. After ten doses, the condition was cured.


A girl, 15 years of old, due to Big Qi sink from the chest, had pushing feeling during the bowel movement and urination, especially during the urination. She thought it was due to the block in the urine, so tried very hard to urinate, but suddenly there was material protruded out of the vagina, which looked as peach, with slight sharp tip, and which contracted the lower back falling and pain. The condition was worse at night so she groaned endlessly. She was given this Liyu Shenxian Tang, with the amount of Shenma doubled. After two doses, the pain stopped. After ten doses, the protruded material disappeared. The herbal tea works, since the Liyu Shenxiang Tang is similar to the Shengan Liyu Tang.



17. Zishen Tongmai Tang (Zishen here means to nourish; Tongmai means to conduct the blood circle).

This formula is used for the treatment of girl without menstruation and withered blood in the period. The girl has poor appetite, feels burning hot and cough.

白术(三钱,炒) 生怀山药(一两) 鸡内金(二钱,黄色的) 龙眼肉(六钱) 山萸肉(四钱,去净核)枸杞果(四钱) 玄参(三钱) 生杭芍(三钱) 桃仁(二钱) 红花(钱半) 甘草(二钱)
Baizhu 9 gram (fry), Huai Shanyao 30 gram, Jineijin 6 gram (yellow one), Longyanrou 18 gram, Shanyurou 12 gram (removal of kernel), Goujiguo 12 gram, Xuanshen 9 gram, Baishao 9 gram, Taoren 6 gram, Honghua 4.5 gram, Gancao 6 gram.

If the burning feeling remains, add Shengdi 18 gram to 30 gram. If the girl has cough, add Chuan Beimu 9 gram, Miqiao 6 gram (remove it after the cough stop). If she had diarrhea, remove the Xuanshen, but add Shoudi 30 gram and Fuling 6 gram, or increase the amount of Baizhu. If the diarrhea has no improvement, continue to drink the herbal tea, but also cook Shanyao into soup, mix with cooked egg yolk several. Drink this soup as normal meal, twince a day. Stop it if the diarrhea stops. If there is constipation, add Danggui and Ajiao several grams. If the urine is not smooth, add Cheqianzi 9 gram (fold in bag during cook), and Difuzi 6 gram, or increase the amount of Baishao (it is good to treat the harsh in urination). If the Liver Qi is stagnated, add Maiya (malt) 9 gram, Chuanqun 3 gram, and Ezhu 3 gram. If the sweat is too much, change the Shanyurou into 18 gram, with addition of Longgu 18 gram, and Muli 18 gram.

It is said in the book
Nei Jingthat, “The two Yang disease starts from the Spleen and Heart. The person has some willingness that was not met. In woman, it would show as stop of menstruation”. The “two Yang means the Yangming Stomach organ. If the stomach has disease, it can not digest the food. The reason for it is from the Heart and Spleen, due to something willingness that was not met. The Heart dominates the mind and the Spleen dominates the thinking. If the person has some desire, that cannot be met, her mind is stagnated, and the secretion of sour juice in the stomach would be reduced (the digestion of food depends on sour juice. When people is in happy, there would be more stomach juice secretion for digestion. If he is in worry and missing condition, there would be less production of stomach juice), so that the digestion of food is damaged, and so that there would have less blood to produce, which reflects as no menstruation in the girl.

治之者,自当调其脾胃,使之多进饮食,以为生血之根本。故方中用白术以健胃之阳,使之蠕动有力(饮食之消亦仗胃有 动)。山药龙眼肉,以滋胃之阴,俾其酸汁多生。鸡内金原含有酸汁,且能运化诸补药之力,使之补而不滞。血虚者必多灼热,故用玄参、芍药以退热。又血虚者,其肝肾必虚,故用萸肉、枸杞以补其肝肾。甘草为补脾胃之正药,与方中萸肉并用,更有酸甘化阴之妙。桃仁红花为破血之要品,方中少用之,非取其破血,欲借之以活血脉通经络也。至方后附载,因证加减诸药,不过粗陈梗概,至于证之更改多端,尤贵临证者,因时制宜耳。
To solve such problem, it should be to focus on the Spleen and Stomach, to make the person eat more, so to produce more blood. Therefore, in the formula, the herb Baizhu is used to nourish the Stomach Yang Qi, to make the stomach has power to move food. Shanyao and Longyanrou work to nourish the Yin to the stomach, so to create more stomach juice. The Jineijin originally contains the stomach juice. It can also promote the movement of the nourishing power from other herbs, to make the nourish not cause sticky side effect. If the person has blood deficiency, she must feel burning hot feeling. The herb Xuanshen and Shaoyao work to deplete the hotness feeling. When the blood is not sufficient, the Liver and Kidney must also be in deficiency. The Shanyuyou and Goujizi work to nourish the Liver and the Kidney. The Gancao is the main ingredient to nourish the Spleen and Stomach. It works with the Shanyuyou, bears the meaning of sour-sweet to develop the Yin. The Taoren and Honghua are the key herbs to break the blood clots. Little use of them in the formula is not to take their advantage to break the clots, but to activate the blood vessels, so to promote the blood circulation. For the guide line after the formula for the the modification of the ingredients, is only a outline. In clinic, doctors should modify it according to each person’s body condition. It is flexible.

