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The experience in the use of Chinese herbal therapy



Introduction of clinic experience of Dr. Hu, Xiru (2)




经方治疗冠心病的经验 (Coronary Heart Disease)

从病例谈治疗脑病经验 (Brain-origin diseases)

美尼尔氏及癫痫水饮上犯最常见 (Meniere’s disease and epilepsy)

治疗血证经验 (Disease in blood system)

系统性红斑狼疮论治 (Lupus)

论治淋证 (Infectious disease in urinary system)


 前列腺炎治疗经验谈 (Prostatitis)

肾炎病初探 (Nephritis)

头痛的辨证论治 (Headache, migraine)

阑尾炎的治疗经验 (Appendicitis)

下利论治 (Diarrhea and dysentery)

慢性结肠炎 (Colonitis)


11.  经方治疗冠心病的经验

11. The treatment of coronary heart disease

短气未必都是虚  胸痹半表半里实

Short of breath may not always mean a weakness condition. The chest Bi syndrome is actually a half-surface, half-inside overwhelming condition.


In 1960 years, with the development of CEG, the diagnosis of coronary heart disease became more and more clear. The articles and clinic research reports on the combination of western medicine and Chinese medicine gradually increased. For the fact that the coronary heart disease usually has choking feeling and pain in the chest, it is believed that the nature of the disease is the phlegm and blood stagnation in the chest (heart). This is a pretty common agreement. However, it did not come to a common agreement for whether the disease belongs to a weakness or a overwhelming condition. Quit many doctors believe that it is a weakness condition, for the fact that the patients usually have short of breath, cold hands and feet, poor circulation in the end of extremes, showing of poor blood supplication in CEG and heart infarction, etc. The principle of the treatment is therefore suggested to be Qi-nourishing and circulation-activating therapy. Dr. Hu believes that, the coronary heart disease belongs to the chest Bi syndrome in the Chinese medicine. As stated in the book <<Jing Kui Yao Luo, heart pain and short of breath>>, the second paragraph: “if a person has no cold or fever, but feels short of breath, it belongs to a overwhelming condition”. This means that the coronary heart disease (the Chest Bi syndrome with pain in heart area) often shows as Xie Qi overwhelming condition. Dr. Hu studied the six Jing diagnosis system and herbal indication diagnosis, often uses prescription of Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan. Let’s discuss the treatment bellow:

1.  李某,男,67岁,病案号159790

Case 1. Li XX, male, 67 years of old. File number 159790.


First visit: May 28, 1965. The patient felt short of breath, pain and choking sensation in the chest for one month more. On April 23, he was diagnosed as heart infarction (recovering stage). He took various western medicine drugs in vain. He then tried Chinese medicine. The therapy used was to nourish the Qi, to improve blood circulation, to clear phlegm and to dredge the energy conduct. The herbs used were Bai Renshen, Huangqi, Guoluo, Chishao, Jiangxiang, Taoren, Xiebai, Yujing, etc. He used such therapy for months also in vain. Currently, he felt burning and hot pain in the left side of the chest, short of breath, which was worse when moving physically. He felt some times cold and some times hot, felt choking sensation in the stomach area, bitter in mouth, bloating feeling in head, and poor sleep. His stool was slightly dry. The tongue cover was yellow. The pulse was string and slippery. Dr. Hu gave him the Da Chaihu Tang and Guizhi Fuling Wan with some modifications: Chaihu 12 grams, Banxia 9 grams, Huangqin 9 grams, Baishao 9grams, Zhishi 9 grams, fresh ginger 9 grams, Chinese date 4, Guizhi 9 grams, Fuling 12 grams, Taoren 9 grams, Dahuang 6 grams, Shigao 30 grams, and roasted Gancao 3 grams.


The second visit: June 1. After the herbal therapy for three days, most of the symptoms subsided. The only remaining symptoms were choking feeling at night, heart burn sensation after meal and dry stool. His tongue cover was yellow and pulse was string, slippery and slightly frequent. To the prescription above, increased was the Dahuang to 9 grams.


The third visit: on December 23, after the herbal therapy for additional two doses, the choking feeling at night subsided. He only felt short of breath when in activity out of the door, which could gradually disappeared after a rest. He did not continue the treatment from then. Today, he came for cough for one week. He was given Banxia Houpu Tang.


Comments: For this case, during the previous and later treatment, he was given the circulation-improving and Qi-dredging therapy. But the previous treatment is in vain, but the one with Dr. Hu was very effective. The key point is: the previous doctor did not pay attention to the cold, hotness, weakness and overwhelming condition of the patient. While Dr. Hu considered the condition belonged to overwhelming hotness, which is again believed in the half-surface and half-inside portion of the body. Further more, it was diagnosed as the indication of Da Chaihu Tang and Guizhi Fuling Wan. Therefore, the result was excellent. There are many cases as such. Here let’s look at another case of Dr. Hu, so to understand the characteristics of Dr. Hu in the treatment of coronary heart disease and the accurate in the herbal indication diagnosis.


In the winter of 1950, there was a man with name Qi Xinghua, 50 years of old. He had heart disease usually with palpitation and choking sensation in chest. The color of his hands were different, one was white and another purple. One day after got up bed, he felt sudden pain and choking feeling in the chest. The pain was so severe as knife cut. He had heavy sweat, fearing to move little bit, and crying. His wife gave him opium, which did not work at all. A western medicine doctor was invited urgently to see him. He was given heart-strengthening medicine, which again did not work. Then Dr. Hu was asked to come. His pulse was thin, weak but with spiritual sensation (e.g. with kind of life energy feeling). The patient was told the condition was not so bad. The western medicine doctor heard this, and went up to leave. The patient family advised him to stay and told him no worry, since the Dr. Hu was also very familiar to the patient. The doctor asked Dr. Hu why you said the condition is not so bad. Dr. Hu said, “This is because that, according to the Chinese medicine, the pulse is still with life energy feeling.” The western medicine doctor invited Dr. Hu to continue for the treatment. Dr. Hu give the prescription of Da Chaihu Tang plus Taoren Chenqi Tang, which was asked to cook as soon as possible. Soon later after the patient drunk the herbal extract, his pain subsided. The same herbal therapy was asked to continue for additional two doses, and the color in both hands turned the same. The chest pain did not come back later. This case was described by a memory. There was no CEG to aprove the diagnosis. Based on the very painful sensation in the chest, with heavy sweat, it is hard to exclude the possibility of heart infarction. No matter it is heart infarction or not, it is very smart that Dr. Hu contributed the condition as an overwhelming condition and the indiction to the Da Chaihu Tang plus Taoren Chenqi Tang.

痰饮瘀血阻胸阳 祛痰活血理应当

For there is phlegm or stagnated blood to block the Yang Qi circulation in the chest, it is reasonable to dissolve the phlegm and to improve the blood circulation.


Patients with coronary heart disease usually have poor blood circulation. They feel cold in the hands and feet, choking sensation in the chest, short of breath, pale face, and chronic fatique, etc. In Chinese medicine, it should be regarded as Yang deficiency. Further more analysis, such Yang deficiency condition is a surface phenomenon, while the block of energy flow by phlegm and/or stagnated blood is the real cause. It is the block of the chest Yang that causes the disturbance of the Yang Qi circulation. This means that, such coronary heart disease is also a Xie Qi overwhelming condition. Dr. Hu has such cases often.  

2.  安某,女,74岁,病案号162346

Case 2. An XX, female, 74 years of old. File number: 162346.


The first visit: June 14, 1965. The patient had angina for more than one year. She often felt very much pain in the chest. Once in onset, she was unable to lay down in horizontal, and felt hard to have breath. She took various western medicine quite often. She had heavy sweat, felt dry in mouth but no desire to drink. The stool was dry, the tongue cover was thick and white, and the pulse was string and thin. Her condition was diagnosed as the block in chest by phlegm and by stagnated blood. The phlegm-dissolving and stagnation-clearing therapy was used to her. The prescription given was Guoluo Xiebai Banxia Tang with some additions: Guolou 45 grams, Xiebai 27grams, Banxia 75 grams, liquor 60 ml, Guizhi 9 grams, Zhishi 9 grams, Taoren 9 grams, Chenpi 30 grams, and Baishao 12 grams.  


Results: after the herbal therapy for three days, the pain was reduced, but it was still pain after little labor work. To the above formula, added was Fuling 12 grams. The prescription was continued for six days. The chest pain came and gone. The prescription was continued. After one month, there was no more pain in the chest at all.


Comments: These two cases both belong to the block of phlegm and stagnated blood in the chest. For the treatment, both used phlegm-dissolving and stagnation-clearing therapy. However, in the case 1, the hotness symptoms is apparent, and in case 2, the cold symptoms. Therefore for the treatment, the herbal prescriptions were very different. Dr. Hu said, in his lecture for the Guolou Xiebai Banxia Tang, that the Guolou works to release the chest stagnation, to clear the phlegm and to stop cough. The herb Xiebai works to loose knob or mass, and to stop pain. When used in one prescription, they work to solve the chest Bi syndrome, chest pain with cough, asthma and phlegm spitting. When cooked the herbs with the liquor, the liquor makes the herbs move in the body smoothly. For the use of large amount of Banxia, is for the reason that the condensed water reverse phenomenon is apparent. It can be seen from these two cases that, it is the important principle in the treatment of coronary heart disease, the phlegm-dissolving therapy. In the book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo, heart pain and short of breath>>, in the first paragraph, it stated: “…”. This means that the upper Jiao is with Yang deficiency, and the lower Jiao is with Cold and condensed water overwhelming, the cold and condensed water reverse up to cause the chest Bi syndrome, e.g. the chest pain. This means that Chinese realized the cause of the coronary heart disease in quite early age. It also means that the coronary heart disease is more with overwhelming Xie Qi in the body. Therefore for the treatment, it should be focused on the dispelling of the Xie Qi. This is the characteristic in Dr. Hu’s treatment of this disease.


房室传导有阻滞   活血祛瘀可调理

For atrioventricular conduction disorder, the circulation-improving and phlegm-dissolving therapy works.


Generally speaking, the rough pulse can be seen in the later stage of a external disease, which is due to the sweat, diarrhea, or vomit, all of which exhausts the body liquid portion. For the treatment, it is usually used the roasted Gancao Tang with modification. However, Dr. Hu not always follow such common rule, but use the herbal therapy based on syndrome diagnosis and herb indication diagnosis.


Case 3. Zhu XX, male, 48 years of old. File number 134621.


The first visit: Aug. 12, 1964. The patient had palpitation for half years. In a hospital, he was given the Qi-nourishing and blood-nourishing herbal therapy. He was given the Zhi Gancao Tang, Bozi Yangxing Dan, Tianwang Buxing Dan, and so on. No any improvement, but he started to have hot-disliking feeling, cold-liking feeling, and poor sleep. ECG showed that he had block in the atrioventricular conduct, degeneration of heart muscle. The current conditions when he visited Dr. Hu were: palpitation, poor sleep, poor appetite, pain in stomach, dull pain in the heart area, numb in hands and feet, bitter taste in mouth, yellow urine and dry stool. The tongue cover was white and greasy, the pulse was rough. He was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan, plus Longgu and Muli: Chaihu 12 grams, Banxia 9 grams, Huangqin 9 grams, Guizhi 9 grams, Fuling 9 grams, Baoshao 9 grams, Zhishi 9 grams, Taoren 9 grams, Honghua 6 grams, Chinese date 4, fresh ginger 9 grams, Dahuang 6 grams, Longgu 15 grams, and Muli 15 grams.


Results: After the herbal therapy for one day, the pain in stomach stopped. The appetite increased. The numb in hands and feet stopped. The sleep was improved. To the prescription above, removed was the Huanghua, added was Danpi 9 grams. After 6 doses, the chest pain stopped. Sleep was normal, and the palpitation was no longer apparent. The rough pulse did not show.


Comments: A disease may show as commonly showed, or it may show as a changed manner. To know its change, it is needed to carefully make the diagnosis. This patient had palpitation, poor appetite, numb in hands and feet, as well as rough pulse. All seemed to indicate a weakness condition. It is not wrong in the beginning to use Zhi Gancao Tang for the treatment. However, after the treatment, the patient started bitter taste in mouth, yellow urine, dry stool, and dull pain, etc, suggesting that the condition is Shaoyang-Yangming co-esixt phase with blood stagnation. Therefore, the Da Chaihu Tang, Guizhi Fuling Wan, Longgu and Muli were used in the same prescription to harmonize the Shaoyang and Yangming phase, to activate blood circulation, to clear the blood stagnation, with herbs to calm emotion. For the herbs match the body condition, the condition was improved soon.

痰饮停久致心衰   温阳利水本应该

The longer time remaining of phlegm in the body could cause heart failure. It is needed to use Yang-warming, and water-depleting therapy for the treatment.


After a long history of coronary heart disease, there would be a trend to develop heart failure, showing palpitation and swelling and so on. When the condition shows the weakness in the body life energy, it should also use nourishing therapy. Dr. Hu, in this case, uses Lizhong Tang or Zhen Wu Tang for the treatment. It has been indicated in the book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo, heart pain and short of breath>> that … Dr. Hu explained, for choking sensation in the chest, the Zhishi Xiebai Guizhi Tang works to reverse the reversed Qi, so as to solve the bloating and choking sensation in the chest. The prescription Renshen Tang however works for the similar choking and bloating feeling that is due to the weakness of Qi in the middle of the body, so that the condensed water flows down to the stomach area. Therefore, the former prescription is used for a overwhelming condition, while the later Lizhong Tang (e.g. the Renshen Tang) is used for a deficient condition (a weakness condition). It can be seen that, whenever there is a middle Cold condition with Qi deficiency in coronary heart disease, Dr. Hu also uses warming therapy for the treatment, but which should be accompanied with phlegm-dissolving therapy, for there is down-flowing of condensed water in the body. After a long time coronary heart disease and when there is a heart failure, it is easy for patient to have such condition.


Case 4. Huo XX, male, 62 years of old.


The first visit: October 15, 1965. The patient had swelling in legs, choking feeling in chest, and asthma for two months. He had a history of coronary heart disease and myocardial strain for five years. For the later two months, he felt choking sensation in chest, worse palpitation, asthma with slight physical activity, as well as swelling in the legs. The western medicine treated him with heart-strengthening and urine-stimulating therapy, but in vain. He was also given herbal therapy for ten days without any improvement either. He felt further more dizziness, more palpitation, so came to Dr. Hu. The condition when he met Dr. Hu: choking feeling in chest, palpitation, dizziness, short of breath, bloating feeling in stomach area, purple color in the mouth lips, dry mouth, dry stool, less urine, and strong swelling in the legs. The tongue cover was white and greasy. The tongue per se was purple in color. The pulse was deep, string, and thin. Dr. Hu gave him Mu Fangji Tang with removal of Shigao, plus Fuling and Mangxiao Tang:


Mu Fangji 12 grams, Guizhi 9 grams, Dangshen 18 grams, Fuling 18 grams, and Mangxiao 12 grams (drink directly without cook).


Results: After the treatment for three days, the swelling in legs subsided dramatically, the dizziness, asthma and bloating feeling in the stomach were dramatically less. From the above prescription, removed was Mangxiao, added was Shigao 30 grams. After six days of treatment, the swelling stopped, and the chest choking feeling and palpitation were no longer felt.


Comments: This case is a typical coronary heart disease in Qi-deficient, middle-Cold condition. Therefore, the herb Dangshen and Guizhi were used to nourish the middle Qi. For the middle deficiency and Cold, there was condensed water reverse up, so the patient felt choking in chest, asthma, and palpitation.  For the condensed water spilling over, the patient has swelling in the legs. In this situation, it should be done to warm the Yang and to deplete the water. It is common to use herbs to nourish the Qi and to warm the middle. But after a long history, the phlegm is easy to develop Fire. The Fire flushes up when the body is in middle weakness condition. For the treatment, it should also pay attention to reverse the reversing. This is easy to be omitted by some doctors who paid more attention to use Huangqi to nourish the middle Qi. The Huangqi in this time would however make the Qi only lifting but not descending, so to make the reverse worse, to make worse the choking feeling and to cause more trouble as dizziness. That Dr. Hu diagnosed the condition as the indication of Mu Fangji Tang without Shigao, but plus Fuling and Mangxiao Tang, is for the reason that, the patient had not only clear middle Qi deficiency, but also Qi reverse and overwhelming water accumulation, and at the same time, the patient had bloating feeling in stomach area, rough urine and bowel movement, and dry mouth. For these reasons, the herb Dangshen is used to warm and to nourish middle Qi, as a key herb in the herbal prescription. The Guizhi is used to warm the middle Qi and to overturn the reversed Qi, as of an assistant. The Fangji and Fuling work to deplete extra water to dissolve the accumulated water, as of a helper. The Mangxiao works to clear Fire and to release the bloating feeling. By this way, both the symptoms and the cause of the disease are treated the same time, so the healing effect is very fast. Here it should be emphasized the overturning effect by the Guizhi. It is opposite of the raising effect of Huangqi. The difference in one herb makes the healing effect different dramatically. For the overturning effect of the herb Guizhi, Dr. Hu sai again and again that, it would be clearly understood after study the various Guizhi Tang in the book <<Shang Han Lun>>.


The above is the commonly used herbs by Dr. Hu. The coronary heart disease is very different in terms of its severity and the accompanying symptoms. Therefore its treatment is also largely variable from patient to patient. There are many prescriptions in the Jing Fang for this disease. Use them, if there is indication for them. This is the rule.

12.   从病例谈治疗脑病经验

12. The treatment of brain disease


There are many diseases that is associated to the brain. The commonly seen such diseases are headache, dizziness, nausea, coma, stroke, dementia, epilepsy, madness, stress, poor sleep, tinnitus, deafness, muscle paralysis or spasm, etc. In western medicine, they can be seen in brain tumor, thrombosis in brain, bleeding in brain, epilepsy, poliomyelitis, menopause syndrome, migraine, depression, schizophrenia, and so and so on. Dr. Hu has very special experience in the treatment of such diseases.

脑病繁烦何其多  治疗首推大柴胡

Though there are so many different diseases in brain system, the herbal prescription of Dai Chaihu Tang is the most recommended.


If we have a review of the cases that Dr. Hu treated, the most impressive finding is that, for the brain diseases, he used most often is the herb prescription Dai Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan. From analysis of these cases, we can find the characteristics of his experience.

1. (脑震荡后遗证) 蒋某,男,25岁,病案号110354

Case 1. (Post cerebral concusion syndrome). Jiang XX, male, 25 years of old. File number 110354.


The first visit: August 23, 1964.  One day in year 1957, the patient fell off the bed and lost consciousness. Six days later, he waked up. But he felt dizziness, headache, and annoying feeling.  He had been treated in local hospital with western medicine but in vain. He also tried Chinese medicine. The herbs used were mostly the Shoudi, Wuweizi, Ziheche, Hetaoren, Longyanrou, Sangshen, Danshen, Chuanxiong, etc, such kidney-nourishing and Jing-supplying herbs. For no improvement, he came to Beijing to see Dr. Hu. On visit, he felt dizziness from time to time, headache, spasm and tightness feeling on the neck with gas pushing up feeling. The headache felt as thorn pounching. He felt often annoyed, bloating feeing in the stomach area, cold hands and feet, and poor sleep. He could only sleep for 3 to4 hours at night. The stool was dry. The tongue tip was red in color. The tongue cover was white and the root was greasy. The pulse was string, slippery and frequent. Dr. Hu gave him Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao: Chaihu 12 grams, Banxia 9 grams, Huangqin 9 grams, Zhishi 9 grams, Chinese date 4, fresh ginger 9 grams, Fuling 9 grams, Guizhi 9 grams, Baishao 9 grams, Dahuang 6 grams, Danpi 9 grams, Taoren 9 grams, and Shigao 45 grams.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the dizziness and headache reduced, the annoyed feeling reduced too. The bloating feeling in stomach was subsided. The bowel movement turned normal. From the above prescription, Shigao was decreased to 30 grams. The new prescription was continued for three days and no any symptoms at all.


Comments: This patient had suffered from the problem for seven years. It is really a long history. The previous doctors focused on the saying that a long term disease must have a weakness condition, and on the symptoms as dizziness, cold hands and feet, and poor sleep, so they diagnosed the condition as kidney deficiency with Jing (micro-nutration material) deficiency syndrome. For the empty of the brain, they used Dihuang, Shanyurou, Longyanrou, Wuweizi, Ziheche, and Hetaoren. Though there were also Danshen and Chishao in the prescription, it is to use a nourishing therapy to a overwhelming condition, a principle mistake in the treatment, which makes the disease lasted for a long time without improvement. For the symptoms of bloating feeling in the stomach area, stiff neck and dry stool, it is known that the disease is in the Shaoyang-Yangming phase. For the disease has been there for seven years due to trauma, and for the fact that the patient felt headache as thorn pounching, and poor sleep, it is known that there is long term of blood stagnation. Therefore this is an indication of Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan. For there is annoyed feeling, so added was Shigao to clear the annoyed feeling. For the herbs match the condition, and the herbs work to the cause of the disease, the symptoms subsided very soon.


2 (腮腺炎合并脑炎). 董某,女,7岁,病案号1790265

Case 2 (Mumps with cerebritis). Dong XX, female, 7 years of old. File number: 1790265.


The first visit: September 2, 1965. The patient had fever, swelling and pain in the cheek for one week. For recent several days, she had headache, dizziness, nausea and vomit. In hospital, her condition was diagnosed as mumps with cerebritis. For being virus infection, there was no matching therapy in western medicine, she was suggested to see Chinese medicine. The current symptoms were: swelling and pain in cheek, which was more in the left side. The swelling side is also very much in red and hard when touch. She felt dizziness, headache, as well as nausea and vomit form time to time. She had no desire to eat, had cold-fever shift feeling and had constipation. The body temperature was 38.2 C. The tongue cover was white-yellow in color. The pulse was string and frequent. She was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Yinhua, Liangqiao, Pugongying, Gancao and Shigao: Chaihu 15 grams, Banxia 9 grams, Zhishi 9 grams, fresh ginger 9 grams, Baishao 9 grams, Chinese date 4, Dahuang 6 grams, Yinhua 12 grams, Liangqiao 15 grams, Pugongying 24 grams, Zhi Gancao 6 grams, and Shigao 60 grams.


Results: The herbs were cooked twice. The extract was separated for two day’s intake. After two days, the swelling in cheek was reduced. The headache subsided. There was still remaining dizziness. The nausea was less. She only vomited once for the two days. The fever was reduced to 37. 4C. From the prescription above, reduced was Dahuang. The herbal tea was drunk for one day. The nausea stopped. The dizziness reduced but still with sweat and desire to lay down. She was then given Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao: Chaihu 6 grams, Huangqin 6 grams, Banxia 9 grams, Dangshen 6 grams, fresh ginger 9 grams, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 3grams, and Shigao 30 grams. After additional three doses, all the symptoms were away. 


Comments: For this case, the patient’s condition was the Taiyang, Shaoyang and Yangming, the three Yang co-exist phases. Therefor she was given Da Chaihu Tang to solve the three Yang phases, with the addition of Yinhua, Liangqiao, Pugongying, Gancao and Shigao to increase the Fire-clearing and Toxic-detoxifying effect of the whole prescription. The prescription focused on the XieQi dispelling and brain-calming effects. When theXie Qi subsided, the body defence energy was also exhausted, so the patient had sweat and desire to have a sleep. For this reason, the prescription Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao was used to harmonize the middle stomach, to calm the stomach so as to calm the spirit.

3 (癔病). 段某,女,14岁,病案号173651

Case 3. (Hysteria). Duan XX, female, 14 years of old. File number: 173651.


The first visit: September 29, 1965. The patient had the first menstruation several years ago. It did not came later for years. On July this year, she had nose bleeding once. On April 23 this year, she suddenly had spasm in the arms and legs and had a coma. Such onset came more and more frequent lately. Before each onset, she had dislike feeling for food, pain in right upper side of the belly, choking feeling in chest, and spit acid water in mouth. Once she felt a gas pushing from lower belly up to the chest, she would have such spasm, cold in arms and legs, as well as frequent breath, crying loudly, bitter taste in mouth, dry stool, cloudy mind. She could wake up once acupuncture was performed on her Renzhong point. When she was not under the onset, she disliked noise. She felt dizziness when watch a film. Recently, the onset became more and more frequent. It was usually trigerred out by eating or drinking. The tongue cover is thin and white. There were purple spots on the tip of the tongue. The pulse was string, thin and slight frequent. She was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Taohe Chenqi Tang: Chaihu 9 grams, Banxia 9 grams, Huangqin 9 grams, Zhishi 9 grams, Baiahao 9 grams, Guizhi 9 grams, Toaren 9 grams, Fuling 9 grams, Dahuang 6 grams, fresh ginger 9 grams, Chinese date 4, Danpi 9 grams, and Mangxiao 9 grams (drink directly, without cook).


Results: After the herbal therapy for one dose, the convulsion and stomach pain did not happen again. The acid water spitting stopped. She still felt dizziness. The herbal prescription was changed to Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Chaihu 12 grams, Dangshen 9 grams, Zhi Gancao 6 grams, Danggui 9 grams, Baishao 9 grams, Chuanxiong 6 grams, Banxia 9 grams, Huangqin 9 grams, Zexie 9 grams, fresh ginger 9 grams, Chinese date 4, Cangzhu 9 grams, Fuling 9 grams, and Wuzhuyu 9 grams. The herbal prescription was modified in different ways several times and it was continued for three months. All the symptoms subsided.


Comments: The hysteria belongs to neurosis. No proper medicine in western medicine to solve it. Chinese medicine, however, has pretty good results for its treatment. It is worthwhile to mentioned that, by the organ diagnosis system, it is believed to due to Liver Qi sluggish, or Phlegm blocking, etc. Dr, Zhichong Zhang (a very famous TCM doctor in current times) believed it is to the “Liver spasm/epilepsy”. He is good at using prescription Xiaoyao San for the treatment. This herbal prescription works more to nourish the blood, to deplete water, to dredge Qi circulation, and to warm nourishing. It is apparently different to the therapeutical principle by Dr. Hu, who uses Phlegm-dissolving, Qi-dredging, and colon-cleansing therapy. However, in consultation for patients, Dr. Zhang also believed that, the Chaihu-containing prescription has good therapeutic results to brain diseases, similar to what Dr. Hu believed. This is worthwhile to further study.

4. (癫痫) 张某,男,46岁。

Case 4. (Epilepsy).  Zhang XX, male, 46 years of old.

初诊日期1981313日:因19688月被电击伤、击倒,昏迷约一分钟,身体七处被灼伤,自此常发癫痫,大约每半月发一次,并每天头痛无休,在当地中西医治疗迄今 未愈。现症:胸胁苦满,胃腹胀满,早起恶心,后头痛,喜步忘,舌苔白根黄腻,脉沉弦。与大柴胡汤合桂枝茯苓丸加生石膏:柴胡六钱,半夏四钱,黄芩三钱,枳实三钱,生姜三钱,大枣四枚,桂枝三钱,桃仁三钱,白芍三钱,茯苓三钱,丹皮三钱,大黄二钱,炙甘草二钱,生石膏一两半。

The first visit: March 13, 1981. The patient came into coma for one minute after beat by electric force. His body was burned wound for seven spots. From then on, he usually had epilepsy. It was about once every half month, with continuous headache every day. He had had Chinese medicine treatment and western medicine treatment at local hospital, but in vain. The current conditions: he felt bloating and choking feeling in the chest, fullness and bloating feeling in the belly. He felt nausea and headache in back of head in early morning. He was easy to lose memory too. His tongue cover was white, but yellow and greasy on the root part. The pulse was string. He was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao: Chaihu 18 grams, Banxia 12 grams, Huangqin 9 grams, Zhishi 9 grams, fresh ginger 9 grams, Chinese date4, Guizhi 9 grams, Taoren 9 grams, Baishao 9 grams, Fuling 9grams, Danpi 9 grams, Dahuang 6 grams, Zhi Gancao 6 grams, Shigao 45 grams.   


Results: After the herbal therapy for 16 doses, the nausea and headache subsided. The epilepsy onset reduced in entensity, which was about once a month. She still felt easy to forget. The herbal therapy was continued for additional 10 doses, the epilepsy stopped to come. The poor memory gradually recovered.


