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Chapter 15, Water disease


If the pulse is deep, it suggests there is water in the body. The body is swelling and heavy. Note: is the body has cough and asthma, it belongs to Phlegm-water accumulation disease. If the body has swelling and heavy feeling but no cough or asthma, it is Shuiqi disease, though both condition is the disorder of the water distribution and metabolism in the body. If the water accumulated in the body surface, the body is swelling and heavy; if it is in side of the body, the pulse is deep.


If there is swelling, the pulse should be deep and even hard to feel. If it becomes floating, the condition suggests the floating away of the body Qi, so the person is to die. (However, there is different kinds of such Water disorders, such as Fengshui (Wind-water), Pishui (Body surface –water) and Lishui (body inside water). This condition refers to the Lishui.  For the Fengshui and Pishui conditions, the pulse is not deep, but may be floating).


Asked: after diarrhea, the person feels thirsty and drinks water, has hard in urine, fullness in abdomen and swelling in the penis, testis, external female genital and perineum. What is this condition? Master: This is Water disease. If the person has sweat or smooth urine, it will get recover. [1]


With the Water disease, the person has swelling in the lower lids of the eye[2], which is fresh color. The person has deep/hidden pulse, has Xaoke (extreme thirsty).       

师曰:诸有水者,腰以下肿,当利小便 (五苓、猪苓等汤证);腰以上肿,当发汗乃愈。(越婢、青龙等汤证也).

Master: For all kinds of Water disease, if the swelling is under the lower back of the body, use urine therapy, such as Wuling San, Zhuling Tang; if it is over the lower back of the body, use sweat therapy, such as Yuebi Tang, Qinglong Tang.  


With the Water disease, if the person has fullness in the abdomen, difficult urine, deep and nearly failed pulse, a bowel-cleansing therapy can be used. (This is a condition of Lishui, e.g. the water is inside of the body. Because the urine is difficult, so the water is accumulated inside the abdomen. Use Shi Zao Tang, Shenyou Wan.)


With Lishui condition of the Water disease, the person has swelling all over the body, deep pulse, difficult urine. This is light condition for the Lishui disease, the bowel-cleansing therapy should not be used. It is diagnosed as Lishui, not the Fengshui or Pishui condition, for the fact that the pulse is deep. In the Lishui condition, if the urine is too much and the person has thirsty, the thirsty is due to the depletion of water. In this case, even the urine therapy should not be used.


If the upper abdomen is hard when touched, and it is big as a big plate, it is due to the Water disease. Use Zhishi Baishu Tang. This condition also belongs to the Lishui condition, but the abdomen is hard and big in the upper abdomen, suggesting a hollow stick condition,  not a fullness and pain condition, e.g. not a solid fullness condition, so the bowel-cleansing therapy should not be used, but the Zhishi Baishu Tang here to break down the hollow mass.  


Zhishi Baishu Tang


Zhishi 7 badges, Baishu 30 gram


Add the herbs and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


With the Lishui condition, the pulse on the front of the feet is deep as hidden feeling, now it is tight feeling. This is due to the presence original Cold in the body. With the Cold and Water together in the body, there will be hernia, mass enlargement, and pain in the abdomen. If the person is given bowel-cleansing therapy, it will be fullness and short of breath. If the pulse is frequent, instead of tight, it indicates the presence of Fire. The person should feel extreme hungry, has frequent urine. If now the urine becomes difficult, it suggests the development of the Water disease (Lishui disease).


As indicated above with the Fire-Water type Lishui disease, the person should has strong hungry feeling with frequent urine. If he has hard in the urine, it suggests that he will have the Lishui disease.


If the Lishui disease is due to the disorder of the Liver system, e.g. the Liver type Lishui disease, the person has big abdomen, hard to turn his body by himself. If he has pain in the lower abdomen, has water in the mouth from time to time, then the urine will be smooth again.


If the Lishui disease is due to the disorder of the Heart system, e.g. the Heart type Lishui disease, the person has heavy body and short of breath, hard to lie down for sleep, feels annoyed/impatience and has swelling in the perineum area.


If the Lishui disease is due to the disorder of the Spleen system, e.g. the Spleen type Lishui disease, the person feels big abdomen, annoying heavy feeling in the arms and legs. He has short of breath and difficult in urine. 


