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Chapter 12. herbs for stroke



1. Soufeng Tang (Sou here means to search in Chinese; Feng means wind)


This formula is used for the treatment of Wind-attack condition, which is similar to the stroke in western medicine, but bears broader clinic condition than the stroke.

防风(六钱) 真辽人参(四钱,另炖同服,或用野台参七钱代之,高丽参不宜用) 半夏(三钱)生石膏(八钱) 僵蚕(二钱) 柿霜饼(五钱,冲服) 麝香(一分,药汁送服)
Fangfeng 18 gram, Zhen Liao Rensheng 12 gram (cook separately from other herbs, or use wild Taishen 21 gram to replace. Gaolishen, e.g. Korea ginsheng should not be used), Banxia 9 gram, Shigao 24 gram, Jiangcan 6 gram, Shishuangbing 15 gram (drink it with herbal tea from other ingredients), Shexiang 0.3 gram (drink as Shishuangbing).


Wind-attack is usually due to heavy weakness in the body, or to original weak body constitution, or to too hard and heavy labor work, or mind work. The Wind penetrates directly into the organs, so as to cause function disorder of the organs. The person may fall down without consciousness, or hard to talk; or hard to have urine or bowel movement; or have leak in the urine or stool; or the arms and/or legs are paralysis, hard to move, or have muscle withered. This is a dangerous condition. If the Wind attack is mild, the life can last for years. If the attack is strong, and the treatment is not proper, the life is lost within days. In the formula, large amount of herb Fangfeng is used, which brings the Shexiang (e.g. the musk) deep into the organs to search the Wind. For the consideration that the body is weak in the Yuan Qi, so the body itself has no ability to expel the Wind out, the Rensheng is used to nourish the Yuan Qi, to help the body to expel the Wind out. Shigao is used to clear extra Hot in the body, since the stay of the Wind in the organs can develop Hot; and the use of Rensheng can also create Hot. The Shigao is heavy in mass but light in taste. Its herbal nature is mild cold. Its heavy nature allows it penetrate deep into the organs; its light nature allows it float to the body skin layer; its cold nature allows it to clear the Hot, e.g. to clear the Hot due to the use of Rensheng.

Dr. Xu Lingtai said: the Wind Xie Qi that causes the Wind attack has Qi but no form. It penetrates into the meridians and vessels. The longer time it stays, the deeper it penetrates in. If use the herbs that is opposite from the Xie Qi, the Xie Qi refuses the herbal Qi out. For the solution, the herbs that bear similar nature as the Xie Qi have to be used as a guider to bring other herbs in and to the diseased position. In this way, the Xie Qi can accept, adapt, and stay with the coming herbal Qi. Along with the expelling of the herbal Qi, the Xie Qi would also follow to expel out, either from the sweat, or from urine, or from stool, no longer to stay in the body. This is the “following” therapy. Herbal Jiangcan is the dry body of the silkworm. It is dried due to wind and it is in the same category as the Wind, so it is good at bring Wind-expelling herbs to the diseased location. The Banxia and Shishuang work to remove Phlegm, since this condition is usually due to the accumulation of Phlegm in the body.


If in the Wind-attack condition, the body still has sign of common cold, which became deep to develop Hot, Sweating herbs should be used soon to release the common cold and to solve the inside Hot symptoms. If there is sign for the exist of Wind in the inside body, refer to the later chapter and formulas for the corresponding treatment. By this way, a herbal formula that combined the use of Wind-expelling herbs for the common cold and for the inside Wind blowing would be complete.

中风之证,有偏寒者,有偏热者,有不觉寒热者。拙拟此方治中风之无甚寒热者也。若偏热者,宜《金匮》风引汤加减(干姜桂枝宜减半)。若偏寒者,愚别有经验治法。曾治一媪,年五十许,于仲冬忽然中风昏倒,呼之不应,其胸中似有痰涎壅滞,大碍呼吸。诊其脉,微细欲无,且迟缓,知其素有寒饮,陡然风寒袭入,与寒饮凝结为恙也。急用胡椒三钱捣碎,煎两三沸,取浓汁多半茶杯灌之,呼吸顿觉顺利。继用干姜六钱,桂枝尖、当归各三钱,连服三剂,可作呻吟,肢体渐能运动,而左手足仍不能动。又将干姜减半,加生黄 五钱,乳香没药各三钱,连服十余剂,言语行动遂复其常。
Some Wind-attack stroke condition is with Cold; some with Hot; and some is neither Cold or Hot. The formula here is for those without clear Cold or Hot. If the condition is more Cold, I have another way to solve it. I treated a old lady, about 50 years of old. She suddenly got the Wind-attack stroke in a winter. She lost consciousness and fall down on the ground. It appeared having phlegm in the chest, which affected the breath. Her pulse was mild, thin, late, almost could not be feel. It was considered to be a condition, in which the lady had Cold-Water in the body for a long time, the Cold-Wind attacked the body in a erupt manner. The Cold-Wind clotted with the Cold-Water to cause the stroke. I asked in a hurry the family to grind 9 gram Hujiao (pepper), cooked for three boiling and collect the condensed herbal tea about 100 ml, and poured the herbal tea to the patient. After that, her breath became easier.. So, Ganjiang (dry ginger) 18 gram, Guizhi tip 9 gram, Danggui 9 gram were cooked. After three doses, she was able to sign and the extremes to move gradually, but the left hand and left foot remained not moving. The Ganjiang was reduced to half; with addition of Huangqi 15 gram, Ruxiang 9 gram, and Moyao 9 gram. Contineous ten doses, everything turned normal.

