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102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683




Guizhi series

Guizhi, is the young branch of laurel. Guizhi has a function of creating sweat, loss muscle, remove Cold and Wind from the muscle to the skin, warm the meridian and improve blood circulation.  

The Guizhi Tang is the most important herbal formula in the << Shang Han Lun >>. It self can be used for the treatment of lots of clinic conditions.  With little addition of removal of one or more ingredients from it, the reformed formula can treat even much more illness. TCM students must learn how to use this formula first. It is very important to know its conditions, ingredients, and the way to cook and to drink. 

The main ingredients in the Guizhi Tang is, of course, the Guizhi. (Cinnamomun  cassia  Presl) .  It is actually a spice in our kitchen – you may realize this. Another ingredients are: ginger, the Chinese date. You see, they are very popular diet material in our lunch table, but they can be used for the resolution of our illness, depending on how to organize the herbal forma and how much to use it.



(1). 桂枝汤方

Guizhi Tang:[1]

桂枝三两, 芍药三两, 甘草(炙)三两, 生姜(切)三两, 大枣(擘)十二枚

Guizhi 45 grams, Shaoyao 45 grams, Gancao 30 grams, Fresh ginger 45 gram and Chinese date 12 badges.[2]


Cut and chop all of the ingredients into small pieces. Add the herbs and about 1800 ml water to a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the total water volume in the pot (Clay pot, but not metal pot, should be used) reduces down to about 750 ml. Remove the residue and collect the liquid part (the herbal tea). Wait a movement until it turns little bit cold down. Drink about one third of the collected herbal tea[3]. After about 40 to 50 minutes[4], drink a bowl of rice soup (about 250 ml) to help the herb to work. Cover the body and lie down, hoping that the body is with little sweat, but not too much sweat. If the body has too much sweat, the disease wouldn’t be cured.[5]

If the patient feels better, stop to drink the remaining herb tea; if there is no sweat, continue the drinking of the second part of the tea and keep the patient the same way (as drink the rice soup). If there is still no sweat, drink the remaining one third of the tea. Whole of the tea can be finished within about 4 to 5 hours; For those with severe illness condition, continue drinking the tea as such with close monitoring the reaction. If after finish the first dose (e.g. the whole herbs collected, about 750 ml), if the disease remains no change, continue to drink the second doses of the herbal tea. If there is still no sweat, try up to three doses. When drinking the Guizhi Tang, it is forbid the cold food, spicy food, meat, sticky food (fried food), wine, fertilized food, or other food with terrible smell.

03   太阳中风,阳浮而阴弱。阳浮者,热自发;阴弱者,汗自出。啬啬恶寒,淅淅恶风,翕翕发热,鼻鸣干呕者,桂枝汤主之。

For Wind-invasion and in the Taiyang stage, person’s floating pulse[6] (the pulse felt with light touch on the pulse, the Yang pulse) feels as floating, whereas the Yin pulse (e.g. the pulse felt when press harder to bottom against the bone) is weak. Because the deeper Yin pulse is weak, one has sweat, has chilly, dislike-wind feeling, gentle hot feeling, nausea (no vomiting) and stiff nose. In this case, herbal formula of Guizhi Tang[7] should be used principally.

04  太阳病,发热汗出者,此为荣弱卫强,故使汗出。欲救邪风者,宜桂枝汤。

In Taiyang Stage, if the person has fever and sweat, it means that his Rongqi is weak but Weiqi[8] is strong, that stimulates the sweat. To remove the disease-causing thing (the Xieqi), Guizhi Tang is needed.

05  病人藏无他病,时发热自汗出而不愈者,此卫气不和也。先其时发汗则愈,宜桂枝汤。

If the person has no any disease inside the body, but feels hot and sweat from time to time, it means his Weiqi is in disturbed condition. To produce a healing sweat before its own sweat onset can stop it (to cure). Guizhi Tang is needed for this aim[9].

06   病常自汗出者,此为荣气和,荣气和者,外不谐,以卫气不共荣气谐和故尔,以荣行脉中,卫行脉外,复发其汗,荣卫和则愈,宜桂枝汤。

If the health problem is simply a easy sweat, it suggests that Rongqi is in harmony. When the Rongqi is in harmony, the Weiqi is not in a harmony, since the Rongqi is traveling inside of the blood while the Weiqi is outside of the blood vesicle.[10] Use a healing sweat therapy, both Qi will come to harmony together. Guizhi Tang is needed.

