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Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683


Shen Non Ben Cao Jing





Explanation for the translation

There are more than 20 books on Chinese herbal pharmacology. The book introduced here is only one of them. We chose to introduce it here for the reason that there is evidence showing that the use of herbs in the <<Shang Han Lun>> comes most possible from this book.

Also, this book is only partially translated, since there are many herbs in this book that are either rarely used or no longer used now a days.

We also remind our readers that, you have to learn from various Chinese herbal pharmacology books so as to really understand the herbalogy. No any book on Chinese herbal pharmacology, include the text book used in TCM schools, contains complete knowledge on Chinese herbal pharmacology.


上品药物 (Top class herbs)


1. 丹沙 Dan Sha

2. 云母 Yun Mu

3. 玉泉 Yu Quan

4. 石钟乳 Shi Zhong Ru

5. 涅石 Nie Shi

6. 消石 Xiao Shi (Mang Xiao – Glauber Salt)

7. 朴消 Pu Xiao (also Glauber Salt)

8. 滑石 Hua Shi (Talcum)

9. 石胆 Shi Dan

10. 空青 Kong Qing

11. 曾青 Zen Qing

12. 禹余粮 Yu Yu Liang (Limonitum)

13. 太乙余粮 Tai Yi Yu Liang (similar to Limonitum)

14. 白石英 Bai Shi Ying (White crystobalite)

15. 紫石英 Zi Shi Ying (Purple Fluorite) 

16. 青石脂、赤石脂、黄石脂、白石脂、黑石脂等 Blue Shi Zhi, Red Shi Zhi, Yellow Shi Zhi, White Shi Zhi, black Shi Zhi

17. 白青 Bai Qing

18. 扁青 Bian Qing

19. 石菖蒲 Shi Chang Pu (Sweet Sedge, Acorus tatarinowii)

20. 鞠华 Ju Hua

21. 人参 Ren Shen (Ginseng)

22. 天门冬 Tian Men Dong (Lucid asparagus)

23. 甘草 Gan Cao (Liquorice, Glycyrrhiza uralensis)

24. 干地黄 Sheng Di (adhesive rehmannia dried root)

25. 白术 Bai Zhu (white atractylodes rhizome, Atractylodes macrocephala)

26. 菟丝子 Tu Si Zi (the seed of Chinese dodder, Cuscuta chinensis)

27. 牛膝 Niu Xi (the root of bidentate achyranthes)

28. 充蔚子 Chong Wei Zi (seeds of motherwort, Leonurus japonicus)

29. 女萎 (玉竹) Yu Zhu (radix polygonati officinalis, Polygonatum odoratum)

30. 防葵 Fang Kui

31. 柴胡 Chai Hu (the root of Chinese thorowax, Bupleurum chinense)

32. 麦门冬 Mai Men Dong (radices ophiopogonis, Ophiopogon japonicus)

33. 独活Du Huo (doubleteeth pubescent angelica root, Angelica pubescens)

34. 车前子Che Qian Zi (plantain seed, Plantago asiatica)

35. 木香 Mu Xiang (common aucklandia root, Aucklandia lappa)

36. 署豫 Shu Yu

37. 薏苡仁 Yi Yi Ren (coix seed, Coix lacryma-jobi)

38. 泽泻 Ze Xie (rhizoma alismatis, Alisma orientalis)

39. 远志 Yuan Zhi (polygala root, Polygala tenuifolia)

40. 龙胆 Long Dan Cao (radic gentianae, Gentiana manshurica)

41. 细辛 Xi Xin (manchurian wildginger, Asarum heterotropoides)

42. 石斛 Shi Hu (the stem of noble dendrobium, Dendrobium loddigesii)

43. 巴戟天 Ba Ji Tian (Morinda officinalis, Morinda officinalis)

44. 白英 Bai Ying

45. 白蒿 Bai Hao

46. 赤箭 Chi Jiang

47. 奄闾子 Yan Li Zi

48. 析蓂子 Xi Ming Zi

49. 蓍实 Zhe Shi (alpine yarrow fruit)

50. 六芝赤芝、黑芝、青芝、白芝、黄芝、紫芝Ling Zhi (glossy ganoderma)

51. 卷柏 Juan Bo (Selaginella tamariscina)

52. 蓝实 Lan Shi

53. (川芎) Xiong Qiong ChuanXigong(Ligusticum wallichii)

54. 蘼芜 Mi Wu

55. 黄连 Huang Lian (the rhizome of Chinese goldthread; Coptis chinensis)