Comments: Other doctors/students felt interesting and urgently asked for prescription and made note for the case. Dr. Hu simply said: “This case, well, simply because the herbs and the body condition matched”. In book <<Shang Han Lun>>, the 237 paragraph, it indicated: … In the explanation of this paragraph, Dr. Hu said: That the person behaves as madness and tends to lose memory is the key sign of the presence of dead blood in the body. If the blood stagnation developed gradually and it takes a long time, it shows as loss of memory. If it formed quickly, it shows as madness. For newly developed blood stagnation, it is easy to solve, such as to use Taohe Chenqi Tang. If it developed gradually, it is difficult to solve. The prescription Didang Tang has to be used. The poor memory and madness both belong to the mental disease and neurosis. From this, it can be implied that, the various mental and neurosis problems might be due to stagnated blood in the body. The use of blood stagnation-dispelling therapy would mostly work. So, for madness, epilepsy, such mental disease, the blood stagnation-dissolving therapy would be one of the effective therapies. There are many cases with such mental diseases, who were successfully cured with the Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan alone. For example, in May 22, 1975, there was a patient from other city. He was 18 years of old. He catched dementia suddenly, failed to speak. Lumbar pounching test found nothing wrong. He was treated in local hospital fof half year without any improvement. Dr. Hu gave him the Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan, and let him bring home to continue. After one month, he told Dr. Hu by a letter that after 20 doses, he was gradually improved and now he could speak. Another example is a female, she was 20 years of old. She came in December 1967. She looked as drunk as foolishness. She had no answer when she was asked for a question. She did not speak at home. She had been treated for a long time but in vain. Her tongue cover was yellow. The pulse was slight frequent. She was given the Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao. After a continuous ten doses of the herbal therapy, she turned completely normal. She started to work and became active and rich to talk.

5. (脑梗塞).  崔某,男,66岁,首都机场患者。

Case 5. (Cerebral infarction). Chui XX, male, 66 years of old. A patient of Capital airport.


The first visit: March 5, 1966. The patient got cerebral infarction two weeks ago. He had paralysis and numb on the left side of the body. The walk was unbalanced, needing help by others. He felt dry mouth and had desire to drink. The stool was hard. The tongue cover was white and it was greasy on the root. The pulse was string, slippery and frequent. The blood pressure was 190/120 mmHg. He was given Da Chaihu Tang pluse Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao: Chaihu 12 g, Banxia 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Baihsao 9 g, Zhishi 9 g, Dahuang 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Guizhi 9 g, Danpi 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Taoren 9 g, Shigao 45 g.


The second visit: April 1. After the herbal therapy above for 6 doses, he could walk easily without others help. The bowel movement was 3 to 4 times a day. Blood pressure was 160/100 mmHg. The same prescription was continued with reduction of Dahuang to 6 g.


The third visit: April 8. The left paralysis turned better. The left arm was not so flexible yet. Blood pressure was 150/96 mmHg. The same prescription was continued for a while for a maintenance.


Comments: These cases were only some of the cases treated by Dr. Hu. No matter it is a organic disease or only a functional disorder of the brain, there is chance to use the Da Chaihu Tang. Of course the premise is that there is the indication to the prescription.

惊狂缘本于亡阳   桂枝救逆理应当

The real reason for hysteria is the exhaustion of Yang Qi. It is reasonable therefore to use herb Guizhi.

6 (癔病)  王某,女,26岁,空军翻译。

Case 6 (Hysteria). Wang XX, female, 26 years of old. Translator in air force.


The patient was scared when she watched a repair of electrical line. She had scare, palpitation, poor sleep, headache, poor appetite, and nausea. She had phlegm noise in the throat from time to time. She would feel scare and her face would turn pale whenever there is sudden noise. She could not help from being annoyed, restless and sworing at people.  She gradually lost body weight. When she came to the clinic, her tongue cover was white and greasy. The pulse was string, slippery and on the Chun position, floating. Her condition was considered to be Cold-Water rushing up. The therapy used was to warm the phlegm and to overturn the reversed Qi. She was given Guizhi Tang without Shaoyao, but with Shuxi, Longgu and Muli: Guizhi 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chinese date 4, Banxia 12 g, Fuling 12 g, Longgu 15g, Muli 15 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three doses, the palpitation and phlegm noise in throat were reduced. After six doses, the appetite and sleep were improved. After additional ten doses, no any more symptoms left. 

7 (癔病)  刘某,男,30岁。

Case 7. (Hysteria). Liu XX, male, 30 years of old.


The first visit: April 5, 1966. In 1966, in the area of Tailai, the North-East part of China, there appeared a mad dog, who bite every people, which worried the resident very much. One day, the patient met the mad dog. Though he was not bitten, he was scared very much so to sick. He felt flustered, scared, palpitation, and poor sleep, etc. He was treated with both western medicine and Chinese medicine but in vain. He was introduced by other patient to come to see Dr. Hu. On visit, the patient looked calm. No special sick signs. He only felt flustered, and choking feeling in chest. From time to time, he felt scared, which he could not help to stop. He often had poor sleep with night sweat. His tongue cover was white and greasy. The pulse was string and frequent. Combined the findings from the tongue cover and the pulse, his condition was diagnosed as Yang deficiency with Water reverse up, so to cause the Heart Yang Qi is inactivated. It is the indication to Guizhi Gancao Longgu Muli Tang: Guizhi 12 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Fuling 15 g, Longgu 30 g, Muli 30 g.  


Results: After the herbal therapy for 6 doses, all the symptoms went away. He felt glad to go home. He wrote a letter after one year and said there was no recurrence at all.


Comments: The two cases above both are scared condition. The diagnosis with western medicine is clear: nervous disease. The treatment with various diazepam and similar remedies does not work at all. On the other side, the Chinese medicine works for such condition. For ordinary TCM doctors, they would consider Yin blood deficiency or Yin deficiency with Yang overwhelming, once they see the flustered, poor sleep and night sweat. This might be due to their different understanding of the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, the paragraph 112: … For the reason that they did not understand the indication of the Guizhi without Shaoyao but with Suxi Muli Longgu Tang and Guizhi Gancao Longgu Muli Tang, they would not be able to use this prescriptions when they meet such clinic conditions. Therefore, once they meet the scared condition, they would think it is the Heart Blood deficiency, or Heart Yang overwhelming condition. For the treatment, they would likely use the herb Shengdi, Baishao, Suanzaoren, Boziren, Longgu and Muli to nourish the Heart Yang and to dive-store the Yang Qi.


The main reason for such difference in the understanding of the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, as pointed out by Dr. Hu, that the book <<Shang Hang Lun>> and the <<Nei Jing>> belongs to different theoretical systems. Let’s just have a look at the explanations by these two books for the cause of the scared condition: …… 

For the Guizhi without Shaoyao but with Suxi Muli Longgu Tang and Guizhi Gancao Longgu Muli Tang, Dr. He explained: in the Shanghang disease and if the pulse feels floating, it should be treated by the use of Mahuang Tang to create sweat to dispel the Xie Qi. However, if the patient was to face a fire (by toast, by cover with hot towl, or by the use of moxibustion, etc.) to create a sweat, it is a wrong therapy. By this wrong way, the body liquid portion would be exhausted rather than the sweat would work to bring the Xieqi out of the body. Such sweat would trigger the gas/air rushing up, which again to stir out that liquid inside body to push up, so as to form madness, flustered, and scared feeling. This is the reason for the scared condition. The Guizhi without Shaoyao but with Suxia Muli Longgu Tang can solve such scared condition due to stirring of air/water inside body by facing to a fire therapy, so it is also called a “Reverse-saving herbal prescription”. This prescription is developed from the Guizhi Tang but removed is the Shaoyao, but added is Suxi (to dispel phlegm), Longgu and Muli (both are to calm down the scare). Therefore it is used for a Guizhi Tang condition with scared feeling.  


It should be pointed out that, the herb Suxi (the Chinese name means the painting oil produced in Sichuan province, China). It herbal nature is not so bitter or spicy. It works to dispel phlegm and to stop malaria. It has no surface-releasing effect. Dr. Hu usually uses herb Banxia and Fuling, etc. to replace it. From the two cases above, it can be seen that, the replacement works well in the prescription. He did not use any Suanzaoren or Boziren, such calming herbs, but use the herbs to dispel the reversed air-pushing force in the body. When the stirred air/gas downtuns to its original position, the emotion returns to calm again. …… That Dr. Hu pointed out that the <<Nei Jing>> and <<Shang Han Lun>> are different medical theory system is based on the concrete reasons. It also reflects his exact and precise scientific attitude in medical research – not follow every people’s believing. 

13.  眩晕并非肝阳亢    里外寒热更疯狂

13. The dizziness is not always due to the Liver Yang overwhelming. The inside Xie overwhelming condition could also make the condition worse and last a long time.

8 (高血压、中风) 刘某,女,65岁。

Case 8. (Hypertension, stroke) Liu XX, female, 65 years of old.

初诊131965119日:胡老赴延庆巡回医疗,遇一老者用两轮车拉其老伴来诊,该患者病急中风三日,头晕不起,烦躁不得眠,左半身不遂,前医以大剂平肝潜阳之品。并加羚羊角粉五分冲服。患者服一剂,症不但不减,反更烦躁,整夜不眠,并感明显热气上冲、胸闷懊侬,舌苔黄腻,舌红,脉弦滑数。血压260160毫米汞柱。其老伴问胡老:"能包治好吗?不包好就不治了,光羚羊角就花五元钱,治不起!"胡老回答:"包治不好说,但我开的药不过二角钱左右,您可试服一剂。"老者同意一试,于是胡老开方与大黄汤加生石膏:黄连二钱,黄芩三钱,栀子三钱,生石膏一两半,大黄 三钱。嘱:先以大黄浸汤,以其汤煎诸药。

The first visit: Nov. 9, 1965.  One day when Dr. Hu had a healthcare travelling in Yanqin district, China, one old man send his wife with a wheelchair to see Dr. Hu. The lady had stroke for three days. She felt dizziness, annoyed so as hard to fall into sleep. Her left half body failed to move. The previous doctor gave her herbal therapy to calm Liver, and to dive the Yang, in addition to have Lingyangjiao powder (5 fen) to drink directly. The patient drunk one time, all the symptoms became worse. She felt more annoyed and hard to fall into sleep all the night. She felt hot air rushing up, choke feeling in chest. Her tongue cover was yellow and greasy. The tongue was red in color. The pulse was string, slippery and frequent. The blood pressure was 260/160 mmHg. The husband asked Dr. Hu: “Can you promise to cure her condition? If not, we are not going to continue the treatment. The Lingyangjiao only costs 5 dollars. We cannot afford it at all.” Dr. Hu said: I can not promise you to cure. But the prescription I would like you to try costs only about 0.2 dollars. You can try one dose.” The old man agreed to try. So Dr. Hu gave her the prescription: Dahuang Tang plus Shigao: Huanglian 6 g, Huangqin 9 g, Zhizi 9 g, Shigao 45 g, and Dahuang 9 g. He reminded the old man: first to rinse the Dahuang in water. Use the water to cook other herbs.


Results: After one such dose treatment, the patient came back the afternoon next day. The old man bended his knee to Dr. Hu, said: “We meet our benefactor to save life!”. He begged Dr. Hu to continue the prescription. Dr. Hu asked the patient body reaction to the previous herbs and knew that, after drunk the herbal tea, the lady had a bowel movement. Most of the symptoms subsided dramatically. The blood pressure became 150/100 mmHg. She was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao for maintenance.

9. (高血压).  赵某,男,53岁,病案号154112

Case 9. (Hypertension) Zhao XX, male, 53 years of old. File number:154112.


The first visit: December 6, 1965. The patient had hypertension for more than 20 years. He often felt headache, dizziness, and poor sleep. He came at April 2, 1965 for a treatment. The doctor at that time gave him herbs to balance the Liver, to dive the Yang, to activate circulation, to nourish the Qi, the Yin and the Heart. The treatment lasted for half year without apparent improvement. For the later one month, he often felt dizziness, poor sleep, annoyed, easy to feel upset, flustered, nose bleeding, dry stool, and paralysis in the left side of the body. His blood pressure was 170/130 mmHg. The tongue is red in color. The tongue cover was yellow. The pulse was string and frequent. His condition was diagnosed as Yangming phase with inside Fire. The therapy is to clear the inside Fire. He was given the prescription Xiexing Tang plus Shengdi Tan: Dahuang 9 g, Huanglian 6 g, Huangqin 9 g, Shengdi Tan 9 g.    


Results: After drinking the herbal tea for three doses, the bowel movement became easier. The annoyed feeling and nose bleeding subsided. The sleeping was better. He felt chest choking feeling from time to time. The prescription was changed to Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao. This herbal therapy was lasted for one month. The dizziness and headache and other symptoms were stopped. His blood pressure was 150-160/100-110 mmHg. 


Comment: A cure or improvement of a disease does not depend on the use of more herbal ingredients in a prescription, but on the match of the prescription to the disease condition. This can be well proven by the two cases above. In case 8, the patient was given a lot of herbs to balance the Liver and to dive the Yang, as well as given Lingyangjiao. The patient however, did not feel any good but worse. Dr. Hu used only five ordinary herbs and solved the problem. In case 9, it was a 20-year long disease. The previous doctors used many different ways without any improvement. Dr. Hu used only 4 herbs and they works. What’s the reason for this difference? The reason is very simple. The previous doctors worked on the symptomatical Yang overwhelming, but not on the Xie overwhelming in nature, but Dr. Hu has not only very rich clinic experience but he also learnt the nature of the Dr. Zhongjing Zhang, the Shang Han Lun. It is him who find the clinic condition is a Yangming inside overwhelming condition, so used the Three Yellow XieXing Tang to focused on the nature and the core of the disease. The herbs are not many in the number but work very well.


14.  美尼尔氏及癫痫  水饮上犯最常见

14. For the Meniere’s disease and epilepsy, the water rushing-up is the very common cause.

1. (美尼尔氏综合征) 陈某,女,25岁,清华大学学生。

Case 1, (Meniere’s disease). Chen XX, female, 25 years of old. University student.


The first visit: Oct. 16, 1965. The patient felt dizziness, floating vision, nausea, flustered, no appetite, and hard to read book, all for four to five months. Western medicine diagnosed as Meniere’s disease and gave her various medicine for the treatment but no any improvement. Her blood pressure was normal. She felt dry in mouth, but no desire to drink. She felt sleepy, fatique but physical movement is normal. The menstruation was less volume in the later part of the circle. The tongue cover was white with greasy in the root. The pulse was deep, thin and string. Her condition was diagnosed as Blood deficiency with water overwhelming. She was given herbal therapy to nourish blood and to deplete water. The prescription was Danggui Shaoyao San plus Xio Banxia Tang plus Wuzhuyu: Danggui 9 g, Baisho 9g, Chuangxiong 6 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zexie 15 g, Fuling 9 g, Banxia 15g, fresh ginger 12 g, Wuzhuyu 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three doses, all the symptoms subsided.

1 (美尼尔氏综合征)刘某,女,19岁,学生。

Case 1. (Meniere’s disease). Liu XX, female, 19 years of old. Student.


The first visit: October 3, 1977. The patient had dizziness, tinnitus and deafness for two months. She was diagnosed as Meniere’s disease in hospital. She had been treated with both western medicine and Chinese medicine but no any improvement. She had stopped class for two months. So she asked her relatives to introduce her to Dr. Hu for treatment. The current condition when she saw Dr. Hu was heavy dizziness, so much so that she could not get up. The dizziness was more severe if she opened eyes. She felt deafness, tinnitus and dry mouth but no desire to drink. From time to time, she felt choking feeling in chest and felt flustered. Her tongue cover was thick and white. The pulse was deep and thin. Her condition was diagnosed as Cold-Water reverse up to attack the brain and to block the brain. The herbal therapy was given to warm the middle and to dissolve the water. She was given Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang: Fuling 18 g, Guizhi 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g.


The second visit: October 12: After the herbal therapy for 8 doses, the dizziness subsided, the tinnitus reduced and the deafness was improved. To the prescription above, added was Guizhi to 12 g, and Fuling 24 g.


The third visit: After the new prescription for 6 doses, no any symptoms left. For fear recurrence, the patient wanted to continue the herbal therapy. She was advised it is not necessary.

2. (癫痫).  王某,男,46岁,病案号136766

Case 2. (Epilepsy). Wang XX, male, 46 years of old. File number: 136766.


The first visit: March 8, 1966: The patient had epilepsy for three years. In the beginning, the onset came without rule. The condition had been improved for a while with western medicine. Lately, the onset came relatively more frequent, about once every half month. Once it comes, the patient had convulsion in arms and legs, spit white boubble from mouth, and lost consciousness. The treatment in the local hospital was no any effect, so he came from Xingjiang province to Beijing for treatment. Recently, the onset had been for one week. He felt dry mouth, slight bloating in stomach, from time to time dizziness, and tinnitus. No any other discomfort feeling. His tongue cover was white. The pulse was string and thin. His condition was diagnosed as Water sticks in the Shaoyang phase. He was given herbal therapy to harmonize the Shaoyang and to dissolve the water. The prescription Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang plus Shigao was used: Chaihu 12 g, Banxia 12 g, Dangshen 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Shigao 45 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for 6 doses, the dizziness and stomach bloating feeling were improved. The epilepsy did not come. The herb Shigao in the prescription was reduced to 30 g. The western medicine was asked to stop. After additional two weeks’ treatment, it still did no happen. He was asked to continue to drink the herbal tea at home, to write letter if there is any onset. But no any letter since then.

3. (癫痫).  胡某,14岁,病案号177285

Case 3. (Epilepsy). Hu XX, 14 years of old. File number: 177285.


The first visit: October 18, 1965. The patient had acute jaundice hepatitis. After treatment, the jaundice subsided but he felt no appetite and the lab test showed the liver function was fluttered. He, from time to time, felt dizziness and dazzled. For the recent one year, he had epilepsy onset almost once every half month. In the beginning of the onset, he first felt a are force pushed up to the throat, soon his arms and legs started to convulsion, followed by tight bite of teeth, then he falled into coma and spit white bubbles from mouth. He took western medicine sedative drugs quite often, but the onset still came once every half month. He was easy to feel fatique, especially after each onset. For poor appetite, his body was very slim. The tongue is clean without covering. The pulse was string, thin, and slight frequent. His condition was diagnosed as Blood deficiency with water overwhelming. He was asked to stop the western medicine, but given Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Chuanxiong 6 g, Cangzhu 9g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 15 g, Tianhuanfeng 18 g, Longgu 15 g, Muli 5 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g.


The second visit: October 25: The appetite was improved slightly. Recent days, he coughed and spit white phlegm. The formula above was used again but with addition of Banxia Houpu Tang: Banxia 12 g, Houpu 9 g, Suzi 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Chaihu 12 g, Tianhuafeng 18 g, Longgu 15 g, Muli 15 g, Guizhi 9 g, Danggui 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Chuanxiong 6 g, Zexie 12 g, Cangzhu 12 g, and Zhi Gancao 6 g. 


The third visit: October 29: The cough stopped. But he had frequent urination, and poor sleep. He was given Zhuling Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao Sang: Zhuling 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Huashi 15 g, Baishao 9 g, Chuangxiong 6 g, Suanzaoren 15 g, Ajiao 9 g.

四诊112日:尿频已,头晕、失眠好转,右胁痛,纳稍差,继服1018 日方。

The forth visit: November 2: The frequent urination stopped. The dizziness and sleep were better. He felt pain in the right upper side of the belly, and had little less appetite. The above herbal tea of October 18 was continued. 


The fifth visit: December 17: The belly side pain stopped. No onset of epilepsy. Lab test for liver function turned normal.  He was asked to stop herbal therapy.


Comments: For the four cases above, the western medicine diagnosis were all clear and confirmed, e.g. they belong to Meniere’s disease and epilepsy. From the Chinese medicine diagnosis point view, the common point for all the four cases were the phlegm rushing up to affect brain function. However, the treatment for each case was different. In the case 10, the blood deficiency is apparent, so the Danggui Shaoyao Sang was used. For the Yang deficiency and accumulation fo water in the stomach, the Xiao Banxia plus Wuzhuyu was used. For the case 1, for apparent inside Cold and water overwhelming, it is a typical condition, in which there is inside water and the water rushes up to affect brain function, which was the indication of Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang, therefore the original such prescription was used without any modification. This prescription is to warm the stomach, to dissolve the water and reverse the up-rushed water down. It worked very soon. For case 2, for the apparent Shaoyang phase, the Xiao Chaihu Tang is used to harmonize the half-surface and half-side phase of the body. The Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang was used to clear the water, and to reverse the up-reversed water, as well as to use the Shigao to clear Fire in the upper part of the body. For case 3, it is also a water overwhelming condition, so the principle of the herbal therapy is also to nourish the blood and to dispel the overwhelming water. However, during the treatment, the symptoms changed again and again, so the herbal prescription was changed several times too. By this way, not only the hepatitis, cough, urinary system problems were solved, but also the epilepsy were solved. From these case reports, it can be seen that, Dr. Hu treats epilepsy and Meniere’s disease that belong to phlegm and water overwhelming, most of time he follows the “for disease that is caused by phlegm and water, use warm herbs to harmonize it.”. At the same time, Dr. Hu does not stick to only one herbal prescription for the treatment, but focuses on herb indications.


 15.  脑病头痛苦无边   方证对应皆能清

15. The headache is annoying very much. It can be cured however, if the herbal therapy matchs the clinic condition.

4. 韩某,男,35岁,病案号173044

Case 4. Han XX, male, 35 years of old. File number: 173044.


The first visit: October 16, 1966. The patient had headache and dizziness for more than five years. He had been checked by various ways but no any clear diagnosis. He took western medicine pain killer, which worked only temporally but no cure. He also tried various Chinese medicine therapies but in vain too. The herb Tianma, Chuanxiong, etc. that he took, could  be account to pounds. Recently, the headache came without fixed time but it happened mostly after catching cold or hot, tired or poor sleep. The pain usually came in the sides of the head, more on the left than on the right side. For the movement he saw Dr. Hu, he felt dry mouth and had desire to drink water. No any other symptoms. His tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was string and thin. This is Shaoyang-Yangming co-exist phases. He was given Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao: Chaihu 12 g, Dangshen 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Banxia 12 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chinese date 4, and Shigao 60 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three doses, no any more symptoms.


Comments: This case, though the diagnosis is not clear from western medicine point of view, might belong to chronic phyringolaryngitis. This is based on his symptoms, the herbs used and the healing result. No matter what is the western medicine diagnosis for him, his condition was diagnosed as Shaoyang-Yangming phases. Further diagnosis suggested it is the Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao condition. For the condition so gave him the herbs. The many years’ problem was solved very soon. Otherwise, without proper diagnosis, just use so called Chanxiong, Tianma, and Quanxie, etc. it would be hard to solve the problem.

5. 陈某,男,44岁.病案号97771

Case 5. Chen XX, male. 44 years of old. File number: 97771.


The first visit: March 25, 1965. The patient had frequent headache for five years. The headache was related to the weather change, emotional flutte, and poor sleep. The western medicine diagnosed him as “nervous headache”. For recent one week, his afternoon headache became more severe. He also felt the head heavy as tightened by a ring. It felt more on the front and on the back of the headache. The neck and upper back of the body felt tight and sour. He felt dry throat and had desire to drink. He also felt nose stiff at night. He had poor sleep with more dream. The tongue cover was white with greasy in root. The pulse was deep, string and thin, with left side floating. His condition was diagnosed as Taiyang-Yangming co-exist phases. It was the indication of Da Qinglong Tang pus Cangzhu: Mahuang 15 g, Guizhi 6 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Xingren 6 g, Jiegen 9 g, Cangzhu 18 g, Shigao 45 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the headache and heavy feeling in head were reduced. The nose stiffness at night was improved. To the above prescription, added was Yiyiren 15 g. This herbal prescription was used for 6 doses. The symptoms subsided gradually. After one month, the headache was no long apparent.


Comments: This kind of “nervous headache” is commonly seen in clinic. For western medicine, the diagnosis should exclude the possible sinusitis, and nasitis, etc. Many of such nervous headache are eventually diagnosed as the inflammation in the nose cavity, after X-ray detect. However, no matter what’s the western medicine diagnosis, in Chinese medicine, it can be diagnosed as the Wetness sluggished in the body surface, and it develops into fire after a long time of the sluggish. The condition belongs to Taiyang-Yangming co-exist phases. It is the indication of Da Qinglong Tang plus Cangzhu prescription. This is the cure of the cause of the disease. Therefore, the pain can be stopped without the use of herbs such as Chuanxiong and Tianma.

6. 叶某,女,43岁,病案号51575

Case 6. Ye XX. Female. 43 years of old. File number: 51575.


The first visit: April 7, 1965. The patient had recurrent left side headache for more than 10 years. It usually came out when she felt tired or had poor sleep. The western medicine diagnosed the condition as “nervous headache”. She had various treatment but no any improvement. The pain can be temporally reduced after taking pain killer or drink strong tea. Later, the onset came more frequently. She would feel nausea when taking pain killer. She had also dizziness, palpitation, poor sleep, dry mouth with desire to drink hot water. She has had a history of surgical removal of ovaries and uterus. Her tongue cover was white and tongue was pink in color. The pulse was deep and thin. Her condition belongs to blood deficiency with water overwhelming, and with choked fire rushing up to disturb the head. It is the indication to Danggui Shaoyao San plus Shigao and Wuzhuyu: Danggui 9 g, Baishao 12 g, Chuangxiong 9 g, Cangzhu 12 g, Zexie 24 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Wuzhuyu 9 g, and Shigao 45 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for 4 doses, no any symptoms left.


Comments: This headache comes on the left side. She had also dizziness, palpitation and poor sleep. It is therefore known that she had blood deficiency with water overwhelming, but also a blood stagnation. Therefore the Danggui Shaoyao San was used to nourish blood, to deplete water, and to activate blood circulation. For there was much more Cold and Water inside the body, large amount of herb Cangzhu, Fuling and Zexie were used to warm the stomach and to deplete water. For the water had been rushing up, the herb Wuzhuyu was used to warm the stomach and to reverse the rushing water. For the water had been developed into Fire, the Shigao was used to clear the upper Fire. In the treatment of headache, Shiggao and Wuzhuyu are usually used together. This is one of the characteristics of Dr. Hu in herbal therapy.

7. 许某,男,46岁,病案号155605

Case 7. Xu XX, male, 46 years of old. File number 155605.


The first visit: April 8, 1965. The patient had headache and dizziness for three years. Western medicine diagnosed it was “arachnoiditis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, basilar artery poor circulation and chronic asthmatic bronchitis”. Currently, she felt blirring in eyes when she had mental work, felt as air pushing up from stomach, tinutis, fever with headache, bloating feeling in the temples both side, pain in lower back, pain in outside of left leg, short of breath and asthma when going up steps. Laterly, she had cough and spit yellow phlegm for three months. She had hot feeling in hands and feet, and dry mouth. The tongue cover was white. The pulse was deep and string. This is Shaoyang-Yangming co-exist phases with blood stagnation. It is the indication to the Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan. The herbs used were: Chaihu 12 g, Banxia 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Chishao 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Taoren 9 g, Danpi 9 g, Zhi Gancao 2 g, Honghua 9 g, Shigao 45 g.


The second visit: April 15. After the herbal therapy for three days, the headache and dizziness both subsided. The up-pushing feel was reduced. He still had cough with more phlegm, and felt cloudy in vision. He was given Banxia Houpu Tang with additions: Banxia 12 g, Fuling 12 g, Suzi 9 g, Jupi 15 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Gualu 24 g, Xuanfuhua 9 g, Zhuru 6 g, Xingren 9 g, Shigao 45 g.  


The third visit: April 15. The cough and phlegm were reduced. From the April 8 prescription, removed were Chinese date and Honghua, but added Shengdi 9 g.


The fourth visit: After two months of herbal therapy with Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan, the headache stopped, the dizziness was slight only, the tinnitus happened only at night occasionally and he can work with mental ability for hours. No any other symptoms.


Comments: In this case, it is again with the Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan for the treatment. The headache is the main complain of patient, and the patient had also some other symptoms in the cerebral and bronchy systems. In the treatment, the herbal prescription matches the disease nature and location, so the healing effect is excellent. To study this case, we can learn such principle in the diagnosis and treatment of headache in clinic.

8. 李某,女,43岁,东北锦州人。

Case 8. Li XX, female. 43 years of old, living in the Jingzhou city, North-east of China.


The patient suffered from headache and nausea for 6 to 7 years. For later two years, she felt blirring in vision. She had tried various therapies here and there and the problem was diagnosed as “Chronic glaucoma”. She tried both western medicine and Chinese medicine without any improvement. For the recent one month, she lost vision in the left eye, so she came to Beijing for treatment. The current condition when she saw Dr. Hu: She felt there was something  covering on the eye, severe headache so that as the head is to split, which was accompanied with nausea, dry eyes, hot feeing in heart and in hands and feet, and dry mouth without desire to drink. Her tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was string and thin. Her condition belonged to Blood deficiency with Cold water pushing up. The herbal therapy should focus to nourish the blood and to deplete the water, to nourish and blood and the micro-nutrition material to the body. She was given Wuzhuyu Tang plus Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang and Danggui Shaoyao San: Wuzhuyu 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, Ganjiang 6 g, Chinese date 4, Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Tianhuafeng 12 g, Danggui 9 g, Baishao 9g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Zexie18 g, Longgu 15 g, Muli 15 g, Fuling 12 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the overall feeling was pretty good. After 21 days, the vision became gradually clear. For the two months, the same prescription wes kept the same. The left eye became clear. The headache stopped.