07   太阳病,初服桂枝汤,反烦不解者,先刺风池、风府,却与桂枝汤则愈。

In the Taiyang stage, after the first drinking of the Guizhi Tang, there is no any improvement of the condition and the person feels annoyed, acupuncture should be used: stimulate the Fengchi and Fengfu points (on the back of the neck). Then use the Guizhi Tang again.

29  太阳病,外证未解不可下也,下之为逆,欲解外者,宜桂枝汤。

In Taiyang stage, bowel-cleansing therapy should not be used if the disease is still in the surface Taiyang stage. To clear the surface disease, Guizhi Tang should be used. [11]

38  太阳病,下之,其气上冲者,可与桂枝汤,方用前法。若不上冲者,不可与之。

When in Taiyang stage and have had bowel-cleansing therapy, one may have reverse pushing feeling[12]. In this case, Guizhi Tang can still be used (the same way as standard procedure for the formula). If there is no such reverse pushing feeling, it should not be used.

06   太阳病,外证未解,脉浮弱者,当以汗解,宜桂枝汤。

When there are indications to Taiyang stage but the pulse is floating and weak, healing sweat therapy is needed and Guizhi Tang should be used. [13]

07  伤寒发汗已解,半日许复烦,脉浮数者,可更发汗,宜桂枝汤。

For Cold-invasion Shanhan disease, if the sweat therapy (by use of Mahuang Tang) has caused sweat, the person feel annoyed emotionally again after half day, his pulse feels floating and fast, the sweat therapy can be repeated. Use Guizhi Tang.

34  伤寒不大便六、七日,头痛有热者,与承气汤,其小便清者,知不在里,仍在表也,当须发汗,头痛者[14],必衄,宜桂枝汤。

If a person with Cold-invasion Shanghand disease and has no bowel movement for six to seven days, and has headache and fever, herb Da Chengqi Tang should be used. If in this case, his urine is clear as pure water, the Da Chenqi Tang should not be used, instead, herb Guizhi Tang is needed, since the clear urine indicates the disease is still in the surface Taiyang stage, not in Yangming stage yet.[15] The constipation is due to the disease in the Taiyang, not in Yangming. The person with severe headache will have nose bleeding.

39  伤寒大下後,复发汗,心下痞,恶寒者,表未解也,不可攻痞,当先解表,表解乃可攻痞。解表宜桂枝汤,攻痞宜大黄黄连泻心汤。

With the Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, and after heavy bowel-cleansing therapy, followed by a sweat therapy again, the person feels fullness in the upper stomach (the fullness syndrome, also called Pi syndrome in TCM) and chilly, it indicates that the disease is still in the surface level. The treatment should focus on the release of the surface disease with Guizhi Tang, then solve the inside Fullness syndrome with Dahuang Huanglian Xiexin Tang.

06  服桂枝汤,大汗出,脉洪大者,与桂枝汤如前法。若形似疟,一日再发者,汗出必解,宜桂枝二麻黄一汤。

After drinking of Guizhi Tang, there is strong sweat and the pulse becomes big[16], repeat the Guizhi Tang as the way introduced before[17]; If the person feels as malaria (sometimes fever and sometimes cold, repeatedly) again and again during the day, sweat therapy will cure it. The Guizhi two Mahuang one Tang[18] should be used. 

11  阳明病,脉迟,汗出多, 发热[19],微恶寒者,表未解也,可发汗,宜桂枝汤。

In the Yangming stage, if the person feels hot[20], large sweat, slight chilly with slow pulse, it suggests that the Xieqi remains partly in the Taiyang stage. The sweat therapy can be used. Use herb Guizhi Tang. [21]

19  病人烦热,汗出则解,又如疟状,日晡所发热者,属阳明也。脉实者,宜下之;脉浮虚者,宜发汗。下之与大承气汤,发汗宜桂枝汤。

If the person feels very hot and sweat, his hot subsides after the sweat, such condition repeated again and again as a malaria. If he also feels hot in the evening (about the sunset time), it indicates the disease is in Yangming stage already. If his pulse is strong, use herb Da Chengqi Tang; if his pulse is weak and floating, use sweat therapy: Guizhi Tang. [22]