56. 络石 Luo Shi

57. 蒺藜子 Ji Li Zi (Tribulus terrestris)

58. 黄耆 Huang Qi (Astragalus hoangtchy, Astragalus membranaceus)

59. 肉松蓉 Rou Cong Rong (Herba Cistanches, Cistanche deserticola)

60. 防风 Fang Fen (radix sileris, Saposhnikovia divaricata)

61. 蒲黄 Pu Huang (pollen typhae, Typha angustifolia)

62. 香蒲 Xiang Pu

63. 续断 Xu Duan (teasel root, Dipsacus asperoides)

64. 漏芦 Lou Lu (uniflower swisscentaury root)

65. 营实 Ying Shi

66. 天名精 Tian Ming Jing

67. 决明子 Jue Min Zi (cassia seed, Cassia obtusifolia)

68. 丹参 Dan Shen (the root of red-rooted salvia, Codonopsis pilosula)

69. 茜根 Qian Gen (madder root, Rubia cordifolia)

70. 飞廉 Fei Liang

71. 五味子 Wu Wei Zi (the fruit of Chinese magnoliavine, Schisandra chinensis)

72. 旋华 Xuan Hua

73. 兰草 Lan Cao

74. 蛇床子 She Chuang Zi (Fructus Cnidii, Cnidium monnieri)

75. 地肤子 Di Fu Zi (belvedere fruit, Kochia scoparia)

76. 景天 Jing Tian (red-spotted stonecrop)

77. 茵陈 Yin Chen (oriental wormwood, Artemisia scoparia)

78. 杜若 Du Ruo

79. 沙参 Sha Shen (the root of straight ladybell, Morus alba)

80. 白兔藿 Bai Tu Huo

81. 徐长卿 Xu Chong Qing (paniculate swallowwort root, Cynanchum paniculatum)

82. 石龙刍 Shi Long Chu

83. 薇衔 Wei Xian

84. 云实 Yun Shi

85. 王不留行 Wang Bu Liu Xin (the seed of cowherb, Vaccaria segetalis)

86. 升麻 Shen Ma (rattletop, Cimicifuga heracleifolia)

87. 青蘘 Qing Rang

88. 姑活 Gu Huo

89. 别羁 Bie Ji

90. 屈草 Qu Cao

91. 淮木 Huai Mu

92. 牡桂 Rou Gui (Chinese cassia tree, Cinnamomum cassia)

93. 菌桂 Jun Gui

94. 松脂 Song Zhi (pine resin)

95. 槐实 Huai Shi (Fructus Sophorae)

96. 枸杞 Gou Qi (Matrimony vine, Cibotium barometz)

97. 柏实 Bo Shi (Semen Platycladi)

98. 茯苓 Fu Ling (Poria Cocos)

99. 榆皮 Yu Pi (Elm Bark)

100. 柏木 Bo Mu (weeping cypress)

101. 干漆 Gan Qi (dried lacquer)

102. 五加皮 Wu Jia Pi (Cortex Acanthopanax Radicis)

103. 蔓荆实 Man Jing Zi (shrub chastetree fruit)

104. 辛夷 Xin Yi (Flos Magnoliae, Magnolia biondii)

105. 桑寄生 Sang Ji Shen (loranthus parasiticus, Taxillus chinensis)

106. 杜仲 Du Zhong (the bark of eucommia, Eucommia ulmoides)

107. 女贞实 Nu Zhen Zi (glossy privet fruit, Ligustrum lucidum)

108. 木兰 Mu Lan

109. 蕤核 Rui He

110. 橘柚皮 Ju Pi (Orange peel )

111. Fa (hair)

112. 龙骨 Long Gu (sil fragments, Os draconis)

113. 麝香 She Xiang (musk)

114. 牛黄 Niu Huang (calculus bovis)

115. 熊脂 Xiong Zhi

116. 白胶 Lu Jiao Jiao (antler glue)

117. 阿胶 A Jiao (donkey-hide gelatin)

118. 丹雄鸡Dan Xiong Ji ()

119. 雁肪 Yan Fang

120. 石蜜 Shi Mi

121. 蜂子 Feng Zi

122. 蜜蜡 Feng La (Bee wax)

123. 牡蛎 Mu Li (Ostrea gigas)

124. 龟甲 Gui Ban (tortoise shell)

125. 桑螵蛸 Sang Piao Xiao (mantis egg-case)

126. 海蛤 Hai He (sea clam)

