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Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683




Chapter 3, Baihe disease, Huhuo disease, Yindu diseae and Yangdu disease[1]


The medical bible said: there are lots of reasons to casue Baihe disease. The person has a willing to eat, but when take up the spoon/chopsticks, he losts the interest again. He appears very quiet, no strong willing to do anything in the daily life. He has a willing to lie down, but after lie down he want to get up again. After getting up, start to feel willing to lie dwon again. He has willing to walk, but after walk for several munites he feels willing to stop. Some times, he feel very hungry and can enjoy the food, but sometimes has no appectite or interest to the food. He seems feeling cold but not really want to warm, or feels warm but do not want to take off the clothes. He feels bitter in the mouth, and has red color in urine. No regular herbs seem to work for his condition.  He may have very strong vomiting and diarrhea after drinking herbal tea. Someone appears as there is a Spirit (angles/ghost) in his body with slight frequent pulse, but the physical condition no apparent problem. For the person has headache when passing urine, he needs 60 days to recovery; for the person has no headache but slight chilly during urination, he needs 40 days to recover;  for person has dizziness and feels nice feeling during and after urination, he needs 20 days to recover. The clinic manifestation is various. For some person, he may be able to predict the onset of his conditions (headache, pain in urination, dizziness) before the symptoms really come; or the symptoms start after he get the sick after four or five days; or after he gets sick after 20 days; or he feels mild symptoms every month.


If the Baihe disease is in a Yin condition, use Yang therapy to solve; if the condition is in a Yang, use Yin therapy to solve it. Otherwise, it is a wrong way to use sweat therapy in a Yang condition, or use a bowel-cleansing therapy in a Yin condition.


If the Baihe disease happens by its own, not due to any vomiting therapy, bowel-cleansing therapy or sweat therapy, use Baihe Dihuang Tang


Baihe Dihuang Tang

百合(七枚,擘), 生地黄汁(一升)

Baihe 7 badges, Dihuang juice 250 ml.


Wash the Baihe with water. Rinse in water overnight. When there is white color bubble coming out, remover the water. Add spring water 500 ml, bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is only 250 ml liquid left. Remove the residue, add the Dihuang juice in the herbal tea. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 300 ml liquid left. Separate the herbal tea into several parts. Drink each part during the day. Stop to drink it after the symptoms are under control. The person’s stool should look as a black color painting oil.


If the person has Baihe disease, and he starts to have fever, use Baihe Huashi San


Baihe Huashi San

百合(一两,炙) 滑石(三两)

Baihe (processed) 15 gram, Huashi 45 gram.


Grind the herbs into powder, drink 1.8 gram each time, three times a day. Stop to drink the powder when the person starts to have mild lost bowel movement (soft or slight diarrhea). The fever should go.


If the Baihe disease continues for one month without any improvement, and if the person feels very thirsty, use Baihe washing Tang


Baihe washing Tang


Add 130 gram of Baihe and 2500 ml of water in a container and leave it overnight. Wash the body with the water. After wash, eat some cake. Don’t use any salt or Douzhi in the cake.       


If the person has the Baihe disease, and his thirsty cannot be improved by the above washing therapy, use Gualu Muli San.


Gualu Muli San

栝蒌根,   牡蛎(熬,等分)

Gualu root, Muli (processed), each amount from each.


Gring the herbs into powder. Mix and drink 1.8 gram each time, Three times a day.


If the Baihe disease happens after a sweat therapy, use Baihe Zhimu Tang


Baihe Zhimu Tang

百合(七枚,擘), 知母(三两,切)

Baihe 7 badges, Zhimu 45 gram.


Wash the Baihe with water. Rinse in water overnight. When there is white color bubble coming out, remover the water. Add spring water 500 ml, bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is only 250 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea and keep in a container.  Add fresh spring water 500 ml and Zhimu in the pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 250 ml liquid left. Remove the residue, mix the two herbal tea together and continue to boiling until there is about 300 ml left. Separate the herbal tea into several parts. Drink each part during the day.


If the Baihe disease comes after a bowel-cleansing therapy, use Huashi Daizhe Tang.


Huashi Daizhe Tang

百合(七枚,擘), 滑石(三两,碎,绵裹), 代赭石(如弹丸大一枚,碎,绵裹)

Baihe 7 badges, Huashi (fold in gauze) 45 gram, Daizheshi (grind into powder, fold in gauze) 20 gram.