If the person is not weak in his Yuan Qi, and his condition is only attacked by the Wind Xie occasionally, the herb Rensheng can be omitted, but add Wugong (centipede) one, and Quanxie (scorpion) 3 gram. The condition is very asthenic (very strong condition, no a weak condition), and the block is very strong, or the urine and stool movement are blocked completely, or the pulse feels stagnated and coarse, add Dahuang several grams, so to open the inside and to loose the body surface, mimicking the formula Fangfeng Tongshen San.



Dr. Xu Lingtai treated a man. He had lots of phlegm usually. One day, he felt numn in the hands and feet and suddenly fall down and lost consciousness. He had urine leak; his mouth is tightly closed, as well as his hands. He had phlegm noise very sound. Some doctors had prescribed the herb Rensheng and Shoudi and other herbs. The herbal tea were prepared ready but not drunk yet. His pulse was strong, big and strong. His face was red and breath is strong too. His condition belonged to Phlegm-Fire, an asthenic condition, which blocked all of the opening of the body (the eye, the ear, the mouth, the urine tract and the anus). If the herbal tea was drunk, he would lose life right away. So, the formula was changed to sue Xiao Xuming Tang, with removal of Guizhi and Fuzi, but with additional of Dahuang 3 gram (in powder form, and pretended to be different herb, for preventing fear by others). After three doses, the person started to have voice. After five doses, he started to talk. The following herbs were to nourish the blood and expel the phlegm. After one month, his walk was as normal as before. Comparing this case with the case I treated, the Cold condition and the Hot condition in the stroke are clear. For person with stroke, urine leakage suggests a Xu condition usually, but in the case introduced here, it belongs to an asthenic condition. So, in clinic, each person’s condition should be assessed individually, not just following the book or previous experience. However, generally speaking, true Stroke is not common, but the Nei stroke, e.g. stroke-similar condition, is more common. The stroke is only one or two person out of one hundred stroke patients. If the diagnosis is not correct, the life is to be lost in a very short time. This concept has to be beared in mind.



2. Zhufeng Tang (Zhu here means expelling in Chinese; Feng: the wind).

This formula works for spasm during a stroke or after skin break/ulcer.

生黄芪(六钱) 当归(四钱) 羌活(二钱) 独活(二钱)全蝎(二钱) 蜈蚣(大者两条)
Huangqi 18 gram, Danggui  12 gram, Qianghua 6 gram, Duhuo 6 gram, Quanxie 6 gram, Wugong two big ones.

Wugong is good to search Wind, to conduct meridians and organs and to calm down the nerves. Its herbal nature is also very calm. Never see a patient who takes it for a long time and develops dizziness feeling.

There was a old lady, 60 years of old, had her leg bit by a dog and got Wind attack after the bit. She had spasm and shacking whole of the body. A old doctor had seen her. She took his herbs for ten days but the condition became worse. In the herbs he used, always had Quanxie several grams, together with herbs to expel Wind, activate blood, and to nourish the Qi. Only the Wugong was not involved in the formula. So, I used the formula here. One dose stopped the problem. Additional formula cured the condition. It never recurred later.

Another patient, 30 years of old, suddenly had twist in eyes and mouth. The eye on the sick side was not able to blink. So, I used two Wugong (grind into powder), Fangfeng 15 gram. Cooked them to drink. After three doses, the condition is solved. The reason for this is because the function of the Wugong is different from other herbs. It not only works to treat the Wind condition, but also used in the early stage of ulcer or carbuncle. In the later stage, I always add the Wugong in the nourishing herbs. It always works. Though it is said in the book
Shennong Bencao Jingthat it can cause abortion, in such stroke spasm, and if other herbs do not work, it is better used to try.




3. Jiawei Huangqi Wuwo Tang (Jiawei means with addition of, in Chinese here; Huangqi is the name of a herb; Wuwo means five ingredients).

 This formula is used for multiple joint pain, or only the pain on the arms or legs. The hand cannot hold stuff, and the foot cannot walk.

生黄芪(一两) 于术(五钱) 当归(五钱) 桂枝尖(三钱) 秦艽(三钱) 广陈皮(三钱)生杭芍(五钱) 生姜(五片). 热者加知母,凉者加附子,脉滑有痰者加半夏
Huangqi 30 gram, Baizhu 15 gram, Danggui 15 gram, Guizhi tips 9 gram, Qingjiu 9 gram, Chenpi 9 gram, Baishao 15 gram, Fresh Ginger five pieces. In Hot condition, add herb Zhimu; in Cold condition, add Fuzi. If the pulse is slippery suggesting phlegm, add Banxia. 

