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Chapter 1, organs and meridians, its disease and pulse and clinic manifestations


Human body takes neutrations from all five kinds of the elements and grows with the help and promotion by the Wind. The Wind is needed for the growth of all biological things, but it can also damage them. This is just as Water can float a boat, but can also turn off the boat. If the libido of the five major organ systems of the body is sufficient, the person is in health. The invasion of the Wind Xieqi into the body can usually result in death. The reason for all kinds of diseases, disorders, or disatrers together, are only three: one, the Xieqi invasion through the body surface meridian system, or into the organs; two, the Xieqi comes into the arms, legs, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, penis, anus, causing block of the blood circulation; three, the body is damaged or hurt by sharping material cutting, bitten by worms or animals, or depletion of libido by sexual activity.


 If a person pays attention to all of these aspects, not letting the Xieqi attack the meridian, or if the Xieqi attacks, starts the medical treatment before the Xieqi moving into the organs, his condition should be well maintained. Once he just feels heavy in the arms and legs, starts the Daoying, Tuna, acupuncture, massage, or use herbal paste, not letting the Xieqi to block the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, opens for urine and anus. Pay attention not to break the law so do not suffer from heavy physical and emotional punishment, not to be bitten by animals or worms, not to have too much sexual activity to deplete the libido, not to eat too much of either sweet, bitter, sour, or too hot, or too cold food; there should no reason for a disease. 


Asked: It is said that a great master doctor treats non-diseased disease, why and how? Mater: To treat non-diseased disease means to prevent the development of a current disease. For example, if the current disease is in the Liver, we should make the Spleen stronger, so that the disease in the Liver will not pass to the Spleen. Spleen belongs to the Soil in the five-element theory and it is ready to be affected by the Xieqi, so do not supply it. Lower level doctor do not know the transfer of a disease from one organ to another, so they deal with the Liver disease only.

For a Liver disease, herbs with a sour taste will nourish the Liver, bitter herb helps it, sweet herb adjusts it. The sour taste goes into the Liver, jar and bitter into Heart, sweat into Spleen. The Spleen (Soil) is against the Kidney (Water). The Kidney is weak, the water metabolism is out of order. The Water distribution is out of order, so the Heart (Fire) becomes overwhelming. The Heart (Fire) so burns the Lung (the Metal), so the function of the Lung is out of order. When the Lung is in disorder, the Liver function returns better, so the Liver disease cured by itself. This is the trick in the treatment of Liver and the Spleen. This principle works when the Liver condition is in weak condition, it doesn’t work if the Liver is in a fullness condition. [1]

Medical bibble said: “the treatment can be noursing, or depleting, use the nourishing therapy when the organ is in a weakness condition and use depleting therapy when it is in a fullness condition. ”  This principle works for all organs.


Asked: please explain to me how a disease can be told from the Qise[2] in the face. The Master[3]:  If the nose tip is blue in color, and the person has stomach pain, and feels very cold, the condition may indicate a death; mild dark color in the nose tip suggests a wetness condition in this body; yellow nose suggests a Cold in the chest; white color, blood depletion; mild red in color on the nose tip, die suddenly; if the person has Jing syndrome/condition (spasm condition) with eyes opening and staring, it is hard to recover. Blue color suggests pain; black color suggests exhaust by labor work; red color indicates Wind invasion, yellow color suggests the person has constipation; bright yellow suggests the water-liquid condition in the body.


The Master: if patients has quiet talking but sudden and erupted cry, it suggests he has disease in joints; if his voice is harsh and not clear the end of the sentence, his disease is in the chest, heart, diagram; if the voice is as a bird ringing, the thin and long, his disease is in the abdomen.


The Master: if a patient shaking the shoulder when breath, he has fullness condition in the chest; if he feels air pushing up when breath, he has cough; if he opens mouth, feels short of breath, he has shrink and collapse in the lung, and he cough and spit saliva. 