127. 蠡鱼 Li Yu

128. 鲤鱼胆 Li Yu Dan (gall bladder of carp)

129. 藕实茎 Lian Ou (Lotus root)

130. 大枣 Da Zao (Chinese date, Ziziphus jujuba)

131. 葡萄 Pu Tao (grapes)

132. Fu Peng Zi (Rubus idaeus)

133. 鸡头实 Qian Shi (Gorgon fruit)

134. 胡麻 Hu Ma (flax)

135. 麻贲 Huo Ma Ren (hemp seed)

136. 冬葵子 Dong Kui Zi (cluster mallow fruit, Malva verticillata)

137. 苋实 Bai Jian (wrinkledfruit amaranth herb)

138. 瓜蒂 Gua Di (muskmelon pedicel)

139. 瓜子 Gua Zi  (melon seeds)

140. 苦菜 Ku Cai (common sowthistle herb)


中品药物 (Middle class herbs)


141. 雄黄X iong Huang (realgar)

142. 石硫黄 Liu Huang (Sulfur)

143. 雌黄 Ci Huang (orpiment)

144. 水银 Shui Yin (mercury)

145. 石膏 Shi Gao (plaster stone. Gypsum fibrosum)

146. 磁石 Ci Shi (magnetite)

147. 凝水石 Nin Shui Shi

148. 起石 Yang Qi Shi (actinolite)

149. 孔公孽 Kong Gong Nie

150. 殷孽 Yin Nie

151. 铁精 Tie Jing

152. 理石 Li Shi

153. 长石 Chong Shi

154. 肤青 Fu Qing

155. 干姜 Gan Jiang (Dried ginger, Zingiber officinale)

156. 枲耳实 Xi Er Shi

157. 葛根 Ge Gen (the root of kudzu vine, Pueraria lobata)

158. 蒌根 Gua Lu Gen (radix trichosanthis, Trichosanthes kirilowii)

159. 苦参 Ku Shen (radix sophorae flavescentis. Sophora flavescens)

160. 当归 Dang Gui (Chinese angelica, Angelica sinensis)

161. 麻黄 Ma Huang (Chinese ephedra, Ephedra sinica)

162. 通草 Tong Cao (ricepaper pith, Tetrapanax papyriferus)

163. 芍药 Shao Yao (Chinese herbaceous peony, Paeonia lactiflora)

164. 蠡实 Li Shi

165. 瞿麦 Ju Mai (dianthus superbus)

166. 元参Yuan Shen (radix scrophulariae)

167. 秦艽 Qin Jiu (large-leaved gentian)

168. 百合 Bai He (artichoke, Lilium lancifolium)

169. 知母 Zhi Mu (rhizoma anemarrhenae, Anemarrhena asphodeloides)

170. 贝母 Bei Mu (the bulb of fritillary)

171. 白芷 Bai Zhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae)

172. 淫羊藿 Yin Yang Huo (epimedium herb, Epimedium brevicornum)

173. 黄芩 Huang Qin (Scutellaria baicalensis, Scutellaria baicalensis)

174. 狗脊 Gou Ji (rhizoma cibotii, Cibotium barometz)

175. 石龙芮 Shi Long Rui (Ranunculus sceleratus L.)

176. 白茅根 Bai Mao Gen (Rhizoma Imperatae, Imperata cylindrica)

177. 紫菀 Zi Wan (tartarian aster)

178. 紫草 Zi Cao (Alkanna tinctoria, Lithospermum erythrorhizon)

179. 败酱草Bai Jiang Cao (atrina glass, Patrinia scabiosaefolia)

180. 白藓皮 Bai Xuan Pi (dictamni cortex, Dictamnus dasycarpus)

181. 酸酱 Suan Jiang (Chinese lantern plant)

182. 紫参 Zi Shen (salvia chinensis)

183. 槁本 Gao Ben (Ligusticum. sinense)

184. 石苇 Shi Wei (herba pyrrosiae, Pyrrosia lingua)

185. Bi Xie (Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae)

186. 白薇 Bai Wei (blackend swallowwort root)

187. 水萍 Shui Ping (duckweed)

188. 王瓜 Wang Guo (Trichosanthes cucumeroides)

189. 地榆 Di Yu (garden burnet)

190. 海藻 Hai Zao (seaweed)

191. 泽兰 Ze Lan (herba lycopi, Lycopus lucidus)

192. 防己 Fang Ji (Stephania tetrandra)

193. 款冬花 Kuan Dong Hua (common coltsfoot flower, Tussilago farfara,)