Comments: This headache is due to Cold water pushing up to the head. For there was loss of vision in the left eye, hot feeling in the chest, hands and feet, and dry eyes, etc. it is known that the condition belongs to the deficiency of blood and micro-nutrition material in the body. Such deficient condition fails to nourish the eye. Therefore, the Wuzhuyu Tang, Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang, and Danggui Shaoyao San were all used, so as to make the headache subsided and the vision recovered. It can be said that this is mysterious result. However, for Chinese medicine, it does not exceeds its normal healing consequence range. Dr. Hu had a lot of such successful cases. For some, he uses the Wuzhuyu Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San. For others, he may use only the Wuzhuyu Tang, or Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Wuzhuyu Tang plus Shigao. Here we are not going to list them more. All the treatment follow the principles in the diagnosis and treatment introduced by our old time doctors. The key point is: the herbal indication diagnosis must be accurate and precise.

9.  程某,女,33岁,病案号37488

Case 9. Chen XX, female, 33 years of old. File number: 37488.

初诊日期196737日:左偏头痛一年,西医诊为三叉神经痛。反复发作,时轻时重。既往有肝炎史。近日发作较重,左侧头面、眼眶皆痛,伴头眩而晕,大便溏泻,一日23行,经细问也大约一年,干不欲饮,舌苔白根腻,脉沉细弦。证属上热下寒,治以苦辛开降,与半夏泻心汤加吴茱萸: 半夏四钱,党参三钱,黄芩三钱,黄连二钱,干姜二钱,炙甘草二钱,大枣四枚,吴茱萸三钱。

The first visit: March 7, 1967. The patient suffered from left headache for one year. The western medicine diagnosed as trigeminal mialgia. It comes and goes and some time less and some times worse. He had history of hepatitis. Lately, the onset became more severe. The pain was felt on the left face, head, and around the left eye, with dizziness and dazzled. The bowel movement was loose, 2 to 3 times a day, which was said already for one year. She felt dry mouth but no desire to drink. The tongue cover was white with greasy in the root. The pulse was deep, thin and string. This condition belongs to upper-fire and lower-cold condition. The herbal therapy to be given should work to open and to descend with bitter and spicy herbs. She was therefore given Banxia Xiexing Tang plus Wuzhuyu: Banxia 12 g, Dangshen 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Huanglian 6 g, Ganjiang 6 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chinese date 4 and Wuzhuyu 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the headache and diarrhea both were improved. From the prescription, Huangqin was reduced to 6 g, with addition of Shigao 30 g. This prescription was continued for 12 days. The headache stopped, the bowel movement was normal.


Comment: This case is also a Cold Water pushing up to the head so to cause the headache. For a long time sluggish of the water, the water develops into Fire to form a upper Fire and lower Cold condition. Single Wuzhuyu Tang would not be able to clear the upper Fire. Only with the use of the Fire-clearing prescription, the inside Cold would be worse. So, the Banxia Xiexing Tang is used with the Wuzhuyu to cause a opening-descending effect, so the make the lower cold be able to deplete. With the addition of Shigao to clear the upper Fire, such combination works to solve both the Fire and Cold, so the headache could subside.

10. (颅咽管瘤术后)  杜某,女,58岁,病案号66405

Case 10.  (Post-surgical removal of craniopharyngeal duct tumor). Du XX, female, 58 years of old. File number: 66405.


The first visit: June 1, 1978. The patient suffered from headache, nausea and vomit for 20 years. Since 1962, she often felt headache in the morning, and nausea. In December 17, 1963, she was diagnosed as retrobulbar optic neuritis, partial optic atrophy. In June 1972, she had surgical removal of craniopharyngeal duct tumor. After the surgery, she still often felt headache so she often took veramon to stop the pain. In May 1977, she suddenly had convulsion, severe headache, loss of vision on the right eye, bloating pain in the left eye, with nausea, and bitter taste in mouth. The tongue was white. The pulse was string and thin. She was given Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao and Wuzhuyu: Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Banxia 12 g, Dangshen 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Guizhi 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Danpi 9 g, Taoren 9 g, Shigao 45 g, and Wuzhuyu 12 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the symptoms were better. The original prescription was modified little bit and asked to continue for 25 doses. After that, all the symptoms subsided.


Comments: This case belongs to block of phlegm, blood stagnation, showing Taiyang-Shaoyang co-exist phases. Therefore, the Xiao Chaihu Tang was used to harmonize the in between phase of disease and the Guizhi Fuling Wan was to dissolve phlegm and deplete water. The additional Wuzhuyu was to deplete water and to down-move dirty thing and the Shigao to clear upper Fire. The use of Shigao and Wuzhuyu at the same time is the experience of Dr. Hu. The patient themselves also had experience: the Shigao and Wuzhuyu work excellent for the headache and pain in the eyes.

16.  血不养心眠难安   邪扰神明更堪忧

16. If the blood cannot nourish the heart, the sleeping would be poor. If there is Xie Qi disturb the emotion, the problem would be worse.


Case 11. Zhang XX, female, 65 years of old. File number: 16248.


The first visit: Dec. 13, 1965. The patient suffered from poor sleep for many years. She had had visited various doctors for the treatment but on any use. The current condition was: She had poor sleep. If the condition was not severe, she might be able to have a shallow sleep but with a lot of dream. If it was severe, she could not have any sleep for continuous one to two days. She often felt dizziness, dry mouth, palpitation, annoyed and flustered, and had sweat. The tongue was red in color and the tongue cover was white. The pulse was thin, frequent and weak, especially on right wrist. The condition was Ying Bood deficiency, so that the Yang could not dive in the Yin portion at night. The herbal therapy should focus to dive the Yang into the Yin. The herbal prescription was Suanzaoren Tang plus Longgu and Muli: Fresh Suanzaoren 30 g, Zhimu 12 g, Fuling 15 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Longgu 12 g, and Muli 24 g.  


The second visit: December 17. After the herbal therapy for 3 doses, the sleep was slightly improved. She still felt annoyed, palpitation, sweat, dizziness and dry mouth without desire to drink. From the prescription above, removed was the Longgu, added the Danggui 9 g, Baishao 12 g, Guizhi 9 g, and Baishu 9 g.


The third visit: December 22. After additional three doses, all symptoms subsided. For a maintenance, the herbs were drunk for additional three doses.


Comments: This case is the commonly seen condition, in which the Yang could not dive into the Yin at night due to the Yin and Blood deficiency. The herb Suanzaoren is a very strong contracting nourishment herb. It is especially to strengthen the nerves and the emotion. In the prescription, it is used as the key herb ingredient, taking its advantage of nourishing the weakness, contracting the emotion, so to improve the sleeping. The use of Chuanxiong and Gancao are to harmonize and to buffer the spasm. The Zhimu and Fuling are to solve the annoyed and the palpitation. The Longgu and Muli are to strengthen the scattered emotion, to stop sweat and to seal the micro-nutritional material in the body, and to calm down emotion and enhance willingness. All herbs work together to nourish the Yin and Blood, to attract the emotion and to help the Yang to be able to dive into the Yin at night, so that the sleeping was improved.

12. 武某,男,31岁,首都机场病案号563

Case 12. Wu XX, Male, 31 years of old. File number: 563 (Capital airport file number)


The first visit: March 18, 1966. The patient had poor sleep for three years. He felt warm in the body, had sweat during the day time. The western medicine diagnosis was post-poisoning syndrome (by gasulene). He could only have a sleep for 3 to 4 hours every night. He often felt headache, dizziness and dry mouth with desire to drink. The stool was first hard then loose, 2 to 3 times a day. His urine was yellow to red in color. The tongue cover was white with slight greasy. The pulse was weak and frequent. This condition belongs to the Up-stirring by Wetness-Fire. The herbal therapy should focus to clear the wetness and to clear the Fire. He was given Zhuling Tang plus Suanzaoren: Zhuling 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 15 g, Huashi 15 g, Ajiao 9 g, Suanzaoren 24 g.


The second visit: March 25. After the herbal therapy for 6 days, the sleep was improved. He could have a sleep for 4 to 5 hours every night. The bowel movement was one to two times a day.  To the prescription above, added was Cangzhu 9 g.


The third visit: April 1. The sleep was basically normal. The headache subsided. He felt dizziness some times. No any other symptoms. The prescription above was continued for a maintenance.


Comment: The poor sleep in this case was due to the poisoning by gasoline (lead poisoning), that causes disorder in nervous system. The condition showed as Shaoyin-Taiyin co-exist condition, and ws the indication to the Zhuling Tang, so the Zhuling Tang was used to clear water and to clear Fire. The herb Zhuling works with Fuling, Zexie, and Huashi, all together to clear the water. The use of Ajiao was to nourish the Yin and to humidify the dryness. The Suanzaoren worked to contract emotion and calm down emotion. Therefore, this prescription was used for the poor sleep that is caused by Wetness-Fire up-stirring with Yin and Blood deficiency.

13. 金某,女,29岁。

Case 13. Jing XX, female, 29 years of old.


The first visit: December 22, 1965. The patient suffered from poor sleep for more than 12 years. The western medicine and Chinese medicine did not improve her condition at all. For the recent two months, she could almost have no any sleep for the whole night. She could feel tired but the mind was very clear. During the day time, she felt cloudy mind and bloating feeling in head, and dry mouth. No any other discomfort. She had severe pain in belly before menstruation. Her tongue cover was white and slight yellow. The pulse was deep with kind of force. This was blood stagnation condition, in which, the stagnated blood blocked the meridian (the energy flow), so that the Yang could not dive into the Yin. She was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Taohe Chenqi Tang plus Longgu and Muli: Chaihu 12 g, Banxia 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Zhike 9g, Baishao 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Guizhi 9 g, Taoren 9 g, Danpi 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Dahuang 6 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Longgu 30 g, Muli 30 g, Mangxiao 9 g (direct drink, no cook with other herbs).


Results: After the herbal therapy for three doses, She could fall into sleep for one to two hours. The cloudy mind and dizziness were reduced. From the prescription, Mangziao was deleted. It was continued for six doses. She had no longer had pain in the belly, and the sleep turned normal.


Comments: In the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, the paragraph 237, it states: “In the Yangming phase, if the person tends to lose memory, the condition belongs to blood stagnation remains in the body.” It means that, the stagnated blood would block energy flow (meridian), the blood could not circulate up to the brain to nourish the mind, so that the person tends to forget things. For the same reason, when the stagnated blood fails to circulate up to nourish the brain, the Yin deficiency in the brain would cause the Yang fails to dive into the Yin at night and to cause poor sleep. For this case, the patient had pain in belly before menstruation, indicating the presence of stagnated blood. Therefore, the blood circulation-improving and stagnation-clearing therapy works well. To use the Da Chaihu Tang plus Taohe Chenqi Tang is the clinic experience of Dr. Hu.

14.  张某,男,38岁,病案号182577

Case 14. Zhang XX, male, 38 years of old. File number: 182577.


The first visit: December 13, 1965. The patient had poor sleep for more than one year. He felt pain some times in the left side of belly, and palpitation. He often had yawn, and tearing. His tongue cover was white and greasy, and the pulse was string. This is a blood deficiency and water overwhelming condition. The herbal therapy should focus to nourish the blood and to deplete water. He was given Danggui Shaoyao San plus Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang and Suanzaoren Tang with some modification: Danggui 9 g, Baishao 12 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Fuling 15 g, Guizhi 12 g, Zhimu 9 g, Chao Zaoren 15 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Longgu 30 g, and Muli 30 g.


The second visit: December 20. After the herbal therapy for 3 doses, he still felt poor sleep. He had cold feeling in the stomach, more belching, and bloating feeling in the stomach area. From the prescription above, herb Zhimu was removed, but Banxia 9 g, and fresh ginger 9 g, and Jupi 12 g were added. 


The third visit: January 3, 1966. The belly pain stopped. The belching reduced. The palpitation and poor sleep were improved. The prescription was continued.


Comments: For a poor sleep due to Yin and blood deficiency, use Suanzaoren Tang to nourish the Yin and blood, so as to contract and bring the Yang and to improve sleep. When the blood deficiency is with water overwhelming, the Yang-warming and water-depleting therapy must be used together with the blood nourishing therapy. When the water overwhelming and Yang deficiency are apparent, the Zhimu that works to nourish the Yin and to calm mind should be be used for its too bitter-cold nature. In this case, it should be used the Banxia, fresh ginger, and Chenpi should be used to warm the stomach and to deplete water.


The case reports above show only partial cases that Dr. Hu saw for the patients with disease associated with the brain. Though they are not complete, we can find that the Jing Fang can be used to solve various organic or functional disorders. At the same time, it can be seen that the herbs work for the brain-associated diseases is because it is used following the TCM principle. Especially the cause and course of a disease and the functional mechanism of the herbs, all must follow the TCM theory. It should be emphasized that, Dr. Hu, when treat the brain-associated disease, uses no too mush numbers of herbs, no matter how complex the disease and how long the disease is in length, whereas the healing effect remains excellent. The most important reason for this is his precise herbal indication diagnosis.


17.  治疗血证经验

17. The treatment of blood system


The diseases in the blood system (heamotopathy) include large amount of various diseases. Dr. Hu has a lot of such cases. It is not going to introduce all of them, but only the commonly seen bleeding, anemia, and blood stagnation.

17. 术后出血病垂危     经方一剂扭乾坤

The bleeding after surgery risks life. The Chinese Jing Fang therapy solve the problem.

1. 宋某,女,17岁,某医院住院病案号114533

Case 1. Song XX. Female. 17 years of old. File number (in a hospital): 114533.

初会诊日期19821011日:咽出血半月。患者出生时即有唇、_裂,2岁时将唇裂缝合,因有"先天性肝糖元累积症"GPT经常高,一直未进行_裂缝合,直至上月经内科多方检查,认为可以手术,方于925日全麻下进行了_裂缝合术,术中输少量血,手术顺利。术后第一二天除低热 (375C) 外无不良反应,但意想不到的事发生了,第三天伤口开始渗血,用碘纱布条填塞无效。继用止血敏、VCVK6一氨基乙酸、抗血纤溶芳酸等皆无效。又请中医会诊,给服益气止血汤药数剂未见疗效。因失血过多,不得不输新鲜血液维持生命。第一二天尚能维持24小时,但自第三天起,仅能维持12小时,因此每天要输血,至今输血已逾3000毫升,故急请会诊。

The first consultation: October 11, 1982. The patient had bleeding in nose for half month. The patient had, from the birth, the cleft lip and cleft palate. On her 2 years of old, she had the cleft lip treated by surgery. For the fact that she had congenital glycogenstorage disease, and increased GPT, she did not have the cleft palate treated. Up to the last month, after consultation with the agreement by the physicians for the surgical treatment, she had the surgery for the cleft palate. During the surgery, she had little blood transfusion and the surgery was successful. On the first and the second days after the surgery, she had only low fever (body temperature 37.5 C), and no any other symptoms or discomfort. However, surprisingly, on the third day, there was effusion of blood from the surgical wound. There was no any effect with the use of idione gauze, or various bleeding-stop medicines. TCM doctor was asked again for a consultation. She was given Qi-nourishing and Bleeding-stop herbs but still no effect. For lose of large amount of blood, she had had to have blood infusion to maintain life. On the first and second day, the blood transfusion can maintain for 24 hours. From the third day, it could only work for 12 hours. Thereafter, she needed blood transfusion everyday. So far to the time when Dr. Hu was asked for consultation, she had 3000 ml blood transfusion. Dr. Hu was urgently asked for consultation.


The condition on the consultation: … (The original Chinese text here are mostly the lab test reports).


On the consultation, the girl was clear in consciousness but she preferred to close eyes and no willingness to see people. She felt annoying and sweat. She had pale face. There was black-purple color blood clot in the nose holes. She had dry mouth and had desire to drink water. She had hungry feeling and had desire to eat, but for fear of wound blood effusion, she was not allowed to eat. The stool was black and loose, once a day. The tongue was red without tongue cover. The pulse was thin, slippery and frequent. The condition belongs to blood deficiency with Fire stirring. She was urgently given herbal therapy to clear Fire, to stop bleeding, as well as to nourish the weakness and the Yin. The herb prescription was  Qiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang with modification: Shengdi 30 g, Danggui 10 g, Ajiao 10 g, Aiye 10 g, Dangshen 10 g, Baishao10 g, Zhi Gancao 10 g, Baizhu 10 g, Shigao 50 g.


Results: After one dose, the bleeding stopped. On the second day, she could eat some fluid food and the blood transfusion stopped. On the third day, she felt less appetite, so the Shengdi in the prescription was changed to 15 g, with addition of Shengdi Tan 15 g. The prescription was continued for three days. The appetite was normal, and the in vein transfusion stopped to use. On October 18, her face was pint with humidity. There is spirit in eyes. Apart from slight sweat, no any other discomfort at all. The prescription was continued for additional two doses.


Comments: For such large amount of bleeding. There was no any way from western medicine, even if with large amount of blood transfusion. For Chinese medicine, the Qi and Blood nourishing therapy and the bleeding-stop therapy had been used too, but for the prescription did not target the clearance of upper Fire, the bleeding-stopping herbs did not work either. Upon consultation, the patient life risked seriously. If the further herbal therapy did not match the condition, there would have no change at all to save the life. At this movement, thanks for the rich clinic experience of Dr. Hu in the practice of theory of Dr. Zhongjing Zhang, he caught the point of the disease, and diagnosed the condition as Qiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang. Therefore, one dose worked excellent to stop the bleeding. It surprised all, the doctors and the family.

18.  尿血虽无症   辨证却从容

18.  Patient has urine bleeding without any discomfort. TCM can still make diagnosis and to solve it.

2. 林某,男,38岁,空军飞行员。

Case 2. Lin XX, male, 38 years of old. Pilot of airforce.

初诊日期1966219日:于1962年开始每56个月发一次尿血,因别无所苦,未予重视。但自今年116日尿血加重,服止血药不见效,方到医院检查,但经协和、301、北医等医院行膀胱镜、肾盂造影等检查均未见异常。查尿为血尿,色鲜红,红血球满视野,尿蛋白( ),怀疑肾癌,但又通过其他检查,未能确诊。舌苔白,脉细弦。胡老与芎归胶艾汤合桂枝茯苓丸:生地一两,当归三钱,桃仁三钱,丹皮三钱,桂枝三钱,白芍三钱,茯苓三钱,泽泻三钱,阿胶三钱,艾叶一钱,生苡仁八钱。

The first visit: February 19, 1966. The patient had bleeding in urine once every five to six months, since 1962. He had no any other discomfort or symptoms. Since January 16 this year, the urine bleeding became worse. It did stop after taking bleeding-stopping medicine. He then went to hospital for check. With various endoscope check and more other kinds of detect, they found nothing wrong. The urine is clear blood urine with fresh red in color. There were rich in red blood cells under microscope detect. Urine protein was . He was suspected to be kidney cancer. But it could not be confirmed with  other more detect or lab test. His tongue cover was white, and the pulse was thin and string. Dr. Hu gave him Qiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan: Shengdi 30 g, Danggui 9 g, Taoren 9 g, Danpi 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 9 g, Ajiao 9 g, Aiye 3 g, Yiyiren 24 g.  


Results: After the herbal therapy for three doses, the color of urine became lighter but started to have small clots. After seven doses, the blood clot disappeared. The urine protein became (-), red blood cells (-). For the herbal therapy worked, it was continued for 30 doses (30 days). On April 10 for consultation, Dr. Hu told him, for no bleeding in urine or any discomfort, the herbal therapy can be stopped. If there is any recurrence, the patient can come again.


Comments: This is no-pain urine bleeding. The first suspect was cancer, which however could not be confirmed by various detect or lab tests. For Chinese medicine, for no symptoms, it was also difficult to solve the problem. Dr. Hu had been asked how to do and what to do. Dr. Hu supervised and said, first, the urine was red in color, indicating it is a hotness; second, the long term urine suggests it is a blood stagnation. For this reason, the Qiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang and Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Yiyiren is indicated so as to nourish the weakness, to cold down the blood, to remove the blood stagnation and to activate blood circulation. For Chinese medicine, no matter there is the symptoms or not, a diagnosis can still be made. This is Chinese medicine: medicine is a “imagination and perception”.

19.  便血九年病缠绵   黄土九剂却能痊

19.  Patient had bleeding in stool for nine years. The herbal Huangtu Tang solved the problem by only nine doses.

3 王某,男,39岁,病案号185193

Case 3. Wang XX. Male. 39 years of old. File number: 185193.


The first visit: June 12, 1968. The patient had recurrent stomach pain and bleeding in stool for nine years. After various check, he was diagnosed as gall bladder infection, and colonitis with bleeding. The current condition: from time to time, he had black stool, which some times was black and purple in color. He often felt pain in left belly and in stomach area. He felt annoyed at night, dry mouth with desire to drink but being unable to drink a lot. The appetite was ok, but could not tasted delicious. From time to time, he felt dizziness and fatique, felt cold hands and feet. His face was withered yellow. The tongue cover was white and greasy. The pulse was deep and thin. The condition was diagnosed as a long term of water accumulation that developed into Fire. The Fire hurt the blood vessels, so to cause bleeding. The herbal therapy is used to warming the cold, to nourish the blood and to clear the Fire. He was given Huangtu Tang plus Lizhong Tang with modification: Dangshen9 g, Baizhu 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, dried ginger 6 g, Danggui 9 g, Chunxiong 6 g, Aiye 9 g, Chuan Fuzi 6 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Ajiao 9 g, Fulonggan 60 g (cook to get the water extract, which is then used to cook other herbal ingredients).


Results: After the herbal therapy for nine doses, the pain in the stomach stopped, and bleeding in stool became less and less until no more at al.


Comments: For the first two cases, which are blood deficiency with Fire, it is the Fire that causes bleeding. For the treatment, the herbs should work to nourish the blood and to clear the Fire. It focused on the Fire clearance. In the case here, the patient had not only blood deficiency, but also Yang deficiency with water overwhelming, as well as the blood deficiency that developed into Fire; the long terms of water sluggishness causes also Fire. It is a complex condition with weakness. For the treatment, the main target is to warm the Yang, accompanied by Fire-clearing. Among the herbs used, the Fulinggan (Huangtu) is a warming-contracting herb able to stop bleeding. The Shengdi, Ajiao and Aiye work together to stop bleeding. The Gancao, Baizhu, dried ginger, Fuzi, and Dangshen work to nourish the middle stomach and to dispel water. The Huangqin helps to clear Fire. Therefore, the whole prescription is able to warm middle stomach, to nourish the weakness, to produce blood, to deplete water, as well as to clear the false Fire, so as to make the nine-year bleeding stopped.


20.  崩漏不止止之不止   小柴与之和之则和

20.  In uterine bleeding, the bleeding is hard to stop. The use of Xiao Chaihu Tang works to stop it.

4.  赵某,女,22岁,学生。

Case 4. Zhao XX. Female. 22 years of old. Student.


The first visit: April 5, 1966. The patient had spotting bleeding from uterus for two years. She had first menstruation on her 16 years of old. The first three months, it was not regular but after half year, it turned pretty normal. In early this year, when she removed the warming system at home, for heavy labor work, she caught common cold. At that movement, it was the time her menstruation came. To unexpected, after the common cold subsided, the bleeding did not stop until now. She had been to hospital for check many times, no clear finding. She was given bleeding-stopping medicine too. No any therapy worked for her to stop bleeding. This was true when she visited Chinese medicine. Her symptoms did not reduce but became more and worse. She asked friends to introduce her to see Dr. Hu. The condition at that time: She had continous bleeding from uterus, the color of which was pink in color. Some times, there was small blood clots in the bleeding. She felt often doll pain in stomach, fatique, dizziness, or headache, dry mouth, poor appetite, or flustered and annoyed, and hot feeling in hands and feet. The tongue cover was white and thin. The tongue was slight red in color.  The pulse was deep and thin. Dr. Hu gave her Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San plus Shengdi and Aiye: Chaihu 12 g, Dangshen 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Banxia 12 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Danggi 9 g, Chuanxiong 6 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Fuling 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zexie 9 g, Shengdi 15 g,and Aiye 9 g.


Results After the herbal therapy for ten days, the bleeding stopped. She was asked to continue the prescription for a while for maintenance. After three months, her classmate told that she was normal.


Comments: It is very surprised for the herbs used in this case. Generally speaking, if the menstruation continued for a long time, it would be first of all considered to be due to blood deficiency, blood stagnation, spleen deficiency that fails to seal the blood within the blood vessels, the liver deficiency that fails to store blood in liver, kidney deficiency that fails to hold blood in the body, or due to Qi deficiency and blood escape to spill out, etc. How can use Xiao Chaihu Tang in this case? The answer would be clear after reviewing the explanation by Dr. Hu for this herbal prescription. In the book <<Shng Han Lun>>, paragraph 101: “For Shang Han disease with Wind attack, even if there is only one symptom for Chaihu Tang, use the Xiao Chaihu Tang, no need to wait until all the symptoms come to show.” In the explanation of this prescription, Dr. Hu wrote: “The external Xie Qi attacks the body, and it passes into the Shaoyang phase, in the beginning, the symptoms indicating the Xiao Chaihu Tang is not all shown. If the doctor does not know how to use Xiao Chaihu Tang, it would make the small disease lasts for a long and long time without cure. In clinic, there are a lot of such examples. This should be paid more attention.

In another book <<Jing Kui Yao Luo, Female after birth delivery>>, in the appendix prescription (1): the <<Qian Jing Fang>> San Wu Huangqin Tang works to female, who catches infection after attack by Wind, who feels annoying hotness in hands and feet. If the woman has headache, use Xiao Chaihu Tang. If no headache but annoying feeling, use the San Wu Hungqin Tang. Dr. Hu stated for this paragraph: “Wind-attack after birth delivery, for a improper treatment, the disease was not solved. After a long time, the disease develops into Fire. If the patient in such condition has headache, the use of Xiao Chaihu Tang works.”  From here, it can be seen the deep understanding by Dr. Hu for the indication to the Xiao Chaihu Tang. Once seeing the patient here, he could identify it is the indication of Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San. Therefore, the herbs worked excellent for this girl. From this case, we realized what Dr. Hu said: the herb indication diagnosis is the continue of traditional Chinese Liu Jing and Ba Gang diagnosis system, and it is the key and the most important part of the TCM diagnosis. His statement is the summary of his life-long clinic experience, and it is scientific comment.

21.  再障贫血症多凶 养血利水建奇功

21. Aplastic anemia is severe, but the herbal therapy to nourish blood and to remove water works excellent.

5.  赵某,男,26岁,密云县高岭赤脚医生。

Case 5. Zhao XX, Male, 26 years of old. Coutryside doctor in Miyun county, China.

初诊日期1977727 日:乏力、出血、贫血7年。不明原因感乏力、心慌、气短、鼻衄,经检查为贫血,经服中西药久不见效,后经骨髓穿刺检查确诊为"再生障碍性贫血"。自拟方开药也未见好转。现在症状:胸背痛,且感背如背冰,恶寒,气短,心悸,起则头眩,面色萎黄,口干, 午后手足心热,周身皮肤散在出血点,血色素9克,血小板35000,白细胞2900,舌苔白,舌质淡暗,脉细弱。此血虚水盛,为苓桂术甘合当归芍药散方证:桂枝三钱,白芍四钱,当归三钱,川芎三钱,茯苓四钱,苍术三钱,泽泻六钱,炙甘草二钱。

The first visit: July 27, 1977: The patient had fatique, bleeding, and anemia for seven years. For no clear reason, he felt fatique, flustered, short of breath, and nose bleeding. His condition was diagnosed as anemia. After various western medicine therapies and Chinese herbal therapy, no any improvement. Later, after bone marrow smear test, it was diagnosed as aplastic anemia. He prescribed herbal therapy for himself, which did not work either. The current condition: pain in the chest and back. He felt cold on the bac as ice, chilly, short of breath, palpitation, and dizziness when got up. His face was withered yellow. He felt dry mouth, hot feeling in hands and feet. There were scattered bleeding spots on the skin. Lab. test: Hb 9 g; platelet 35000, WBC 2900. His tongue cover was white. The tongue was slight dark. The pulse was thin and weak. This condition belongs to blood deficiency with water overwhelming. It was the indication for Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 12 g, Danggui 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Fuling 12 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zexie 18 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g.


The second visit: September 17. After the herbal therapy for 10 doses (10 days), all the symptoms were improved. After additional 20 days of the herbal therapy, the bleeding spots on skin disappeared. He felt sour in legs, burning feeling in belly. The herbal prescription was changed to Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Chaihu 12 g, Guizhi 9 g, dried ginger 6 g, Danggui 9 g, Baishao 12 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Fuling 12 g, Zexie 18 g,Cangzhu 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Tianhuafeng 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Muli 15 g.


The third visit: October 23. He had no any symptoms. No more bleeding spot on skin. Hb was 13.1 g, platelet 50000, WBC 3500. The same prescription was continued for a maintenance.