05  伤寒,医下之,续得下利清谷不止,身疼痛者,急当救里;後身疼痛,清便自调者,急当救表。救里宜四逆汤,救表宜桂枝汤。

With Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, a bowel-cleansing therapy is given that caused continuous diarrhea of non-digested food in the stool and body pain. This is urgent to support the inside of the body, using Sini Tang; after the diarrhea stops but body pain remains, using Guizhi Tang to deplete the Cold in the body surface layer. [23]

07  下利,腹胀满,身体疼痛者,先温其里,乃攻其表,温里宜四逆汤,攻表宜桂枝汤。

If a person has diarrhea, fullness in abdomen, and body pain, warm and support the body inside first, and improve the body surface condition later. Use Sini Tang to support the inside and use Guizhi Tang to improve the body surface condition.

10  太阴病,脉浮者,可发汗,宜桂枝汤。

In the Taiyin stage, if the person has floating pulse, sweat therapy can be used, but use the Guizhi Tang. [24]

06  吐利止,而身痛不休者,当消息和解其外,宜桂枝汤小和之。

In Huoluan (Cholera) disease, if the vomit and diarrhea stop, but the person still has continuous body pain, use Guizhi Tang to solve the body surface Xieqi.


Master: if a woman has normal pulse, which is small and weak in the Chi position, and if she has thirsty, cannot eat, no hot or cold, this condition indicates a pregnancy. Such condition should come about 60 days after the stop of last period. If such condition is severe, use Guizhi Tang.


After baby delivery, the woman is attacked by the Wind. She feels mild headache, chilly, and hot from time to time, bloating in the upper abdomen, nausea, sweat. All are there for tens of days. In this case, use Yangdan Tang, which is the Guizhi Tang plus Huangqin. 


Yangdan Tang


Add Huangqin into the Guizhi Tang. (Guizhi Tang: see the version for Diarrhea)


(2). 桂枝加桂汤

Guizhi jia Guizhi Tang

桂枝  五两,芍药  三两,甘草(炙)二两,生姜  三两,大枣  十二枚

Guizhi 78 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Chinese date 12 badges.


Add the herbs and 1750 ml water to a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.

16  太阳伤寒者,加温针必惊也。烧针令其汗,针处被寒,核起而赤者,必发奔豚,气从少腹上冲心者,先灸核上各一壮,与桂枝加桂汤,更加桂。

In Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, Hot-needle therapy may cause scaring/phobia/irritable. Hot-needle causes sweat, and causes cold feeling in the needle position. The needle spot appears rising up and turns to red in color. The person will develop a Bentun[25] condition, feeling air pushing up to the chest. In this case, use moxibustion on the needle spot, then give him Gizhi jia Gui Tang.


After sweat therapy and had sweat, use warm-needle therapy to make the person has sweat again, the position of the needle exposed to cold, develops rise of the skin and turns skin color there to red. For such person, he will have Bentunqi onset. There will be kind of feeling as air pushing up to the heart (the chest). For the treatment, use moxibustion on the skin position, then give Guizhi jia Gui Tang.


(3). 桂枝加芍药汤

Guizhi jia Shaoyao Tang

11  本太阳病,医反下之,因而腹满时痛者,属太阴也,桂枝加芍药汤主之。大实痛者,桂枝加大黄汤主之。

If a person with Taiyang condition, was given bowel-cleansing therapy, he starts to have fullness in the stomach with pain from time to time, his condition has turned into Taiyin stage. Use Guizhi jia Shaoyao Tang[26]. If the pain is severe and the whole stomach is hard on press, use Guizhi jia Dahuang Tang. [27] 

(4). 桂枝加大黄汤

Guizhi jia Dahuang Tang

11  本太阳病,医反下之,因而腹满时痛者,属太阴也,桂枝加芍药汤主之。大实痛者,桂枝加大黄汤主之。

If a person with Taiyang condition, was given bowel-cleansing therapy, he starts to have fullness in the stomach with pain from time to time, his condition has turned into Taiyin stage. Use Guizhi jia Shaoyao Tang[28]. If the pain is severe and the whole stomach is hard on press, use Guizhi jia Dahuang Tang. [29] 


(5). 桂枝加葛根汤

Guizhi jia Gegen Tang


Add Gegeng 45 gram into standard Guizhi Tang. Cook and drink the tea as for Guizhi Tang.

