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<<Yi Zong Jin Jian>> Chapter 7


Shaoyin stage, its condition, pulse and treatment

少阴肾经,水火之藏,邪伤其经,随人虚实,或从水化以为寒,或从火化以为热。水化为阴寒之邪,是其本也;火化为阳热之邪,是其标也。阴邪其脉沉细而微,阳邪其脉沉细而数。至其见证,亦各有别。阴邪但欲寐身无热,阳邪虽欲寐则多心烦。阴邪背恶寒口中和,阳邪背恶寒则口中燥。阴邪咽痛不肿,阳邪咽痛则肿;阴邪腹痛下利清谷,阳邪腹痛下利清水或便脓血也。阴邪外热面色赤, 寒大便利,小便白;阳邪外寒手足厥, 热大便秘,小便赤。此少阴标本寒热之脉证也。凡从本之治,均宜温寒回阳;从标之治,均宜攻热救阴。回阳救阴,其机甚微,总在临证详究,辨别标本寒热,以急施其治,庶克有济,稍缓则不及矣。

Shaoyin meridian includes two meridians: Shaoyin Heart meridian (hand meridian, belongs to Fire) and Shaoyin Kidney meridian (feet meridian, belongs to Water), so the Shaoyin stage is associated with Fire and Water in the body. Once a Xieqi invades into the Shaoyin stage, the body condition changes according to the person’s original body constitution. He may feel cold if the person’s main condition is originally associated with Water, or he may feel hot, if his original body condition is Fire. The cold condition in the Shaoyin is its basic condition, whereas the hot condition of the Shaoyin is the symptomatic condition (a surface condition, not a kernel, or a core condition). If it is shown as a Fire condition of the Shaoyin, the pulse is deep, thin but fast; if it is a Cold condition of the Shaoyin stage, the pulse is deep, thin and weak. Person in the Cold condition feels willing to lie down but no body hot; person in the Fire condition tends to feel also willing to lie down but has annoyed/impatience. In the Cold condition, the person feels chilly on the back but no special discomfort in mouth; but in the Fire condition, he may feel also back chilly but dry in mouth; In Cold condition, the person has sour throat, but no swelling in the throat; whereas in the Fire condition, the person feels sour throat but also swelling in the throat; In the Cold condition, the person has stomach pain, diarrhea with non-digested food in the stool, whereas in the Fire condition, the person has stomach pain and diarrhea of water or pus or blood in the stool; In Cold condition, the person appears red color in the face, but clear urine; whereas in the Fire condition, the person appears Jue condition, but constipation and dark yellow urine; If a treatment focuses on the core condition, it should try to warm the inside to restore the Yangqi in the inside of the body. If it focuses on the surface condition, it should try to release the Fire so to save the inside Yin of the body. This needs very careful evaluation of the body condition on the treatment.  


01 少阴之为病,脉微细,但欲寐也。

It should be considered in the Shaoyin stage if the person tends to lie down and his pulse is weak and thin. [1]

02 少阴病,始得之,反发热,脉沉者,麻黄附子细辛汤主之。

If the Shaoyin stage has fever though the pulse is still deep, in the first several days, herb Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Tang is needed. [2]


Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Tang

麻黄(去节)二两, 细辛二两, 附子(炮去皮,破八片)一枚

Mahuang (remove the stem joints) 30 gram, Xixin 30 gram, Fuzi (processed, remove skin) 45 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil, then keep in mild boiling until there is about 2000 ml liquid left in the pot (remove the floating herbal residue from time to time). Add the remaining herbs in, continue to boiling until there is about 750 ml left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.