Comments: Aplastic anemia is a kind of anemia caused by unknown causes, which might be due to some chemical, physical or biologica things. It is characterized by reduced blood cell production in bone marrow. There had been a lot of studies for the cause, the mechanism and the treatment of this disease during 1960 and 1970 period. For the fact that this disease is easy to be accompanied by infection and to cause fever, a Fire-clearing therapy is needed. However, for the idea that it should be treated considering it is an acute exhausting and Hotness disease, it is treated more with Fire-clearing therapy but less with Cold-dispelling and warm-nourishing therapy. This case is such example. Generally speaking, it would be considered as Yin and blood deficiency that cause inside Fire, when there are dry mouth, hot feeling in hands and feet in the afternoon, and bleeding spots on skin. People omit the possible blood deficiency with water overwhelming and long time of such water overwhelming could cause inside Fire too. This is true for this case. Dr. He used the warm-nourishing, blood-nourishing and water-depleting therapy cured a lot of patients. For example, there was lady with name Xu, who had anemia for many years. Her Hb was 8.1 g. She had stomach pain, poor appetite, and mucus material in her stool. She was given Fuling Yin plus Si Ni San, plus Wuzhuyu. After one month, the stomach pain stopped, the appetite and bowel movement were improved. Hb became 10.8 g. It can be seen that, the warm-nourishing, blood-nourishing and water-depleting therapy is one the most important therapies in the treatment of aplastic anemia. 

22.  紫癜未必全热证 下之温之皆治之

22. Purpura may not always be a Fire condition. A bowel-movement-stimulating therapy or a waming therapy might work for it too.

6. 李某,男,17岁。

Case 6. Li XX, male, 17 years of old.


When the patient had swimming in a lake, he found purpura spots on skin. Later he felt pain in belly, had diarrhea and the purpura spread to whole of the body. He was admitted in the ward in a hospital for treatment. He was given blood-stopping therapy, and pain killer, and so on for symptomatic treatment. The belly pain and skin purpura were not improved and he became slim and slim up to nearly only a bone skeleton. Later, for his hard stool, he was given castor oil orally. After having a lot of dirty blood from the stool, the stomach pain stopped, and the purpura gradually subsided. His body became gradually more in body weight. So he was discharged from hospital. Half years later, the disease had onset again. He was admitted into the same hospital and given the same castor oil for the treatment but in vain. For no choice, he was brought home and later he was brought to Dr. Hu for treatment. The current condition at that movement: there were scattered bleeding spots on skin all over the body. He often felt pain in stomach. His stool was hard to pass. He felt annoyed and irritable. The tongue was purple in color. The tongue cover was yellow. The pulse was deep and string. His condition was considered to be the block of blood vessels by stagnated blood. He was given Di Dang Tang plus Da Chaihu Tang: Shuizhi 6 g, Mangchong 6 g, Taoren 6 g, Dahuang 9 g, Chaihu 12 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Banxia 12 g, Zhike 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, and Chinese date 4.


Results: After the herbal therapy for one day, he had several liters of black blood in his stool. The pain in belly stopped. The purpura gradually became better. The symptoms subsided. A following up 10 years later showed everything was normal.


Comments: This case was the one Dr. Hu saw on 1050’s. After daily clinic work, Dr. Hu had introduced this case to us. Especially when he talked about the diagnosis, he emphasized that, it indicated the body had blood stagnation when he had dirty blood in stool after taking castor oil. If at that time, the doctor was brave to use the Di Dang Tang plus Da Chaihu Tang, one dose might solve all the problems.

7.  程某,女,33岁,病案号53892

Case 7. Chen XX, female, 33 years of old. File number: 53892.


The first visit: March 12, 1964. The patient had purpura on skin for 5 years. Since summer 1959, she found purpura or stagnated blood spots on skin. At the same time, she had bleeding from nose, mouth, gum and intestine. In Youyi Hospital in Beijing, she was diagnosed as allergic purpura, after various lab tests. She had a history of nephroptosis, arthritis, endometrosis, chronic enlargement of spleen and liver. She was given blood transfusion for 800 ml. The condition remained the same. She was diagnosed in a TCM hospital as Qi and Blood double deficiency condition. She was given Huangqi, Danggui and Ajiao and other herbs but the herbal therapy did work for a short time, but not for a long time. The current condition when she saw Dr. Hu: there were scattered purpura spots on skin. She felt from time to time dizziness, heavy head, sweat, dry mouth, loose bowel movement. Appetite was pretty normal. The tongue is pale in color. The tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was string on left side and deep, thin and weak on right side. This was Shaoyang-Taiyin co-exist phases. It was the indication to Chaihu Guizhi Tang plus Fuzi Lizhong Tang: Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Banxia 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g,Chuan Fuzi 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, Danggui 12 g, Chuanxiong 12 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g.  


The second visit: March 16. After the herbal therapy for three days, all the symptoms were improved. From the prescription, removed was Chuan Fuzi, but added Danshen 30 g, and Ajiao 9 g.


The third visit: March 31: She had swelling in legs and the purpura became worse. She felt cold in lower belly, bloating in belly, dry mouth with desire to drink and difficult urination. Her face was pale. She said that her purpura and bleeding would be more whenever she felt strong swelling. Previously she took diuretics when the swelling was severe, but the swelling did not go much away but she would feel more flustered and palpitation, as well as more purpura and bleeding in skin. She was given Mufangji Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San plus Huangqi: Mufangji 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Shigao 45 g, Danggui 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Zhuling 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Huangqi 15 g.  


The forth visit: April 7. After the herbal therapy for 6 days, the healing results were satisfied. On April 4, the swelling in upper part of the body subsided clearly and that in the legs was also reduced. She felt more comfort in emotion. No more numb feeling in hands and feet when she lay down or bend on the knee. She felt more energy physically. Nore more tired feeling when she did clearing work in office. The pain in the knee was reduced. The bloating in belly stopped. The pain in the upper side of the belly was improved apparently. After eat, she had slight bloating and pain in the stomach area and on the upper side of the belly. Most of the purpura on skin was subsiding. She still felt dry mouth and had desire to drink warm water. She had frequent urination. To the prescription above, added was Shendi Tan 15 g, and Qiancao 12 g for a continuous maintenance.

按:从本案治疗过程中可看到,用柴胡桂枝汤合附子理中汤有效,但去温阳的附子,加凉血止血的丹参、阿胶病情 反增重,并发现水肿与紫癜密切相关,因此用木防己汤加黄_益气利水,能使水肿退紫癜消。由此胡老体验认为:水肿时则血液稀释,为出血、紫癜创造条件,祛水势在必行,此是特殊之法。当然整个病的治疗要综合分析,据症候辨证立法用药,本案主要表现为气血虚水饮盛,故治益气养血利水,为木己汤合当归芍药散加黄_方证,不用止血而血自止。

Comments: From the course of the treatment of this case, it can be seen that, it is effective when using Chaihu Guizhi Tang plus Fuzi Lizhong Tang. But it became worse after removal of the warming Fuzi, but adding the Blood-cooling and bleeding-stopping Danshen and Ajiao. It had also been found that, the swelling was related to the onset and severity of the purpura. For this reason, the use of Mufangji Tang plus Huangqi to nourish the Qi and to deplete water, could make the swelling dissolved and the purpura subsided. For this, Dr. Hu made a summary that, when there was swelling, the blood was diluted, which created chance for bleeding and for purpura. Therefore, the swelling was must be treated. This is a special and unique therapy for this case. However, the treatment of the disease needs a overall analysis. The herbs sould be given based on their indications (symptoms and clinic signs). This case showed as Qi-blood deficiency but water overwhelming. So, the herbal therapy should be given to nourish the Qi and the blood, and to deplete extra water. The condition in this case is the indication to the Mufangji Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San plus Huangqi. By this way, the bleeding stopped without use of any bleeding-stopping herbs.

8. 何某,男,58岁,病案号160462

Case 8. He XX, male, 58 years of old. File number: 160462.


The first visit: September 20, 1965. On one day in April 1964, the patient found purpura on his crus, during a shower. The purpura was some times worse and some times better. From time to time, he had bleeding in stool or in urine. He had been treated in various big hospital, but no any improvement. On June 15, 1965, he came to the hospital where Dr. Hu worked. Lab test showed that, his blood WBC was 2500, platelet 85000, bleeding time 1’30”, cloting time 30”.  WBC: neutral 66%, lympha cells 34%. Hb: 13.4 g. He was given stomach-warming, blood circulation-activating, liver-harmanizing and stagnation-dissolving theray fro more than 300 doses, but no improvement. Dr. Hu was therefore asked for a consultation. The current condition on consultation: there were purpura spots all over the crus, which was scattered on the thighs. Some times, the purpura could also be seen on the back of the hands. The purpura became worse after physically exhausted (when he felt tired), or whenever there was herb Cangzhu in the herbal formula. He had hot feeling in the afternoon, felt dry in throat the bitter in mouth. He had slight pain little over the naval. The tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was string and thin. Dr. Hu gave him Sini San plus Siwu Tang with some additions: Chaihu 12 g, Chishao 12 g, Zhishi 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Danggui 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Shengdi Tan 30g, Guizhi 9 g, Qiancao 18 g, Ajiao 9 g, Zicao 6 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for six days, the purpura subsided dramatically. Pain over the naval was reduced. He still felt bitter in mouth and dry in throat. To the prescription above, added was Shigao 45 g. After one week, the low fever stopped. The Shengdi Tan was reducedto15 g. After additional half mouth, no any symptoms.


Comments: From the symptoms, there was both hotness and cold in this case. The use of Si Ni San and Si Wu Tang should be regarded to match the condition. For Si Ni San, it is stated in the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, paragraph 318, that: “For Shaoying Bing, the person has reverse cold from the hands and feet, and the person may have cough, or palpitation, or difficulty in urination, or pain in belly, or diarrhea. In this case, use Si Ni San.” In the explanation for the use of the Si Ni San, Dr. Hu said: “This state is clearly indicating a Shaoyang phase, but it is named as Shaoyin phase. The reason might be: (1), the original condition belongs to Shaoyin phase, now it develops into the Shaoyang phase (e.g. the phase between the body surface and the inside part of the body). (2), Due to stagnation of Hotness and Qi in the body, the blood circulation is affected, which causes the pulse being weak, hands and feet being reverse cold, similar to the phenomena of a Shaoyin phase condition, so it is named as Shaoyin condition, with the aim to remind a distinquishment diagnosis between the two similar clinic conditions. In this case, the person had bitter taste in mouth, dry in throat, and hot feeling in the afternoon, so it is known that his condition belongs to the Shaoyang phase. He had purpura in the crus, indicating that the blood circulation is hurt. For this reason, it is proper to give him the Si Ni San plus Si Wu Tang. In the prescription, the use of Guizhi and Fuling bears the meaning of Guizhi Fuling Wan. With addition of Qiancao, Zicao and Ajiao was to cool blood, to activate blood circulation and to stop bleeding. Though the herbs used were ordinary ones, they worked excellent for the herbs matching the clinic conditions.

23.  瘀血之证虽多见 下瘀血汤可称奇

23. Though blood stagnation condition was quite common in clinic, the herbal prescription Xia Yuxue Tang works surprisingly.

9. 杨某,女,30岁。

Case 9. Yang XX, female, 30 years of old.


At that time, it was before year 1949. The patient suffered from disease and had to lay down on bed all the day. Her family was very poor. Her neighbour felt pity for her, so the neighbour invited Dr. Hu to see the patient. The patent looked very slim, with black color and tint on her face. Her lower belly was hard, fullness and pain, when touched. She had bowel movement once a day. The tongue was purple and dark. The tongue cover was yellow to brown in color. The pulse was deep and string. Dr. Hu believed that her condition was due to a hidden dry blood clot in the lower belly. She need a herbal therapy to urgently remove the dry clot. She was given Xia Yuxue Tang plus Shexiang: Dahuang 15 g, Taoren 9 g, Zhechong 6 g, and Shexiang little.


Results: For her family was very poor, she got only little bit Shexiang. She was asked to fold the Shexiang in a gauze. Cook the herbs in water. Dip the gauze that contained the Shexiang in the herbal extract once and then took it out for use next time. She drunk one dose of the herbal tea. She had a bowel movement with black and purple stool and black water a big basin. The stomach pain was reduced, and the appetite was improved. She was then given Xuefu Zhuyu Tang, Guizhi Fuling Wan with some modification. After one month, her face became white, and she got body weight, as changed into an another person.

按:本案西医诊断不明,但病重已至危笃,中医椐证用药,寥寥几味,一剂即能扭转乾坤,这是中医的科学特点。这一科学的形成,不是一个人一生所能为,而是千万人、几代、几十代科学实践的总结。因此,胡老认为把张仲景称为 "医圣"是过誉之谈,把《伤寒论》视为一人之独创是不切实际的。在发展中医事业上,首先要在继承上下功夫。

Comments: In this case, the western medicine diagnosis was not clear. For her condition was up to very severe, the Chinese medicine treated her according to her current conditions. Only several herbs worked so excellent. This is the characteristics of Chinese medicine. It is not an achievement of a single doctor, but a clinic experience summary of thousands of thousands of doctors in generations. For this, Dr. Hu believed that, to praise Dr. Zhongjing Zhang as the medical sage is an overpraising. It is also overpraising that the book <<Shang Han Lun>> is the one person’s contribution. In the development of Chinese medicine, it is important to first of all learning the clinic experience of previous doctors.

24.  系统性红斑狼疮论治

24. The treatment of lupus

狼疮不治找中医    经方论治有苗头

If the lupus cannot be cured with conventional medicine, you can try the Chinese medicine. Among the TCM, the Jing Fang would be possible to help.

系统性红斑狼疮 (Systemic Lupus erythematosus SLE) 为自体免疫性疾病,病变部位在全身结缔组织,并可罹及皮肤、粘膜、浆膜、血管、心、肝、肾、肺、脑、胃肠、淋巴、血液等全身组织和器官。本病的临床主要症状是:发热、红斑皮疹、关节痛疼及水肿。发热见于绝大多数患者,尤其在急性发作期多见,热型不规律,时高时低,时长时短,很少见畏冷或寒战,发汗后热可暂退。长期低热者较多见,自汗多而少见盗汗、骨蒸之状。红斑皮疹以面颊部蝶形红斑、甲周红斑及指()甲远端下红斑最具特征性。红斑可现其他形状,如环形红斑、多形红斑、丘疹、斑丘疹、_疹、网状青斑等,红斑每遇阳光照射则加重。此外,手足掌可见瘀点,严重者可引起肢端坏死,口腔及咽部有无痛性顽固溃疡。90%以上的患者可见关节痛疼,很象类风湿。水肿亦常见,轻者可见腰酸、下肢轻度浮肿,重者则常见头痛头晕,甚则恶心呕吐,下肢可凹性浮肿或伴腹水。

Lupus is a self immunal disorder. The disease is located in the connective tissue of the body. It can involve the skin, mucus, blood vessels, heart, liver, kidney, lung, brain, stomach, intestine, lympha system, and blood, and so on. The main clinic condition of the patient are: fever, skin rash of red color, joint pain and swelling. Most patients have fever, especially in acute onset stage. The pattern of the fever is irregular, which is some times high and other times lower. The fever can last long time or short time. The patient rarely has chilly or feels cold. The fever can subsides after a sweat temporally. Most patients have long term low fever. The sweat happens mostly during the day time, and less at night. The skin rash shows more as butterfly shape on cheek, or red color around the nail. The skin rash can also be some other shapes, such as ring, multiple shapes, pimples,  maculopapule, or a net-shaped purple spot, etc. The skin rash is usually worse after sunshine exposure. In addition, it can be seen bruise spot on palm or on sole. In severe case, there could be stenosis of the fingers and toes, or no-pain obstacle ulcer in mouth and in throat. In more than 90% of cases, there is joint pain, similar to rheumatoid arthritis. The swelling is also very common. For mild cases, it may show as ache in the lower back and slight swelling in legs. In severe case, the patient may have headache and dizziness, even nausea and vomit, or pitting edema with ascites in belly.


For the treatment of lupus, the use of hormone product in western medicine has some effect. Especially in the acute stage with high fever, it can improve symptoms. But it does not work in some cases. In addition, the use of hormone products has lots of severe side effects, which are hard to correct. Therefore, many patients were told there no any therapy to solve their problems, after they have been given the hormone product for the treatment. At that movement, they might come to Chinese medicine. From the clinic condition, its onset and symptoms, lupus mostly belongs to, in Chinese medicine, the Bi syndrome, Water syndrome, red color skin rash, and swelling, etc. By Chinese condition diagnosis and herb indication diagnosis, there would be some healing effect. There are many clinic reports stating that Chinese medicine helps to solve the side effects of hormone products, and to allow the reduction in the dose of the hormone products. In some other reports, it stated that the Chinese herbal therapy works to make skin rash disappear, to reduce pain in joints, to improve kidney function and to improve overall body condition. By six meridian diagnosis and by use the Jing Fang, there are also healing effects.


狼疮热殊红斑凶     养血利水建奇功

1.  李某,女,32岁。

Case 1. Li XX, female, 32 years of old.


The first visit: Dec. 10, 1967. The patient had fever, skin rash on face and on back for more than one year. For his unknown reason fever and skin rash, she had been visiting some hospital in Beijing, and her condition was diagnosed as lupus. She was given hormone product treatment without clear improvement. After introduction by a friend, she visited Dr. Hu. The current condition at that time: she had irregular fever, skin rash in cheek and back, which was with falling scurf similar to psoriasis. She often had pain on the neck, back and lower back, dry mouth and annoying feeling. She was easy to have sweat on head. The tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was string, thin and frequent. The condition was diagnosed as in Shaoyang phase, which was blood deficiency with water overwhelming. The herbal therapy was given to nourish the blood and to deplete water. The prescription was Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Chaihu 15 g, Huangqin 9 g, Tianhuafeng 12 g, Muli 15 g, Longgu 15 g, Guizhi 15 g, Baishao 9 g, Danggui 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 15 g, Shigao 45 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for six days, she felt some healing effect. After 30 days of the therapy, the skin rash on cheek and back basically subsided. The lab test for blood was normal. The fever was stopped. No pain on the back or lower back. When rechecked in that hospital, the doctors there felt very surprised and satisfied. She was asked to keep the case file in a proper way and asked to stop the herbal therapy. After half month however, the skin rash recurred on cheek, without any other symptoms. She came back to Dr. Hu again. Dr. Hu prescribed her the same herbal prescription but without Shigao.  


Comments: It is pity that there was no way to keep following up with this case. However, it is not easy to make western medicine doctors felt surprising by the short term healing effects. This case suggests that, it works for Chinese herbal therapy in the treatment of lupus. It works by the six Jing diagnosis, the use of Jing Fang theory. The clinic experience of Dr. Hu is with reference value.

2.  宋某,女,40岁,北新桥帆布厂工人。

Case 2. Song XX, female, 40 years of old. Worker of a manufactory.


The first visit: July 25, 1971. The patient had skin rash on cheek for half year. Half year ago, she went to a dentist to pull of a tooth. The dentist doubted she might have lupus, after seeing a skin rash on the top of her nose, in between the eyebrow. She was refused to have any treatment for the tooth. After several times of checks, she was diagnosed as lupus, after finding the lupus cells. She was told that that was a hopeless disease to cure and was suggested to go to Chinese medicine. The current condition at that time to see Dr. Hu: there were two skin rash (red and purple color), on the top of the nose and in between the eyebrow. There was white crust, which looked as white frost, over the skin rash, and which was with little liquid secretion. It felt not very itch, but became severe after exposure to sunshine. She felt fatique, poor appetite, and nausea some times, headache and dizziness, and dry mouth. From time to time, she felt hot in the body but the temperature was not high. The bowel movement and urination were normal. The tongue cover was white with less humidity. The pulse was thin and deep. The condition belongs to blood deficiency and water overwhelming in Shaoyang phase. The herbal therapy was given to nourish the blood and to deplete extra water so to harmonize the Shaoyang phase. The prescription was Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San.

柴胡四钱,黄芩三钱,花粉四钱,生牡蛎五钱,桂枝三钱,干姜二钱,当归三钱  川芎三钱,泽泻五钱,茯苓三钱,苍术三钱,白芍三钱,炙甘草二钱。

Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Tianhuafeng 12 g, Muli 15 g, Guizhi 9 g, dried ginger 6 g, Danggui 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Zexie 15 g, Fuling 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Baishao 9 g, and Zhi Gancao 6 g.


The second visit: Feb. 11, 1972. After the herbal therapy, the skin rash between the eyebrows shrunk. Overall condition was improved. The prescription was continued.


The third visit: June 2, 1973. The overall physical conditions were much improved. There was only a small spot of skin rash on the top of the nose. No any other symptoms.

按:此例观察长达两年,资料难得。与前例有相同之处,即皆为血虚水盛,邪郁少阳,所不同者,例 1有心烦汗出,为水饮郁久化热之象,故治疗加用生石膏。通过两例的观察可以看到,当遇到系统性红斑狼疮表现为血虚水盛,邪郁少阳证时,治以养血利水、和解少阳这一方法是有效的。

Comments: This case has been followed up for two years. The data is very valuable. The similarity with the previous case is that both case belong to blood deficiency and water overwhelming. The difference is that, the case 1 had annoying feeling and sweat, which was the hotness developed from long term of water stagnation. In the treatment, the Shigao was therefore used. From these two cases, it can be seen that, when the lupus shows as blood deficiency and water overwhelming, which is in Shaoyang phase, the herbal therapy to nourish the blood and to deplete extra water, so to harmonize Shaoyang phase, works.

狼疮肾水泛滥激素技穷  开鬼门洁净府转机萌生

3. 周某,男,21岁,某医院会诊病人。

Case 3. Zhou XX, male, 21 years of old. A patient in a hospital ward.


The first time of consultation: January 4, 1966. The patient had overall body swelling for one year. It was diagnosed as lupus nephritis. He was told that there was no way to cure his disease and he needed to take long time of hormone therapy. He had been to TCM hospital in Shanghai to use herbal therapy for three months, without any clear improvement. When he returned back, he was admitted into the hospital ward again with both western medicine and Chinese herbal therapy. The condition was not improved but became worse. The dose of hormone had to be doubled. Cortisone was 60 mg per day, with dihydrochlorothiazide the same time. Still no any improvement. His parents so came to Beijing to ask Dr. Hu for a consultation. For long time intake of hormone products, his body was severely swelling. The face is full as round moon and the eye was as a thin line. There was often protein, red blood cells, and white blood cells in urine. He often felt fatique. From time to time he felt palpitation, sweat, little urine, headache, nausea and no desire to eat. Blood pressure was 160/105 mmHg. Non-protein nitrogen was 120 mg/ml. The tongue cover was thin and white. The tongue was red in color. The pulse was deep, thin and frequent. Dr. Hu gave him Yuebi puls Zhu Tang: Mahuang 18, Shigao 60 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chinese date 5, and Cangzhu 18 g.

结果:上方服三剂,尿增,肿减,恶心已,食欲好转。药后有头晕、身痒,其父母也在医界,让他医看处方后谓:"麻黄量太大!"而停服中药,但症仍不减,后停双氢克尿塞则症已,但又出现腹胀、恶心、呕吐、不能食、头痛、视力模糊,查血压仍高(150100毫米汞柱),眼底血管变细、眼底水肿,因再请胡老会诊,胡老与半夏厚朴汤加陈皮: 半夏四钱,厚朴三钱,生姜三钱,苏子三钱,茯苓四钱,陈皮一两。上方服一剂后,呕吐止,继服二剂,纳饮增加,因浮肿、心烦、眠差明显,与半夏厚朴汤合猪苓汤:半夏四钱,厚朴三钱,茯苓四钱,苏子三钱,生姜四钱,猪苓三钱,泽泻三钱,陈皮三钱,阿胶三钱。此方服三剂,腹胀已,小便增多,浮肿减,因面部肿消而显眼睁大,纳增,一餐可吃20个饺子。因口干、心烦、汗出明显,继服越婢加术汤。服一月余,人变瘦,浮肿不明显,非蛋白氮80毫克/毫升,强的松每日5毫克。仍与该方调理。

Results: After three days of herbal therapy above, the volume of urine increased. The swelling reduced. Nausea stopped and appetite was improved. After herba drinking, he had dizziness and skin itch. For his parents were also medical staff, they let other doctor see the prescription. The doctor said it is because the dose of herb Mahuang was too big. The herbal therapy was discontinued then. However, the symptoms remained. They also stop to use the dihydrochlorothiazide, then the dizziness and itch stopped, but he started to have belly bloating, nausea, vomit, hard to eat, headache and blirring vision. The blood pressure was 150/100 mmHg. The blood vessels in the bottom of eye became thin, with swelling there. Dr. Hu was asked again for consultation. Dr. Hu gave Banxia Houpu tang plus Chenpi: Banxia 12 g, Houpu 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Suzi 9 g, Fuling 12 g, Chenpi 30 g. After one dose, the vomit stopped. After two doses, the appetite was improved. For swelling, annoyed, and poor sleep, he was given Banxia Houpu Tang plus Zhuling Tang; Banxia 12 g, Houpu 9 g, Fuling 12 g, Suzi 9 g, fresh ginger 12 g, Zexie 9 g, Chenpi 9 g, Ajiao 9 g. After three days, the bloating stopped, the urine increased and the swelling reduced. For the reduction of swelling on face, the eye became bigger. The appetite was improved. He could eat 20 dumplings each meal. For he still had dry mouth, annoyed and sweat, he was asked to continue the Yubi plus Zhu Tang. After one month, the body shape became slimmer. The swelling was not very much. Non-protein nitrogen was 80 mg/ml. Prednisone was used 5 mg per day. The herbal tea was still using for a maintenance.


Comments: This case was not followed up as the case 2. The healing effect of Chinese herbal therapy could anyway be noticed. The herbal therapy made it possible to use very low dose of hormone. It should be pointed out that, Dr. Hu did not treat this disease for the lupus cells found. It does not mean that he found a herb or herbal formula that could kill the lupus cells, to battle against allergic reaction or to improve immune system. He, in stead, make diagnosis according to patient’s symptoms and clinic conditions. For this patient, he had swelling, obesity. Chinese medicine considers he has condensed water in the body, which causes the various symtoms. However, in each difference phase of the disease, he had different symptoms, so the herbal prescriptions were also different. In the beginning, he had dramatic swelling, sweat, headache, deep-thin-frequent pulse, which was water-overwhelming and inside-fire condition. The prescription was Yubi plus Zhu Tang and the healing effect was pretty good. On the second visit, he had more dizziness, nausea and bloating in belly, which was phlegm and Qi stagnation condition. The prescription was Banxia Houpu Tang plus Chenpi. On the third visit, he had difficult in urine, annoyed and poor sleep, which was inside water accumulation and loss of liquid part in the body also. The prescription was changed to Banxia Houpu Tang plus Zhuling Tang. On the fourth visit, he again showed Yubi plus Zhu Tang, which made the condition became better soon. The herbs made it possible to reduce the dose of hormone therapy. No matter which was the diagnosis of western medicine, the herbs should be anyway used if there is indication to use that herbs or herbal prescriptions. This is the characteristics of Chinese medicine. However, Dr. Hu had very deep impression to use Yubi plus Zhu Tang for the treatment of nephronitis, and swelling. He pointed out that it is approven in clinic experience that this prescription works more if the swelling is due to functional damage in kidney. It works very well for swelling and ascites due to nephritis.  Many times it is surprising that, after subside of swelling, the nephritis is also cured radically. For the kidney damage in the lupus, it might also work. This needs further more observation.


25.  论治淋证

25. The treatment of Lin syndrome

热在下焦概其廓  变证兼证皆繁多

In most cases, the Lin syndrome is due Hotness accumulation in the lower cavity of the body. In clinic it can show as largely variable symptoms.


For the symptoms of the Lin syndrome, in book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo: Xiaoke, difficulty in urine, and Lin syndrome>>, it states in paragraph 151: “ The syndrome of the Lin disease is: the urine is as rice soup. The patient felt spasm in lower stomach area, which tends to expand to the navel”. In book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo: Female and pregnancy disease>>, it says that the Lin syndrome is “hard in urination”. Therefore, it is known that, the Lin disease or Lin syndrome means that, patient has frequent urination, short and harsh urination, pain or pounch pain in urine duct, the urination is as drops by drops, there is urine retension feeling after urination, spasm in lower stomach or the pain can attract into the lower back. The Lin syndrome can be seen more in the infectious disease and stone in urinary system or chyluria. It is a quite common disease in human history. For the cause of the Lin syndrome, …. Most doctors believe that it is caused by Fire in urine bladder, though there is also some that is caused by kidney deficiency or by Qi stagnation. For the treatment, most herbal therapies focus on Wetness-clearing and Fire-clearing therapy. If there various  some other syndrome, it is needed to follow the six Jing diagnosis system and further more follow the herb indication diagnosis rule.

1. 丁某,男,36岁,病案号169559

Case 1. Ding XX, male, 36 years of old. File number: 169559.


The first visit: August 16, 1965. The patient had pain, bleeding in urine and pain in lower back for three months. Three months ago during a travel in a train, he ate chicken, drunk beer but less water. Soon later he felt pain in belly and in lower back. The pain felt as cut or tear. It came from time to time in a series. In the beginning, he felt bloating in belly without urine when he drunk water. Later, he had little urine but painful in urine duct, when drinking water. Exam in hospital showed: a lot of red blood cells in urine under microscope; no sign of stone in X-ray radiography. He was given antibiotics but no any improvement. Currently, he felt pain also on right side of back. The urine was pink in color. It was full of red blood cells under microscope in urine sample. He had constipation. The tongue cover was yellow-brown and dry. The pulse was string and thin on left side, deep and thin on right side. He was given Zhuling Tang plus Dahuang and Yiyiren: Zhuling 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Huashi 15 g, Ajiao 9 g, Yiyiren 30 g, and Dahuang 1.2 g.