06  太阳病,项背强几几,反汗出恶风者,桂枝加葛根汤主之。

If person has similar condition as Shanghan Taiyang stage, if he feels tightness on the neck and back, dislikes wind but has sweat, use Guizhi jia Gegeng Tang.


(6). 栝蒌桂枝汤

Guolu Guizhi Tang

栝蒌根(二两), 桂枝(三两), 芍药(三两), 甘草(二两), 生姜(三两), 大枣(十二枚)

Guolugen 30 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Chinese date 12 badges.


Add the herbs and 2250 ml of water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day, to create a mild sweat. If there is no sweat after half to one hour, eat a bowl of rice soup to help the sweat.

04  太阳病,发热无汗,恶寒者,名曰刚痉 (葛根汤主之)。太阳病,发热汗出,而不恶寒,名曰柔痉。(栝蒌桂枝汤主之)

If person has similar condition as Shanghan Taiyang stage, if he has fever, chilly but not sweat, it is Gangjing[30]. If the person has fever and sweat, but no chilly, it is called Roujing[31].


In Taiyang stage, the clinic conditions meet the need for the diagnosis of the Taiyang stage, the person’s body is tight, and his pulse is deep and slow, it is a Jing condition. Use Gualu Guizhi Tang.



Guizhi jia Huangqi Tang


Guizhi 30 gram, Shaoyao 30 gram, Gancao 30 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, Huangqi 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into the herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink 250 ml of the tea. After about 30 to 40 min, eat a bowl of rice soup about 250 ml to help the herb to work. Cover the body to develop sweat. If there is no sweat, repeat the herb tea drinking again.


With the Yellow-sweat disease, the person feels cold in the small leg (not the calf). If the person feels fever, it belongs to Lijie disease, not the Yellow-sweat disease. If the person has sweat after eating, has sweat when lie down for sleep, it belongs to a Laoqi disease. For the Yellow-sweat disease, if the person has fever after sweat, he will have dry skin as fish scales after long time. He even has difficult-treat skin ulcer if the fever continues for a long time. If he feels initially heavy in the body, and feels light of the body after sweat, he will have pain in the chest. The person with the Yellow-sweat disease has the sweat in the upper part of the body (from the lower back as a separation), but no sweat in the lower part of the body, has loss ache in the lower back and hips as there is heavy stuff within the skin. For severe case, the person cannot eat, feels pain and heavy in the body, annoyed/impatience, difficult in the urine. For such Yellow-sweat disease, use Guizhi jia Huangqi Tang.


The principle for the treatment of jaundice is the urine therapy. However, if the pulse is floating, use sweat therapy, using Guizhi jia Huangqi Tang. 


(8). 黄耆芍药桂枝苦酒汤

Huangqi Shaoyao Guizhi Kujiu Tang. 

黄耆  五两,   芍药  三两,   桂枝  三两

Huangqi 78 grma, Shaoyao 45 gram, Guizhi 45 gram.


Add the herbs, 250 ml vinegar and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml left. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day. The tea should make the person annoyed/impatience, which will disappear after six to seven days. The reason for this long time annoying feeling is the vinegar.


Asked: with the Yellow-sweat disease, there is swelling in the body, fever, sweat and thirsty. It looks similar to the Fengshui (the Wind-water form of the Water disease). The sweat is sticky to the clothes. Its color is strong yellow, and pulse is deep. How it comes? Master: it is due to water bath after a sweat. The water comes into the body from the sweat holes. In this case, use Huangqi Shaoyao Guizhi Kujiu Tang. 


(9). 桂枝加附子汤

Guizhi jia[32] Fuzi Tang


Add herb Fuli 30 gram in the Guizhi Tang. Cook and Drink the tea as for Guizhi Tang.