03 少阴病,得之二、三日,麻黄附子甘草汤微发汗,以二、三日无里证,故微发汗也。

With Shoyin stage for two to three days, if the person (has hot/fever), has no other symptoms (such as vomiting, stomach fullness or diarrhea) indicating an inside disorder, herb Mahuang Fuzi Gancao Tang is used to have a mild sweat. [3]


Mahuang Fuzi Gancao Tang

麻黄(去节)二两, 附子(炮去皮,破八片)一枚, 甘草(炙)二两

Mahuang (remove the stem joints) 30 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Fuzi (processed, remove skin) 45 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil, then keep in mild boiling for several minutes, (remove the upper floating herb residue). Add the remaining herbs in, continue to boiling until there is about 750 ml left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.

04 少阴病,脉微,不可发汗,亡阳故也。阳已虚,尺脉弱涩者,复不可下之。

With Shaoyin stage, if the pulse is weak, the sweat therapy should not be used, since it may cause depletion of the Yangqi. Shaoyin is a stage in which the body Yangqi is already weak, so if the pulse in the Chin position is weak and harsh, the bowel-cleansing therapy should not be given either.

05 病人脉阴阳俱紧,反汗出者,��阳也,此属少阴,法当咽痛,而复吐利。

If the pulse is tight when press the pulse slightly or deeply, and if the person has sweat (originally it should have no sweat in the Shaoyin stage), it suggests a depletion of Yangqi. This condition belongs to Shaoyin stage. The person should had sour throat, then vomiting and diarrhea. [4]

06 少阴病,脉紧,至七、八日,自下利,脉暴微,手足反温,脉紧反去者为欲解也,虽烦下利,必自愈。

In Shaoyin stage, the pulse is tight (not typical deep, thin and weak). For such person, if after seven to eight days, he has self-diarrhea, hands and feet turn into warm, the pulse turns to very weak, or if the pulse turns to tight again with annoyed/impatience, it suggests that the disease is to recover. Even if he has annoyed and diarrhea, the disease will be cured.  

07 少阴病,得之一、二日,口中和,其背恶寒者,当灸之,附子汤主之。

With Shaoyin stage for one to two days, if the person feels normal in the mouth (no dryness, thirsty or other taste), but feels cold on the back[5], use moxibustion therapy[6] and use Fuzi Tang.

08 少阴病,身体痛,手足寒,骨节痛,脉沉者,附子汤主之。

With Shaoyin stage, if the person feels body pain, Jue condition, joint pains and has deep pulse, use Fuzi Tang. [7]


Fuzi Tang

附子(去皮,生破八片)二枚, 茯苓  三两, 人参  二两, 白术  四两, 芍药  三两

Fuzi (remove skin, cut) 90 gram, Fuling 45 gram, Renshen 30 gram, Baishu 60 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 2000 ml water into a herbal pot. Bing to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid in the pot is about 750 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.

09 少阴病,脉沉者,急温之,宜四逆汤。

Whenever a person is in Shaoyin stage and with deep pulse, urgent warm treatment with Sini Tang is needed.  


Sini Tang

甘草(炙)二两,    乾姜  一两半,   附子(生用,去皮,破八片)一枚

Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Ganjiang  23 gram, Fuzi (not cooked, remove skin) 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil until there is 300 ml liquid left in the pot. Collect the herbal tea, separate into several parts. Drink one part each time. Repeat every 2 to 3 hours. If the body is strong or is big in size, use Fuzi of big size, and use 45 gram of Ganjiang.

10 少阴病,下利,白通汤主之。

In the Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea, use Baitong Tang. [8]


Baitong Tang

葱白四茎,   乾姜一两,   附子(生,去皮,破八片 )一枚

Chinese onion stems, four stems; Ganjiang 15 gram, Fuzi (not cooked, remove skin) 45 gram. 


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil until there is 250 ml liquid left in the pot. Collect the herbal tea, separate into several parts. Drink one part each time. Repeat every 2 to 3 hours.


In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea and weak pulse, use Baitong Tang. If the diarrhea continues, hands and feet feels cold that is developing to the elbow and knee (reverse cold), and the pulse is very difficult to feel (no pulse can be felt), person has dry nausea and feels annoyed/impatience, use Baitong jia pig gallbladder juice Tang. After drinking the herbal tea, the person suddenly has big pulse, he cannot be alive; if his pulse is weak, he will be alive.