二诊819 日:上药服三剂,腰痛不明显而显酸沉,尿痛不明显,少腹两侧及两鼠蹊酸重,大便不干但不畅,与柴胡桂枝干姜汤合当归芍药散加味:柴胡四钱,黄芩三钱,花粉六钱,生牡蛎五钱,桂枝三钱,干姜二钱,白芍四钱,当归三钱,川芎三钱,茯苓三钱,苍术三钱,泽泻四钱,生薏米一两,炙甘草二钱,桑寄生一两。

The second visit: Aug. 19: After three days of treatment, the lower back pain was less but felt more as sour and heavy. No more pain in urine duct. He felt sour and heavy in the side of lower belly and on groves. The stool was no longer hard but it past not easily. He was given Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Tianhuafeng 18 g, Muli 15 g, Guizhi 9 g, dried ginger 6 g, Baishao 12 g, Danggui 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Yiyiren 30 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Sangjisheng 30 g.


The third visit: Aug. 25: After another three days, the symptoms all subsided. However, after detect by urine bladder endoscope and X-ray check, it was confirmed a stone in right side ureter. He had pounching pain in urine duct again. To the herbal prescription (Aug. 16), added was Jinqiancao 60 g.


The fourth visit: Aug. 30: After two days of the herbs, the urine duct felt very painful, with difficult to pass urine. In the urine, there was blood clots and mucus. Soon later, there was stone of soya bean size in urine. Later, the urination became smooth.


The fifth visit: Sept. 7: No any symptoms more.


Comments: In the begging of this case, the condition belonged to Wetness-Fire down-flowing. The use of Zhuling Tang plus Yiyiren can be regarded a correct therapy. For the pain in the right side, it can be regarded as a sing of blood stagnation, which was an accompanying symptom. So, a small of mount of Dahuang was used to activate blood circulation and to clear the blood stagnation. This is one of the characteristics in the herbal therapy by Dr. Hu. On the second visit, for the pain in the belly, the lower back and in the urine duct was not so much but more sour and heavy, which can be regarded as the deficiency in the body life energy after exhaustion by the disease. The condition belonged to blood deficiency and water overwhelming, which was regarded as unexpected syndrome during the disease course. He was therefore given Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San. After found stone by urine bladder endoscope and later he felt pain again in urine duct, the condition was regarded as the sign of Wetness-Hotness down-flowing. For this, in the herbal formula, added was Zhuling Tang plus large amount of Jinqiancao, to help the excretion of the stone. After than, the disease was solved.

2. 韩某,女,31岁,病案号5157

Case 2. Han XX, female, 31 years of old. File number: 5157.


The first visit: January 23, 1965. The patient had “pressing nephritis” during pregnancy 13 year ago. It subsided after birth delivery. On September 11, 1964, she had frequent urine, urgent urine, pain in urine, pain on lower back and bloating feeling in belly, etc. It was diagnosed as “recurrent nephritis, acute urinary infection and urine bladder”. She was given anti-biotics but no improvement. Therefore she visited Chinese medicine. She was believed as kidney deficiency with heart fire overwhelming, spleen deficiency with Qi weakness. The corresponding herbal therapy however did not work either. She later went to Dr. Hu. The current condition: she had frequent urine, 50 times during the day time and 30 times more at night. Some times, the urine was continuous as drops so that she even could not leave the urine basin. She felt very painful in the urine duct, the hotness feeling in urine duct too. Some times, she had blood silk or blood clots in the urine. She felt bloating pain on the left lower back. From time to time, she also felt bloating in belly. She had slight swelling on legs. She often felt dizziness, palpitation, spasm in lower stomach, and very much dry mouth. She had had history of trichomonas vaginalis, abortion, painful menstruation. Her tongue was red in color. The tongue cover was white. The pulse was thin and frequent. The condition belonged to Wetness-Hotmess down-flowing with blood stagnation. The herbal Zhuling Tang plus Yiyiren were given: Zhuling 9 g, Fulingpi 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Yiyiren 45 g, Huashi 15 g, Ajiaozhu 9 g, Dahuang 0.9 g.


The second visit: January 27. After the herbal therapy for three days, the frequent urine, painful urine, and lower back pain all were reduced. The color of urine was no longer dark. There was no hot or burning feeling in urine duct. She still felt lower back pain and stomach bloating. Pulse was still thin and frequent. All suggested that, the Fire has been removed but the Wetness remained the most problem. She was given Shenzhao Tang: Fulingpi 9 g, Baizhu 9 g, dried ginger 9 g, and Zhi Gancao 6 g.

三诊25 日:小便频数缓解,尿量亦显著增加,腰痛腹胀皆减轻,脉已不数,上两方交替服用。

The third visit: February 5: There was no more frequent urine. The vomule of urine increased dramatically. The lower back pain and stomach bloating were reduced. The puse was not frequent. She was asked to take the prescriptions above in turn.


The fourth visit: February 13: No more pain in urine duct. She felt sour and pain in lower back and spasm in lower stomach, after little labor work. She had slight swelling in leg. The pulse was slight frequent again. She was given Shenqi Wan: Shendi 24 g, Shanyurou 12 g, Shanyao 9 g, Danpi 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Guizhi 9 g, and Fuzi 6 g.


The fifth visit: March 11: After drink of the herbal tea above for three days, there was no more lower back pain. The swelling in legs subsided. The appetite was improved. The same herbal tea was sked to continue. She had only accasionally dizziness and lower back pain, no more other symptoms.


Comments: This case of Lin syndrome has frequent onset of symptoms for a long time. The acute stage and the chronic stage comes and goes in turn. The body life energy and the disease energy changed in turn too. Therefore, the treatment needs to pay the attention to use the herbs according to the current conditions. When it is needed to dispel the Xie Qi, it should be used the Xie-dispelling therapy. When the body energy is deficient, the herbs should be used to nourish the Qi. This is the key point for the treatment.

结石在里见表证  解外化饮病全休

Whenever there is stone inside but also body surface syndrome, to release the body suface and to dissolve water overwhelming would make a radical healing for the condition

3. 李某,男,47岁,住院病案号17020

Case 3. Li XX, male, 47 years of old. File number: 17020.


The first visit: July 27, 1975. The patient felt a mass on the upper belly for two months. For no any discomfort, he did not go to a doctor. For recent one month, he felt pain in the left upper belly and went to hospital for a check. He was suspected to have a tumor. …… After various lab test and other detect, he was diagnosed as “both side kidney tumor? Kidney tuberculosis?” For not confirmed, he was recommended to have a surgical treatment. For he needed to wait for the surgical schedule, he wanted to try Chinese herbal therapy first and went to Dr. Hu. The current at time: he had pain and bloating feeling on the left belly. He felt dizziness and palpitation, had sweat and disliked wind. He felt dry mouth and had desire to drink. After drink, he still felt thirsty but had water noise in the stomach. He had frequent urine, pain in urine duct. His tongue cover was white. The plus was floating and frequent. The heart beat was 100 time per min. This condition belonged to body surface weakness, water overwhelming in stomach, depletion of body liquid, and blood stagnation. All of the conditions indicated the Wuling San, Zhuling Tang plus Dahuang: Zhuling 9 g, Zexie 15 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Huashi 30 g, Ajiao 9 g, Dahuang 3 g, Yiyiren 30 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for two days, the urine was increased. There were big stone in urine of green bean size. After three doses, there were continuous stones in urine as sands for four to five days. The mass in the stomach disappeared. No more any other symptoms. Following up for five years found nothing wrong.  


Comments: The stone disease locates inside of the body. Generally speaking, in the treatment, the attention is paid mostly on the inside conditions, without more attention to dispel Xie Qi in the body surface condition. Dr. Hu. Based on the six Jing diagnosis and herbal indication diagnosis, naturally pays attention to the dispelling of Xie Qi in the body surface phase. As it is commonly known that, the formation of stone in the body is associated with the Wetness (Water, condensed water) down-flowing. However, during the dispelling of the Wetness should not omit the possible exist of external Xie Qi in body surface phase. During the lecture on the prescription Guizhi Tang, Da Qinglong Tang, Wuling San and Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang, Dr. Hu emphasized again and again that, whenever the Water stops in the stomach, or in the inside of the body, there would be block inside. In this case, the body surface layer is neither released. Therefore, if not to dispel the water, the body surface-releasing therapy would not work; if only use the surface-releasing therapy, so to create a sweat, the inside water would be stirred up to create various unexpected syndrome. At such condition, the correct way is to use the body surface-releasing therapy and the water-dispelling therapy the same time. In the case here, he had both clear and strong external Xie Qi in the body Taiyang phase, and inside Wetness and inside water overwhelming, as well as dificiency in body liquid portion, and blood stagnation. For the treatment, the body surface-releasing, the wetness-dispelling, the liquid-nourishing, and blood stagnation-dissolving therapy, all must be used. This is the indication for Wuling San and Zhuling Tang plus Dahuang. In the herbal prescription, there was no specific herbs to improve the stone movement, but after drink of the herbal tea, the stone comes out along with the wetness-dispelling and body surface-releasing. Similar cases as such can be found in many case records by Dr. Hu.  


淋证里证阳气衰  温阳祛饮治也乖

The Lin syndrome belongs to inside condition, in which the Yang Qi is weak. To warm the Yang Qi and to dispel the Water work well.

4 王某,女,75岁,病案号15398

Case 4. Wang XX. Female, 75 years of old. File number: 15398.


The first visit: August 20, 1964. The patient had frequent urine, leak of urine for three month. Last year in March, she had frequent urine, pain in urine, and urgent urine. She was diagnosed as infections in urine bladder and she was given antibiotics for treatment. The symptoms went away. This year in May, she had the same symptoms again but antibiotics did not work at all this time. For a long time use of western medicine, she had poor appetite, nausea, and dizziness, all which forced her to visit Chinese medicine. She had been given herb Mutong, Cheqianzi, Huangbo, Yizhiren, Sangpiaoxiao and Qianshi, etc. without any clear improvement. The current condition when she saw Dr. Hu: she had frequent urine, leak in urine, and continuous drop of urine after urination. She felt numb in lower stomach, palpitation, dizziness, nausea, poor appetite, chilly, reverse cold feeling in hands and feet, and numb and bloating feeling in lower stomach. Her tongue cover was white and wet. The tongue was slight dark red in color. The pulse was deep, thin and slow. Her condition belonged to inside Cold Water stagnation. The herapy was to warm the Yang Qi so to dissolve the Cold water. The herbal prescription was Zhenwu Tang: Zhi Fuzi 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Baizhu 9 g, and Baishao 9 g.    


Results: After the herbal therapy for one day, the nausea and dizziness stopped. The appetite was improved. The frequent urine was no more. After three doses, there is no any symptoms.

按:无论是急性还是慢性淋证,皆有热证和寒证之分, 本例一派虚寒,无明显表证,呈太阴里虚寒饮凝滞之证。一些慢性病的形成,多是治疗不及时、治疗不当,消耗人体津液、阳气,渐成里虚寒之证。《伤寒论》第82条:"太阳病发汗,汗出不解,其人仍发热,心下悸,头眩,身晌动,振振欲擗地者,真武汤主之。"316条:"少阴病,日不已,至四五日,腹痛,小便不利,四肢沉重疼痛,自下利者,此为有水气。其人或咳,或小便利,或下利,或呕者,真武汤主之。"此两条皆是论述里有水饮,而误发汗而造成的里虚寒饮证。前条是表阳证太阳病,后条是表虚寒证少阴病,皆是说由于误治而并于太阴。表证本宜发汗,但里有水气,若不兼驱其水,单纯发汗,则虽汗出而病不解,伤津液、耗正气,使病迁延不愈。淋证病人当有表证而呈外邪内饮时,治疗以解表化饮,即解表的同时化饮,使表解饮去病即愈,如病案3即如此。如不是在解表的同时又予化饮,或单解表、或单化饮、或单攻下,皆非善法,皆可拖延病情,加重病情,造成淋证迁延不愈,这一中医理论值得深思。

Comments: No matter for acute or for chronic Lin syndrome, there would be either a Fire or a Cold condition.  This case belongs to Cold condition without apparent body surface syndrome. It is a Taiyin phase condition with inside Cold and weakness condition. The formation of some chronic disease is due to in time treatment, or improper treatment, which exhaust body liquid portion and body Yang Qi, so as to form the inside cold and weakness condition. There were two paragraphs in the book <<Shang Han Lun>> to indicate such inside water condition transforms into inside cold and weakness condition, due to improper sweat therapy. …When a Lin syndrome is with the body surface condition and also inside water condition. We have already discussed above the importance to release the body surface and to dispel the inside water the same time.  


26.  前列腺炎治疗经验谈

26. Treatment of Prostatitis.

病系多证有关连  必须辨证方消灾

Prostatitis can show various symptoms. For the treatment, the correct and precise diagnosis is very important for a radical cure.


Prostatitis is quite common in clinic. It can be in a either acute or a chronic stage. For the acute prostatitis, the clinic manifestation is the urgent urine, frequent urine, pain in urine duct, bloating and heavy feeling and pain in the perineal region, which could expand to the lower back, the penis, and groin. The person could have fever, cold-dislike feeling, headache and body muscle pain, etc., similar to the acute Lin syndrome above. The lab test for the prostate fluid can show pus cells. Finger test on colon can find enlarged prostate, which feels hot or burning hot, and pain on touch, or feels a kind of floating feeling on the prostate. If the pus mass is broken, there could be thin pus fluid, of bad odor, when the prostate is pounched through the urine duct, colon, or perineal area. After that, the whole body symptoms could subside. The clinic manifestation of chronic prostatitis is sluggished urination, frequent urine, urgent urine, burning sensation in urine duct when passing the urine, or pain in urine duct, or bleeding in urine, or difficulty in urination, or continueous drops by drops after urination, or there is white fluid from urine duct at the end of urination or during bowel movement. The person may feel falling-bloating pain in perineal region, which may attract to the penis or testis, or feel pain in the lower belly, groin or inside part of thigh. For the severity of the disease is variable, and the disease history is long or short, the clinic condition is also very variable. The common body symptoms could be fatique, dizziness, hot feeling in inside of the chest, in palm and in sole, poor sleep, heavy dream, sour sensation in the knee and weakness in the lower back, disorder in sexual ability, such as impotency, spermatorhea, or premature ejaculation, etc. It is worthwhile to pointed out that, there are many patients who have very little clinic symptoms or almost no symptoms. They come to doctor for their spermatorhea or premature ejaculation. The diagnosis of prostatitis is confirmed only after various tests or checks above. Generally speaking, the lab test for prostate fluid is sufficient to establish the diagnosis.


In old Chinese medicine history, there is no term of prostatitis. However, the similar clinic conditions were described in medical literatures. In Chinese medicine, the acute prostatitis belongs to the “hanging carbuncle”. The chronic prostatitis belongs to …. From this, it can be seen that the prostatisis would have various clinic conditions/syndromes. For the treatment, it should also be paid attention to make correct six Jing diagnosis and precise herbal indication diagnosis to reach a radical cure.

炎是邪客证各异   虚实不同治有殊

1. 李某,男,46岁,病案号121641

Case 1. Li XX, male, 46 years of old. File number: 121641.

初诊日期1965531日:既往有慢性前列腺炎史,近一周来,出现头晕头痛,恶寒发热,无汗,身疲乏力,四肢酸软,曾服两剂桑菊饮加减,热不退,因有尿急、尿痛、尿浊,又给服八正散加减,诸症不减。今日仍恶寒发热,全身酸楚,有时汗出,尿急、尿痛、尿浊,下午体温38 C,大便如常,小便黄赤,尿常规检查:白细胞成堆,红血球810。舌质淡而有紫斑,舌苔白腻,脉细滑数,寸浮。此证极似湿热下注之象,但已用八正散不效,可知有隐情,故又细问其症,得知有口苦,胸满闷,由《伤寒论》第263条:"病人无表里证,发热七八日,脉浮数者,可下之"之句悟出,此证为湿热内结,辨方证为大柴胡汤合增液承气汤:柴胡四钱,白芍四钱,枳实三钱,半夏三钱,黄芩三钱,生姜三钱,大枣四枚,大黄二钱,炙甘草二钱,生地五钱,麦冬四钱,玄参四钱,生石膏二两。

The first visit: May 31, 1965. The patient had a history of chronic prostatitis. For the recent one week, he had dizziness and headache. He felt fever and disliked cold, no sweat, but fatique and weak in arms and legs. He drunk two doses of Sangju Yin with some modification, the fever remained. For there being urgent urine, pain in urine and cloudy urine, he was given Bazhen San with modification. The symptoms remained no improvement. Today, he still felt fever and chilly, sour in whole body, and fullness and choking feeling in the chest. He had sometimes sweat, urgent urine, pain in urine duct, and cloudy urine. The body temperature in the afternoon was 38C. The bowel movement was normal. The urine was yellow to red in color. The tongue was pink with purple spots. The tongue cover was white and greasy. The pulse was thin, slippery and frequent, with floating feeling on the left side. The lab test for the urine: Lots of WBC, RBC 8-10. His condition seemed to be the Wetness-Hotness down-flowing, but the herb Bazhen San did not work. It imples that there must be something hidden there. After detailed consultation, he said, he felt bitter in mouth, fullness and chocking feeling in chest. From the state in the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, paragraph 263, “if patient has no body surface syndrome, but fever for seven to eight days, and if the pulse is floating and frequent, the bowel movement-stimulating therapy can be used.”, it can be realized that, his condition belongs to the Wetness-Hotness chocking inside, which is the indication for Dai Chaihu Tang plus Zen Yi Chenqi Tang. The herbs so given were: Chaihu 12 g, Baishao 12 g, Zhishi 9 g, Banxia 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Dahuang 6 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Shengdi 15 g, Maidong 12 g, Xuanshen 12 g, and Shigao 60 g.


Comments: After the herbal therapy for two days, the fever subsided. For he still having pain in urine duct and urgent urine, the herbal prescription was changed to Zhuling Tang plus Dahuang. This new prescription was continued for six days. All symptoms disappeared.


Comments: For this case, the disease location is in the prostate, but the condition is located in the Shaoyang and the Yangming phases, as well as with depletion of body liquid portion. At this movement, if the Wetness-clearing therapy is used alone, there would be more depletion of the liquid portion, which would make the Xie Qi sticking more tight inside of the body so as to damage more body defense energy. This further more may make the local prostate developing into pus mass, even to form fostula. Dr. Hu, based on the Mater Zhongjing Zhang, the Jing Fang system, in the diagnosis. His diagnosis was correct and precise and the herbs used matched the clinid conditions. The herbs used cleared the inside Fire and harmonized the in-between phase of the body, as well as nourished the body liquid portion, therefore, the herbs worked to reduce the body temperature. Additional herbal prescription worked to clear the remaining Xie Qi, so all the symptoms disappeared.

2. 刘某,男,45岁,病案号137865

Case 2. Liu XX, male, 45 years of old. File number: 137865.


The first visit: March 9, 1966. The patient started to have fever and pain in urine duct on February 25, 1966. His condition was diagnosed as acute onset of chronic prostatitis. He had been given western medicine for treatment for one week. For no clear improvement, he went to Chinese medicine for help. He had been given spicy-cooling herbs to release the body surface, and herbs to clear the Wetness and the Hotness. He got more sweat and the other symptoms remained the same. The current condition when he visited Dr. Hu: sweat, wind-disliking, headache, pain in the body, bitter in mouth, chocking feeling in chest, pain in the lower back, dry stool, red urine, and pain in the urine duct. His tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was thin, string and slippery. This was a condition, in which the body surface syndrome remained and the inside Fire was overwhelming too, showing a threeYang co-exist phases. It is the indication for Chaihu Guizhi Tang plus Huangqi and Shigao: Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Banxia 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, Chinese date 4, Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Huangqi 15 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, and Shigao 45 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the headache and pain in the body subsided. The sweat and wind-dislike feeling reduced. To the prescription above, added was Yiyiren 18 g, and Maidong 12 g. After another six doses, all the symptoms disappeared.


Comments: In this case, there was dry stool, red urine and pain in the urine duct, all of which seemed to be inside Fire overwhelming condition. Dr. Hu, however, noticed that the patient had wind-dislike feeling, sweat and pain in the body, diagnosed it as body surface weakness condition. When the body surface is weak, the Yin and Wei Qi in the body surface were weak, so which implies that the stomach is also weak, so that the inside Fire is a weak fire, not a overwhelming fire. It is therefore the condition for Chaihu Guizhi Tang plus Huangqi and Shigao. After the herbal therapy, the body surface was released, the in-between phase was harmonized and so the symptoms disappeared. The herbal therapy did not focus on the anti-inflammation, while the inflammation subsided any way.

3. 王某,男,30岁,首都机场病案号3341

Case 3. Wang XX, male, 30 years of old. File number: 3341 (Capital airport file series)


The first visit: June 11, 1966. The patient suffered from chronic prostatitis for half year. He took western medicine and Chinese herbal therapy for the treatment. There was no improvement. The current condition when he saw Dr. Hu: He had pain in the lower back, felt pain in the lower stomach from time to time, or felt falling and bloating pain in testis, or harsh pain in the urine duct. When he had bowel movement, there was white, milk-like fluid out of urine duct. The urine was frequent and the volume was less. The urine was red and yellow in color. He felt dry mouth and had desire to drink. The tongue cover was white with greasy on tongue root. The pulse was string and slippery. His condition was believed to belong to Wetness- and Blood-stagnation in prostate. The herbal therapy was to clear the Wetness and to dissolve the blood stagnation. He was given Zhuling Tang plus Yiyiren and Dahuang: Zhuling 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Huashi 12 g, Yiyiren 30 g, Ajiao 9 g, and Dahuang 3 g.  


Results: After the herbal therapy for only two days, the all symptoms reduced dramatically. For strong pain in the lower back, the prescription above was used together with Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang for half month. After that, all the symptoms subsided basically.


Comments: Dr. Hu often uses the Zhuling Tang (with some modification) for the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, acute or chronic prostatitis, or inflammation in urinary system. The main point for the herbal indication diagnosis is thirsty, e.g. there is inside Fire condition. For this case, though there was pain in the lower back, the person had no clear body surface syndrome, but the thirsty, desire to drink, pain in the urine duct and yellow urine, all of which suggested the Wetness and Hotness with blood stagnation. So, he used the Zhuling Tang plus Yiyiren and Dahuang for the treatment.   

4. 方某,男,43岁,病案号132645

Case 4. Fang XX. Male. 43 years of old. Fine number: 132645.

初诊日期1965127日:三个月来尿不尽、尿频、阴囊抽缩,曾查前列腺液,白细胞1520,卵磷酯小体( ),诊断为慢性前列腺炎,西药治疗,疗效不明显。后转中医诊治,以补肾、舒肝等治疗,症不减反加重。近症:常腰痛,小便不畅,尿不尽,尿频,食后则少腹拘急。心中摆忙感、晕眩、阴囊和阴茎挛缩,现症恶寒、头晕加重,舌苔白,脉细弦。此外寒内饮为患,为五苓散方证:桂枝三钱,茯苓四钱,泽泻五钱,猪苓三钱,苍术三钱。

The first visit: December 7, 1965. The patient had continuous drops of urine after urination, frequent urine, and contracting sensation of testis for three months. The lab test for prostate fluid showed WBC 15-20, normal corpusclesoflecithin ( ). It was diagnosed as chronic prostatitis. He was given western medicine treatment, but the effect was not dramatic. Later, he was referred to Chinese medicine and he drunk herbal tea to nourish kidney, and to relax liver. The symptoms were not improved but worse. The current condition when he visited Dr. Hu: he often felt lower back pain, poor urine, urine retension feeling after urination, frequent urine and lower stomach spasm after eat. He also felt hanging-swing sensation in heart, dizziness and contracting sensation in the testis and penis. He felt chilly and more dizziness. The tongue cover was white and the pulse was thin and string. His condition was to be external Cold and internal Water overwhelming. He was given prescription Wuling San: Guizhi 9 g, Fuling 12 g, Zexie 15 g, Zhuling 9 g, and Cangzhu 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the symptoms all reduced. After six days, no any symptoms left.


Comments: The front perineal region is the accumulating area for Zong tendons, which is associated and dominated by the liver and kidney. Usually, once there is contracting feeling in the perineal region, the liver- and kidney-nourishing therapy should be considered. This case, however, is due to attack by Water inside, as well as is accompanied by external Cold. In this case, the nourishing therapy would stirs the inside water, to make the water reverse rushing up to cause hanging-swing feeling in heart, dizziness, and blirring vision. The body defense energy and the Xie energy combat together, so both the body surface and the inside are in an stress stage, and so the body feels chilly and spasm in stomach, testis and penis. At this time, the correct therapy should be to release the body surface and to dispel the water, the same time. This is exactly the function of Wuling San. From this case, it can be seen that, in case 3 and this case 4, though both being chronic prostatitis, for their difference in clinic conditions, the herbs used are also different. Whether Chinese herbal therapy works or not, depends on the disease nature diagnosis and also the herbal indication diagnosis. This needs always be remembered.

5.  陈某,男,36岁,病案号196986

Case 5. Chen XX, male, 36 years of old. File number: 196986.


The first visit: July 30, 1967. The patient often had falling and bloating sensation or pain in the perineal region, since 1963. His condition was diagnosed as chronic prostatitis by western medicine. He had been given both western medicine and Chinese herbal therapy for the treatment, but no any clear improvement. For the recent one month, the symptoms became worse. He felt bloating feeling in the perineal region, which was worse at night, so as to affect sleeping. From time to time, he felt spasm and pain in lower stomach, sour and weak in the lower back and in the knee. He felt continuous drops of urine after urination. There was white fluid flowing out of penis after urination or after bowel movement. His tongue was white. The pulse was deep, string, and thin, with slippery feeling on the Chi position. This condition belonged to inside weakness and Cold. It was the indication of Xiao Huixiang Sangpiaoxiao Wuyao Tang: Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 18 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Yitang 60 g, Xiao Huixiang 9 g, Sangpiaoxiao 9 g, and Wuyao 9 g. 


Results: After the herbal therapy for six days, the falling sensation and pain in the perineal region was reduced. To the prescription, added were Yiyiren and Zhuling. It was continued for one month. All the symptoms disappeared.


Comments: It is stated in the book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo: Blood Bi syndrome and exhausting disease>>, the paragraph 13 that, if the person has weakness, exhausted condition with spasm sensation in stomach, palpitation and  nose bleeding, pain in stomach, loss of sperm fluid during dream, sour in arms and legs, hot feeling in palm and sole, dry mouth and throat, use Xiao Jianzhong Tang for the treatment.” It is mostly referring to the stomach pain due to inside weakness and cold condition. Many patients with chronic prostatitis have also such weakness and inside cold condition, indicating the use of Xiao Jianzhong Tang. The use of this herbal prescription usually works well. 

27.  性功障碍邪所为  但补肾虚必遭殃

27. Impotency might be caused by Xie Qi attack. The use of kidney-nourishing therapy might only make the condition worse.

6. 白某,男,35岁,病案号163411

Case 6. Bai XX, male, 35 years of old. File number: 163411.


The first visit: June 23, 1965. The patient had poor sleep since 1961, which became worse and worse. He felt dizziness, tinnitus, premature ejaculation, spermatorhea and poor urine. The western medicine diagnosis was chronic prostatis and nervous exhaustion. For no healing effect by the western medicine, he went to Chinese medicine. He was given Renshen Yangrong Wan, Quanlu Wan, etc. There was no effect either. The symptoms were worse and worse. The current condition when he visited Dr. Hu: He had poor sleep, sweat at night and during day time, cloudy mind and bloating sensation in head, tinnitus, dizziness, feeling to vomit, dare not to open eyes, palpitation feeling in lower stomach region, premature ejaculation, and spermatorhea three times a week. The tongue cover was white, with thick cover at tongue root portion. The pulse was deep, thin and frequent. This is a condition, in which the body Yang Qi is deficient in the perineal region, so the false fire reversing up. It is the indication for Guizhi Longgu Muli Tang: Guizhi 9g, Baishao 9g, Baiwei 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 3, Longgu 15 g, Muli 15 g, Fuzi 9g, and Zhi Gancao 6 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for six days, the sleep was improved, with only once seprmatorhea. On July 2, he himself turned to another doctor and changed herbal prescription to use Zhibo Dihuang Wan. The spermatorhea and tinnitus became worse. He returned to Dr. Hu. Dr. Hu gave him the previous prescription with the addition of Suanzaoren. After two months, the spermatorhea stopped. The premature ejaculation reduced. The tinnitus remained. He was given Suanzaoren Tang for months. The symptoms gradually reduced.