If the Lishui disease is due to the disorder of the Lung system, e.g. the Lung type Lishui disease, the person feels big body swelling, difficult in urine and loss bowel movement (kind of diarrhea).  

肾水者,其腹大脐肿,腰痛不得溺,阴下湿,如牛鼻上汗,其足逆冷,「其人阴肿」, 面反瘦。

If the Lishui disease is due to the disorder of the Kidney system, e.g. the Kidney type Lishui disease, the person feels big abdomen, swelling in the naval, lower back pain, very difficult in urine, wetness in the perineum area, reverse cold in the feet, swelling in the perineum area but a skinny face.


Master: if the pulse in the wrist is deep and late, deep pulse suggests Water and late pulse indicates Cold. With Cold and Water combination, the pulse in the front of the feet is deep-to-hidden. The food is hardly digested, so there is diarrhea. The weakness of the stomach function causes swelling in the body. If the pulse in the right Chi position (Shaoyang pulse) is deep and it is thin and small in the left Chi position (Shaoyin pulse), there will be difficult urine in man, and difficult menstruation in woman. The period blood belongs to Blood. If the Blood is not smoothly moving, there will be the Water disease. Water disease due to such harsh movement of the Blood is then termed Blood harshness.


If the pulse is late and harsh in the wrist, late pulse suggests Cold and harsh pulse indicates short of blood. If the pulse is mild and late, the mild is Qi and the late pulse suggests Cold. With Cold and weak in the Qi, the person feels reverse cold in the hands and feet, which again causes harsh movement of the Rongqi and Weiqi; again the fullness in abdomen and sound noise in the intestine. The Qi pushes into the urine bladder, the Rongqi and Weiqi are depleted. With the harsh movement of the Yangqi (the Rongqi and Weiqi), the body is cold; if the Yinqi is stagnated, the person has pain in the bones. If the Yangqi moves first but the Yinqi does not follows, the person feels chilly. If the Yinqi moves first but the Yangqi does not follow, the person will have tightness and stiffness and pain. When the Yangqi and Yinqi meets, the whole body Qi starts to move, then the Xieqi will deplete away, which shows as either a urine leakage or a fart. In such case, the Cold invaded in the body when the body has insufficiency in the Qi, so it is termed Qi harshness condition. Use Guizhi qui Shaoyao, jia Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Tang.


With the Qi harshness disease, the person feels hard and solid in the upper abdomen, the stomach enlarged as a big plate there. This is due to Water Xieqi accumulation there. Use Guizhi qui Shaoyao, jia Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Tang


Guizhi qui Shaoyao, jia Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Tang


Guizhi 45 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, Mahuang 15 gram, Xixin 15 gram, Fuzi (processed) 30 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil for 5 min. Remove the upper floating residue. Add the remaining herbs in. Continue the boiling until there is about 500 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea, three times a day. The person should have sweat and has kind of feeling as worm moving under the skin. Such feeling suggests the cure.


Master: for the Water disease, there is also other different forms, such as Fengshui (Wind-water), Pishui (Surface Water), Zhengshui, Stone-water, and Yellow-sweat. For the Fengshui, the pulse is floating, the (small) joints feels pain, the person dislikes wind. For the Pishui form, the pulse is also floating, there is swelling on the ankles, which is deep punctum/recess upon press but returns floating when release the press. The person does not worry the wind, has no thirsty. Sweat therapy should be given. For the Zhengshui, the person has asthma. His pulse is deep and late. For Stone-water, the pulse is deep. The person has fullness in the abdomen, but no asthma. For Yellow-sweat, the pulse is deep and late. The person feels fever, fullness in the chest, swelling in the heart, arms and legs. If this condition lasts for a long time, there will be pus developing in the Yellow-sweat person.  