Baitong jia pig gallbladder juice Tang

葱白  四茎,   乾姜  一两,   附子(生,去皮,破八片)一枚, 人尿  五合,  猪胆汁  一合

Chinese onion stem, four stems; Ganjiang 15 gram, Fuzi (not cooked, remove skin) 45 gram, human urine 1250 ml, pig gallbladder juice 250 ml.


Add all of the stems, Fuzi and Ganjiang, and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil, keep in mild boiling until there is 250 ml liquid left. Remove herbal residue, mix the herbal tea with the urine and the bladder juice. Separate it into several parts. Drink each part after warm. If no pig gallbladder juice, omit it. 

12 少阴病,欲吐不吐,心烦,但欲寐,五、六日,自利而渴者,属少阴也。虚故引水自救,若小便色白者,少阴病形悉具。小便白者,以下焦虚,有寒,不能制水,故令色白也。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person feels willingness to vomit but cannot vomit actually, feels annoyed/impatience, has willingness to lie down, and after five to six days, he has self-diarrhea and thirsty, this condition belong to Shaoyin. [9] This is because the body is too weak so that it try to save itself by asking drinking. If the person has clear urine as pure water, the Shaoyin condition can be confirmed. Clear urine suggests that there is Cold and weak in the Lower Jiao Cavity, that cannot control the water and makes the urine clear in color. [10]

13 少阴病,饮食入口则吐,心中温温欲吐,复不能吐,始得之,手足寒,脉弦迟者,此胸中实,不可下也,当吐之,若膈上有寒饮,乾呕者,不可吐也,当温之,宜四逆汤。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has vomit whenever the food comes into the mouth, has continuous and mild willingness to vomit but cannot vomit out, has Jue condition, has string and slow pulse, it indicates a Shi condition in the chest. Vomiting therapy, but not bowel-cleansing therapy should be used. If there is Cold and Yinxie above the diagram (in the chest), the person feels dry nausea, the vomiting therapy cannot be used either. In this case, use warm therapy, use Sini Tang. [11]


In Shaoyin stage, if the person has deep, weak and thin pulse, has willingness to lie down, has sweat but no annoyed, feels nausea; after five to six days, he has self-diarrhea, becomes annoyed/impatience emotionally and physically, hard to lie down for sleep, he cannot continue alive. 


In Shaoyin stage for two to three days without improvement, then to four to five days, the person feels pain in stomach, hard in urine, heavy and pain in the arms and legs, has self-diarrhea, this indicating his body has Shuiqi. He may have cough, or hard urine, or diarrhea, or nausea. In this cases, use Zhenwu Tang.[12]


Zhenwu Tang

茯苓 三两, 芍药 三两, 生姜(切)三两, 白术 二两, 附子(炮,去皮,破八片)一枚

Fuling 45 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Fresh ginger 45 gram, Baishu 30 gram, Fuzi (processed, remove skin) 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 2000 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep it in mild boiling until the liquid volume in the pot is about 750 ml. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


If the one is with cough, add Wuseizi 25 gram, Xixin 15 gram, Ganjiang 15 gram; If with difficult in urine, remove Fuling; If with diarrhea, remove Shaoyao, but add Ganjiang 30 gram; If with nausea, remove Fuzi, add Fresh ginger additional 45 gram.