Comments: The prostatitis usually causes disorders in sexual function, such as spermatorhea, premature ejaculation and impotency, etc. To solve these problems, of course the prostatitis should be treated. For the treatment of prostatitis, the diagnosis is needed. In this case, it has been evidenced in the beginning and during the treatment that to give kidney-nourishing therapy right away is not a proper way, after seeing the spermatorhea and premature ejaculation. It is needed to make sure the nature of the disease, and cause for the prostatitis, and so to give corresponding herbs. In this case, for a long term of poor sleep, sweat at night and during the day, the body external defense system is weak, so external Xie Qi is easy to attack the body. For a long time, the body develops into Yang deficiency in the lower portion of the body, but floating false Fire on the upper portion of the body. For the treatment, it is needed to use herbs to re-balance the Yin and Wei Qi so as to dispel Xie Qi out of the body, and at the same time, to use herb Fuzi to warm-nourishing the lower portion of the body, by use of Baiwei, Longgu and Muli to attract the floating false fire down. By this way, it is possible to solve the prostatitis, as well as the spermatorhea and premature ejaculation.

7. 仓某,男,30岁,病案号98603

Case 7. Cang XX, male, 30 years of old. File number: 98603.


The first visit: February 28, 1963. The patient had impotency, premature ejaculation for four years (since marriage). He had been given both western medicine and Chinese herbal therapy for the treatment, but no improvement. He was diagnosed to have chronic prostatitis. He was given for Gui Fu Dihuang Wan and still no improvement. The current condition when he visited Dr. Hu: impotency of penis. The penis could erect but not hard enough. It could not last for longer time, so there was premature ejaculation. There was leakage of sperm fluid whenever seeing a sex photo or picture, or had sexual mind. There was white fluid out of penis, before or after bowel movement. He felt sour in lower back, and tinnitus. The tongue cover was white. The pulse was string and thin. The condition was diagnosed as dis-harmany between the Yin and the Wei Qi in the body, with hotness in the upper portion of the body, but cold in the lower part of the body. For the treatment, the herbs should work to harmany the Yin Qi and the Wei Qi, to warm the lower part but cool the upper part of the body. It was the indication for Guizhi plus Longgu and Muli Tang: Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Baiwei 9 g, Chuan Fuzi 9 g, Longgu 24 g, Muli 24 g, and Zhi Gancao 6 g.  


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the tinnitus reduced dramatically. The sperm fluid leakage with sex stimulation and the white fluid out of penis during bowel movement were also reduced. To the prescription above, added was Si Ni San. After this new prescription for six days, the symptoms were improved, with occasional tinnitus and sour on lower back. The emotion was improved too. He was given Si Ni San plus Danggui Shaoyao San, Er Jia Longgu Muli Tang. After six days, the impotency was cured.


Comments: The patient had long term of chronic prostatitis, with impotency and premature ejaculation, which indicating that the Yang Qi is weak in the lower part of the body and false Yang floating in the upper part of the body. The point is that, the Yang is not sufficient to seal. For such clinic condition, doctors in old time had had quite mature experience in the treatment. …… The aim to use the Guizhi plus Longgu Muli Tang is to warm the lower cold, and to harmany the Yin and Wei Qi in the body, to attract the floating Yang and to dive it into the lower part of the body (the Yin). The Yang functions to seal and the Yin functions to hold, so to seal the sperm fluid from leakage. Again, for this patient, for a long time disease, he felt poor emotion. Therefore in the later treatment, the Si Ni San was used to release and to dredge the liver Qi, so to make the Yang Qi circulate smoothly. To treat chronic prostatitis as such allows also for the improvement of premature ejaculation and impotency.


28.  肾炎病初探

28. The treatment of nephritis

里水皮水皆相见  祛邪利水据证投

这里所说的肾炎,是指常见的急性肾小球肾炎(Acute glomeru1o nephritis)和慢性肾小球肾炎(Chronic g10meru10nephritis)。是由感染(以链球菌感染最常见)后免疫反应引起的急、慢性炎症。临床以水肿、尿少、尿中见红血球、,管型、蛋白、高血压等为主要症候。本病属中医的水气病范畴。《金匮要略水气病》第1条:"病有风水、有皮水、有正水、有石水、有黄汗。"肾炎属水气病哪一种? 5条云:"里水者,一身面目黄肿,其脉沉,小便不利,故令病水;假如小便自利,自亡津液,故令渴也,越婢加术汤主之。"急慢性肾炎常见这种方证。关于里水,有的注家认为是"皮水"之误,理由是越婢加术汤治外邪内饮,而里水当无外邪。实际这里的里水,是指水发自里,由于小便不利。因而病水,里有水饮,又见外邪在表,而呈外邪内饮之证,恰是肾炎常见的病在里而现外邪内饮证。这是肾炎常见的病证。并不是说里水就等于肾炎,肾炎在急、慢性发病过程中,可见到许多变证,出现许多方证,临床对于肾炎的治疗关键不是病名,而是辨具体方证,如《金匮要略水气病》第20条:"风水,脉浮,身重,汗出恶风者,防己黄_汤主之。"21条:"风水,恶风,一身悉肿,脉浮不渴,续自汗出,无大热,越婢加术汤主之。"两条都称风水,前者为表虚,后者为表实,因表虚实不同,治疗也就不同,前者固表利水,后者发汗利水。

Here the nephritis we are going to discuss refers to the acute glomerulo nephritis and chronic glomerulo nephritis. It refers to the acute or chronic nephritis after an immunal disorder following inflammation by streptococcus. In clinic, there is swelling, and low volume of urine. Under the microscope for urine test, it can be seen RBC, tubes and there is protein in the urine. The person could have high blood pressure and so on. This disease belongs to the Water disorder in Chinese medicine. In the book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo: Shui Qi Bing>>, paragraph 1: “The water disorder can be separated into wind water, skin water, Zhen Water, stone water, and yellow sweat.” Which kind of water disorder the nephritis belongs to? On the paragraph 5, it stated: “for the inside water disorder, the person has yellow color on the face, eyes and skin all over the body. The pulse is deep, the urine is poor, so to cause the water disorder; if the urine is easy to pass, to cause loss of body liquid portion and the person feels thirsty, use Yuebi plus Zhu Tang for the treatment.” The acute or chronic nephritis are usually with this condition. For the inside water disorder, some doctors believed that it should mean “skin water” or “surface water”. They think that, the Yuebi Jia Zhu Tang works to external Xie attack and inside water overwhelming and if the person has inside water overwhelming, there should have no external Xie attack. Actually, the “inside water” here should mean “the water comes from inside, e.g. due to poor urination.” Therefore, in the water disorder, there is water overwhelming inside and also external Xie Qi in the body surface phase, which is just the common seen phenomenon in the nephritis. It does not mean that the inside water condition means the nephritis. During the course of nephritis, there could be various clinic manifestations, so there could be various herbal indications too. For the treatment of nephritis, it is not importance for the term “nephritis”, but for the herbal indications. For example in the book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo: Water Qi Bing>>, paragraph 20: it states: “For the Wind water condition, the person’s pulse is floating. The person feels heavy in the body, sweat and dislikes wind. In this case, use Fangji Huangqi Tang.” In paragraph 21: “in the Wind water condition, if the person feels dislike wind, has swelling all over the body, the pulse is floating and the person does not feel thirsty, and has no strong hot feeling, use Yubi Jia Zhu Tang for the treatment.” These two paragraph both discuss the treatment of Wind water condition. The first one talks about body surface weakness condition and the later one discuss the body surface overwhelming condition. For the body surface is different in the weakness and the overwhelming, the herbs used is different. The previous herbal prescription works to enhance the body surface and to dispel water and the later prescription works to create sweat and to dispel water.


There are many herbal prescriptions that can be used for the treatment of nephritis. For example, if the person has swelling in the arms and legs, the water Qi is located in the skin, the arms and legs shaking slightly, the condition belongs to body surface weakness and inside water overwhelming. It is the indication for Fangji Huangqi Tang. If the person has sour in the lower back, swelling in the arms and legs, dizziness, palpitation, the disease is located in-between the body (middle layer of the body). It is a blood deficiency and water overwhelming condition. It is the indication for Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San. If the person, after a long time of disease, has swealing and cold feeling in the arms and legs, poor urine, discomfort in the lower stomach region, showing Yang deficiency and water overwhelming, it is the indication for BaWei Wan… There are lots of herbal formula to use.

1. 于某,男,35岁,病案号7246

Case 1. Yu XX. Male. 35 years of old. File number: 7246.


The first visit: July 5, 1965. The patient had chronic nephritis for two years. He had been admitted in hospital for the treatment for three months without improvement. He asked to leave the hospital to try Chinese herbal therapy. He had swelling all over the body. He felt tired in the arms and legs, pain in the lower back, and no thirsty in mouth. The content of urine protein was fluctuated. The tongue cover was thin and white with yellow in the root. The pulse was deep and string. He was given Yubi Jia Zhu Tang: Mahuang 18 g, Shigao 45 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Cangzhu 12 g, and Fuling 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the amount of urine increased, the swelling reduced. He felt light in the body. He decided to continue the herbal prescription and continued for three months without any change of the prescription. After that, the swelling subsided. Urine protein was (-).


Comments: This is typical case of “inside water” condition, e.g. the Yuebi Jia Zhu Tang. Though the disease course was several years, the condition was still the external Xie in the body surface and water overwhelming inside. Therefore it is the indication for Yuebi Jia Zhu Tang and it worked well. Dr. Hu said that, this prescription works not only to improve the symptoms, but also to improve kidney function. This is the experience, not only a guess. It should be pointed out that, this patient continued the prescription by him self for three months. Though it is due to the prescription worked so no need to change the herbs, it was continued for the symptoms did not change to new ones. Therefore, once the herbs match the body condition, they work very fast. If there is new symptoms or if the symptom become changed, the herbs should also be changed accordingly.

2.  马某,女,12岁,病案号171525

Case 2. Ma XX, female, 12 years of old. File number 171525.

初诊日期196594日:前天出现面目浮肿,头晕且胀,不欲食,大便干燥,小便黄少,查尿蛋白 ( ),血压150100毫米汞柱,诊断为急性肾炎,舌苔白厚,脉弦数。与越婢加术汤:麻黄六钱,生姜三钱,大枣四枚,炙甘草二钱,苍术八钱。生石膏二两。

The first visit: September 4, 1965. The patient had swelling on the face three days ago. She felt dizziness and bloating sensation on the head, no desire to eat. She had constipation with dry stool. The urine was yellow and little in volume. The tongue cover was thick, white. The pulse was string and frequent. The blood pressure was 150/100 mmHg. Protein in urine was ( ).  Her condition was diagnosed as acute nephritis. She was given Yuebi Jia Zhu Tang: Mahuang 18 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Cangzhu 24 g, and Shigao 60 g.


The second visit: September 6. After the herbal therapy for two days, the swelling subsided. She still felt dizziness and had strong cough, felt fullness and chocking feeling in the chest, no desire to eat. The tongue cover was white with yellow in the root. The pulse was thin and frequent. She was given Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang: Chaihu 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Banxia 9 g, Chinese date 4, Dangshen 6 g, Mahuang 6 g, Xingren 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chenpi 9 g, and Shigao 60 g.


The third visit: September 8. After the herbal therapy for three days, the cough subsided, the bloating feeling in chest was reduced. She still felt dizziness and had dry stool. Blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg. She was given the same prescription, but removal of Mahuang, with addition of Houpu 9 g and Zhuling 9 g.


The fourth visit: September 13. After the herbal therapy, the dizziness disappeared. No any other symptoms, though the pulse was frequent and the tongue cover was white, and urine wasy yellow. She was given Danggui Shaoyao San plus Zhuling Tang plus Shigao: Danggui 9 g, Baishao 6 g, Chuangxiong 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zexie 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zhuling 12 g, Huashi 12 g, Shigao 30 g.


The fifth visit: September 17. No any discomfort. Urine protein (-).


Comments: This case had short history of disease, but had various changes in the symptoms, so the herbal prescriptions were changed according to the clinic conditions. In addition, from the beginning of the disease, she had been treated by Chinese herbal therapy, no by western medicine with hormone therapy. That the recovery of the disease was so fast might be also related to this fact. Hope that all the patients with nephritis could be treated as such.

肾炎有邪补应慎  证现虚损益不疑

If there is evidence of Xie Qi in the body, it should be careful to use the nourishing therapy in the treatment of nephritis. If the condition is pure weakness condition, no hesitate to use the nourishing therapy.

3. 宋某,男,19岁,红卫兵接待站工作人员。

Case 3. Song XX. 19 years of old. A staff.

初诊日期1966726日:自720日始。出现咽痛、发烧、身冷、微咳,自服APC热不退,继尿红、尿少。于区医院诊治,仍以外感治疗,热仍不解,并出现眼睑浮肿、下肢浮肿、头痛、尿少,甚至一日无尿,体温38 C385 C,经友谊医院查尿:尿蛋白( ),白血球满视野,管型2--4,嘱其住院治疗,因无钱只注射一日消炎针,热减而诸症未已,经人介绍找胡老诊治。近症:面目及双下肢浮肿,头痛头晕,身热恶寒,腰微痛,小便黄少,舌苔白厚,脉细滑数。与越婢加术汤:麻黄六钱,生石膏二两,生姜三钱,大枣四枚,炙甘草二钱,苍术四钱。

The first visit: July 26, 1966. The patient had sour throat, fever, chilly, slight cough for 6 days. He took Aspirin but the fever remained. After he had red color in urine and little urine, he went to hospital, where he was diagnosed as a common cold. The treatment given to him did not work either. The fever remained, followed by swelling on eye lids, swelling on legs, headache and reduced urine even no urine. The body temperature was 38 to 38.5 C. Lab test for urine showed protein ( ), WBC in full view, tubes 2 – 4. He was asked to admit into the ward for treatment. No poor financial status, he only took the muscle injection for one day. The fever subsided but any other symptoms remained the same. He was introduced to see Dr. Hu. The current condition: He had swelling on face, eyes and legs. He felt headache and dizziness, fever and chilly, slight pain in lower back, and little volume and yellow urine. The tongue cover was thick and white. The pulse was thin, slippery and frequent. He was given Yuebi Jia Zhu Tang: Mahuang 18 g, Shigao 60 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, and Cangzhu 12 g.

结果:上药剂后,肿大减,尿量增加,服三剂后。肿全消。服六剂后,尿蛋白减为( ),仍感腰痛、乏力,与柴胡桂枝干姜汤合当归芍药散:柴胡三钱,黄芩三钱,花粉四钱,生牡蛎五钱,桂枝三钱,干姜二钱,当归三钱,白芍三钱,川芎三钱,泽泻三钱,苍术三钱,茯苓三钱,炙甘草二钱。服一月,尿蛋白为(-),休息一个月即参加工作。1966126日复查尿常规正常,自感良好。

Results: After the herbal therapy, the swelling reduced dramatically. The volume of the urine increased. After three days, the swelling disappeared completely. After six days, the urine protein was ( ). He still felt sour in lower back and fatique. He was given Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Chaihu 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Tianhuafeng 12 g, Guizhi 9 g, dried ginger 6 g, Danggui 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Zexie 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g. The herbal tea was drunk for one month. Urine protein was (-). After one month break, he returned to work. On December 6, 1966, the following up showed urine tests were normal. He felt comfort.


Comments: For this case, in the beginning, the condition was external Xie Qi attack and water overwhelming inside. He was given Yuebi Jia Zhu Tang. When the swelling was no longer apparent but the condition showed blood deficiency and water overwhelming, the prescription changed to nourish the blood, to warm Yang Qi and to dispel the Water.

4.  姚某,男,23岁,病案号183376

Case 4. Yao XX. Male. 23 years of old. File: 183376.

初诊日期19651211日:自今年5月发现肾小球肾炎,用过维生素、氯化奎林、考的松等治疗未见明显效果。现症仍浮肿,腰酸痛,乏力,稍劳则气短,纳差,头晕,口干思饮,小便少黄,舌苔白腻,脉沉细滑。尿比重1020,尿蛋白( ),管型23,红细胞1520,白细胞13。与柴胡桂枝干姜汤合当归芍药散:柴胡四钱  桂枝三钱  黄芩三钱  花粉四钱  生牡蛎五钱  干姜二钱   当归三钱   白芍三钱  苍术三钱  川芎三钱  泽泻三钱  茯苓三钱  炙甘草二钱。

The first visit: December 11, 1965. Since May this year, the patient was found to have glomerulo nephritis. He was given vitamins, Chlorinated quinoline, and cortisone but no any effect. The current condition when he visited Dr. Hu: Swelling, sour in lower back, fatique, short of breath after little physical work, poor appetite, dizziness, dry mouth with desire to drink. The urine was little in volume and yellow in color. The tongue cover was white and greasy. The pulse was deep, thin and slippery. Urine density was 1.020. Urine protein was ( ), RBC 15-20, tubes 2-3, WBC 1-3. He was given  Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Chaihu 12 g, Guizhi 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Tianhuafeng 12 g, Muli 15 g, dried ginger 6 g, Danggui 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Chuanxiong 9 g, Zexie 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g.

结果:上药服六剂,腰痛、乏力好转,仍浮肿、纳差、小便少,近两天头晕、恶心、汗出恶风明显,与防己黄_汤合木防己汤:生黄_四钱,桂枝三钱,茯苓三钱,木防己三钱,党参三钱,生姜三钱,生石膏一两半,苍术三钱,炙甘草二钱。服六剂后,小便增多,浮肿、汗出恶风、腰痛皆减,恶心已,继服前方两月,诸症皆好转,仍时有头晕,查尿常规,尿蛋白( ),管型01,红细胞18,仍消息之。

Results: After the herbal therapy for 6 days, the lower back pain and fatique were improved. He still had swelling, poor appetite, less urine. The current days, he had dizziness, nausea, sweat and strong wind-disliking feeling. He was given Fangji Huangqi Tang plus Mufangji Tang: Huangqi 12 g, Guizhi 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Mufangji 9 g, Dangshen 9 g,fresh ginger 9 g, Shigao 45 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g. After six days, the urine increased in volume. The swelling, sweat, wind-disliking feeling, and lower back pain, all were improved. Nausea stopped. After two months of the continuous herbal therapy, all the symptoms were improved. He felt occasional dizziness. Urine test showed urine protein ( ), tube 0-1, RBC 1-8. It is still under treatment.


Comments: For this case, from beginning, it was a Qi- and Blood-deficiency condition. He was given Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San to nourish the blood and to deplete water. After six doses, though having some healing effect, the symptoms did not change dramatically. After further diagnosis, it was believed to be body surface weakness with overwhelming inside. His prescription was changed to Fangji Huangqi Tang plus Mufangji Tang, which improved the symptoms dramatically. However, the kidney function was not further more improved after a long time of herbal therapy. The possible reason for this might be: for the chronic nephritis, it is needed to have long time treatment; or once patient has had hormone therapy, the Chinese herbal therapy would be hard to show effect. Whether this is true needs further observation.


29.  头痛的辨证论治

29. The treatment of headache

头痛多见太阳病  六经合病当审清

The headache is more seen in Taiyang phase. However, it should also be paid attention to identify if there is co-exist other phase.

头痛是临床上常见的自觉症状,可单独出现,亦可见于各种急慢性疾病中。脑系病常见头痛,已在前论述,这里重点介绍脑系病之外的头痛。关于头痛的病因病机,古今有许多探讨,如《素问五脏生成篇》曰:"头痛巅疾,下虚上实,过在足少阴、巨阳,甚则入肾。"《素问风论篇》:"风气循风府而上,则为脑风。"《济生方头痛论治》:"凡头痛者,血气俱虚,风寒暑湿之邪,伤于阳......又有风热痰厥,气虚肾厥,新沐之后,露卧当风,皆令人头痛。"《丹溪心法头痛》曰:"头痛多主于痰。"这些论述 在头痛的辨证论治上,给人们以启迪。这里应着重说明的是,《伤寒论》的六经辨证,在头痛的治疗上更能给予正确、快捷地指导。例如《伤寒论》第一条即指出:"太阳之为病,脉浮,头项强痛而恶寒。"这就指明了头痛多属于太阳病。值得说明的是,有人认为这只是指感冒头痛,这里的原因,第一是没有正确理解太阳病的实质。第二是后世习惯把头痛分为外感和内伤两大类,把太阳病视为外感病,把内伤头痛视为无外邪,这样只认为急性头痛才见太阳病,而慢性则不能有太阳病。

Headache is quite common in clinic. It can be a single symptom, or occurs in various acute and chronic diseses. Brain-origin diseases commonly have headache as one of their symptoms. This has been discussed before. Here we focus on the discussion of headache that is not caused by brain or by nerve system. For the cause of the headache, there are a lot of discusses in old medical books and literatures. …… It should be stated specifically that, the six Jing diagnosis system introduced in <<Shang Han Lun> could yield more correct and fast direction for the diagnosis and treatment of headache. For example, in the first paragraph of the book, it stated: “If a disease in the Taiyang phase, the person feels headache, stiff neck and chilly. The pulse is floating.” It implies that the headache is more likely related to the Taiyang phase. It should be pointed out that, someone think that this only means a headache in a common cold. The reason for such misunderstanding is that, firstly, they did not understand the real nature of a disease in the Taiyang phase. Secondly, it is due to the habit of doctors in later generations to separate the cause of the headache into the external common cold and inside damage. They regard the Taiyang phase/disease as external disease and consider the “inside’ headache as no external Xie Qi attack to the body. Therefore, they think the acute headache is associated with Taiyang disease/phase, while a chronic headache is not associated to Taiyang disease/phase.


In fact, headache can occur in either an acute or a chronic disease. Headache suggests there is Taiyang disease (the disease is in Taiyang phase), though in many cases, the disease with headache is no longer only in Taiyang phase alone, but is with other phases too. For example, as in Taiyang-Shaoyin co-exist phase, Taiyang-Shaoyang phase, Taiyang-Yangming phase, or Taiyang-Taiyin phase, etc. By this way, the six Jing diagnosis of headache is clear and the principle in the treatment is so settled down. This means: if the headache is in Taiyang phase, use sweat therapy; if it is in Taiyang-Shaoyin phase, use body surface-releasing plus warming and strengthing therapy; if it is in Taiyang-Shaoyang phase, use harmonizing therapy; or if it is in Taiyang-Taiyin phase, use body surface-releasing therapy and inside-warming therapy the same time. Under such principle, choose proper herbal prescriptions by herbal indication diagnosis, the headache can be solved radically. Here we introduce several cases to discuss.

太阳汗法分虚实  少阴合病当温补

If the headache is in Taiyang phase, use sweating therapy. If it is also with Shaoyin phase, use warming therapy the same time.

1 任某,女,21岁,病案号49703

Case 1. Ren XX, female, 21 years of old. File number: 49703.


The first visit: Dec. 21, 1965. The person got common cold last night. She felt headache, pain all over the body, pain in the lower back, chilly, no sweat. She felt nausea and vomit. She usually had stomach pain and diarrhea. Her tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was floating and frequent. She was given Gegen Tang plus Banxia: Gegen 9 g, Mahuang 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Baishao9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Banxia 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for one day, the symptoms were reduced dramatically. After the second dose, all the symptoms subsided.


Comments: This is the headache in Taiyang phase with body surface overwhelming condition. Therefore the herb Mahuang and Guizhi were used to stimulate a sweat. For there was diarrhea, it suggested to have Yangming phase the same time. So the herb Gegen was used to stop diarrhea and the Banxia is used to reverse the uprising stomach Qi, so to stop nausea. This headache is associated with a recent common cold. To release the body surface is therefore works well.

2. 张某,男,52岁,病案号123526

Case 2. Zhang XX, male, 52 years of old. File number: 123526.


The first visit: Dec. 12, 1965. The person had headache for two years. Usually, to take pain killer could release the pain, but not prevent the recurrence. She also had often stomach pain and so want to use Chinese herbal therapy. Current condition: the headache was more on the top, the back neck. She felt body pain, and pain in the both knees. She often felt hot in the body, had sweat and wind-dislike feeling. The tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was slow and thin. She was given Guizhi Tang: Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, and Zhi Gancao 6 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for two days, all the symptoms were improved, though she still felt pain in the body, under the ribs. She had hard stool, poor appetite and willing to vomit. She was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao: Chaihu 12 g, Banxia 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Zhishi 9 g, fresh ginger 9g, Chinese date 4, Guizhi 9 g, Taoren 9 g, Danpi 9 g, Dahuang 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Shigao 30 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, all the symptoms subsided.


Comments: In this case, it was initially diagnosed as Taiyang phase with body surface weakness condition, so she was given Guizhi Tang for the treatment. However, she showed Shaoyang-Yangming co-exist phases after the treatment. She had pain under ribs. Considering that she may have blood stagnation after a long term of disease, she was then given Dai Chaihu Tang plus Guizhi Fuling Wan plus Shigao. Two doses of the herbal therapy solved the all symptoms. From this case, it can be seen that, in this case, it was body surface weakness condition, and it was inside overwhelming condition, implying the struggling of the body defense energy and the Xie Qi energy in the body, which make the clinic condition changed. Once the clinic condition changes, the herbal prescription should also be changed accordingly. It is not true that there is one herbal prescription that works exclusively for headache. This is the truth for the treatment of any disease. 

3. 许某,男,47岁,病案号3752

Case 3. Xu XX, male, 47 years of old. File number: 3752.


The first visit: May 4, 1978. The patient had headache on right side for two days. He felt no ambition and no energy, reverse cold feeling on hands, chilly and no sweat. No special taste in mouth. No desire to drink. The tongue was pink. The tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was deep and thin. There was multiple enlargement of follicles in throat. He was given Mahuang Fuzi Gancao Tang plus Chuanxiong: Mahuang 10 g, Pao Fuzi 10 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chuanxiong 10 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for one day, he had slight sweat on head. The headache stopped. He did not continue the herbs. He had a break for two days. No any discomfort at all.


Comments: The headache in this case belonged to Shaoyin body surface weakness condition. The herbs given to him worked to warm the Yang, to strength the body defense system and to release the body surface. After the body surface was released, the headache went away. It should be pointed out that, such body Yin condition with body surface weakness and cold is the Shaoyin phase. It does not occur in the first or the second days of the common cold, but can happen in chronic headache. Such as the case introduced in the treatment of asthma, for case of Mr. Xu, is the common headache and asthma in the same patient. For it is Shaoyin body surface weak and cold condition, the Mahuang Fuzi Gancao Tang worked well. It suggests that the Shaoyin body surface weakness and cold condition can also be seen in chronic disease. Here it should be pointed out that Dr. Hu believed that, the body surface condition can be separated into the Yin and the Yang phase. The Yang phase is the Taiyang phase and the Yin phase is the Shaoyin phase, e.g. the Taiyang and the Shaoyin both located in the body surface layer. It is the strength of the body defense energy and the disease-causing Xie Qi, that determines the manifestation of the body surface phase (Yang phase of Yin phase). If the body condition shows as weakness and cold, it belongs to the Shaoyin phase. If it is overwhelming hotness, it is Taiyang phase. If the Taiyang phase is not treated correctly, or if the disease lasts for a long time, the disease can shrink into the Shaoyin phase with more possible headache.

头痛临证多变幻  合病合方伏苍龙

The symptoms of headache could be largely variable. It needs to use two or more herbal prescriptions together to solve the pain.

4. 刘某,女,36岁,病案号76443

Case 4. Liu XX, female, 36 years of ol. File number: 76443.


The first visit: March 9, 1965. The patient had recurrent headache for 5 years. The headache occurred mostly in the afternoon, when she felt tired, or had poor sleep. She went to hospital for the treatment many times without any improvement. She was diagnosed as “nervous headache”. The use of pain killer or sedative medicine only release the pain for a while but no any radical result. For the headache became worse for recent one month mostly on the front head, the X-ray was performed and the result suggested she may have sinus infection. For no effect by the use of antibiotic, she went to Chinese medicine for the treatment. The current condition when she visited Dr. Hu: the headache was more in the front head, with bloating pain behind the eyes, tightness feeling on the back neck, heavy feeing in head, sour and pain on body back, dry throat, easy to feel annoyed, but no stiff nose or running nose. The tongue cover was white with greasy on root. The pulse was deep, thin and string with floating feeling on the left Chun position. She was given Yuebi Jia Zhu Tang plus Banxia and Jiegen Tang: Mahuang 12 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chinese date 4, Shigao 45 g, Cangzhu 15 g, Banxia 12 g, and Jiegen 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the headache was improved dramatically. After six doses, the headache stopped. She still felt tightness on the back of the neck. After additional six doses, no any symptoms left.


Comments: This case is apparently a chronic disease. The clinic condition showed as external Xie Qi but water overwhelming inside, e.g. a Taiyang-Yangming co-exist phases. She was then given the Yuebi Jia Zhu, Banxia and Jiegeng Tang to release the body surface and to dispel the inside water, so to solve the problem.

5.  程某,男,15岁,病案号135393

Case 6. Chen XX, male, 15 years of old. File number: 135393.