《金匮》桂枝芍药知母汤,治历节风之善方也。而气体虚者用之,仍有不效之时,以其不胜麻黄防风之发也。今取《金匮》治风痹之黄 五物汤,加白术以健脾补气,而即以逐痹(《神农本草经》逐寒湿痹)。
In the book
Jing Kui, the Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Tang was the one for such Lijie Feng (multiple arthritis). It works very well. However, if it is used to a person with weakness condition, it may not work some times, since such body cannot tolerate the dispersing effects from the herb Mahuang and Fangfeng. Now, we modify the Huangqi Guizhi Wuwo Tang, the herbal formula from the same book, with addition of Baizhu to nourish the Spleen and the Qi, so as to solve the Bi syndrome (pain in the joints). (in the book Shennogn Bencao Jing, the Baizhu also works to remove Wetness Bi syndrome).


Herb Danggui helps to develop blood in the body. When the blood is active, it can expel the Wind. The herb Qingjiu is Wetness in herbal nature, it can also expel the Wind. Its herbal nature is pretty calm. It expels the Wind without damage to the blood. Chenpi is the dry peel of orange. It works as the assistant to the herb Huangqi, can direct the Wind in the muscle and meridian to the skin and leave the skin through the skin holes. …




Letter from Mr. Zhang, Qing city in Zhili province.


Mr. Zhang, who lived in Huibei province, suffered from multiple arthritis (Lijie Wind). He took herbs for years without any improvement. He felt hard to walk and needed to take more dressing before the weather becomes cold. His pulse was floating and frequent and strong. It is considered as the weakness in the meridian with Hot in it. This Huangqi Wuwo Tang was prescribed to him, with addition of Zhimu, Yiyiren, fresh Sangzhi, Niuxi and Mutong. After one dose, he felt better for the pain. After three doses, he could walk without helper. After five doses, the condition was totally solved. Recent years, I used this formula for the treatment of gout and multiple arthritis, with many success cases. If the person has no Hot, the original formula works well.

Letter from Mr. Wang, from Pingtai city, Jiangsou province:


Mr. Gui had paralysis and withered extremes. He has been visiting various doctors without help. It was middle summer. He was given the Jiawei Huagnqi Wuwo Tang. After several doses, his problem was totally solved.


4. Jiewei Yupingfeng San (Jiawei means with addition; Yu mean valuable here; Pingfeng means screen; San means powder)

治破伤后预防中风,或已中风而螈 ,或因伤后房事不戒以致中风。

This formula is used for prevention of stroke (tetanus) after skin break, or to prevent muscle shacking after stroke, or to prevent the stroke due to extraordinary sex activity after skin break.

生黄芪(一两) 白术(八钱) 当归(六钱) 桂枝尖(钱半) 防风(钱半) 黄蜡(三钱) 白矾(一钱) 作汤服。
Huangqi 30 gram, Baizhu 24 gram, Danggui 18 gram, Guizhi tips 4.5 gram, Fangfeng 4.5 gram, Huangla 9 gram, Baifan (alum) 3 gram.

此方原为预防中风之药,故用黄 以固皮毛,白术以实肌肉,黄蜡、白矾以护膜原。犹恐破伤时微有感冒,故又用当归防风桂枝以活血散风。其防风桂枝之分量特轻者,诚以此方原为预防中风而设,故不欲重用发汗之药以开腠理也。
This formula is originally used for prevention of Wind-attack (tetanus-stroke). The herb Huangqi is to enhance the skin layer; Baizhu to make the muscle stronger; the Huangla and Baifan to protect the fibro membrane under the skin layer. For the fear that there might be common cold when the skin is broken, use Danggui, Fangfeng, Guizhi to activate the blood and to expel the Wind. In this formula, the amount of the Fangfeng and Guizhi is less than normally used, for the reason that it is for prevention, not for creating sweat to open the skin layer.

In the book
Shennong Bencao Jing, it is said that herb Huangqi works for strong Wind condition. In this formula, it is used 30 gram. Together with other herbs as helper, it works to expel the Wind. If the body has already had spasm due to the stroke, add Wugong (two). If the stroke-spasm is due to wrong sex activity, add additional Lujiao Jiao (deer thorn) 9 gram (drink the herb with help of herbal tea cooked from other ingredients), and Duohuo 4.5 gram. If there is Hot sign in the pulse, add Zhimu and Tianmendong.

After creation of this formula, it is given to the person to drink for one dose, to prevent stroke after skin break. The person who tried this has never reported to have tetanus problem. This formula has been used in such way for tens of years.

A man, who is my relatives, had his palm shot through with gun. He suffered from tetanus-stroke, with teeth bit tightly. It did not work to pour herbs through his teeth leak and his condition was very dangerous. Previously, there was someone who used this formula to prevent tetanus-stroke. Mr. Gao saw it and cited it. Now, Mr. Gao used this formula to the patient. After one dose, the condition was solved.