Wash the Baihe with water. Rinse in water overnight. When there is white color bubble coming out, remover the water. Add spring water 500 ml, bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is only 250 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea and keep in a container.  Add fresh spring water 500 ml and Huashi and Daizheshi in the pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 250 ml liquid left. Remove the residue, mix the two herbal tea together and continue to boiling until there is about 300 ml left. Separate the herbal tea into several parts. Drink each part during the day.


If the Baihe disease happens after a vomiting therapy, use Baihe Jizi Tang


Baihe Jizi Tang

百合(七枚,擘), 鸡子黄(一枚)

Baihe 7 badges, chicken yolk 1 badge.


Wash the Baihe with water. Rinse in water overnight. When there is white color bubble coming out, remover the water. Add spring water 500 ml, bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is only 250 ml liquid left. Remove the residue, add the chicken yolk in the herbal tea. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 200 ml liquid left. Separate the herbal tea into several parts. Drink each part during the day.


If a person has a disease simila to Shanghan, he feels quiet and has willing to lie for a sleep but hard to close the eyes to fall into sleep, feels impatience to shift from lies down to gets up, from gets up to lies down, it is a condition called Huhuo disease. The person has ulcer in the throat, mouth, and/or in the inside of penis, vagina, or anus. It is called Huo disease if the ulcer is in the throat; called Hu if the ulcer is in the sexual system. The person with the Huhuo disease has no willingness to eat, dislike the smell or taste of a food, his face shifts from time to time, from red, to black, to white color. If the ulcer is in the throat and mouth, he will has harsh voice. In this case, use Gancao Xiexin Tang.


Gancao Xiexin Tang

甘草(四两), 黄芩 人参 干姜(各三两), 黄连 一两 大枣(十二枚) 半夏(半斤)

Gancao 60 gram, Huangqin 45 gram, Renshen 45 gram, Ganjiang 45 gram, Huanglian 15 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, Banxia 124 gram.


Add the herbs and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 1500 ml liquid left. Remove the residue, continue to cook until there is about 250 ml left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


For person with the Huhuo disease, if his uncler is in the sexual system (inside of pennies, or in vagina), use Kushen Tang to wash.


Kushen Tang


Kushen 130 gram.


Add the herb and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 1750 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal liquid. Wash the ulcer three times a day.


For person with the Huhuo disease, if his uncler is inside of anus, use Xionghuang to smoking. 


Xionghuang some amount.


Add the herbs on a flatten clay material, burn it. Let the smoke to smoke the anus. 


(For person with the Huhuo disease), if the  person has frequent pulse, not hot or fever, feels mild annoyed, quiet and has willing to just lie down, has sweat. For the first thee to four days, the eye is red as a bird; on the seventh to eighth day, the four corners of the eyes are black in color. If he has normal appetite, it indicates there is mature pus in the ulcer area. Use Chixiaodou Danggui San.


Chixiaodou Danggui San

赤小豆(三升,浸令芽出,曝干) 当归(三两)

Chixiaodou (rinse in water to let it becomes spring, dry completely) abut 400 gram, Danggui 45 gram.


Grind the herbs into powder. Drink 1.8 gram each time, three times a day.


If the person feels sour in throat, spit pus and blood, has net-like blood vescles on the face, it is called Yangdu disease[2]. For this condition, it is curable within five days, but not if it is aleady for seven days. Use Shengma Biexia Tang.


If the person feels sour in throat, very much pain in the body that is so severe as beaten by rod, has blue-purple color on the face, it is called Yindu disease. For this condition, it is curable within five days, but not if it is aleady for seven days. Use Shengma Biexia Tang but remove Xionghuang and Shujiao.


Shengma Biejia Tang

升麻(二两) 当归(一两), 蜀椒(炒去汗,一两), 甘草(二两) 鳖甲(手指大一片,炙), 雄黄(半两,研)

Shengma 30 gram, Danggui 15 gram, Shujiao (fried to remove moisture) 15 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Biejia (processed) one, about 1 cm in diameter size.


Add the herbs and 1000 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 250 ml liquid left. Drink all herbal tea once to create sweat.

[1] There are no exace medical terms for such clinic conditions in the western medical system.

[2] Du here means toxic.