The Master: if the person has slight frequent inhalation, the disease is in the Middle Jiao Cavity[6], this is a fullness condition, a bowel-cleansing therapy will solve this problem. If it is a weakness condition, it is hard to treat; if the disease is in the Upper Cavity, the person’s inhalation is frequent and long; if it is in the Lower Cavity, the inhalation is urgent. Both conditions are hard to treat. If the person has body shaking when have a breath, it is hard to treat.


The Master: if the pulse in the Chun position is pumping, it jumps according to its main time-point. If the Liver is associated to blue in color, the time is also associated with its own color. For instance, the Liver is associated with the blue; the Heart to red; the Lung to the white; the Kidney to the black; and the Spleen to the yellow. If the person’s biological physical condition[7] belongs to the Liver (to the blue in color), but his skin color is white (white is Lung, is Metal), however, it means the color doesn’t match the biological body constitution, the Metal is against the Wood, e.g. the Lung is against the Liver, so the person will have healthy problem. Same way, the pulse jumping is according to the overwhelming time of each organs/element, for example, the Liver pulse should felt on the left Guan position, and its overwhelming time is 1 am to 5 am. It means normally at this time period, the liver pulse is stronger than the pulse at the other position on the wrist. If it is stronger at the Guan position on the right side wrist (the Spleen position), especially if it felt as a string in feeling, it suggests the Spleen (the Soil) is attacked by the Liver (the Wood), since in the five-element theory, the Wood (the Liver) struggles against the Soil (the Spleen). Therefore, even if a person does not feel anything wrong in his body, it can still be predicted by the jumping time of pulse, the skin color and other clues on the body. [8]


Asked: what means the weather Qi should not come, but comes; it supposes to come, but not come; it comes and should leave, but not leave; it comes and comes too much? The Master: after the season point of Dongzhi,[9] on the middle night of the Jiazi day[10], the Shaoyang starts. This is the time the Yangqi starts to grow, and the day starts to become warm (though the body has not started to feel it).  If it has not been in the Jiazi day but the weather becomes warm, it means it should not come but comes; if on the Jiazi day, the weather does not become warm, it means it should come but not comes; if on the Jiazi day, the weather is very cold, it means it means the cold weather comes but not leaves; if on the Jiazi day, the weather is so hot as summer of May or June, it means the hot weather comes too much.


The Master: if the pulse is floating at the Chun position, the disease is on the body surface layer; if the floating pulse is felt on the Chi position, it indicates the disease is inside. The person should feel tightness on the lower back and hard to walk, and feels short of breath very much.


Asked: the medical bible said, Jueyang goes alone, what does this mean? The Master: it means there is only Yang, but no any Yin, so it is called Jueyang.



Asked: if Jueqi develops into the solid organs[12], the person will die; if it moves into the hollow organs[13], the person will be alive. It is called sudden Jue condition. What it is? Master: the person has purple lips, cold body, indicating the Jueqi in the solid organs. He is to die. If he has no problem in the body but sweat, it indicates that the Jueqi has moves only in the hollow organs, he is to be better.  


Asked: why if the pulse is hard to felt, and if the disease develops into the fullness organs, the person will die, and if it develops into the hollow organs, he may be alive? Master: this is true for all kinds of diseases. For instance, if a skin ulcer develops from mouth to the extremes of the body, the disease is treatable, if it develops from the arm and leg to the mouth direction, it is hard to treat. A disease in the out layer of the body is easier to treat, and a disease developing into the organs is hard to treat.


Asked: what means eighteen Yang diseases? Master: the headache, spasm and pain in the neck, lower back, the spine, the shoulder, the feet. 


Asked: what means eighteen Yin diseases? Master: cough, pushing up feeling, asthma, Ye syndrome, sour throat, intestine noise, abdomen fullness or bloating, heart pain, spasm inside of the body.


Every organ has eighteen diseases, so all together for the five organs, there are ninety diseases. A person can also have six weakness conditions, all together there are one hundred and eight diseases. This does not include the five Lao, seven damage, six extreme and woman’s thirteen six diseases.