19 太阳病,发汗,遂漏不止,其人恶风,小便难,四肢微急,难以屈伸者,桂枝加附子汤主之。

In the Taiyang stage, if sweating therapy[33] causes continuous sweat, and if the person feels dislike wind, has difficulty in urination, arms and legs feels tight and hard to bends or stretch, Guizhi jia Fuzi Tang should be used.[34]


(10). 新加汤

Guizhi Xingjia Tang

桂枝一两, 芍药四两, 甘草二两, 人叁三两, 生姜(切)四两, 大枣(擘)十二枚.

Guizhi 15 gram, Shaoyao 60 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Renshen 45 gram, Shenjiang 60 gram, Chinese Date 62 gram.


Add all of the herbs and 3000 ml into herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep to small boiling until the liquid in the pot is about 750 ml. Collect the liquid (herbal tea), separate it into three parts. Drink one third each time, repeat three times a day.

11  发汗後,身疼痛,脉沉迟者,桂枝加芍药生姜各一两,人参二两,新加汤主之。

After sweat therapy, the person feels pain on the body, and if his pulse feels deep and slow, Xinjia Tang is the main recommended herb formula.


(11). 桂枝加厚朴杏仁汤

Guizhi jia Houpo Xingren Tang



Add herb Houpo and Xingren in the standard Guizhi Tang. Cook and drink it as for Guizhi Tang. [35]

37 太阳病下之,微喘者,表未解故也,桂枝加厚朴杏子汤主之。喘家作桂枝汤加厚朴杏子佳。

When in Taiyang stage but has had bowel-cleansing therapy, the person has slight asthma and there is still indications to the Taiyang stage, Guizhi jia Houpo Tang is used mostly[36]. Asthma person[37] has asthma onset, Guizhi Tang can be used with addition of herb Houpo and Xingren. This is Guizhi jia Houpo Xingren Tang.


(12). 桂枝加龙骨牡蛎汤

Guizhi Longgu Muli Tang

,芍药,生姜 各三两,甘草 二两,大枣 十二枚,龙骨牡蛎 各三两

Guizhi 45 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Fresh ginger 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, Longgu 45 gram, Muli 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml liquid left. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


For person with lose of fine[38], he feels spasm in lower abdomen, cold in the head of penis, dizzy in eyes, loss of hair. His pulse is very weak, hollow[39] and slow[40]. He also has non-digested food in the stool, loss of blood, or depletion of fine. For person with blood loss or depletion of the fine, his pulse is hollow, slight tight and weak. For a male to lose fine, and for a women to dream sexual activity, use Guizhi Longgu Muli Tang.


(13). 小建中汤

Xiao Jianzhong Tang

桂枝 三两,甘草(炙)三两,大枣 十二枚,芍药 六两,生姜 二两,胶饴 一升

Guizhi 45 gram, Gancao (processed) 45 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, fresh ginger 30 gram, Jiaoyi 250 ml.


Add the herbs (except the Jiaoyi) and 1750 ml of water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml liquid left in the pot. Remove the residue, add the Jiaoyi in, continue boiling for a while until the Jiaoyi is melted in the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


If a person is easy to vomiting, do not use the Xiao Jianzhong Tang to him, since this herb tea is sweet and it may create nausea and vomit.

17  伤寒二、三日,心中悸而烦者,小建中汤主之。

With Cold-invasion Shanghan disease for 2 to 3 days, no any sweat or bowel-cleansing therapy has been used, the person feels however palpitation and annoyed emotionally[41], (the sweat therapy should not be used), the main formula should be Xiao Jianzhong Tang[42].

16  伤寒阳脉涩,阴脉弦,法当腹中急痛者,先与小建中汤,不差者,与小柴胡汤主之。

With Shanghan disease, if the pulse is harsh when pressed slight, but string when pressed deeper, the person should have acute pain in stomach. Xiao Jianzhong Tang should be used first. If it does not work, try Xiao Chaihu Tang.


For person with the exhausting condition, has spasm in the abdomen, palpitation, nose bleeding, pain in the abdomen, dream the loss of fine, feels sour in arms and legs, annoying hot in the hands and feet, dry mouth and throat, use Xiao Jianzhong Tang.


For woman with pain in abdomen, can also use Xiao Jianzhong Tang


(14). 当归建中汤

Danggui Jianzhong Tang

(四两) 桂枝(三两) 芍药(六两) 生姜(三两) 甘草(二两) 大枣(十二枚)

Danggui 60 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Shaoyao 90 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Chinese date 12 badges.