194. 牡丹 Mu Dan Pi (the root bark of the peony tree)

195. 马先蒿 Ma Xian Hao

196. 积雪草 Ji Xue Cao

197. 女菀 Nu Yuan

198. 王孙 Wang Sun

199. 蜀羊泉 Shu Yang Quan (dulcamara)

200. 嚼床 Jue Chuang

201. 假苏 Jia Su  

202. 翘根 Qiao Gen

203. 桑根白皮 Sang Gen Bai Pi (White part of mulberry roots)

204. 桑耳 Sang Er  

205. 竹叶 Zhu Ye (bamboo leaves)

206. 吴茱萸 Wu Zhu Yu (evodia rutaecarpa)

207. 栀子 Zhi Zi (Cape jasmine, Gardenia jasminoides)

208. 芜荑 Wu Yi

209. 枳实 Zhi Shi (immature orange fruit, Citrus aurantium)

210. 浓朴 Hou Pu (Mangnolia officinalis, Magnolia officinalis)

211. 秦皮 Qin Pi (the bark of ash, Fraxinus rhynchophylla)

212. 秦菽 Qin Jiao ()

213. 山茱萸 Shan Zhu Yu (asiatic cornelian cherry fruit, Cornus officinalis)

214. 紫葳 Zi Wei

215. 猪苓 Zhu Ling (Polyporus Umbellatus)

216. 白棘 Bai Jili (Tribulus terrestris)

217. 龙眼肉 Long Yan Rou (Arillus Longan)

218. 松萝 Song Luo  

219. 卫矛 Wei Mao

220. 合欢皮 He Huan Pi (silktree albizia bark, Albizia julibrissin)

221. 白马茎 Bai Ma Jing

222. 鹿茸 Lu Rong (pilose deer horn)

223. 牛角 Cow Horn

224. 羊角 Yi Yang Jiao (Yi sheep horn)

225. 牡狗阴茎 Mu Gou Yin Jing (the penis of male dog)

226. 羚羊角 Ling Yang Jiao (antelope horn)

227. 犀角 Xi Jiao (rhinoceros horn)

228. 燕屎 Yan Shi (swallow faeces)

229.天鼠屎 Tian Shu Shi (Bian Fu Shi) (bat faeces)

230. 猬皮 Wei Pi (hedgehog skin and fur)

231. 露蜂房 Lu Feng Fang (nidus vespae, the net of bee)

232. 鳖甲 Bie Jia (turtle shell)

233. Xie (crab)

234. 柞蝉 Zha Can (cicada)

235. 蛴螬 Qi Cao

236. 乌贼鱼骨 Wu Zai Gu (inkfish bone)

237. 白僵蚕 Bai Jiang Can (silkworm larva)

238. 蛇鱼甲 She Yu Jia (Alligator sinensis)

239. 樗鸡 Shu Ji (Hong Niang Zi) (Lycorma delicatula White)

240. 蛞蝓 Kuo Yu

241. 龙子 Shi Long Zi (lizard)

242. 木虻 Mu Meng ()

243. 蜚虻 Fei Meng

244. 蜚廉 Fei Liang  

245. Zhe Chong (Chinese Polyphaga)  

246. 伏翼 Fu Yi (Bian Fu) (bat)

247. 梅实 Mei Shi (plum kernel)

248. 大豆黄卷 Da Dou Huang Juan (semen sojae germinatum)

249. 赤小豆 Chi Xiao Dou (red phaseolus bean)

250. 粟米 Su Mi (maize; corn)

251. 黍米 Shu Mi (Huang Mi) (milled glutinous broomcorn)

252. 蓼实 Liao Shi

253. 葱实 Cong Shi  

254. 水苏 Shui Su


下品药物 Lower class herbs


255. 锻石 Duane Shi (Limestone)

256. 礜石 Yu Shi ()

257. 铅丹 Qian Dan ()

258. 粉锡 Xi Feng ()

259. 代赭石 Dai Zhe Shi (red ocher)

260. 戎盐 Rong Yan (halite)

261. 白垩 Bai E (chalk)

262. 冬灰 Dong Hui

263. 青琅 Qing Lang  

264. 附子 Fu Zi (monkshood, Aconitum carmichaeli)

265. 乌头 Wu Tou (the rhizome of Chinese monkshood)

266. 天雄 Tian Xiong ()

267. 半夏 Ban Xia (Pinellia ternata)

268. 虎掌草 Hu Zhang Cao (brook anemone)  

269. 鸢尾草 Yuan Wei Cao (orris)