Another man, after break and due to sex activity, had tetanus-stroke. No herbs worked for him. My friend Mr. Mao treated him by giving this formula. It worked. Originally, I prepared this formula to prevent tetanus. Now it is known that it works so well in many ways. This is beyond my expectation.


5. Zhengan Xifeng Tang (Zhen here means to suppress; Gan means the organ liver; Xi means to kill (fire), to die, to reduce down; Feng means wind).

This formula is used to solve para-stroke condition (it is a condition similar to the stroke, but not caused by bleeding in the brain, but by too much blood rushing in the brain, or to too little blood supply to the brain). The pulse was string, long and strong (such pulse can be felt in high blood pressure). The person may have upper-overwhelming, but lower-weakness condition; or often feels dizziness; or feels pain and hot in the brain; or feels bloating in the eyes and ringing in the ears; or feels annoying hot in the heart; or feels hiccup or burping; or gradually feels hard to move arms or legs; or gradually feels twisting of eyes and mouth; or the face turns red as drunken; or even feels dizziness as to fall down, loses consciousness, awake after a while; or after wake up, feels low mode in emotion; or feels paralysis or withered in the arms or legs.

怀牛膝(一两) 生赭石(一两,轧细) 龙骨(五钱,捣碎) 牡蛎(五钱,捣碎) 生龟板(五钱,捣碎) 生杭芍(五钱) 玄参(五钱) 天冬(五钱) 川楝子(二钱,捣碎) 麦芽(二钱)茵陈(二钱) 甘草(钱半)
Huai Niuxi 30 gram, Daizheshi 30 gram, Longgu 15 gram, Muli 15 gram, Guiban 15 gram, Baishao 15 gram, Xuanshen 15 gram, Tianmendong 15 gram, Chuan Lianzi 6 gram, Maiya 6 gram, Yinchen 6 gram, Gancao 4.5 gram.

If feel very hot in the heart, add Shigao 30 gram. If there is lots of phlegm, add Dannanxin 6 gram. If the pulse on the Chi position is too weak, add Shoudi 24 gram and Shanyurou 15 gram. If the stool is not in formed, remove Guiban and Daizheshi, but add Chishizhi (Dr. Yu Jiayan said that Chishizhi can replace the Daizheshi) 30 gram.


The para-stroke is with the Chinese name as Neizhong, meaning that the Wind is developed inside of the body, not comes from the outside of the body. In the bookNei Jing, it is said that “Every Wind condition and shacking condition belong to the Liver.” This is because the Liver is Wood organ. If the Wood-Fire is overwhelming, there would create Wind. This is due to the Liver Wood is in disorder so that the Wind develops from the Liver. In addition of the Lung Qi not falling down, and the Kidney Qi not functioning to hold, and the Chong Qi an Stomach Qi turning reversely, so that all of the Qi mostly move up to the brain and less of them fall down. The blood follows the reversed Qi to the brain. For the blood rushing up too much, it also blocks the blood vessels in the brain and so affects the verve systems. In severe cases, this can disturb the function of the nerves, to cause loss of consciousness. The western medicine termed it as cerebral hyperemia, since they see such blood vessel changes by anatomy.

In the formula, herb Niuxi brings blood down, so it is the major herb to solve symptom. The Longgu, Muli, Guiban and Shaoyao work to suppress the Liver Wind; Daizheshi to reduce the reversed Stomach Qi; Xuanshen and Tianmendong to clear the Lung Qi, to make the Lung Qi move down, so as to suppress the Liver Wood. That the pulse is weak in the Chi position suggests that the True Yin in the Kidney is damaged, which cannot make connect with the True Yang in the heart, so that the True Yang rushes up, brings the blood up to press the brain. For this reason, herb Shoudi and Shanyurou are used to nourish the Kidney and to restrain the Kidney. These are the herbal ingredient in original formula. Later, it was found that, though this formula works in most cases, there are some cases, in which the initial drink of the herbal tea may cause the Qi and blood rushing up to make the condition worse. After addition of Maiya, Yinchen and Chuanliianzi solved this problem. The nature of the Liver is as a general in the body. Its nature is aggressive and short temple. If the herbs used are also aggressive, it may trigger the Liver to rebound. The herb Yinchen is the young spring of plant Qinghao. It bears the growing nature of early spring. It is similar to the nature of the Liver in stretching and expanding. Its use could follow the nature of the Liver to remove the stagnation of the Liver Qi. Chuanlianzi is good to bring the Liver Qi down, and to suppress the reverse temple of the Liver. If the heart feels hot, it suggest the exist of a out-coming Xie Qi in the body, which has turned into Hot. The addition of Shigao is to solve this problem. If the body has phlegm, add Dannanxin to clear it, since the phlegm may block the movement of normal body Qi.  