If the pulse is floating and Hong (strong as wave), the floating means the Wind-invasion, and the Hong pulse suggests Qi. The combination of the Wind and the Qi in the body develops urticaria-like skin rash, if the Wind is stronger than the Qi. The person feels itch all over the body. The itch means the Wind is depleting. After a long time, the skin becomes pellagra-like skin lesion. If the Qi is stronger than the Wind, the body will have water accumulation, the body is hard to bend to front or back. In either condition, the body is swelling. Sweat therapy should work. If the person feels dislike wind, the condition belongs to the Fengshui (Wind-water form), suggesting that the body is weak. If the person has no dislike-wind feeling, has easy urine, has more saliva in the mouth (suggesting Cold in the upper Jiao Cavity), this condition is hen termed Yellow-sweat form Water-disease.


If the pulse is deep and slippery, the condition suggests Shuiqi in the body. The person has swelling in the face and eyes and has fever. This condition belongs to Fengshui (the Wind-water form). The eyes are swelling as a silkworm lying there. His neck artery pumps. He has cough from time to time. If press on his hands or feet, there is recession/depression on the skin, and the recession remains after stop the press. This condition belongs to the Fengshui (the Wind-water form).


With the Fengshui (the Wind-water form), the pulse is floating and the person feels heavy in the body, has sweat and has dislike-wind feeling. Use Fangji Huangqi Tang. If there is pain in abdomen, add Shaoyao in it.


 Fangji Huangqi Tang (check the version for the Shi disease)     


With Taiyang stage of the Cold-invation Shanghan disease, the pulse is floating and tight. The person should have pain in the (small joints). If he has no such pain on the joints, but feels heavy and sour in the body, has no thirsty. This condition then belongs to the Fengshui (the Wind-water form). Sweat therapy can cure it. If the person feels chilly, it means his condition is weak due to sweat therapy. If he feels thirsty but no chilly, the condition belongs to Pishui (the Surface-water form). If the person has swelling all over the body as having a whole body Bi disease, the person feels fullness in the chest so he feels hard to eat, feels annoying in the afternoon and hard to fall into sleep, this condition belongs to Yellow-sweat form of the Water disease. If the pain is in the (small) joints, the person has cough and asthma, no thirsty, it belongs to Feizhang disease. The person looks as having swelling (on the face). In this Feizhang disease, use sweat therapy. However, if the person, no matter what kind of the Water disease he has, feels thirsty and diarrhea, has frequent urine, the sweat therapy should not be use.


It may be asked: with the Fengshui condition, the person has joint pain. But now he has no joint pain but body heavy and sour. With the Pishui  condition, the person supposes to have no thirsty, but now he has. Why this way? Master: The combination of the Wind and the Water in the body can have different results: either the water flows to the joint to cause pain, or to the muscles to cause heaviness and sour, depending on there it accumulates. For the Pishui condition, it is stated that the person has no thirsty. It does not mean the standard Pishui condition has no thirsty, but means the abdomen is normal, the Xieqi has not come into the inside, so that a sweat therapy can be used. Here it indicates that the person with the Pishui feels thirsty but no chilly, with the aim to distinguish from the Fengshui condition, in which there is no thirsty and has dislike-wind feeling.


With Fengshui condition, if the peron feel dislike-wind feeling, has swelling all over the body, has no thirsty, but has sweat, no strong fever, and his pulse is floating, use Yuebi Tang. If he feels dislike-wind, add Fuzi in the formula.


Yuebi Tang

麻黄  六两,石膏  半斤,生姜  三两,甘草  二两,大枣  十五枚

Mahuang 90 gram, Shigao 125 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Chinese date 15 badges.


Add the Mahuang and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil for 5 min. Remove the upper floating residue. Add the remaining herbs in. Continue the boiling until there is about 500 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea, three times a day.  If there is dislike-wind feeling, add Fuzi 30 gram (processed). For Fengshui condition, add Baishu 60 gram.


With the Pishui condition, the person has swelling on the arms and legs, feet. The Water is in the skin, so the muscle has moving, tingling, or shaking feeling. In this case, use Fangji Fuling Tang.


Fangji Fuling Tang

三两,黄耆  三两,桂枝  三两,茯苓  六两,甘草  三两

Fangji 45 gram, Huangqi 45 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Fuling 90 gram, Gancao 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil until there is about 500 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea, three times a day.  


With Pishui condition, use Yuebi jia Baishu Tang or use Gancao Mahuang Tang.