Add the herbs and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day. If the person is too weak, add Yitang 90 gram in, after the above herbal soup has been cooked ready. After addition of the sugar, stir to make it well dissolved. If the person loses more blood, and the bleeding continues from uterus or nose, add Shendihuang 90 gram, and Ajiao 30 gram, with Ajiao added the latest. If there is no Danggui, use Chuangqiong; if no fresh ginger, use Ganjiang.

《千金》内补当归建中汤 治妇人产后虚羸不足,腹中刺痛不止,吸吸少气,或苦少腹中急,摩痛引腰者,不能食饮。产后一月,日得四五剂为善,令人强壮,宜。

This formula comes from another bood << Qian Jing >>. It works for the treatment of weakness condition for woman after baby delivery. She may feel very pain in abdomen, short of breath; she may also feel spasm in abdomen, and cannot eat. It is recommended that woman has this herbal tea after baby deliver for several doses, since the herbs make people stronger after the delivery.


(15). 黄耆建中汤方

Huangqi Jiangzhong Tang


Add Huangqi 23 gram into the above Xiao Jiangzhong Tang. Cook and drink the tea the same way.


If there is short of breath, add fresh ginger; fullness in abdomen, remove Chinese date but add Fuling 23 gram; for Lung weakness, add Banxia 45 gram.


For all kinds of exhausting conditions, weakness conditions, use Huangqi Jianzhong Tang.[43]


If a man has yellow skin, but the urine is easy, this condition is not a Fire-Wetness jaundice, but a weakness condition. In such weakness condition, use Xiao Jianzhong Tang. 


With the Female Labor jaundice, the person feels chilly in the evening. She feels urgent in urine, bloating in the lower abdomen, jaundice and dark color in the front heat, and hot in the sole. This condition is also called Black jaundice. use Huangqi Jianzhong Tang.


(16). 黄芪桂枝五物汤

Huangqi Guizhi Wuwo Tang

黄耆 三两,芍药 三两,桂枝 三两,生姜 六两,大枣 十二枚

Huangqi 45 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, fresh ginger 90 gram, Chinese date 12 badges.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid in the pot is about 500 ml. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day. (in another formula version,, there is Renshen in it). 


For person with the Xuebi disease[44], the pulse is weak when touch slightly or deeply. In addition, his pulse is mild on the Guan position, and slight tight on the Chun position. He feels discomfort (similar to a kind of numb) in the body here and there but not typical pain or numb or tight or spasm or itch, a condition similar to a Fengbi disease[45]. In this case, use Huangqi Guizhi Wuwo Tang.


(17). 桂枝去芍药汤

Guizhi qui Shaoyao Tang


Remove Shaoyao from the standard Guizhi Tang. Cook and drink the herbal tea as for Guizhi Tang.

36  太阳病,下之後,脉促胸满者,桂枝去芍药汤主之。若汗出[46]微恶寒者,去芍药方中,加附子汤主之。

In the Taiyang stage, if one feels full in chest, pulse is fast, after bowel-cleansing therapy, use Guizhi qui Shaoyao Tang. If the one feels sweat and slight chilly, add Fuzi in this formula.[47]


(18). 桂枝去芍药加附子汤

Guizhi qui Shaojiao jia Fuzi Tang


Remove Shaoyao from the Guizhi Tang but add Fuzi 30 gram in.

36  太阳病,下之後,脉促胸满者,桂枝去芍药汤主之。若汗出[48]微恶寒者,去芍药方中,加附子汤主之。

In the Taiyang stage, if one feels full in chest, pulse is fast, after bowel-cleansing therapy, use Guizhi qui Shaoyao Tang. If the one feels sweat and slight chilly, add Fuzi in this formula.[49]


(19). 桂枝附子汤方

Guizhi Fuzi Tang

15  伤寒八、九日,风湿相搏,身体疼烦,不能自转侧,不呕不渴,脉浮虚而涩者,桂枝附子汤主之。(若脉浮实者,则又当以麻黄加术汤,大发其风湿也). 若其人大便硬,小便自利者,去桂枝加白术汤主之。

For eight to nine days of a disease similar to Shanghan[50], the person has Fengshi in the body and he feels pain in whole of the body[51] and annoyed, hard to turn the body, no nausea or thirsty. If his pulse is floating, weak and harsh[52], use Guizhi Fuzi Tang. (If the pulse is floating and strong, use Mahuang jia Baishu Tang). If he has hard stool but frequent urine, use Guizhi Fuzi que Guizhi jia Baishu Tang.