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It is called para-stroke, for the reason to distinguish it from the stroke, which is caused by Wind that comes from outside of the body, while the para-stroke is caused by inside Wind. After Tang dynasty and Song dynasty, the two conditions were mixed up. However, their treatments are quite different. If the diagnosis is wrong, to use Wind-expelling herbs to disperse it, the organ blood would raise up following the raising herbal Qi, so the blood in the brain would become much more than it can hold, and the blood vessels in the brain would break to cause death. This is a big mistake committed by doctors after the Tang and Song dynasties.


Dr. Liu Hejian, at the end of the Song dynasty, realized that, the Wind that causes the stroke does not need all coming from the outside of the body. He so created the theory that, the emotions of the five organs, if it is too much, can create inside Fire, which can also cause the stroke condition. This concept deduced from the statement in the book Nei Jingthat “Every kind of Wind, spasm, shack and dizziness belongs to and associated with the Liver.” The reason is that, the Liver belongs to the Wood. There is Xiang Fire hosted inside the Liver.

He so suggested: if the Wood is too strong, and if the Xiang Fire is also strong, the Fire can so create Wind. For the asthenic Fire, use the herbal formula of Baihu Tang and Sanhuang Tang to kill off the big Fire. For the stagnated Fire, use Xiaoyao San to disperse it. (in the Xiaoyao San, the herb Chaihu can bring the blood rusing up, so it should not be used. For this reason, in the Zhengan Xifeng Tang, use Yinchen and Maiya and so on to disperse the Liver). For the Fire in both the body surface and inside, use Tongshen San (the herb Fangfeng should not be used), Liangge San, to solve the Xie Qi in both layer of the body. He also recommended to use Liuwei Tang to nourish the Water in the body, so use the Water to conflict against the Fire. Use Bawei Wan to conduct the Fire back into the Kidney. (Although it is to bring the Fire back home in Kidney, the herb Guizhi and Fuzi had better not to be used.)

细审河间所用之方,虽不能丝丝入扣,然胜于但知治中风不知分内外者远矣。且其谓有实热者,宜治以白虎汤,尤为精确之论。愚治此证多次,其昏仆之后,能自苏醒者多,不能苏醒者少。其于苏醒之后,三四日间,现白虎汤证者,恒十居六七。因知此证,多先有中风基础,伏藏于内,后因外感而激发,是以从前医家,统名为中风。不知内风之动,虽由于外感之激发,然非激发于外感之风,实激发于外感之因风生热,内外两热相并,遂致内风暴动。此时但宜治外感之热,不可再散外感之风,此所以河间独借用白虎汤,以泻外感之实热,而于麻桂诸药概无所用。盖发表之药,皆能助血上行,是以不用,此诚河间之特识也。吾友张山雷(江苏嘉定人),着有《中风 诠》一书,发明内中风之证,甚为精详。书中亦独有取于河间,可与拙论参观矣。
Studying the formulas used by Dr. Liu Hejian, though the formulas are not exactly perfect for the treatment, it is better than not knowing the difference between the outside Wind and inside Wind conditions. His statement that Baihu Tang should be used in asthenic condition is very correct. I have treated many cases with such condition. After fall and lost consciousness, many patients could wake up by them selves, and little could not. After waking up, six to seven out of ten of them showed such Baihu Tang condition. So, it is known that, such person had had the basis to the stroke before, which hidden inside of the body, and it was triggered out by out-coming Xie Qi (common cold). This is the reason that pervious doctors believed that the stroke is caused only by out-coming Xie Qi attack. These doctors did not know that, the rushing of the inside Wind is triggered out by the common cold, not by the outcoming Wind, but by the Hot created by the out-coming Wind. The combination of the inside Hot and the outside Hot triggered the rushing up of the inside Wind. At this time, we should cool down the out-coming Hot, but not expel the out-coming Wind. This is why he used the Baihu Tang to cool down the out-coming Hot, but not used any herbs, such as Mahuang and Guizhi, since such herbs, for dispersing nature, could promote the rushing up of blood into the brain. Not to use them is his special realization and contribution. My friend Zhang Shanlei (Jieding city, Jiangsou province) published a book
Zhong Feng Quan, in which he introduced the stroke condition in detail. He also discussed the way how the Dr. Liu treated the stroke. That can be a reference to what I said here.

Later in the Yuan dynasty, Dr. Li Donghuang and Dr. Zhu Danxi created the theory of Qi-dominated, and the Wetness-dominated stroke, beside the inside-Wind-dominated stroke theory by Dr. Liu Hejian.