Miss Cao, in Cangzhou city, was 16 years of old. She had no menstruation yet. She had poor appetite. Her body is slim and thin. She felt burning hot in the body. Her pulse was five times per breath circle, which was thin and weak. She was given the Zisheng Tongmai Tang. After five doses, the burning feeling stopped, and the appetite increased. The Xuansheng and Shaoyao were reduced by 3 gram for each. Herb Danggui 9 gram and Niuxi 9 gram were added. After ten doses, the body was stronger than before and the pulse was also stronger. To the formula, added ten Chuji (in folk, it is called Hongniangchong). After additional seven to eight doses, the menstruation came. The Chuji was removed from the formula. Additional several more doses were prescribed for a maintenance.

Miss. Ma, in Fengtian city, had menstruation upon 14 years of old. On the autumn of her 15 years of old, due to too much eat of melon and fruit, she had diarrhea for months. From that time, her menstruation stopped. She had brought to various doctors for help. On the summer of her 16 years of old, her condition was worse. So, she came to me for help. She was very slim and thin in the body condition, had slight short of breath, dry cough without phlegm, felt hot in the afternoon, especially at night. She had poor appetite, and diarrhea. The pulse was six times per breath circle, which was slightly thin and weak. I first gave her Shanyao powder 24 gram to mix with hot water as soup to drink, then add egg yolk (cooked) four to mix and to continue to cook the mixture for one to two boiling. After drink of the tea, she was given the western medicine two tablets of Pepsin to help the digestion. This was repeated twice a day. Upon the forth day, the diarrhea stopped. After another several days, the whole condition was improved with some level. She was then given the Zisheng Tongmai Tang, with removal of Xuanshen, but with addition of Shengdi 15 gram, Chuanbeimu 9 gram. The herbal formula was continued for ten days. The burning feeling reduced by 80%, the appetite increased, and cough and asthma was much improved. So, the Shengdi was changed to Shoudi, with addition of Niuxi 15 gram. After ten doses, the body was much stronger without any discomfort, but the menstruation did not show yet. So, to the formula, added Zhechong five,
e.g. the Tubiechong, the one with transverse striation on its back is the real and true one; the one with smooth back is false one, and Chuji ten. After four doses, the menstruation came. So, the Zhechong and Chuji were removed off. The herbal tea was continued fro several doses for a maintenance.

马姓女十七岁。自十六岁秋际,因患右目生内障,服药不愈,忧思过度,以致月闭。自腊月服药,直至次年孟秋月底不愈,求为延医。其人体质瘦弱,五心烦热,过午两颧色红,灼热益甚,心中满闷,饮食少许,即停滞不下,夜不能寐。脉搏五至,弦细无力。为其饮食停滞,夜不能寐,投以资生通脉汤,加生赭石(研细)四钱,熟枣仁三钱,服至四剂,饮食加多,夜已能寐,灼热稍退,遂去枣仁,减赭石一钱,又加地黄五钱,丹皮三钱,服约十剂,灼热大减。又去丹皮,将龙眼肉改用八钱,再加怀牛膝五钱。连服十余剂,身体浸壮健。因其月事犹未通下,又加 虫五枚、樗鸡十枚。服至五剂,月事已通。然下者不多,遂去樗鸡、地黄,加当归五钱,俾服数剂,以善其后。

Miss Ma, 17 years of old, suffered from eye disease on her right eye. She took medications but no improvement. She so felt worry very much, so much so that the menstruation stopped. She took herbs from the December last year till the autumn next year, the condition was no improvement. She came to me for help. She was very slim and thin. She felt hot on the palm and sole. After noon, her cheek was fresh red in color and the hot was severe. She felt fullness in the chest, had poor appetite. After eat little bit, she would feel block of food on the stomach area. She could not sleep at night. Her pulse was five times per breath circle, which was thin, string and weak. For her food block-bloating feeling and hard to have a sleep at night, I used Zisheng Tongmai Tang to her, with addition of Daizheshi (grind) 12 gram, processed Zaoren 9 gram. After four doses, her appetite was increased, and the sleep was improved, the burning hot was reduced to some level. So the Zaoren was removed, the Daizheshi was used as 9 gram, Hui Niuxi was added 15 gram, Dangpi 9 gram. This formula was drunk for ten doses. The Burning feeling was reduced. In the formula, herb Danpi was removed, Longyanrou was changed to 24 gram, Niuxi was to 15 gram. Continuous ten doses later, her body was much stronger, but the menstruation did not come yet. To the formula, added Zhechong 5, Chuji 10. The herbal tea was drunk for five doses, and the menstruation came. But the blood in the menstruation was not much. The Chuji and Dihuang was removed, Danggui 15 gram was added. Additional several doses were used as a maintenance.