16 病人身大热,反欲得衣者,热在皮肤,寒在骨髓也;身大寒,反不欲近衣者,寒在皮肤,热在骨髓也。

If the person feels fever but wants more covering, it means his fever is on the skin surface but cold in bone marrow. If he feels very cold but has no desire to be covered, it means his cold is in the skin surface but hot in the bone marrow. [13]

17 少阴病,下利清谷, 里寒外热,手足厥逆,脉微欲绝,身反不恶寒,其人面色赤,或腹痛,或乾呕,或咽痛,或利止脉不出者,通脉四逆汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea of non-digested food in the stool, feels inside cold but outside hot, reverse cold in the hands and feet, has very thin pulse that feels nearly to disappear, he has no chilly but the face is red, he may feel pain in stomach, or has dry nausea, or has sour throat, or the diarrhea stops but the pulse disappears, the herb Tongmai Sini Tang is used.


Tongmai Sini Tang

甘草(炙)二两, 乾姜 三两, 强人可四两, 附子(生用,去皮,破八片)大者一枚

Gancao (processed) 30 gram; Ganjiang 45 gram, (for big size body, it can be 60 gram), Fuzi (not processed, remove skin, cut into pieces) 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in a milk boiling until there is about 300 ml liquid left in the pot. Collect the herbal tea. Separate it into several parts. Drink each part in warm, repeat every two to three times, until the pulse becomes stronger.


If the person’s face is red in color, add Chinese onion stem of nine; if he is with pain in stomach, remove the stem, but add Shaoyao 30 gram; If with nausea, add fresh ginger 30 gram; if with sour throat, remove shaoyao, add Jiegen 15 gram; if the pulse remains hard to feel after stop of diarrhea, remove Jiegen, add Renshen 30 gram. If the clinic condition matches the herbal formula, drink it no doubt.

18 少阴病,吐利,手足不逆冷,反发热者,不死,脉不至者,灸少阴七壮。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has vomiting and diarrhea, the hands and feet do not feel cold but he has fever, the person can be saved. In this condition, if his pulse is still hard to feel, use moxibustion on Shaoyin meridian on the inside ankle position for seven column.

19 少阴病,吐利,手足逆冷,烦躁欲死者,吴茱萸汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has vomiting and diarrhea, has reverse-developing cold in the hands and feet, feels extremely annoyed/impatience emotionally and physically, use Wuzhuyu Tang.  


Wuzhuyu Tang

吴茱萸 一升, 人参 三两, 生姜 一两, 大枣十二枚

Wuzhuyu 50 gram, Renshen 45 gram, fresh ginger 15 gram, Chinese date 62 gram.


Add the herbs and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 500 ml liquid left. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.

20 少阴病,吐利躁烦,四逆者,死。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has vomiting and diarrhea, and has reverse developing cold in hands and feet, he tends to die. [14]

21 少阴病,恶寒身倦而利,手足厥冷者,不治。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person feels chilly, very tired, diarrhea, reverse cod in the hands and feet, it is hard to save the life.

22 少阴病,四逆,恶寒而身倦,脉不至,不烦而躁者,死。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has reverse cold in hands and feet, feels very tired, and if his pulse is very difficult to feel, he has no annoyed emotionally but feels annoyed physically (parts of body jump from time to time), he tends to die.

23 少阴病,下利,脉微涩,呕而汗出,必数更衣,反少者,当温其上,灸之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea, slightly harsh pulse, nausea and then sweat, he will have frequent diarrhea. If he has no such frequent bowel movement, moxibustion[15]on therapy should be used.

24 少阴病,下利止而头眩,时时自冒者,死。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea stop, but feels dizziness, and feels cloudy on the head from time to time[16], he tends to die.

25 少阴病,六、七日,息高者,死。

In Shaoyin stage for six to seven days, if the person has strong breath[17], he tends to die.

26 少阴病,脉细沉数,病为在 ,不可发汗。

 In Shaoyin stage, if the person has thin, deep and fast pulse, it suggests his disease is inside, sweat therapy should not be used.

27 少阴病,但厥无汗,而强发之,必动其血,未知从何道出,或从口鼻,或从目出者,是名下厥上竭,为难治。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has reverse cold but no sweat, but he is given sweat therapy[18], the sweat therapy will disturb his blood to bleeding and the location of the bleeding can be anywhere. It could be from nose, or from eye, etc. It is called a condition  of reverse-cold in the lower part but a depletion in the upper part of the body. This is a difficult condition to heal.