Dr. Li said, if the person is weak in his Yuan Qi, the Xie Qi will steal in to cause the person falling down and losing consciousness as a stroke. The blood in the body flows following the movement of the Qi. If the rushing-up Qi is too much, it would bring too much blood up to the brain, so as to press the brain nerves to cause loss of consciousness, as indicated in the bookNei Jing. If the up-moving Qi is not enough, there would be no enough blood to supply the brain, as as also to cause loss of consciousness, similar to a stroke. This comment is also as indicated in the bookNei Jing: if there is no enough Qi moving up to supply the brain, the brain is not full; the ear would ring and the eye would be dizzy, and the head would slant. From this statement, it appears that, in severe condition when the blood supply is not enough, there could be a stroke-like condition happen. When he mentioned the brain is not in full, it should refer to the anemia in the brain. For this, what Dr. Li means the para-stroke, has no relationship with what Dr. Liu meant condition with too much blood supply to the brain. It is therefore clear that, Dr. Liu Hejian means that the para-stroke can be due to too much blood in the brain; while the Dr. Li Donghuan means that it can be due to too less supply of blood to the brain. One is asthenic condition and another one is a weakness condition. They are quite opposite. It has nothing to do with the amount of blood supplying to the brain.

Dr. Zhu Danxi also pointed out that, in the south China, the weather is more humidity, which develops Phlegm; the Phlegm creates Hot; the Hot creates the Wind; and the inside Wind so causes the para-stroke. However, in his theory, the para-stroke is actually caused by the Phlegm, not by the Wind. It is the Phlegm that blocks the nerve systems in the brain to cause loss of consciousness, not due to Wind actually. Even if the too much or too less blood in the brain causes the para-stroke, and there might be phlegm, the phlegm is the accompanying phenomenon, not the cause of the para-stroke.

Comments: the statement by Dr. Zhu Danxi that Hot can develop Wind seems the same as the statement by Dr. Liu Hejian that the Wind is caused by the Fire. They are actually not the same meaning. For Dr. Liu Hejian, he means tha the Fire is developed from the Dryness, so in his herbs, he used more herbs that work to wet the dryness and to nourish the Yin, while the herbs used by Dr. Zhu Danxi were more to clear the Phlegm and to remove the Wetness. We do not mean that the Wetness would not develop the Hot, but that when the Wetness develops into the Hot, it is rare to create Liver Wind (the Liver Wind is more due to the Dryness and Hot). For such comparison, the statement by Dr. Liu Hejian is more correct.

至清中叶王勋臣出,对于此证,专以气虚立论。谓人之元气,全体原十分,有时损去五分,所余五分,虽不能充体,犹可支持全身。而气虚者经络必虚,有时气从经络虚处通过,并于一边,彼无气之边,即成偏枯。爰立补阳还五汤,方中重用黄 四两,以峻补气分,此即东垣主气之说也。然王氏书中,未言脉象何如。若遇脉之虚而无力者,用其方原可见效。若其脉象实而有力,其人脑中多患充血,而复用黄 之温而升补者,以助其血愈上行,必至凶危立见,此固不可不慎也。前者邑中某人,右手废不能动,足仍能行。其孙出门,遇一在津业医者甫归,言此证甚属易治,遂延之诊视。所立病案言脉象洪实,已成痪证无疑。其方仿王氏补阳还五汤,有黄芪八钱。服药之后,须臾昏厥不醒矣。夫病本无性命之忧,而误服黄芪八钱,竟至如此,可不慎哉!
Up to Qing dynasty, Dr. Wang Xunchen focused on the Qi deficiency to cause the para-stroke. He said, the body Yuan Qi is a whole unit. If the Yuan Qi has been exhausted five parts, the remaining five parts could not fill up the whole body, but can still handle the function of the whole body. When the Qi is deficient, the meridian is also weak. When the Qi passes the weaken part of the meridian and accumulated in one side, the another side would have no enough Qi to nourish, so as to cause paralysis. He introduced the herbal formula of Buyang Huanwu Tang, using large amount of Huangqi (120 gram) to nourish the Qi. This is the theory of Dr. Li Donghuan too. However, in the book by Dr. Wang, it was not indicated the pulse. If the pulse is weak and not strong, this formula can work. If the pulse is strong, the person tends to have more blood in the brain. The use of large amount of Huangqi would raise more blood to the brain. The patient condition would be in danger. This risk has to be pointed out here. There was a case as such. A man had right hand hardly to move, but he can still walk. One day, his grandson traveled out and met a doctor in Tianjing city. The doctor said that this disease is easy to solve. So the doctor was invited to have a look at the patient. According to the case record, the pulse was big and asthenic, and the paralysis was established. He followed the Dr. Wang Buyang Huangwu Tang, adding Huangqi 24 gram in it. After drinking of the tea, the patient fall into coma without consciousness. You see, this patient was originally no risk to the life yet. The mis-use of the Huangqi 24 gram caused such worse condition. How pity it is!

Mr. Liu, after come to Tianjing City, had hot feeling in the brain quite often. He felt dizziness from time to time and felt annoying in the heart. His pulse was string, long and strong on both sides. It was considered to be the brain blood-bloating condition. His condition is due to his angry and long term of over mind work and worry. For his hot feeling in the brain, he was asked to put green beans into his pillow, as a out-therapy. He was also given this Zhengan Xifeng Tang, with addition of Dihuang 30 gram. After several doses, he no longer felt hot in the brain. In the formula, the Chuanlianzi was removed, and the Shengdi was changed to 18 gram. After ten days about, his pulse was calm and no annoying feeling in the heart either. So the herbal tea was stopped.