初诊日期196548日:近10日来,头痛发热、恶寒、欲呕、纳差、口干、自汗、身倦怠、下肢无力,舌苔薄白,脉弦细,体温38 C。与柴胡桂枝汤加味:柴胡四钱,黄芩三钱,半夏三钱,党参三钱,桂枝三钱,赤芍三钱,炙甘草二钱,生姜三钱,大枣四枚,苦桔梗二钱,生石膏一两半。

The first visit: April 8, 1965. For the recent ten days, the patient had headache, fever, chilly, desire to vomit, poor appetite, sweat, fatique, and weakness in legs. The tongue cover was thin and white. The pulse was string and thin. The body temperature was 38 C. He was given Chaihu Guizhi Tang with some addition: Chaihu 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Banxia 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Chishao 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Jiegen 6 g, Shigao 45 g.

二诊49日:上药服一剂后,诸症均已,唯感身酸软无力,体温37 C。上方去桂枝、芍药,服一剂善后。

The second visit: April 9. After the herbal therapy for one day, all the symptoms subsided, except he felt sour and weakness in the body. The body temperature was 37C. To the above prescription, removed was Guizhi and Shaoyao for one day for a maintenance.


Comments: The headache in this case was with sweat, fever and chilly, indicating the body surface was choking. The poor appetite and willing to vomit suggested the Xie Qi had moved into the Shaoyang phase. The dry throat and annoyed feeling suggested the condition was also in Yangming phase. Therefore, it is a three Yang co-exist phases. For this reason, he was given Chaihu Guizhi Tang plus Shigao. One dose made the symptoms solved dramatically. For the body surface had been released while the inside and the in-between phases both were not completely solved, so she was given Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao for a maintenance.

6. 薛某,女,26岁,病案号228165

Case 6. Xue XX. Female, 26 years of old. File number 228165.


The first visit: January 7, 1967. The patient had migraine for six to seven years. She was treated in local hospital for a long time without improvement. For the recent one year, the onset came more often. She was introduced by her friends to come to Dr. Hu in Beijing. The current conditions when she came: she had headache almost every day. The pain was more on and above the temple. It was some time less and some times severe. When it was severe, she felt nausea, vomit, or diarrhea. She had to lay down on bed for four to five days without movement. When the pain was severe, she could also feel pain on the face. She often felt dizziness. The tongue cover was white with greasy on root. The pulse was deep and thin. She was given Xiao Banxia Tang plus Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang plus Wuzhuyu: Banxia 12 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, Wuzhuyu 12 g, Chinese date 4, Guizhi 9 g, Baizhu 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g. 


Comments: In this case, the headache had been for six to seven years. It still showed as Taiyang-Yangming co-exist phases. For the treatment, she was given body surface-releasing and inside-warming therapy. For the phlegm over rushing-up severe, she was also given Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang plus Wuzhuyu to warm the middle and to reverse the rushing phlegm. For the phlegm was very strong to cause severe vomit, she was also given Xiao Banxia Tang to dissolve the water and to directing the water down. It should be pointed out here that, once there is a condition, in which there is external Xie Qi in the body surface and overwhelming water inside, the body surface-releasing therapy must be used together with the water-depletion therapy the same time. In such case, if only the body surface-releasing therapy or only the water-dissolving therapy is used, not only the condition would not be improved, but also makes the disease condition worse. This opinion has been emphasized many times by Dr. Hu. It should be paid more attention to this opinion.

7.  李某,男,26岁,病案号152205

Case 7. Li XX. Male. 26 years of old. File number: 152205.


The first visit: January 5, 1966. The patient had headache for two years. It was due to study in middle school. He had a history of stomach disorder, which was gradually less and less now. Occasionally he would only feel heat burning, acid reflex, but he from time to time felt water accumulation (water noice) in the stomach. He usually felt cloudy in mind, heavy in head and kind of dizziness. The headache came from time to time with descending and tightness in between the eye brows. In the afternoon, he often had hot-bloating feeling rushing up to the head and face. Some times, the headache felt as thorn pain, or as electric from neck into the brain. The pain could be on the left side or on the top or on the back of the head. On onset, the pain needed to be pressed with hands for one to two min to subside. Such headache came two to three times a day. He suffered from such pain for a long time, so that his study and work were affected. The most scareful thing is that he felt as having a strang thing growing in the brain. He had been visiting various hospitals but most time he was diagnosed as “nerve headache”. He took medicine every day without improvement but with more side effects from the medicine. Some times he felt nausea, or stomach pain, or poor sleep. He did visit Chinese medicine, and was given blood-nourishing, wind-sedating, and emotion-calming therapies, by taking Tianma Gouteng Yin, Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang, etc. without effect either. When he visited Dr. Hu, his tongue cover was white with greasy on root. The pulse was deep, thin and string. He was given Wuzhuyu Tang plus Ling Gui Xiong: Wuzhuyu 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Danggui 6 g, Chuanxiong 6 g, and Fuling 12 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the severe headache came only once. The dizziness and bloating feeling in the head, and the tightness feeling in between the eyes were improved. The sleep was better. He could read book with improved memory. To the prescription above, added was Dangshen 12 g, Danggui 9 g, and Chuanxiong 9 g. After 9 days, all the symptoms subsided.


Comments: In the book << Shang Han Lun>>, paragraph 387, it states: “If the person had nausea with spiting of air bubbles,  and with headache, use Wuzhuyu Tang.” It means that, for inside weakness and cold condition with water reverse rushing up, use Wyzhuyu Tang for the treatment. In this case, it was the inside weaknees and cold condition with water rushing up condition, which caused the headache. Therefore, the herbal therapy was used to warm the middle, to down-turning the Qi, to descending the reverse and to stop vomit. For the pain felt as thorn pain, and for the possibility that there would be blood stagnation in a long term disease course, the herb Danggui and Chuanxiong were added to nourish the blood and to activate the circulation. Also for the strong accumulation of water in the stomach region, the herb Fuling was used to dispel the water. All the herbs worked together, calmed down the stomach, harmonized the blood, so to solve the headache.


It is quite common for a headache that is caused by phlegm. There are a lot of chance so to use the Wuzhuyu Tang. For the phlegm condition vary very much in the body, the herbal prescription should also be different from person to person and from disease stage to stage. When the water/condensed water/phlegm stays in the body for a long time and develops into fire, to cause upper fire and lower cold condition, we may choose herbal prescription Banxia Xiexing Tang, Shengjing Xiexing Tang, Xiao Chaihu Tang, Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang, or with addition of Shigao. When the water up-rush is apparent, use Ling Gui Zhu Gang Tang together. All in all, it works better with the addition or reduction of the herbal prescriptions.

8. 李某,女,36岁,病案号1915

Case 8. Li XX. Female. 36 year of old. File number: 1915.


The first visit: May 6, 1966. The patient had left side migraine after birth delivery for three years. From time to time she felt stomach pain, sour arm and leg on the left side, dry mouth but no desire to drink, nausea with spit of clear water. The tongue cover was white and wet. The pulse was string and thin. Her condition belongs to body surface weakness with water overwhelming. The herbal therapy was used to strengthen the middle stomach region, to harmonize the Yin and to enhance the Wei in the body, as well as to warm the middle and to dispel the water. She was given Duanggui Si Ni Tang plus Wuzhuyu and Shenjiang Tang: Danggui 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Chinese date 6, Zhi Gancao 6 g, fresh ginger 15 g, Xixin 9 g, Tongcao 6 g, Wuzhuyu 9 g. 


Results: After the herbal therapy for four days, the headache subsided dramatically. No more pain in the stomach area. The sour arm and leg on the left side was reduced. To the prescription, increased was the Wuzhuyu to 12 g. After seven doses, no any discomfort left.


Comments: The Danggui Si Ni Tang is initially to treat the external cold due to the Yin and Wei disharmony. The person had had original blood deficiency and water overwhelming in the body surface, now there was clear cold water inside too. Therefore she felt pain in the stomach from time to time, nausea with spit of the clear water. It is actually a Taiyang-Taiyin co-exist conditions. For the treatment, it is needed to dispel the inside cold and water, so the herb Wuzhuyu and fresh ginger were added to harmonize the Rong blood and to dispel the cold water, and so as to solve the headache.


The discussion above is mostly for the headache of weakness and cold condition. In clinic, the headache due to fire overwhelming is also quite common. For the latter has been discussed in the brain disease, there is not more need to discuss it here.


In the modern Chinese medicine textbook, the headache is separated into the external common cold and inside damages. In the clinic, the doctor must know well the organ diagnosis system and must have some experience in the use of herbal therapy, so as to be able to solve most of the headache. While if we apply the six meridian diagnosis system for the treatment of headache, the target of the diagnosis would be focused on the Taiyang phase, followed by verify the possible co-exist of other phases and to identify the herbal indications to choose herbal prescription. It only needs to get familiar to the herbal indications in the book <<Shang Han Lun>> in the treatment of headache.


30.  阑尾炎的治疗经验

30. The treatment of appendicitis


Appendicitis is called intestine carbuncle in Chinese medicine. It though belongs to surgical disease, it can also be cured in many cases by non-surgical therapies. In western medicine, they use anti-biotics, which could make disappear the inflammation, but the appendicitis is easy to recur, and eventually it is still needed to have a surgical treatment. Therefore, western medicine terms such non-surgical treatment as conservative therapy. It means that the surgical treatment is not a conservative therapy, e.g. it is an active therapy or a radical therapy. Chinese herbal therapy is different from the western conservative therapy. The Chinese herbal therapy works fast and it is with less rate of recurrence, thanks for our doctors in old times. The experience in the treatment of appendicitis has well been documented in book <<Jin Kui Yao Luo>>…… This means that, the Chinese herbal therapy has not only the experience for the treatment of acute appendicitis, but also that of chronic appendicitis. That such experience is very valuable for the fact that it works in the use. Of course, it needs to be able to know really how to use this herbal prescription, and be able to modify the ingredients according to the clinic conditions.  Here let’s take some case examples to have a discussion.

病危群医不出方  鹫眼虎胆救苍生

1. 高某,男,35岁,复员军人,住靴子高铺胡同。

Case 1. Gao XX, male, 35 years of old. Veteran.

初诊日期1952815日:腹痛、高烧2天,在同仁医院确诊为急性阑尾炎,嘱其住院手术治疗,患者因战伤多次手术治疗,甚感手术苦痛,拒绝入院手术,致卧床不起,腹痛呻吟,而多次找中医诊治,来者皆不开方而归。患者亲友在同仁医院的滕医师请胡老会诊。胡老诊其病人:腹痛甚,呻吟叫喊不休,高烧体温40 C,身烫皮肤灼手而无汗,少腹剧痛,腹拒按,舌苔黄。舌质红,脉滑数。胡老当即认定,此是瘀血挟脓呈三阳合病,为大柴胡汤合大黄牡丹皮汤方证:柴胡八钱,黄芩三钱,白芍三钱,半夏三钱,生姜四钱,枳实四钱,大枣四枚,大黄二钱,牡丹皮四钱,桃仁三钱,冬瓜子四钱,芒硝四钱。

The first visit: Aug. 15, 1952. The patient had high fever and pain in belly for two days. He was diagnosed as acute appendicitis and was asked to admit in hospital for surgical operation treatment The patient had several times of surgical operations for hurt from a war before. For fear the pain and sufferings from surgical operation, he refused to have surgical treatment. His condition developed so that he had to lay down on bed with pain in belly and with crying. He had invited several Chinese medicine doctors to come for prescription, but none would like to start herbal therapy for him. His relatives later invited Dr. Hu to come for an consultation. His condition when Dr. Hu saw him: he had very much pain in belly, and crying without stop. Body temperature was 40 C. The body felt burning without sweat. The lower belly was very pain when touch, so he refused to be touched. The tongue was red in color and tongue cover was yellow. The pulse was slippery and frequent. Dr. Hu quickly had a believing that his condition was three Yang co-exist phases with blood stagnation and pus. He was given Da Chaihu Tang and Dahuang Mudanpi Tang: Chaihu 24 g, Huangqin 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Banxia 9 g, fresh ginger 12 g, Zhishi 12 g, Chinese date 4, Dahuang 6 g, Mudanpi 12 g, Taoren 9 g, Dongguazi 12 g, and Mangxiao 12 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for one day, the fever reduced and the pain was less. The patient himself took bus to come to Dr. Hu. After six doses, there was no any symptoms.

按:该患者病急、病重,危在旦夕,如治疗不当,命若复卵。因此一般医者惧于责任谢绝出方。然若能看准其症结,认准其方证,就把握了疾病的转机,也就有鹰鹫之眼,猛虎之胆。胡老投一剂能转危为安,说明认证准确无误,用方药恰到好处。这里值得注意的是,胡老合用大柴胡汤,前面已提到:"肠痈者,少腹肿痞,按之即痛如淋,小便自调,时时发热......大黄牡丹皮汤主之。"单用大黄牡丹皮汤即可, 为何还合用大柴胡汤呢?这是因为该患者有三阳合病证,用大柴胡汤恰能方药对证,才能更好解热、祛瘀排脓,因而收效快捷。这是胡老的临床经验、用方药特点,但也是遵守了六经辨证规律。对于有高烧者合用大柴胡汤,而无高烧者也可合用,例2即如此。

Comments: The life condition of the patient in this case is very severe. If the treatment was improper, the lift would be lost. For this, ordinary doctors dared not to give prescription for treatment. However, if a doctor could identify the nature of the disease at that time and was able to identify the proper herbal prescription for the treatment, it was possible to solve such severe clinic condition. Dr. Hu was able to do this, indicating that he was very good at the Chinese medicine diagnosis and herbal indication diagnosis. It should be pointed out that, in the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, it stated that, the intestine carbuncle should be treated by Dahuang Mudanpi Tang. How Dr. Hu used the Da Chaihu Tang for the treatment? This is because the patient condition belongs to three Yang co-exist phases. It is the Da Chaihu Tang that matches the three Yang condition, so that it would be able to clear the Fire, to remove the blood stagnation and to dispel the pus very fast. This is the clinic experience of Dr. Hu and it is the characteristic of his use of herbs, but it also follows the six Jing diagnosis rules. If the patient has fever, the Da Chaihu Tang can be used. If the patient has no fever, the Da Chaihu Tang might also be used, as shown in case 2 bellow.

2. 曹某,男,40岁,病案号0063

Case 2. Cao XX, male, 40 years of old. File number:0063.


The first visit: June 10, 1965. The patient had pain in right side lower belly for two to three days. The western medicine diagnosis was acute appendicitis. The Mcburney’s point is positive. The body temperature was not high. Blood WBC: 8800. The current condition: he had pain on the right side of lower belly, dry throat, bitter taste in mouth, slight nausea, dry stool. The tongue cover was yellow in color. The pulse was string and slippery. He was given Da Chaihu Tang plus Dahuang Mudanpi Tang: Chaihu 12 g, Banxia 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Zhishi 9 g, Taoren 9 g, Mudanpi 9 g, Dongguazi 12 g, Dahuang 6 g, Mangxiao 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the stomach pain stopped, but there was a bloating feeling on the right side of lower belly, as well as a belly pain before bowel movement. The Mangxiao in the prescription above was reduced to 6 g, but Zhi Gancao 3 g was added. The herbal tea was drunk for six days. No any discomfort after that. 


Comment: In this case, the patient had no fever, but pain in the right side of belly, dry mouth, bitter taste in mouth, slight nausea, and dry stool, etc. which indicating the use of Da Chaihu Tang. Therefore it was used with Dahuang Mudanpi Tang. For no high fever, the amount of Chaihu used was dramatically less than in the pervious case. It is therefore known that, though the herbal indication was the same, the amount of herbal ingredients could be different. For the patient was the staff of the same hospital, friends and co-worker joked with him: “Soon or later you need a cut (by surgical operation)!” It means that his appendicitis would soon or later recur and the surgical operation would not be avoided. But so far no any recurrence. 

保守治疗已无功 中医亦须方对证


Case 3. Qi XX, male, 19 years of old. File number: 14296.


The first visit: June 25, 1965. The patient had pain in the right side of lower belly for four months. Four months ago, she had pain in the right side of lower belly. It was diagnosed as “sub-acute appendicitis”. He was given conservative therapy in hospital for one month. The symptoms subsided. Soon later, he felt headache, dizziness, dry mouth with desire to drink, bloating pain in the right side of lower belly. He came to the same hospital as Dr. Hu worked, some other doctors gave him Chinese herbal therapy for two months but the condition was not improved. He later went to Dr. Hu for the treatment. He complained pain on the right side of the lower belly. The tongue cover was white with greasy in the root. The pulse was string and slippery. Upon press the belly, there was pain over the position of appendix, and he refused to touch there. It was known that there was stagnated blood and pus on the lower belly. The herbal therapy was  designed to dispel the stagnation and to dispel the pus. He was given Dahuang Mudanpi Tang plus Shaoyao Gancao Tang plus Yiyiren: Mudanpi 15 g, Taoren 12 g, Dongguazi 9 g, Yiyiren 24 g, Baishao 12 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Dahuang 6 g, and Mangxiao 6 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for two days, the patient felt very well, though there was still pain when pressing the appendix position. The herbal therapy was continued for additional three days and the disease was cured.


Comments: This case was with a long history. There was no evidence for the presence of any other phases or disease conditions, so the single Dahuang Mudanpi Tang was used. For a long time of disease course, the body was hurt by loss of the liquid part and the body was with blood deficiency, the Shaoyao Gancao Tang was used to produce more liquid portion to the body and to relax the spasm, so to stop the pain. For the wetness accumulation and the pus was fixed, the herb Yiyiren was added to clear the Wetness and to dispel the pus. This case further more indicates that, the cure of a disease does not depend on the number of the herbs or the cost of the herbs, but on the exact match of the herbs to the disease condition.

论治何必急慢分  一方功用内外同

4. 崔某,男,38岁,31846

Case 4. Chu XX, male, 38 years of old. File number: 31846.


The first visit: February 16, 1967. The patient had pain in the right and lower belly for ten days. He started to have pain in his right and lower belly on the fall of 1965. It was diagnosed as acute appendicitis. He was injected anti-biotic for one week and the symptoms subsided. In winter last year, he had similar pain again. He was given anti-biotic again and the pain subsided again. This time, for drinking cold tea, the pain recurred. The injection of anti-biotics no long worked. Doctors recommended him to have surgical operation for the treatment. For his hesitation, he went to Chinese medicine for help. The current condition: he had pain in the right and lower belly. The pain was severe some times but less for other times. It could feel as twist pain or thorn pain. The hands and feet felt cold. He also felt dizziness, palpitation, dry mouth without desire to drink, and stool was normal. Opon pressing his belly, there was no tightness on the muscle, but there was pressing pain on the Mcburney point. The tongue cover was white. The tongue was dark. The pulse was deep, thin, string and frequent. He was given Yiyi Fuzi Baijiang San plus Danggui Shaoyao San: Yiyiren 24 g, Fuzi 6 g, Baijiangcao 18 g, Danggui 9 g, Baishao 18 g, Baizhu 9 g, Zexie 12 g, Chuanxiong 6 g.


Comments: After the herbal therapy for three days, the belly pain stopped. There was slight pressing pain on the Mcburney point. The herbal therapy was continued for additional three days. Following up for three years showed no recurrence.


Comments: This case and the case 3 both are chronic appendicitis. For the former, the Dahuang Mudanpi Tang was used, while in this case, the Yiyi Fuzi Baijiang San plus Danggui Shaoyao San was used. This is because the clinic conditions in the two cases were different. That means, for the Chinese medicine to treat a disease, it does not depend on whether the disease is acute or chronic, but on the clinic conditions, especially whether the body condition is Fire or Cold, weakness of overwhelming. Chinese medicine does not give Fire-clearing and Toxic-dispelling therapy once seeing an inflammation condition. It bases on the principle, on which the Cooling therapy is used for a Fire condition and a Warming therapy is given for a Cold condition. Especially for a chronic inflammation condition, there would be more chance to use the warming-nourishing therapy. For example in this case, it is the use of Fuzi, Danggui and Baizhu, etc. to warm the Yang Qi, and to dispel the wetness, so as to dissolve the inflammation. The Yiyi Fuzi Baijiang San used here is to treat the stagnated blood and pus, in which the body condition belongs to cold-fire mixture. The Yiyiren in the prescription, for its sweat and cold in herbal nature, works to clear the wetness and to dispel the pus, to solve the Bi syndrome and to relax the spasm. The Baijiangcao works to dispel the stagnation and to dispel the pus. The dose of Fuzi is small, which works to mostly activate the sluggished Qi, so to pump the dispelling of the pus. The co-use of Danggui Shaoyao San is to warm the middle, to clear the wetness, to nourish the blood and to dispel the pus. It works with the other herbal ingredients in the prescription together to dissolve the blood stagnation and to dispel the pus. Dr. Hu, based on the herb indication for the Yiyi Fuzi Baijiang San to work for “skin as fish scale”, uses for the treatment of skin inflammation and favus of the scalp (or similar skin diseases). It works well. It means that, it works for the pus and carbuncle in the stomach and intestine system, and also that out of skin. Dr. Hu said, the concept of the “body surface” the “body inside” or “in between the body”, does not mean the location of the disease, but mean the location of the “herbal indications”. That one single herbal prescription can work for disease in the non-surgical and a surgical disease. The reason for it is that it depends on the diagnosis of body condition, and herbal indication.


31.  下利论治

31. The treatment of diarrhea

下利证候分阴阳 泄泻痢疾本一体


The term of diarrhea (in Chinese) is first described in the book <<Shang Han Za Bing Lun>>. It one of the diseases that the book mostly discussed. Master Zhongjing Zhang paid very much attention to the diarrhea. He wrote a separate chapter to discuss it. In the book, there are many chapters for the diarrhea and there are many herbal prescriptions for the treatment of diarrhea. The herbal prescription does not only treat the diarrhea, but also dysentery. Doctors later than Master Zhongjing Zhang has separate the book <<Shang Hang Za Bing Lun>> into <<Shang Han Lun>> and <<Jin Kui Yao Luo>>. In the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, there are many paragraphs to discuss the treatment of diarrhea. For example, the outline for the diagnosis of disease in the Taiyin phase is “The person felt bloating in belly, had vomit, can not eat, and had diarrhea which is worse and worse”, and “the person had diarrhea but does not feel thirsty”. The symptom of diarrhea is important for the diagnosis and for the prediction of the healing result. That “people dies in the Taiyin phase” is the summarized recognition by Dr. Hu in study the <<Shan Han Lun>> for his whole life. The main reason is that, most people has diarrhea which belongs to the Taiyin phase, when the person dies. …… After carefully study the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, it is not hard to find that the diarrhea belongs to inside condition, which can be separated into the Yin and Yang conditions. The Yang phase means that the disease is in the Yangming inside overwhelming condition, and the Yin phase means the Taiyin inside weakness and cold condition. The Yangming diarrhea is more associated with the Wetness, the Fire and the overwhelming condition. In the treatment, the herbs are Gegen Huangqin Huanglian Tang, Baitouwen Tang, Da Chenqi Tang, Dahuang Huanglian Xiexin Tang, etc. For the Taiyin phase, the herbs used are Lizhong Tang, Wuzhuyu Tang, etc. If the Taiyin phase is co-exist with Taiyang, Shaoyang, Shaoyin, or Yueyin phase, the herbs used are Gegen Tang, Banxia Xiexin Tang, Zhenwu Tang, Wumei Wan, etc.  These discusses are very in detail. The herbal prescriptions are very rich in numbers and the healing effect is quite ensured. The diarrhea discussed includes ordinary loose stool and the dysentery. It is proven in practice that, after really know the experience of Master Zhongjing Zhang in the diagnosis of diarrhea, it would be possible to treat loosen bowel movement and dysentery. Therefore, the experience of Master Zhongjing Zhang for the treatment of diarrhea must be studied.


下利阳明证多凶   治疗得当症无踪

1.  (胃肠型感冒) 邬某,女,36岁,病案号211158

Case 1. Wu XX, female, 36 years of old. File number: 211158. (Common cold of digestive system style)


The first visit: July 6, 1967. The patient has common cold with cough and diarrhea for 20 days. He was given anti-biotic injection without effect. The current condition: cough, short of breath, chilly with dislike of wind and col, dry mouth with no desire to drink, no desire to eat. The bowel movement was three to four times a day with loose stool. The tongue cover was white, and the pulse was thin, string and frequent. She was given Gegen Tang plus Shigao: Gegen 9 g, Guizhi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chinese date 4, Mahuang 6 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Shigao 45 g.


Result: After the herbal therapy for two days, all the symptoms disappeared.


Comments: This case belongs to Taiyang-Yangming co-exist phases with diarrhea. Dr. Hu usually uses Gegen Tang plus Shigao to solve the condition. “Diarrhea is treated with Shigao?” This is a common question and suspection. In the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, it stated in paragraph 4: “on the first day of the Shang Han disease, the disease is in the Taiyang phase. If the pulse is calm, the disease would not pass into the deeper phase. If the person tends to have vomit, to feel annoyed and if the pulse is frequent and urgent, it would pass into the deeper phase”. In this case, the patient had cough, dislike wind and cold, dry mouth, and frequent pulse, suggesting that the common cold has develop deeper into the Yangming phase. The diarrhea is due to the Hotness in the Yangming phase. The Gegen Tang plus Shigao is used to clear the Yangming Fire, so that the body surface is released and the Yangming inside fire is cleared, and the diarrhea is so stopped. If the doctor is not familiar with the Jing Fang (the herbs in the Shang Han Lun), he may use Huoxiang Zhen Qi Tang. However, the comparison in clinic proved that, the later herbal prescription does not work faster than the former. Therefore, this case is introduced here for discussion.

2.  (急性胃肠炎) 刘某,女,50岁。

Case 2. Liu XX, female, 50 years of old. (Acute gastroenteritis)

初诊日期1965912日:昨日吃了一碗葡萄,今日上午感无力、口渴、下肢酸软,喝了三杯热茶后,即觉身热、头昏、恶寒,下午皮肤热如燔炭灼手,体温40.1 C,不思饮食,有温温欲吐之感,并感心烦,舌苔白厚而少津,脉数急。与葛根加半夏石膏汤:葛根四钱,麻黄三钱,炙甘草二钱,白芍三钱,桂枝二钱,生姜三钱,半夏四钱,大枣三枚,生石膏二两。


The first visit: September 12, 1965. The patient ate a bowl of grapes yesterday. This morning, she felt tired, dry mouth and sour and weak in legs. After drunk three cups of hot tea, she felt hot in the body, cloudy mind, and cold-dislike feeling. In the afternoon, her skin felt very hot as burning. Her body temperature was 40.1 C.  She had no desire to eat and tended to vomit. She felt annoyed. The tongue was thick and white with less wet. The pulse was frequent and urgent. She was given Gegen plus Banxia and Shigao Tang: Gegen 12 g, Mahuang 9 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Baishao 9 g, Guizhi 6 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Banxia 12 g, Chinese date 3, Shigao 60 g.

二诊913日:傍晚服药后,即呈昏睡状态,并发生呕吐,吐出大量清水,夜半出现腹泻,为大量水样便,色红,便后入睡,身热减轻,体温37.4 C,意识亦渐清。仍有腹泻,但量已少,仍有欲吐之情,与白头翁汤合黄芩加半夏生姜汤:白头翁二钱,黄芩三钱,黄柏三钱,黄连三钱,秦皮三钱,白芍三钱,甘草二钱,大枣三枚,半夏四钱,生姜三钱。

The second visit: September 13. After drunk of the herbal tea last night, she was in a trance-like sleep and had a vomit with large amount of clear water. In the middle night, she had diarrhea with large amount of water-like stool, of red in color. After diarrhea, she foll into sleep and the body hot feeling reduced. The body temperature was 37.4 C. The mind became graducally clear. She still had some diarrhea, but the volume was less. She still had trend to vomit. She was given Beitouwen Tang plus Hungqin, Banxia and fresh ginger: Baitouwen 6 g, Huangqin 9 g, Huangbo 9 g, Huanglian 9 g, Qinpi 9 g, Baishao 9 g, Gancao 6 g, Chinese date 3, Banxia 12 g, and fresh ginger 9 g.

三诊914日:昨日下午,诸症大减,呈脉静身凉之象,体温36 C,仍无力、不思饮食。今日,身微汗出,已进食。嘱饮食调理,不日而痊。

The third visit: September 14. Yesterday afternoon, the symptoms were much improved. The body is not hot, and the pulse was calm. The body temperature was 36 C. She still felt weak, no desire to eat. Today, she had little sweat and could eat. She was asked to take care of eating and have a rest. No more discomfort.


Comments: This case is acute diarrhea. Most possibly it is acute gastroenteritis. In the original case record, it wrote “water-like stool, red in color”. It can not exclude the dysentery. No matter it is dysentery or gantroenteritis, in the time of Master Zhongjing Zhang, the use of herbs depends on the clinic manifestations. In this case, in the beginning of the disease, it belongs to Taiyang-Yangming co-exist phases. In the book <<Shang Han Lun>., paragraph 33, it stated: “in the Taiyang-Yangming co-exist phases,  if the person has no diarrhea, but nausea, use Gegen plus Banxia to treat.” Therefore she was given the Gegen Tang plus Banxia. For she had annoyed feeling, the Shigao was added. On the second day, she had vomit and diarrhea, it was the Taiyang-Shaoyin co-exist phases. In the same book, it stated in paragraph 371: “If the person has hot-diarrhea with falling feeling in anus, use Baitouwen Tang” and in paragraph 172: “in the Taiyang-Shaoyang co-exist phase, if the person has diarrhea, give Huangqin Tang; if the person has nausea, give Huangqin plus Banxia and fresh ginger.” Therefore, she was give the Baitouwen Tang plus Huangqin, Banxia and fresh ginger. For the herbs matched the clinic condition, the herbs was used and the disease was cured. Chinese medicine of course can also be used in acute disease!