28 少阴病,咳而下利,谵语者,被火气劫故也,小便必难,以强责少阴汗也。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has cough and diarrhea, Chattering syndrome, it is due to attack by a Fire. His urine must be difficult, since the Fire exhausted the Jinye of the Shaoyin.

29 少阴病,下利六、七日,咳而呕渴,心烦不得眠者,猪苓汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage and the person has had diarrhea for six to seven days, has cough, nausea and thirsty, annoyed/impatience that makes him hard to fall into sleep, use Zhuling Tang. [19]

30 少阴病,四逆,其人或咳,或悸,或小便不利,或腹中痛,或泄利下重者,四逆散主之。

In Shaoyin stage, the person has reverse cold in hands and feet, he may have cough, or palpitation, or difficult in urine, or pain in stomach, or diarrhea with pressure feelings inside anus, use Sini San. [20]


Sini San

甘草(炙) 枳实(破,水渍,炙乾) 柴胡 芍药

Gancao (processed); Zhishi (processed, water rinsed and then dried); Chaihu; Shaoyao.


Make the above herbs into powder, mix 40 gram each of the herbs. Drink the powder, three times a day.


If with cough or diarrhea, add Wuweizi 20 gram, Ganjiang 20 gram; If with palpitation, add Guizhi 20 gram; If with difficult in urine, add Fuling 20 gram; If with pain in stomach, add Fuzi 45 gram; if the diarrhea is very heavy, cook Xiebai 150 gram in 1250 ml water until the liquid in the herbal pot is about 750 ml. Collect the herbal tea, mixed with 4.5 gram the Sini San powder, continue to cook until the herbal tea becomes about 300 ml. Separate the tea into several parts, drink one part each times, repeat 3 to 5 times a day.

31 少阴病,下利,若利自止,恶寒而倦卧,手足温者,可治。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea. If the diarrhea stops by itself, the person feels chilly and want to lie down, his hands and feet are warm, the treatment might be easier. [21]

32 少阴病,下利,若利自止,恶寒而倦卧,时自烦,欲去衣被者,可治。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has had diarrhea, but the diarrhea stops by itself, now the person feels chilly and willing to lie down, feels annoyed/impatience, willing to remover clothes or covering[22], there is high chance for him to recover.

33 少阴病,得之二、三日以上,心中烦,不得卧,黄连阿胶汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage for more than two to three days, the person feels annoyed, hard to fall sleep, use Huanglian Ajiao Tang.[23]


Huanglian Ajiao Tang

黄连  四两, 黄芩 二两, 芍药  二两, 鸡子黄  二枚, 阿胶  三两

Huanglian 60 gram, Huangqin 30 gram, Shaoyao 30 gram, chicken yolk two, Ajiao 45 gram.


Add the Huanglian, Huangqin, Shaoyao and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the water in the pot is about 500 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Add Ajiao in with stirring until it is completely dissolved. Wait a movement to cool. Add the yolk with stirring. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.

34 少阴病,下利咽痛,胸满心烦,猪肤汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea, sour throat, fullness in chest and annoyed/impatience feeling, use Zhufu Tang. [24]


Zhufu Tang


Zhufu 150 gram.


Add the Zhufu into 2500 ml water. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is half volume left. Remove the residues, collect the liquid, mixed with white honey 250 ml, wheat powder 100 gram. Add back into herb pot. Continue to cook until there is delicious smell. Separate into six parts. Take one part each time, six times a day.


In Shaoyin stage for two to three days, if the person has sour throat on one side of the throat, use Gancao Tang. If it does not work, use Jiegen Tang. [25]


Gancao Tang


Gancao 30 gram.


Add the herb and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep into mild boiling until the liquid part in the pot is about 300 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink half of the tea. Repeat once more the same day.