Another case: a lady felt sudden headache. Doctor suspected she had Wind-attack common cold, so gave her Wind-expelling herbs. The pain became worse so that she cried continuously. I was invited to have a look. Her pulse was string, hard and long, especially on the left side. It was considered to be due to Liver Fire rushing up too much. She was then given the Zhengan Xifeng Tang, with addition of Longdancao 9 gram, to deplete the Liver Fire. After one dose, the condition was improved half. Another two doses later, the headache stopped, but the pulse was still strong. So, the herb Longdancao was removed, but Shengdi 18 gram was added. After another several doses, the pulse became normal. Then the herbal therapy stopped.



6. Jiawei Buxue Tang (Bu here mean to supply; Xue means blood).



This formula is used for person, who feels tired, weak, hard to move arms or legs gradually; or he feels heavy in head and dizziness; or had cloudy mind, easy to forget; or feels tightness in the brain. In severe case, he fall down without consciousness. After waked up, he had paralysis in the arms and/or legs, or in whole body. His pulse was late and weak. This is the weakness and cold condition of a para-stroke. (If the Liver is overwhelming, there would be Wind; if the Liver is too weak, there would also be Wind created). This is the anemia condition in western medicine. Longer intake of this herbal tea should cure the condition.

生黄芪(一两) 当归(五钱) 龙眼肉(五钱) 真鹿角胶(三钱,另炖同服) 丹参(三钱) 乳香(三钱) 没药(三钱) 甘松(二钱)
Huangqi 30 gram, Danggui 15 gram, Longyanrou 15 gram, Lujiaojiao 9 gram (cook separately), Danshen 9 gram, Ruxiang 9 gram, Moyao 9 gram, and Gansong 6 gram.

If feel hot after drinking this herbal tea, add Tianhuafeng and Tianmendong several grams. If feel fullness, add Jineijin 4.5 gram, or 6 gram. After several doses, if there is not clear improvement, drink 0.03 gram of Shexiang, or Bingbian (Borneol) 0.3 gram, with the help of the herbal tea cook from other herbs for swallowing. If still no effect, drink processed Maqianzi (vomintting nut) 0.6 gram with the help of herbal tea from other herbs.

脑充血者,其脑中之血过多,固能伤其脑髓神经。脑贫血者其脑中之血过少,又无以养其脑髓神经。是以究其终极,皆可使神经失其所司也。古方有补血汤,其方黄 当归同用,而黄 之分量,竟四倍于当归,诚以阴阳互为之根,人之气壮旺者,其血分自易充长。况人之脑髓神经,虽赖血以养之,尤赖胸中大气上升以斡旋之。是以《内经》谓上气不足,脑为之不满,耳为之苦鸣,头为之倾,目为之眩。所谓上气者,即胸中大气上升于脑中者也。因上气不足,血之随气而注于脑者必少,而脑为之不满,其脑中贫血可知。且因上气不足,不能斡旋其神经,血之注于脑者少,无以养其神经,于是而耳鸣、头倾、目眩,其人可忽至昏仆可知。
… In old time, there is a formula also called Buxue Tang, in which the Huangqi and Danggui are used together. The amount of Huangqi is four times of Danggui, for the reason that, the Yin and the Yang shares the same source. If the person has sufficient Yang Qi, the blood is also easy to produce. The brain nervous system depends on the blood to nourish, especially on the Big Qi in the chest to move up to the brain to manipulate. … If the Big Qi is not enough to move up to the Brain, so as not able to manipulate the blood nourishment to the nerves, the nerves loses nourishment, so as to have ear ringing; head slant, eye dizziness, as well as loss of consciousness.

由此知因脑部贫血以成内中风证者,原当峻补其胸中大气,俾大气充足,自能助血上升,且能斡旋其脑部,使不至耳鸣、头倾、目眩也。是以此方不以当归为主药,而以黄芪为主药也。用龙眼肉者,因其味甘色赤,多含津液,最能助当归以生血也。用鹿角胶者,因鹿之角原生于头顶督脉之上,督脉为脑髓之来源,故鹿角胶之性善补脑髓。凡脑中血虚者,其脑髓亦必虚,用之以补脑髓,实可与补血之药相助为理也。用丹参乳香没药者,因气血虚者,其经络多瘀滞,此于偏枯痿废亦颇有关系,加此通气活血之品,以化其经络之瘀滞,则偏枯痿废者自易愈也。用甘松者,为其能助心房运动有力,以多输血于脑,且又为调养神经之要品,能引诸药至脑以调养其神经也。用麝香、梅片者,取其香能通窍以开闭也。用制过马钱子者,取其能 动脑髓神经使之灵活也。
Therefore, for those whose para-stroke is due to the anemia in the brain, their Big Qi in the chest should be supplied first. When the Big Qi is sufficient, it can help the blood up to the brain to nourish the nerves and to prevent the ear ringing, head slant, and eye dizziness. For this reason, the herbal formula here uses Huangqi as the main ingredient, not the Danggui. The herb Longyanrou, for its sweet in taste, red in color, and rich in juice, works to help Danggui to produce more blood. The deer thorn glue grows on the top of the head, where is the location of the Doumai (Dou meridian). The Doumai is the course of brain spine. So, the Lujiaojiao is good to nourish the brain and spine. Whenever the blood is insufficient in the brain, its brain-spine is weak too. Use the Loujiaojiao to nourish the brain-spine, can actually help the blood production. Since in the Qi-blood deficiency condition, the meridian is usually also stagnated and blocked, which is partial course for the para-stroke. The use of Danshen, Ruxiang and Moyao can activate the blood in movement, so to remove the block in the meridians, to improve the process in the recovery of para-stroke. Herb Gansong is to improve the function of heart, to supply more blood to the brain. It is also a herb to nourish the nerves, and direct other herbs to the brain. Shexiang (husk) and Bingpian (borneol) are fragrant, so able to open the conduct in the brain. The processed Maqianzi can make the brain nerves more flexible in signal transduction.