Light Xieqi[14] floats and affects the upper part of the body, heavy and condensed Xieqi influences the lower part of the body. Strong Xieqi attacks the body surface layer, small or weak Xieqi influences the inside of the body. Xieqi in the food comes from the mouth to cause hosting food (accumulated food or food residue in the abdomen). There is rule for the Xieqi to attack the body: the Wind attacks the front of the body, Cold attacks during the evening, Wetness attacks the lower part of the body, Fog influences the upper part of the body. The Wind Xieqi makes the pulse floating, Cold Xieqi makes the pulse frequent, Fog Xieqi damages the skin and the tissues under the skin, Wetness accumulates in the joints, Food affects the digestive system. Extreme Cold Xieqi injures the meridian stems, and extreme Hot Xieqi damages the meridian branches.


Asked: in a urgent cases, when to save the inside and when to save the body surface condition? Master: if a person is given a bowel-cleansing therapy and it causes continuous diarrhea and pain in whole body, the inside body condition should be first solved; later, if he feels pain in the whole body, but the urine and bowel movement is pretty normal, start to save the body surface condition.


If a person has both a chronic disease and an acute disease, save and treat the acute condition first and treat the old condition later.


Master: for the five organ systems, if they get what they like[15], their disease will cure; if they gets what they dislike, they will be ill. If a person has low appetite for a long time, now he has strong willing to eat, he will have fever.

夫诸病在藏,欲攻之,当随其所得而攻之,如渴者,小便不利[16], 猪苓汤,余皆仿此。

If a disease is in a fullness organ, and if the treatment principle is to deplete the Xieqi (rather than to nourish, or to supply it), deplete what it gets. For example for a person with thirst, he has willing to drink and has difficult in urine, use the Zhuling Tang to deplete the water, to solve the problem.

[1] Every organ, once out of disorder, has either of the two conditions: weakness condition, or a fullness condition. When it is in a weakness condition, the nourshing therapy is needed. When it is in a fullness condition, a depletion therapy is nedded to deplete the Xieqi.

[2] Qise, Qi: the moving power, the activating power, the biological energy. Se: color, tint of a color.

[3] Master Zhang Zhongjing.



[6] Middle Jiao Cavity: the body is separated into three major parts: the Upper Jiao Cavity, or the Upper Cavity: the chest; the Middle Jiao Cavity, or the Middle Cavity: the stomach and spleen; the Lower Cavity: the liver and kidney, the lower abdomen.

[7] Biological condition means each person’s body shape, skin color, temple, etc can be classified into five major body constitutions: Wood, Fire, Soil, Metal, and Water. Normally, the Wood person should have blue skin color; Fire person, red color; Soil person, yellow color; Metal person, white color, and Water person, dark color.

[8] The meaning of the original Chinese version is felt incomplete and hard to understand and explain.

[9] Dongzhi, the time point of the season. It is about December 21th or 22th every year. It is the day on which the night is the longest but the day time is the shortest in north part of the earth.

[10] Jiazi day: the first day of a Chinese calendar counts days. Every 60-day is one circle. The Jiazi day after the Dongzhi day on year 2009, falls on January 14, year 2010.


[12] Fullness organ: the heart, the lung, the liver, the spleen and the kidney.

[13] Hollow organ: the stomach, the gall bladder, the small and large intestine, and the urine bladder.

[14] Light Xieqi: this is a relative concept to separate various Xieqi. The light Xieqi are such as Wind, Fire, Dryness and the heavy and condensed Xieqi are such as Water, Phlegm, Wetness.

[15] In TCM, it is believed that the Heart system (including the heart meridian, the small intestine and its meridian) prefers bitter taste; the Spleen system (including the Spleen meridian, and stomach and its meridian) prefers sweat taste; so as the Liver system, the Kidney system and the Lung system has their own specific preference taste and taste they do not like. Give the body the taste that an organ system like, the taste will nourish that organ system, if give the taste an organ system dislike, the taste will damage that organ system. However, give any state to the body, it will anyway nourish one organ system but will also damage another organ system. Nothing is absolutely good or bad to the body. TCM always keep such balance concept in the mind.
