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Edmonton AB,   Canada

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Chapter 15. Danggui series

Danggui is the root of plant Aaugellica sinensis(Oliv) Diels. In TCM, it works mostly to help the body to produce sufficient blood, as well as to promote the blood circulate easier in the body. Indirectly, it works to improve the bowel movement though the nourish of more liquid in the colon.  In TCM, one of the way to expel the Wind out of the body is to supply more blood. So, Danggui is also used indirectly improving the Wind conditions, such as various muscle spasm conditions. Due to the fantastic function of the

(1). 当归散

Danggui San


Danggui 250 gram, Huangqin 250 gram, Shaoyao 250 gram, Chuanqiong 250 gram, Baishu 125 gram.


Prepare the herbs into powder. Drink 1 gram each time with drinking wine for swallow. These herbs could make the later delivery easy, the fetus quiet and safe, and prevent illness after delivery too.


For woman with pregnancy, she needs to take Danggui San regularly.[1]


(2). 当归芍药散

Danggui Shaoyao San

 三两,芍药 一斤,茯苓 四两,白术 四两,泽泻 半斤,芎藭 半斤

Danggui 45 gram, Shaoyao 250 gram, Fuling 60 gram, Baishu 60 gram, Zexie 125 gram, Chuanqiong 125 gram.


Prepare the herbs into powder. Drink 1 gram each time with drinking wine, three times a day.


For woman with various pain in abdomen, use Danggui Shaoyao San.


(3). 当归四逆汤

Danggui Sini Tang

当归  三两, 桂枝  三两, 芍药  三两, 细辛  三两, 通草  二两, 甘草(炙)二两, 大枣(擘)二十五枚

Danggui 45 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Xixin 45 gram, Tongcao 30 gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Chinese date 25 badges.


Add the herbs and 2000 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.

06  手足厥寒,脉细欲绝者,当归四逆汤主之。若其人内有久寒者,宜当归四逆加吴茱萸生姜汤。

In Jueyin stage, if the person has reverse cold in hands and feet, the pulse is weak, thin and hard to feel[2], use Danggui Sini Tang. If the person has long history of Cold condition inside, add Wuzhuyu and fresh ginger in this herbal formula.


(4). 当归四逆加吴茱萸生姜汤方

Danggui Sini jia Wuzhuyu Shengjinag Tang


Add Wuzhuyu 25 gram and Fresh ginger 45 gram into the previous Danggui Sini Tang.


Add all herbs, 1500 ml of water, wine 1500 ml. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 1250 ml left. Collect the herbal tea, separate it into five parts. Drink one part each time, five times a day. In another formula, the water and the wine used are both 1000 ml.

06  手足厥寒,脉细欲绝者,当归四逆汤主之。若其人内有久寒者,宜当归四逆加吴茱萸生姜汤。

In Jueyin stage, if the person has reverse cold in hands and feet, the pulse is weak, thin and hard to feel[3], use Danggui Sini Tang. If the person has long history of Cold condition inside, add Wuzhuyu and fresh ginger in this herbal formula.


(5). 当归生姜羊肉汤

Danggui Shenjiang Yangrou Tang

三两,生姜  五两,羊肉  一斤

Danggui 45 gram, fresh ginger 78 gram, lamb 250 gram.


Add the herb and 2000 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml left. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day. If there is more Cold, add fresh ginger to 250 gram; if there is more pain and nausea, add orange peel 30 gram and Baishu 15 gram. When the fresh ginger is added, the water used should be 1250 ml more and cook to collect 800 ml tea.

寒疝,腹中痛,及痛里急者,(其脉沉紧者,)  当归生姜羊肉汤主之。

For person with the Cold Shan disease has pain in stomach and he feels need to go to washroom for bowel movement when feels pain, and if the pulse is deep and tight, use Danggui Shenjiang Yangrou Tang.


For women after delivery has pain in abdomen, use Ganggui Shenjiang Yangyou Tang. This herbal formula can also be used in the treatment of Cold hernia in the abdomen, and weakness condition due to exhausting labor works.


(6). 赤小豆当归散

Chixiaodou Danggui San

赤小豆(三升,浸令芽出,曝干) 当归(三两)

Chixiaodou (rinse in water to let it becomes spring, dry completely) abut 400 gram, Danggui 45 gram.


Grind the herbs into powder. Drink 1.8 gram each time, three times a day.


(For person with the Huhuo disease), if the  person has frequent pulse, not hot or fever, feels mild annoyed, quiet and has willing to just lie down, has sweat. For the first thee to four days, the eye is red as a bird; on the seventh to eighth day, the four corners of the eyes are black in color. If he has normal appetite, it indicates there is mature pus in the ulcer area. Use Chixiaodou Danggui San.


If the person has bleeding, the blood follows the stool, it is a far away bleeding[4], use Huangtu Tang. If the stool follows the blood, it is a nearby bleeding[5], use Chixiaodou Danggui San.


(7). 胶艾汤

Qungui Jiaoai Tang


Chuangqiong 30 gram, Ajiao 30 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Aye 45 gram, Danggui 45 gram, Shaoyao 60 gram, Shendi 45 gram.


Add the herbs (except Ajiao) and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml water left. Remove the residue, add Ajiao in. Continue to boiling until the Ajiao is completely melted. Drink 250 ml of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.


Master: if woman has continuous bleeding from uterus during the pregnancy for five to six months, or after abortion, or has pain in abdomen, use Jiaoai Tang. Abdomen pain during pregnancy is called Baozu.[6]


(8). 当归贝母苦参丸方

Danggui Beimu Kushen Wan.


Danggui 60 gram, Beimu 60 gram, Kushen 60 gram


Prepare the herbs into pill with honey. The pill is as 0.2 cm in diameter. Drink 3 pills each time. Gradually increase the number to 10 pills each time.


If a woman with pregnancy has difficult in urine, but appetite is normal, use Danggui Beimu Kushen Wan.


[1] If woman with pregnancy has no illness, surely she does not need to take any medicine. However, if she is in a Fire condition, even mild Fire, she needs the Danggui San to remove the Fire in the body.

[2] This condition belongs to mild condition of the Yueyin stage, since the person has no whole body skin cold, or continuous annoyed/impatience emotionally and physically yet. It is the our level of the Yueyin stage.

[3] This condition belongs to mild condition of the Yueyin stage, since the person has no whole body skin cold, or continuous annoyed/impatience emotionally and physically yet. It is the our level of the Yueyin stage.

[4] It means the bleeding location close to stomach.

[5] It means the bleeding is close to the anus, the colon, the intestines.

[6] Baozu condition: bao means uterus; zu means block. So Baozu means the uterus is block to further develop by block from enlarged mass in uterus, such uterus fibrosis.