Jiegen Tang

桔梗  一两, 甘草  二两

Jiegen 15 gram, Gancao 30gram.


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 250 ml left. Collect the herbal tea. Separate it into several parts. Drink one part each time, repeat again after two to three hours.

36 少阴病,咽中痛,半夏散及汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has pain in whole throat, use Banxia San or Banxia Tang.[26]


Banxia San or Banxia Tang.

半夏(洗), 桂枝, 甘草(炙),各等分

Banxia (washed), Guizhi, Gancao (processed), equal amount.


Grind the three herbs into powder, mix them well. Drink 1.5 gram each time with water, three times a day. If the person cannot drink the power, mix the herb powder with water, cook for 5 to 10 min. Cool down for a while. Drink it little by little. Banxia seems has some toxic effect, improper to drink as powder.

37 少阴病,咽中伤,生疮,不能语言,声不出者,苦酒汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has sour throat, ulcer in the throat, hard to speak and no voice, use Kujiu Tang. [27]


Kujiu Tang

半夏(洗,破如枣核大)十四枚, 鸡子(去黄,内上苦酒,着鸡子谷中)一枚

Banxia (washed, cut into pieces) 14 badges, chicken egg (remove the yolk, add the vinegar into the core of the egg) one.


(Omit the translation here)[28]

38 少阴病八、九日,一身手足尽热者,以热在膀胱,必便血也。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person feels hot in whole body, in hands and feet, it means he has Fire in urine bladder. He will have bleeding in urine. [29]

39 少阴病二三日,至四五日腹痛小便不利,下利不止便脓血者,桃花汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage for two to three days, if the person on the fourth and the fifth days starts to have stomach pain, difficult in urine, continuous diarrhea with pus and blood in the stool, use Taohua Tang. [30]


Taohua Tang

赤石脂(一半全用,一半筛末)一斤, 乾姜一两, 糯米一升

Chishizhi (half used as whole, half as thin powder) 150 gram; Ganjiang 15 gram, Nuomi 260 gram.


Add the Nuomi and Ganjiang and 1750 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil until it is ready to eat. Remove the residue. Collect the liquid. Add the Chishizhi 1.5 gram into 175 ml of the collected herbal tea to drink. Three times a day. If the diarrhea stops, stop to drink more herbal tea. [31]

40 少阴病下利,便脓血者,桃花汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea with pus and blood in stool, use Taohua Tang.

41 少阴病下利,便脓血者,可刺。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea with pus and blood in stool, can use acupuncture on points in the Shaoyin meridian.

42 少阴病得之二三日,口燥咽乾者,急下之,宜大承气汤。

In Shaoyin stage, the person feels dry mouth and throat for two to three days, the treatment with Da Chengqi Tang is needed urgently. [32]

43 少阴病,自利清水,色纯青,心下必痛,口乾燥者,急下之,宜大承气汤。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has diarrhea with clear and pure water in the stool[33], he will also feel pain in the upper stomach and feel dry mouth and throat. Da Chengqi Tang should be used as soon as possible. 

44 少阴病六七日,腹胀不大便者[34],急下之,宜大承气汤。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has fullness in stomach and no bowel movement, Da Chengqi Tang should be used urgently.

45 少阴中风脉,阳微阴浮者,为欲愈。

In Shaoyin stage, if the pulse is weak when pressed slightly, but floating when pressed deeper, it suggests that the disease is to recover.

46 少阴病欲解时,从子至寅上。

For a disease in the Shaoyin stage, it may be improved from any time between 11 pm and 5 am, or it may be worse from any time of this time period.

With a proper treatment, or if the disease is in cure by itself, or if the disease belongs to a weak condition, the disease is improved from any time during this time period[35]. With an improper treatment, or if the disease is progressing, or if the nature of the disease belongs to a Shi condition, it will be worse from any time during this time period.