3. (急性肠炎) 彭某,女,30岁,病案号31221

Case 3. Peng XX, female, 30 years of old. File number 31221 (acute enteritis)


The first visit: August 26, 1965. The patient had eaten grapes at the noon the day before yesterday. At that night, she caught cold. This morning, she felt tired, sour in legs, and dry mouth. After drunk four cups of hot green tea, she soon felt hot with cold-disliking feeling. This afternoon, she felt annoyed, sweat, pain in stomach and had diarrhea for three times. When she came for consulting, her tongue cover was white and greasy. The pulse was slippery, and frequent with floating feeling on the Chun position. She was given Gegen Qin Lian Tang: Gegen 24 g, Huangqin 9 g, Huanglian 6 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for one day, the belly pain and diarrhea were reduced. After three doses, all the symptoms subsided.


Comments: This case is similar to the previous case 3, in terms of both had Yangming inside Fire condition. The case 2 had clear body surface condition as well, so the Gegen plus Banxia and Shigao was used first. After the body surface condition was released, used the Baitouwen Tang plus Huangqin to clear the Yangming inside Fire. In the case 3, however, the Xie Fire shrunk deep. Though the body surface condition had not been complete released, the body Taiyang phase is not so strong, and the Yangming inside Fire was very strong. Therefore the Gegen Qinliang Tang was used to clear the Yangming inside Fire. For the same acute diarrhea, the body condition is different, the herbs used are also different. This is the characteristics of Chinese medicine.

4. (噤口痢) 佟某,男,40岁,住黄化门17号。

Case 4. Tong XX, male, 40 years of old. (Diarrhea in which the patient can not drink water at all)


The first visit: July 15, 1943. The patient was generally healthy. He was white in skin color and with good body shape. In the summer, he got some kind of infectious disease. He felt pain in belly, had fever and diarrhea with falling feeing in anus and with frequent willing to go to have bowel movement. He felt nausea and vomited to much so that he could not drink any water. His bowel movement was up to 30 times a day with blood and water in the stool. The stool was black, grey in color with terrible bad odor. Later, the stool was only little blood-water as spasm. He could not even get up from the toilet. He had been treated in a big hospital. No any improvement. Most of the Chinese medicine doctors also felt no confidence to help, so Dr. Hu was invited for the treatment. When Dr. Hu went to his home, the patient was with pale face and with grey and dark tint on face. The tongue cover was white with greasy in root and with less wet on the tongue. The pulse was thin and frequent. The other body conditions were as described above. The condition was so severe to risk life. At that movement, there was no body surface condition. The body condition belongs to Shaoyang-Yangming co-exist phases. The sweating and the bowel movement stimulating therapy were not at all proper to use. The only way for the treatment is to use the Shaoyang harmonizing therapy. He was given Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao: Chaihu 24 g, Huangqin 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, Banxia 12 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Shigao 90 g. In addition, he was asked to eat one watermelon, slowly and little by little.


Results: In the beginning, he ate the watermelon as he drunk water. Once eat, there was vomit. But after vomit, he still was asked to eat. The next day, the healing effect showed up. On the second day, the vomit stopped. He had better physical energy and could sit up. The family members worried he could not eat. Dr. Hu asked him do not eat any food for several days. On the seventh day, the diarrhea was dramatically improved. The diarrhea became two to three times a a day. The patient told he had cold feeling, indicating that the inside fire was reduced. He was given Xiao Chaihu Tang, with removal of Dangshen, but addition of Xiyangshen 9 g. On the eighth day, he could eat some. After a maintenance treatment for half month, everything turned normal.


Comments: This case belongs to the mouth-closing dysentery. The western medicine regards the dysentery as bacteria infection but anti-biotics do not work. In Chinese medicine, based on the current clinic condition of each person to use herbs, it works and it saves life.


Here I remembered the introduction chapter of book <<Huang Han Yi Xue>> by Mr. Tang Ben Qiu Zhen: In the time of Japanese Ming Zhi Wei Xing, the Japanese made great efforts to develop western medicine and to delete Chinese medicine. Dr. Tang Ben was very great in western medicine. However, his only daughter got diarrhea. He used all the western medicine, but no any improvement. He looked his daughter to die in front of him. He felt very sad and sorrowful, so much so that he would fall into crashed down emotionally. His friend by chance brought a Chinese book to him. It was <<Yi Jie Tie Zhu>> (it means the strong skeleton of Chinese medicine). He was soon attracted by the Chinese culture and Chinese medicine. He no longer felt empty in heart. He studied the book day and night and used his learning in his clinic. He felt more success. He so cited his experience into a book. This is the famous <<Huang Han Yi Xue>> (the name of the book means the Medicine of the King Chinese).

这里一并感叹:如果汤本早学仲景之学,其女不致于死?本例如无仲景之学也能生乎?历史的教训无比深刻,但一些自认为高明、科学化的人,却往往犯明治维新同样的错误,例如其后有贺诚之流提出费止中医案;今也有持怀疑者:"小柴胡汤加生石膏能治噤口痢! 那味药能杀痢疾杆菌? 用于百分之几的人群有效?"按照西医的理论、方法验证无效,便得出结论:"治疗痢疾无效""这一例是瞎猫碰到了死耗子"。这里的主要原因,中医和西医是两个不同的理论体系,治疗用药是不同的思路。西医是杀菌,中医是辨证扶正抗邪。小柴胡汤加生石膏是应用于少阳阳明合病方证,可用于感冒、肺炎、肝炎、脑炎等各种疾病出现该方证时,用之皆效,但是不论是那种病,没有出现该方证时用之也是无效的。该方如用于前三例,因方不对证也绝无疗效,唯有象本例表现为少阳阳明合病用之才有效,这就是辨证论治精神。"越是民族的,它越是国际的",中医能自立于世界之林,因为中医是中国有特色的生命科学。

Here I also sigh with feeling: if the Dr. Tang Ben learned from Master Zhongjing Zhang, his daughter would not die? In the case 4, if there is no the knowledge system from Master Zhongjing Zhang, would he got alive? The lesson in history is so deep and strong but there are sill some people who bloat that they know since and who still catch the same mistakes as Japanese in their Ming Zhi Wei Xing time. The example is as the Mr. Hou Chen proposed to stop the Chinese medicine. Even today, there are some persons who doubt the use of Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao could treat the dysentery in which the patient could not drink water at all? Which herb or herbs in the prescription work to kill the bacteria? How much percent of patients would be cure with the herbal prescription?”

According to the theory of western medicine, and if the therapy failed, they would make a summary: “The herbs do not work for dysentery.” This is really as a bind cat meets a died rat. The main reason for this is that, the Chinese medicine and western medicine belongs to different medical theory system. They follow the different mind in the treatment. Western medicine is to kill the bacteria and Chinese medicine is to help the body defense system so to struggle against the Xie Qi (in this case the bacteria). The herb prescription Xiao Chaihu Tang plus Shigao is used for any disease that are in the Shaoyang-Yangming phases. It can be used for common cold, pneumonia, hepatitis, cerebritis, etc, in which the disease is in the Shaoyang-Yangming phase and it works well. However, no matter which disease, if it is not in the Shaoyang-Yangming phase, the herbal prescription would not work. If this prescription is used in the first three cases above, it would not work at all. Only when the disease developed in the Shaoyang-Yangming phase, such as in the case 4, its use would work. This is the nature of the condition diagnosis or syndrome diagnosis of Chinese medicine. “The more typical in a nature, the more popular in the world”. That Chinese medicine stands alone in the medical systems in the world, for its unique Chinese phylosophy in the diagnosis and treatment. 

5.  (妊娠痢疾)  张某,女,31岁,病案号493431

Case 5. Zhang XX, female, 31 years of old. File number:493431. (Diarrhea with pregnancy)


The first visit: March 10, 1965. The patient started to have belly pain and diarrhea three days ago. There was red and white mucus in the stool. The diarrhea was two to three time during the day and seven times at night. She felt falling feeling in anus, nausea, poor appetite and felt cold. Her urine was yellow in color. Western medicine treatment did not work. She had a history of blood flucks disease. At the time she suffered from the diarrhea, she was in pregnancy for seven months. Her tongue cover was thin and white. The tongue was slight red in color. The pulse was deep, thin, slippery and frequent. The condition belongs to Wetness- and Hotness-down-flowing, which hurt the blood portion of the body. The herbal therapy should aim to clear the Fire, to cool blood, as well as to dissolve the wetness and to direct off the stagnation. She was given Baitouwen Tang plus Gancao Ajiao Tang: Baitouwen 9 g, Huanglian 6 g, Huangbo 3 g, Qinpi 3 g, Gancao 9 g, and Ajiao 9 g.


The second visit: March 12. After the herbal therapy for one day, the diarrhea reduced to twice a day, without red mucus in stool. This morning she had diarrhea twice. On the second time, there was little mucus in the stool. To the previous prescription, added was Fuling 9 g.


The third visit: After one dose of the herbal tea, the belly pain subsided. She had diarrhea twice last night. The stool was loosed. The urine was yellow. The appetite was well. To the second prescription above, added was Jiao Baizhu 9 g. The prescription was used for two days.


Comments: This case also belongs to Yangming phase with diarrhea. The difference is that the patient was a woman with pregnancy. Therefore, in the treatment, it would be worry for the fetus. For this, Dr. Hu has mature experience. That is: if the dysentery is with falling feeling in anus, and if the stool is with red blood and white mucus, mostly use Baitouwen Tang. If the patient is after birth delivery or with pregnancy, and if such patients are with a weak condition with short of breath, add Ajiao and Gancao to nourish the weakness condition.

上热下寒下利多   辛开苦降泻心汤

6.  (慢性胃肠炎)  张某,男,29岁,病案号168767

Case 6. Zhang XX, male, 29 years of old. File number:168767. (Chronic ganstroenteritis)


The first visit: October 12, 1965. The patient had diarrhea and bloating feeling in stomach for 4 months. He had pain in right upper side of belly for 4 to 5 years, which was diagnosed as chronic hepatitis. For the symptoms were not severe, he did not pay much attention for the treatment. For recent 4 months, the pain became more severe, as well as he felt pain in stomach, bloating in belly, nausea and diarrhea which was four to five times a day.  The lab test showed that the liver function was normal. He had been given Chinese herbal therapy for the diarrhea and stomach pain but no effect. He had also acid reflex, hot feeling in the body in the afternoon, dry mouth, palpitation, and oily food-dislike feeling. His tongue cover was white. The pulse was deep and thin. He was given Banxia Xiexin Tang: Banxia 12 g, Dangshen 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Huangbo 9 g, dried ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, and Zhi Gancao 6 g. 


Results: After the herbal therapy for six days, the diarrhea, pain in belly, acid reflex and hot feeling in the body, all subsided. The heart burn feeling, dry mouth, nausea, palpitation, dizziness and pain in the right upper belly all were reduced. The appetite was improved. To the previous prescription, added was Wuzhuyu 6 g, Fuling 9 g. After a few months, most of the symptoms stopped. He felt only slight pain on the right upper side of the belly.


Comments: This case is Shaoyang-Taiyin co-exist phases, which showed as upper hot and lower cold condition. The Banxia Xiexin Tang was used to a spicy-opening and bitter-descending effect. All the herbs worked to strengthen the stomach, to clear the fire, and to dispel the water, so as to stop the diarrhea and to clear any other symptoms.

7. (慢性痢疾) 任某,女,16岁,病案号185192

Case 7. Ren XX, female, 16 years of old. File number: 185192 (Chronic dysentery)

初诊日期19651230日:于1958年患痢疾,久治无效。现大便仍下脓状物,剧则日五六行,时腹痛、肠鸣,口干。心下痞,舌苔白根腻,脉弦细。与半夏泻心汤加芍药:半夏四钱,黄芩三钱,黄连三钱,党参三钱,干姜三钱, 大枣四枚,炙甘草三钱,白芍三钱。

The first visit: December 30, 1965. The patient had dysentery in 1958. For a long time, the treatment she got did not work at all. Currently, the stool was with mucus stuff. The diarrhea could be up to five to six times a day. She felt pain in belly, noise in intestine, dry mouth and bloating feeling in stomach region. Her tongue cover was white with greasy in root. The pulse was strintg and thin. She was given Banxai Xiexin Tang plus Shaoyao: Banxia 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Huanglian 9 g, Dangshen 9 g, dried ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 9 g, and Baishao 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for six days, the belly pain and stomach bloating feeling reduced. There was no white pus-like stuff in stool. The bowel movement was two to three times a day. The same herbal prescription was continued for seven days. No any discomfort at all after that.


Comments: This case is Shaoyang-Taiyin co-exist phases. For the stomach Qi is not active, the water was accumulated, showing upper hot and lower cold condition in the body. For this reason, the herb Dangshen was used to nourish the middle Qi, and to enhance the stomach. Chinese date and Gancao worked to harmonize the stomach. The Banxia is to reverse the rushing up Qi and to calm the stomach. The dried ginger works to warm the middle stomach, to dispel the lower cold, and to dispel the Cold. The herb Huangqin and Huanglian worked to clear the upper fire, to release the bloating and to stop the diarrhea. For the belly pain is severe, the Shaoyao was used to clam down the intestine spasm. From the experience in this case, it can be seen that, the Banxia Xiexin Tang can be used for acute or chronic diarrhea. In another words, no matter the diarrhea is acute or chronic, the herbal prescription can be used if the clinic condition belongs to the Shaoyang-Taiyin co-exist phases.

8.  (慢性肠炎) 刘某,男,38岁,病案号178894

Case 8. Liu XX, male, 38 years of old. File number 178894 (Chronic enteritis)


The first visit: November 1, 1965. The patient had diarrhea for 40 days. He had diarrhea six to seven times a day, with stomach pain, intestine noise before the bowel movement. He often felt bloating in the stomach region. Whenever he drunk water, he would feel palpitation in the stomach region. He had bitter taste in mouth, dry mouth, cloudy mind, and tinnitus. The tongue cover was white. The pulse was deep and thin. He was given Shengjiang Xixin Tang: fresh ginger 12 g, Banxia 12 g, Dangshen 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Huangbo 9 g, dried ginger 3 g, and Zhi Gancao 6 g. 


The second visit: November 4. After the herbal therapy for three days, the diarrhea stopped. The previous herbal tea was drunken one dose once every other day for a maintenance.


Comments: This case had palpitation in stomach region after water drink, indicating the cold condition was severe. Therefore the Shengjiang Xiexin Tang was used. In the prescription, the herb Huangbo is to replace Huanglian, for the huanglian was not available. This is the same reason in the case bellow.

9.  (急性肠炎)  荣某,女,70岁,病案号93184

Case 9. Rong XX, female. 70 years of old. File number: 93148 (Acute enteritis)


The first visit: October 27, 1963. From yesterday, the patient had diarrhea, which was three to four times a day. She had belly pain for two weeks already. She had dry mouth and throat, severe intestine noise, bloating in stomach region, stiff neck, slight pain and bloating feeing in head, and dry eyes. The tongue cover was white with little dryness. The pulse was thin and frequent. She was given Gancao Xiexin Tang: Zhi Gancao 12 g, Banxia 12 g, Huangqin 9 g, Huangbo 9g, Dangshen 9 g, dried ginger 9 g, and Chinese date 4.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the diarrhea stopped. The stiff neck and belly pain was not reduced yet. She was given Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang plus Danggui Shaoyao San for a maintenance.


Comments: This case is the upper hot and lower cold condition, similar to the case above. In this case, the stomach Qi was more weak, so that the Gancao Xiexin Tang was used.

虚寒下利属太阴 寒热错杂见厥阴

10. (肠功能紊乱) 李某,男,58岁,病案号155413

Case 10. Li XX, male, 58 years of old. File number: 155413 (Functional disorder of intestine)


The first visit: April 6, 1965. The patient got cold and had diarrhea for three months. He had diarrhea three to four times a day, with non-digested food in the stool. He felt bloating feeling in the belly, which would be worse after meal. Some times he would feel belching and dizziness. His tongue cover was white and wet. The pulse was thin and slow. The condition belongs to inside weakness and cold with water accumulation, which causes the disorder in the Qi movement and circulation. The principle in the treatment would be to warm the middle, to nourish the Qi, to harmonize the stomach and to dispel the extra water. He was given Lizhong Tang plus Cheni, Baibiandou: Dangshen 9 g, Pao ginger 6 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Cangzhu 9 g, Chenpi 15 g, and Chao Baibiandou 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for six days, the diarrhea was basically stopped. The bloating feeling in belly was less. With additional six doses, all the symptoms stopped.

: 本例为典型的里虚寒饮下利,也即太阴病下利,为理中汤方证,故与之即愈。

Comments: This case is typical inside weakness and cold condition with diarrhea, e.g. it belongs to Taiyin phase with diarrhea. It is the condition for Lizhong Tang, so it works very fast.



32.  慢性结肠炎

32. Chronic colonitis

1 (慢性结肠炎) 古某,男,54岁,病案号182864

Case 1. Gu XX, male, 54 years of old. File number: 182864 (Chronic colonitis)


The first visit: December 7, 1965. The patient had chronic diarrhea for six years. In year 1959, he had acute colonitis. It was not cured after treatment. His diarrhea was light some times and severe some other times. In April this years, he was diagnosed as early stage of liver cirrhosis. The current condition: the stool was loosed and sticky. Stool was expelled out often as little by little. From time to time, he felt as no control of the stool after bowel movement. He often felt slight pain in the right rib region, which was worse when he laid down on left side. The lab test for liver function however was normal. He felt pain in stomach region, fatique, dry mouth and poor appetite. The tongue cover was white. The pulse was thin, string, and slight frequent. The condition belongs to Taiyin-Shaoyang co-exist with diarrhea. It is the indication for Wuzhuyu Tang plus Shengjing Xiexin Tang: Wuzhuyu 9 g, fresh ginger 15 g, Dangshen 9 g, Huangqin 9 g, Maweilian 12 g, dried ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, and Zhi Gancao 6 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, the stomach pain reduced. The appetite was better. The bowel movement was improved with less times and more volume. He still felt some kind of remaining feeling of stool inside the anus. From the prescription above, removed was dried ginger, but added Paojiang 6 g, Huangbo 6 g. The prescription was continued for six doses. The stool was dramatically better, which was two to three times a day. The pain in the right upper side of the belly was also less. From the prescription above, removed the Maweilian. It was used for six days. The diarrhea stopped. He only felt very slight pain in the right upper belly.


Comments: The diarrhea in this case was due to inside cold water overwhelming. The body defense energy was still sufficient, so showing as Shaoyang-Taiyin co-phases. He was therefore given Wuzhuyu Tang plus Shengjiang Xiexin Tang for the treatment, to warm the middle, to dispel the extra water, as well as to clear the upper fire, so to dispel the Xie Qin and calm the defense Qi in the body.

2.  (慢性肝炎) 孙某,男,38岁,病案号134809

Case 2. Sun XX, male, 38 years of old. File number: 134809 (Chronic hepatitis)


The first visit: April 6, 1968. In year 1961, the patient was diagnosed as hepatitis without jaundice. After treatment, the lab test showed normal in liver function. However, he felt bloating in the belly, pain in the upper side of the belly, with continuous diarrhea. In August 1964, he had been given western medical treatment in our current hospital. For no effect, he went to Chinese medicine. After three months, his pain and bloating feeling were improved, but the diarrhea remained no change. It was two to three times a day, some time five to six times a day. The belly bloating was severe, especially after meal. He had intestine noise, frequent gas, bitter taste in mouth, poor sleep, and cold feeling in belly, in lower back and in the legs. He felt cold in arms and legs. He could be waken up at night by the cold feeling. His tongue was white. The pulse was deep and thin. Physical exam showed the liver was one finger enlarged. When pressed, the liver was middle level of hard. The pressing pain was slight. There was water noise in stomach region. This condition belongs to inside weakness and cold, e.g. it is Taiyin phase with diarrhea. He was given Fuzi Gengmi Tang plus Renshen Tang: Pao Fuzi 6 g, Banxia 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g, Chinese date 4, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Genmi 15 g, Dangshen 9 g, and Cangzhu 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for three days, he felt improvement. After nine days, the diarrhea stopped and no any other discomfort.

按:此与例1 同是里虚寒饮太阴下利,但本例因虚寒更甚,因加炮附予以温阳。又因肠鸣、心下停饮明显。故易干姜为生姜温中化饮。此例虽病久、病重,却因方药对证,很快治愈。方证之学,必予重视。这里要说明的是,附子与半夏同用本是良好配剂,临床应用多收良效,汉代张仲景等书有记载,但不知何时出"十八反"在中药店中流传为禁忌配伍,毫无道理,有不少人专题研究,发表论文。多有共识,但权威机构尚无明确表态,甚是遗憾。

Comments: This case and the case 1 both belong to inside weakness and cold condition, e,g. the Taiyin phase with diarrhea. In this case, the inside weakness and cold is more severe, so Pao Fuzi was given to warm the Yang Qi. For the strong intestine noise, suggesting the inside water accumulation, the dried ginger was changed to fresh ginger to warm the middle and to dispel the water. Though the disease history of this case is very long and the condition was severe, for the herbs matched the clinic conditions, the symptoms were solved fast. The Jing Fang theory has to be really studied and mastered. Here it should be pointed out that, the Fuzi and the Banxia are very good couple. The use of them at the same time in clinic works very well, which has been well documented in the book <<Shang Han Lun>> by Master Zhongjing Zhang. However, it has been listed in the “Eighteen conflicting herbal couples” and refused to sell to patients by herbal shops. It is with no any meaning to be so. There have been a lot of doctors and scholars who studied this phenomenon and published a lot of articles to correct this mistake, but the medical authority did not express their own comments yet. It is very pity.  

3.  (过敏性结肠炎)  索某,男,57岁,某军参谋长。

Case 3. Suo XX, male, 57 years of old. (Allergic colonitis)


The first visit: July 16, 1965. The patient had diarrhea and belly pain for three years. Three eayes ago, he suffered from pneumonia. He had been admitted in hospital for treatment. The pneumonia was cured, but he had long time of belly pain, diarrhea after that. Western medicine diagnosed it as allergic colonitis. Various treatments had been given but no one worked. He had also been given Chinese herbal therapy for the treatment for years, no any improvement either. The herbs he was given were mostly the Xiangsha Liu Jungzi Tang, Shen Ling Baizhu San, or Buzhong Yiqi Tang. Current condition: he had belly pain and diarrhea, which was two to three times a day, and which would be worse after oily meal. He often felt stomach pain, bloating in belly, intestine noise, headache, bitter taste in mouth, dry mouth and throat with desire to drink and cold arms and legs. His tongue cover was white and greasy. The pulse was deep, string, and thin, with floating feeling on the left Chun position. His body was bigger in size. His condition belongs to the mixture of Cold and Fire. It is the Jueyin-Taiyin co-exist condition. He was given Wumei Wan as cooked soup to drink: Wumei 15 g, Xixin 6 g, dried ginger 6 g, Huanglian 6 g, Huangbo 6 g, Danggui 6 g, Zhi Fuzi 9 g, Chuanjiao9 g, Guizhi 9 g, and Dangshen 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for six doses, the bitter taste in mouth reduced, and the arms and legs felt warm. The bowel movement became one to two times a dy. The herbal tea was continued for 14 days. The stomach pain subsided and the bowel movement became once a day.


Comments: This case is also a inside weakness and cold condition. For cold water accumulation for a long time, the water developed into Fire, so showing as the mixture of cold and fire. The difference from the case 1 is that, that in case 1, the body Yang Qi, the defense energy, it relatively sufficient, while in this case here, the body defense energy is clearly not sufficient, so that the disease is in half-surface and half-inside, weakness and cold condition, e.g, the co-exist of the Yueyin and Taiyin. It is the indication of the Wuwei Wan.

4.  (肠功能紊乱) 罗某,男,32岁,病案号99211

Case 4. Luo XX, male, 32 yeas of old. File number: 99211.


The first visit: October 16, 1963. The patient had diarrhea for one year. Most doctors diagnosed it as “nervous exhaustion”. He had been treated in the current hospital for three months. The herbs used were mostly the Huangqi Jianzhong Tang, Gancao Xiexin Tang, Shenling Baizhu San, etc. No clear improvement. The current condition: He felt belly pain, diarrhea, which occurred mostly in the early morning, for four to five times a day. He had intestine noise, sour and weak in legs, cold in body, fatique, impotency and some times poor sleep, dizziness, dry mouth with pain, but no thirsty. His urine was clear as water. The tongue was white and greasy. The pulse was deep and thin. The condition was Shaoyang-Taiyin co-exist condition. He was then given Si Ni San plus Ling Zhu Fu Shengjiang: Chaihu 12 g, Zhishi 12 g, Baishao 12 g, Zhi Gancao 6 g, Chuan Fuzi 9 g, Fuling 9 g, Cangzhu 9 g, fresh ginger 9 g.


Results: After the herbal therapy for eight days, the belly pain stopped. The bowel movement became once a day. The dizziness was improved. He could read newspaper. The sleep and emotion was normal. He felt no so good with diet, bloating in stomach region, sour in lower back. To the prescription above, added was Chenpi 15 g. After that, all the symptoms subsided. 



Comments: The condition in this case is complex. It has to be carefully diagnosed. For his dry throat and pain in throat, once he told doctors, the doctors would use cold herbs. After use of the herbs, his diarrhea became worse. Therefore later when he visited doctor, he dared not to mention the dry and pain in throat. It is actually the Shaoyang choking Fire. In the book <<Shang Han Lun>>, paragraph 318, it stated: “In the disease is in Shaoyin phase, the person has cold hands and feet, or cough, or palpitation, or difficult urination, or stomach pain, or diarrhea with falling feeling inside the anus, use Si Ni Sang for the treatment.” This paragraph is titled as Shaoyin phase, but actually it implies that, the disease is initially the Shaoyin phase, now it develops or passes into the Shaoyang phase already. For the Fire sluggished and choking inside, the blood circulation is affected, so the pulse is deep and thin, and the person has reversely cold hands and feet, similar to the manifestation of Shaoyin phase, but it is actually Shaoyang phase. In this case, there is diarrhea and no thirsty, it is clearly Taiyin phase with diarrhea. So, the whole body condition is Shaoyang-Taiyin co-exist phases. Therefore, the Si Ni Sang was used to harmonize the Shaoyang phase, and the Ling Zhu Fu were used to warm the middle, to dispel the cold, and to dispel the extra water. For the intestine noise is strong, used the fresh ginger to warm and to dispel the cold water. Though this condition belongs to the Shaoyang-Taiyin co-exist phases, it is different to the previous varirous Xiexin Tang conditions. For the previous Xiexin Tang condition, the upper Fire is overwhelming, so the Huangqin and Huanglian were used to clear the Fire. In this case here, the Fire is due to Shaoyang choking, so only use Chaihu, Zhishi and Shaoyao to release the choking fire. From this case, in which the previous use of Gancao Xiexin Tang did not work, it can be recognized: it it not enough to make a correct six Jing diagnosis for the treatment. It is really needed to have a precise herbal indication diagnosis too. In this way, the herbs used, the disease can be cured. Dr. Hu has very rich experience in the treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea, as well as in that of cholera. He said he had used Fulong Gan and Baifan for the treatment of cholera. The patient would taste the Baifan water sweet, so he could drink it slowly. Let him stop to drink whenever the patient feels astringent. This is the way to prevent diarrhea and prevent dehydration. The experience is so valuable, but it is pity to find the case record. We can only mention it here.

[1] In the Ba Gang diagnosis system, a common cold is categorized into Wind-Hotness, Wind-Cold, Shu-Hotness, Dryness-Hotness, Cold-Dryness, or Phlegm-Wetness, Liver-Fire, etc.

[2] Jing Fang: the herbal prescription introduced in the book “Shang Han Lun”. Jing means principle. Fang means herbal prescription.

[3] Wen Bing Pai: a famous TCM style. Bing means disease. Pai means style, or group.

[4] Shi Fang: a TCM style differs from either Jing Fang style or Wen Bing style. Currently in China, this is more popular TCM style. However, it should be mentioned that, the “popular” does not mean it is the best style.

[5] If the common cold develops into deep stage as some other disease, such as pneumonia, the text book will not agree that it is a common cold in the beginning, but calls it a early stage of the pneumonia. The idea of Dr Hu here is: no matter the common cold eventually develop into other phase or not, if the clinic manifestation is similar to, the same as, a common cold, it should be regarded as a common cold. The treatment should follow the Liu Jing Diagnosis system.

[6] A very famous TCM doctor in China history.

[7] Bi syndrome is the syndrome, in which person feels pain or heavy in the joints. It can be the collective name of various arthritis, the term used by western medicine.