甘松,即西药中之缬草,其气香,味微酸。《神农本草经》谓其治暴热、火疮、赤气、疥瘙、疽痔、马鞍、热气。《名医别录》谓其治痈肿、浮肿、结热、风痹、不足、产后痛。甄权谓其治毒风, 痹,破多年凝血,能化脓为水,产后诸病,止腹痛、余疹、烦渴。大明谓其除血气心腹痛、破 结、催生、落胞、血晕、鼻血、吐血、赤白带下、眼障膜、丹毒、排脓、补痿。西人则以为兴奋之品,善治心脏麻痹、霍乱转筋。东人又以为镇静神经之特效药,用治癫狂、痫痉诸病。盖为其气香,故善兴奋心脏,使不至于麻痹,而其馨香透窍之力,亦自能开痹通瘀也。为其味酸,故能保安神经,使不至于妄行,而酸化软坚之力,又自能化多年之 结,使尽消融也。至于其能补痿,能治霍乱转筋者,即心脏不麻痹,神经不妄行之功效外着者也。孰谓中西医理不相贯通哉?
Gansong is the valerian. It is fragrant in smell, and its taste is mild sour. It is indicated in the book
Shennong Bencao Jingthat it can treat sudden Hot, Fire ulcer, red Qi, skin rash, pus, hernia. …. Western people believe that it can activate nerves, good at the treatment of heart disease (weak to pump), and of spasm during cholera. Asian people know that it has especially nerve-calming property, so use it to treat madness, epilepsy, spasm, etc. For its fragrant, it can activate the heart, but not to a level of anesthesia. For its fragrant-penetrating property, it can open the block and remove the stagnation. For its sour taste, it can calm down nerves, to prevent the disorder of nerve function. For its sour-melting property, it can dissolve long term block. The reason for its ability to solve the paralysis and withered, to solve spasm in cholera, is similar to the reason to stimulate the heart but not causing stop of the heart beat; and to stimulate the nerve but nto causing spasm. How said that the western medicine and the Chinese medicine can not share the same meaning?

高姓臾,年过六旬,渐觉两腿乏力,浸至时欲眩仆,神昏健忘。恐成痿废,求为延医。其脉微弱无力。为制此方服之,连进十剂,两腿较前有力,健忘亦见愈,而仍有眩晕之时。再诊其脉,虽有起色,而仍不任重按。遂于方中加野台参、天门冬各五钱,威灵仙一钱,连服二十余剂始愈。用威灵仙者,欲其运化参、 黄芪之补力,使之灵活也。
A old man with family name of Gao, 60 years of old, gradually felt weakness on leg. The condition developed until he could almost fall down from time to time, felt cloudy mind and easy to forget things. For fear of being withered and paralysis, he visited me for help. His pulse was mild, and weak. I gave him this formula. After ten doses, his feet felt much stronger, and the memory loss was also with some improvement, but still felt dizziness from time to time. His pulse, when felt again, felt improved but not completely yet. So, in the formula, added wild Taishen, Tianmendong, 15 gram for each; Weilingxian 3 gram. After another twenty doses, the condition was completely solved. The herb Weilingxian can help the Rensheng, Dangshen and Huangqi in their nourishing function.

My student, Mr. Zhang treated a man, who was 30 years of old. The patient bear heavy stuff and walked hundreds of miles per day, with sitting on the cold ground from time to time. Later, he felt pain in the leg and hard to walk. The condition gradually developed to his inability to turn body on bed; whole body bone and tendons felt as paralysis and withered. No any herbs worked for his condition. Mr. Zhang gave him this Jiawei Buxue Tang, with the Ruxiang and Moyao in it changed to 18 gram, and with addition of herb Shanyurou 30 gram. After several doses, the pain stopped. After another ten doses, the condition was completely solved.


Comment: the Jiawei Buxue Tang is originally used for the Qi-blood deficiency in the para-stroke condition. With little modification, it can solve the leg pain with excellent result. The doctor is really good at the herbal therapy.