Yuebi jia Baishu Tang



Add Baishu 60 gram into the Yuebi Tang


Gancao Mahuang Tang

二两,   麻黄  四两

Gancao 30 gram, Mahuang 60 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil for 5 min. Remove the upper floating residue. Add the Gancao in. Continue the boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea, three times a day, until there is sweat. Be careful to avoid wind and cold.


With the Pishui condition, use Puhui San.


Puhui San (see the part for Xiaoke disease)

With the Water disease, if the pulse is deep and small, it belongs to Shaoyin (Kidney-origin ). Floating pulse suggests the Wind. If there is no water but a hollow swelling, it is a Fengshui condition. Sweat therapy will work. If the pulse is deep, use Mahuang Fuzi Tang. If the pulse is floating, use Xinzi Tang.


Mahuang Fuzi Tang

三两,甘草  二两,附子(炮)一枚

Mahuang 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Fuzi (processed) 30 gram


Add the Mahuang and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil for 5 min. Remove the upper floating residue. Add the Gancao in. Continue the boiling until there is about 600 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea, three times a day.


Xinzi Tang

四两 杏仁五十个, 甘草(炙)二两

Mahuang 60 gram, Xinren 50 badges, Gancao (processed) 30 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 1250 ml left. Remove the upper floating residue. Add the Gancao in. Continue the boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea, three times a day, until there is sweat.


Asked: with the Yellow-sweat disease, there is swelling in the body, fever, sweat and thirsty. It looks similar to the Fengshui (the Wind-water form of the Water disease). The sweat is sticky to the clothes. Its color is strong yellow, and pulse is deep. How it comes? Master: it is due to water bath after a sweat. The water comes into the body from the sweat holes. In this case, use Huangqi Shaoyao Guizhi Kujiu Tang. 


Huangqi Shaoyao Guizhi Kujiu Tang. 

黄耆  五两,   芍药  三两,   桂枝  三两

Huangqi 78 grma, Shaoyao 45 gram, Guizhi 45 gram.


Add the herbs, 250 ml vinegar and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml left. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day. The tea should make the person annoyed/impatience, which will disappear after six to seven days. The reason for this long time annoying feeling is the vinegar.


With the Yellow-sweat disease, the person feels cold in the small leg (not the calf). If the person feels fever, it belongs to Lijie disease, not the Yellow-sweat disease. If the person has sweat after eating, has sweat when lie down for sleep, it belongs to a Laoqi disease. For the Yellow-sweat disease, if the person has fever after sweat, he will have dry skin as fish scales after long time. He even has difficult-treat skin ulcer if the fever continues for a long time. If he feels initially heavy in the body, and feels light of the body after sweat, he will have pain in the chest. The person with the Yellow-sweat disease has the sweat in the upper part of the body (from the lower back as a separation), but no sweat in the lower part of the body, has loss ache in the lower back and hips as there is heavy stuff within the skin. For severe case, the person cannot eat, feels pain and heavy in the body, annoyed/impatience, difficult in the urine. For such Yellow-sweat disease, use Guizhi jia Huangqi Tang.


Guizhi jia Huangqi Tang


Guizhi 30 gram, Shaoyao 30 gram, Gancao 30 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, Huangqi 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into the herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink 250 ml of the tea. After about 30 to 40 min, eat a bowl of rice soup about 250 ml to help the herb to work. Cover the body to develop sweat. If there is no sweat, repeat the herb tea drinking again.


(This paragraph is hard to translate).


(This paragraph is hard to translate).


(This paragraph is hard to translate).

[1] Diarrhea causes weakness in the Spleen system (the Soil). So the Soil can not control and balances the function of the Water (the Kidney system). If the urine is difficult, the water will accumulate in the body to cause swelling in the abdomen and in the external genital area. Diarrhea depletes water in the body, causing thirsty.

[2] Lower lid of the eye belongs to Taiyin, the Kidney. Swelling here suggests Water accumulation here, due to weakness of Spleen and overwhelming of Kidney water. This could be the first sign for the Water disease. Note here: swelling in the lower lid of the eyes, deep pulse and thirsty, all suggests the start of the Water disease.

[3]脾胀之「脾」字,当是「肺」字,是传写之误.In original version, it is “Spleen swelling”.