[1] Shaoyin is a stage in which the Yin Qi is overwhelming, so that the pulse is deep, thin and weak. Rememer the pulse of Taiyang is floating, that of Yangming is big, and that of Shaoyang is string.  The person tends to lie down, but not means to fall spleen, nor feel heavy in the body. The whole body, the emotion and physics are as in a winter: quiet, silent, weak.

[2] This is a co-exist of a Taiyang and a Shaoyin stages. Or a person in a Shaoyin stage but was catch a new invasion of a disease. The Taiyang stage causes hot/fever, and turns the original deep, thin and weak pulse into deep pulse. Typical sweat therapy should not be used. The correct therapy is to expel the Xieqi from the Taiyang (the use of the herb Mahuang) together with the support of the Shaoyin (the use of the Fuzi and Xixing). This condition is very popular in those of patients who has been ill for a long time and is weak in body condition basically. This is a very important herb formula in clinic.

[3] In this condition, the pulse should also be deep, not deep, thin and weak. The condition is relatively mild, compared with the Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Tang above.

[4] If the pulse is tight, when pressed both slightly and deeply, and if the person feels hot but no sweat, the condition belongs to Taiyanng Cold-invasion. Now, the pulse is the same, but the person has sweat but no hot, suggests that the condition belongs to Shaoyin Cold-condition. (Shaoyin Fire condition has no sweat but could have hot feeling – Yin deficiency condition). 

[5] Yangming stage also has cold back, but the person feels dry mouth and thirsty, mild annoyed/impatience. To distinguish with the Yangming stage, here says “no dryness or thirsty in the mounth”.

[6] Moxibusion on Geshu and Guanyuan points on the back.

[7] In Cold-invasion Taiyang stage, the person can have pain in the body, in the joints, but his hand and feet are not cold, and his pulse should be floating or floating-tight, not pure tight.

[8] Shaoyin with diarrhea is a severe condition, in which the Yangqi may depleted from the diarrhea to risk the life.

[9] Self-diarrhea but no thirsty, it belongs to Taiyin. Here, Shaoyin self-diarrhea is with thirsty.

[10] Here it emphasizes that diarrhea with thirsty can also be due to Cold and Weak in the lower stomach area. This is Shaoyin Cold-weak condition. Cold-weak in the lower stomach area.

[11] This is Shaoyin Cold-shi condition. Cold-shi condition is in the chest, so to use vomiting therapy. If the nausea and vomiting feeling is caused by accumulation of Cold and Yinxie in the chest, the vomiting therapy should not be used. But again use Sini Tang. Be careful to distinguish.

[12] Body constitution of Shiqi refers to those of people who has accumulated something that is a kind of water, vapour, or wet in the nature, that does not participate into the normal water metabolism but block the energy flow in the body to cause various disorder. The clinic manifestion depends on its location in the body: Cough if it is in the chest; palpitation if it is in the upper stomach; dizziness or eary ring if it is in the head;  pain in musle if it is in the muscle; diarrhea if it is in the lower stomach area, etc. It can be disturbed to cause more disorders by the invading Xieqi. If it is disturbed by Xieqi in the Taiyang stage, it is either the Xiao Qinlong Tang condition (surface Cold), or Wuling San condition (surface Hot). Here, it is Cold condition in the Shaoyin stage. It is the Shuiqi in the Shaoyin stage, that causes cough, hard urine, diarrhea, nausea, pain and heavy arms and legs, stomach pain, etc. Shuishi is also called Yinxie.

[13] Such condition can be seen in clinic again and again. To tell the truth of the cold and hot, pay attention to the person if he want, or not want to cover his body, not only to what he feels, neither the body temperature measurement – the temperature reading.

[14] This paragraph is the same as the item 19, in which Wuzhuyu Tang is used. Here it means hard to save the person’s life. It is agreed that in this paragraph the meaning is that the proper treatment has been given but the reverse cold is still developing.