(20). 桂枝附子去桂枝加白术汤 (白术附子汤)

Baishu Fuzi Tang

附子(炮,去皮,破)三枚, 白术  四两, 生姜(切)三两, 大枣(擘)十二枚, 甘草(炙)二两

Fuzi (processed) 3 badges, Baishu 60 gram, Fresh ginger 45 gram, Chinese date 12 badges, Gancao (processed) 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid in the pot is about 500 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea. The person will feel pain all over the body, seeming that the disease is worse. Drink the second and the last one third tea after four hours each. After finish the dose, if the person feels as cloudy in mind, or little bit dizziness, nothing is wrong. This is because the Fuzi and Baishu works in the skin and muscle, remove Shuiqi but the Shiqi has not been fully removed yet. In this case, can add Guizhi 60 gram to the formula but it is not added since the stool is hard and urine is frequent. If the stool is not hard, and the urine is difficult, the Guizhi should be added. Three badges of Fuzi might be little bit too much for weak person or for pregnancy women, so add less Fuzi in these persons.


(21). 桂枝去加茯苓白术汤

Guizhi que Shaoyao[53] jia Fuling Baishu Tang


Remove Shaoyao from Guizhi Tang, but add Fuling 45 gram, and Baishu 45 gram in. Cook and drink as Guizhi Tang. The disease will be released when urine.[54]

22 服桂枝汤或下之,仍头项强痛,翕翕发热,无汗,心下满,微痛,小便不利者,桂枝汤去加茯苓白术汤主之。

After drinking the Guizhi Tang or have had bowel-cleansing therapy, if the person still has tight and pain in the neck, headache, mild fever, no sweat, fullness and mild sour in upper stomach, difficult in urine, herb Guizhi que Shaoyao[55] jia Fuling Baishu Tang should be used mainly. [56]


(22). 甘草附子汤

Gancao Fuzi Tang

甘草(炙)二两, 附子(炮,去皮,破)二枚, 桂枝  四两, 白术  二两

Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Fuzi (processed) 2 badges, Guizhi 60 gram, Baishu 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until half of the liquid volume remains. Drink the herbal tea, one third each time, three times a day. After the first drinking with a sweat comes, the symptoms will be improved.[57] For person has good appetite, and feels annoyed after the stop of the sweat, drink about 125 ml each time again. If the one third of the amount is felt too much, give the person about 150 ml to 200 ml each time. 

16  风湿相抟,骨节疼烦,掣痛不得屈伸,近之则痛剧,汗出短气,小便不利,恶风不欲去衣,或身微肿者,甘草附子汤主之。

Person with Wind-Wetness disease has pain in the small joints and annoyed. The pain is severe so it is hard to bend or stretch. The pain can be worse when touch or press the joints. When the pain is severe, he may feel sweat and short of breath, has hard urine, dislike wind and no willing to take off the clothes. He may also has mild swelling in the fingers or toes. In this case, use Gancao Fuzi Tang.


(23). 桂枝去芍药加皂荚

Guizhi qui Shaoyao jia Zaojia Tang

桂枝 生姜
(各三两) 甘草(二两) 大枣(十枚) 皂荚(一枚,去皮子,炙焦)

Guizhi 45 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Chinese date 10 badges, Zaojia (remove peel, processed) 1 badge.


Add the herbs and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.

《千金》桂枝去芍药加皂荚 治肺痿吐涎沫。

This formula comes from another book << Qian Jing >>. It is used for the treatment of Feiwei condition, in which person spits lots of saliva.


(24). 桂枝去芍药加蜀漆龙骨牡蛎救逆汤

Guizhi que Shaoyao, jia Shuqi, Longgu, Muli Tang.

桂枝 三两, 甘草(炙)二两, 生姜(切)三两, 牡蛎(熬)五两, 龙骨 四两, 大枣(擘)十二枚, 蜀漆(洗去脚)三两

Guizhi 45 gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Fresh ginger 45 gram, Muli (processed) 75 gram, Longgu 60 gram, Chinese date 12 dadges, Shuqi (wash away the foot) 45 gram.