270. 大黄 Da Huang (rheum officinale, Rheum palmatum)

271. 葶苈 Ting Li Zi (Semen Lepidii)

272. 桔梗 Jie Gen (Platycodon grandiflorum)

273. 莨荡子 Lang Dang Zi ()

274. 草蒿 Cao Hao (Artemisia apiacea)

275. 旋复花 Xuan Fu Hua (inula flower, Inula japonica)

276. 藜芦 Li Lu (black false hellebore)

277. 钩吻 Gou Wen

278. 射干 She Gan (blackberry lily, Belamcanda chinensis) 

279. 蛇合 She He

280. 恒山 Hen Shan  

281. 蜀漆 Shu Qi (antifebrile dichroa branchlet and leaf)

282. 甘遂 Gan Shui (kanziol)

283. 白蔹 Bai Lian (radix ampelopsis)

284. 青葙子 Qin Xiang Zi (feather cockscomb seed)

285. Huan Jun  

286. 白芨 Bai Ji (common bletilla tuber, Bletilla striata)

287. 大戟 Da Ji (root of Beijing euphorbia)

288. 泽漆 Ze Qi (wartwort)  

289. 茵芋 Yin Yu

290. 贯众 Guan Zhong (Cyrtomium fortunei)

291. 荛花 Rao Hua (Laplacea canescens)

292. 牙子 Ya Zi

293. 羊踯躅 Yang Zhi Shu (Rhododendron sinensis Sweet.)

294. 商陆 Shang Lu (pokeberry root)

295. 羊蹄 (董草) Yang Ti  

296. 萹蓄 Bian Xu (Polygonum aviculare)

297. 野狼毒 Ye Lang Du

298. 白头翁 Bai Tou Wen (the root of Chinese pulsatilla)   

299. 鬼臼 Gui Yao  

300. 羊桃 Yang Tao

301. 女青 Nui Qing

302. 连翘 Liang Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae)

303. 兰茹 Lan Ru  

304. 乌韭 Wu Jiu

305. 鹿藿 Lu Huo

306. 蚤休 Zao Xiu (bistortae,rhizoma)

307. 石长生 Shi Chang Shen

308. 荩草 Jin Cao  

309. 牛扁 Niu Bian

310. 夏枯草 Xia Ku Cao (selfheal, Prunella vulgaris)

311. 芫花 Yuan Hua

312. 巴豆 Ba Dou (croton seed)

313. 蜀菽 Shu Shu

314. 皂荚 Zao Jia (Chinese honey locust)

315. 柳华 Liu Hua

316. 川楝子(金铃子) Chuan Lian Zi (Fructus Meliae Toosendan)

317. 郁李仁 Yu Li Ren (Semen Pruni, Prunus japonica)

318. 莽草 Mang Cao  

319. 雷丸 Lei Wan

320. 桐叶 Tong Ye

321. 梓白皮 Zi Bai Pi (bark of Chinese catalpa)

322. 石南 Shi Nan  

323. 黄环 Huang Huan

324. 溲疏 Sou Shu

325. 鼠李 Shu Li  

326. 药实根 Yao Shi Gen

327. 栾华 Luan Hua

328. 蔓椒 (两面针) Man Jiao

329. 豚卵 Tong Luan  

330. 麋脂 Mi Zhi

331. 六畜毛蹄甲 Mao Ti Jia  

332. 虾蟆 Xia Mo

333. 马刀 Ma Dao

334. 蛇蜕 She Tui (Snake slough)

335. 蚯蚓 Qiu Yin (earthworm)

336. 土蜂 Tu Feng (bee, scoliid)

337. Wu Gong (centipede)

338. 水蛭 Shui Zhi (leech)

339. 斑蝥 Ban Zhe (Chinese blister beetle)

340. 贝子 (珍珠) Bei Zi Zheng Zhu(pearl)

341. 石蚕 Shi Can ()

342. 雀瓮 Que Wen

343. 蜣螂 Qiang Lang

344. 蝼蛄 Lu Gu

345. 马陆 Ma Lu

346. 地胆 Di Dan

347. 鼠妇 Shu Fu

348. 荧火 Ying Huo

349. 衣鱼 Yi Yu

350. 彼子 Bi Zi

351. 桃核仁 Tao Ren (peach kernel)

352. 杏仁 Xing Ren (almond)

353. 腐婢 Fu Bi

354. 苦瓠 Ku Gua (Bitter cucurbit)

355. 水靳 Shui Jin