[15] There is conflict idea which acupuncture points should be moxibustion-stimulated. One opinion is to have moxibustion on the Baihui point.

[16] Typically a person in the Shaoyin stage has no dizziness, or feels cloudy in mind. If yes, such dizziness and cloudy mind/spirit suggests a escape of his Body Yangqi out of the body, so he tends to die.

[17] Typically a person in the Shaoyin stage feels willingness to lie down and quiet in breath. Strong breath suggests the Yangqi is to release from the body, so he tends to die.

[18] The use of Aspirin also belongs to the sweat therapy.

[19] This is another condition in which the Shaoyin condition happens in a person who has had Shuiqi before. Due to the Shuiqi in the body, he has cough but not sour throat.

[20] Note: this is Sini San, not Sini Tang. They are different herb formula.

[21] Diarrhea can stop by itself, hands and feet can turn to warm, all indicates the disease is improved.

[22] Annoyed and no willing to cover the body, suggesting that the Yangqi in the body is building and the disease is improving.

[23] Note: In Shaoyin stage, the person is basically willing to lie down, rather than activated. Now he feels annoyed that makes him hard to fall into sleep but the pulse is still deep, thin, but may be fast. For such person, he should have no nausea or diarrhea, so do not use Baitong Tang; has no sign of Yinxie, so not use Zhuling Tang. This is a Shaoyin Fire condition. 

[24] This is Shaoyin Fire condition. For Taiyin diarrhea, the person has fullness in stomach and feels warm in the body. For this Shaoyin diarehea, the person has fullness in chest, annoyed and cold in the body. Either Cold or Fire can cause sour throat. Pay attention to the overall person’s spirit condition: sour throat with willing to lie down: it is due to Cold (Shaoyin Cold); if the source throat with annoyed, impatience feeling, hard to fall into sleep: it is due to Fire.  Sour throat: this is because the Shaoyin meridian comes up to the throat.  The Zhufu in this formula works to humidify the throat and remove the dryness in the throat.

[25] If the Shaoyin stage is without any other symptoms, suggests that the throat is affected by mild Fire. The Gancao Tang should not be used if there are some other symptoms of the Shaoyin condition, such as diarrhea, nausea.

[26] This is Shaoyin condition, in which the Fire is more severe to affect the whole throat. This formula is more suitable for Shaoyin Cold condition.

[27] Kujiu Tang is a harmonizing therapy, used for both Fire and Cold Shaoyin conditions.

[28] Hard to understand the way here to prepare the Kujiu Tang.  In ancient time, Chinese cook the egg (with shell) in vinegar (in stead of in water), then eat the egg to solve the sour throat.

[29] Shaoyin basically is Cold condition. If the person starts to have hot feeling in whole body, hands and feet, it suggests that his Yangqi is built more in the body. The Fire transfers from kidney out to the urine gladder now (kidney and the urine gladder is the inside-surface relationship). Xieqi moving from inside to the out layer is good mark for cure. The Fire in the urine bladder tends to burn the blood in the bladder to cause bleeding.

[30] This is Shaoyin Fire condition. The Fire accumulated inside.

[31] In Shaoyin stage, diarrhea with non-digested food more suggests Shaoyin Cold. A diarrhea with pus and blood in stool more suggests Shaoyin Fire.

[32] In Shaoyin stage, if the person feels try mouth and throat, suggesting that the water in the Kidney system is depleting out. This is a condition in which Shaoyin Fire comes into the Stomach system So it is a urgent condition. Da Chengqi Tang here works to deplete the Soil (Spleen system) to save the Water.

[33] Diarrhea with clear and pure water in stool suggests Shaoyin Fire. Da Chengqi Tang is used to save the Yinye of the Kidney.

[34] The Saoyin Fire turns into the Yangming stage.

[35] Proper treatment plus the Yangqi movement in the Nature (moves deeper) helps the cure of the disease.