Add the Shuqi and 3000 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 2500 ml liquid left. Add the rest of the herbs in, keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink.

23  伤寒脉浮,医以火逼劫之,亡阳,必惊狂,起卧不安者,桂枝去芍药加蜀漆龙骨牡蛎救逆汤主之。

With Shanghan disease, the person has floating pulse. He is however given Fire therapy so it causes depletion of Yangqi in the body[58]. The person will feel scaring/phobia/madness, heavy irritable physically. In this case, use Guizhi que Shaoyao, jia Shuqi, Longgu, Muli Tang.


(Translation for this paragraph is omitted for the time being).


(25). 桂枝甘草汤

Guizhi Gancao Tang


Guizhi 60 Gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 250 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink all the tea once.

20  发汗过多,其人叉手自冒心,心下悸,欲得按者,桂枝甘草汤主之。

Due to heavy sweat therapy, the person crosses his hands over the heart area, feels palpitation and tends to press the upper stomach. In this case, Guizhi Gancao Tang is the main formula. [59]


(26). 半夏散及汤

Banxia San or Banxia Tang.

半夏(洗), 桂枝, 甘草(炙),各等分

Banxia (washed), Guizhi, Gancao (processed), equal amount.


Grind the three herbs into powder, mix them well. Drink 1.5 gram each time with water, three times a day. If the person cannot drink the power, mix the herb powder with water, cook for 5 to 10 min. Cool down for a while. Drink it little by little. Banxia seems has some toxic effect, improper to drink as powder.

36  少阴病,咽中痛,半夏散及汤主之。

In Shaoyin stage, if the person has pain in whole throat, use Banxia San or Banxia Tang.[60]


(27). 桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤

Guizhi Gancao Longgu Muli Tang.

桂枝 一两, 甘草(炙)二两, 龙骨 二两, 牡蛎(熬)二两

Guizhi 15 gram, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Longgu 30 gram, Muli (processed) 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid volume in the pot is about 625 ml. Collect the herbal tea, one third each time, three times a day. 

24  火逆下之,因烧针烦躁者,桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤主之。

If the person was given a bowel-cleansing therapy and then a fire-needle therapy, he has a Fire-reverse condition and feels annoyed/impatience. Use Guizhi Gancao Longgu Muli Tang.


(28). 防己茯苓汤

Fangji Fuling Tang

三两,黄耆  三两,桂枝  三两,茯苓  六两,甘草 

Fangji 45 gram, Huangqi 45 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Fuling 90 gram, Gancao 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil until there is about 500 ml herbal tea left. Drink one third of the tea, three times a day.  


With the Pishui condition, the person has swelling on the arms and legs, feet. The Water is in the skin, so the muscle has moving, tingling, or shaking feeling. In this case, use Fangji Fuling Tang.


(29). 防己黄芪汤

Fangji Huangqi Tang

防己(一两), 甘草(半两,炒), 白朮(七钱半), 黄芪(一两一分,去芦)

Fangji 15 gram, Gancao (fried) 8 gram, Baishu 7 gram, Huangqi 20 gram.


Prepare the herbs into powder, take 9 gram, mix it with fresh ginger 4 pieces, Chinese date one badge, and 300 ml water. Bring to boil until there is abou 200 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink it when it is warm. Repeat it once after 2 to 3 hours.


For the Wind-wetness disease, if the pulse is floating, the body feels heavy and has sweat, and the person dislike wind environment, use Fangji Huangqi Tang


With the Fengshui (the Wind-water form), the pulse is floating and the person feels heavy in the body, has sweat and has dislike-wind feeling. Use Fangji Huangqi Tang. If there is pain in abdomen, add Shaoyao in it.

《外台》防己黄芪 治风水,脉浮为在表,其人或头汗出,表无他病,病者但下重,从腰以上为和,腰以下当肿及阴,难以屈伸。

Introduced from another book << Wai Tai >>, this herb formula can be used for Wind-water condition, the person has sweat on head only, feels heavy feeling and swelling in the lower part of the body, which makes the body difficult to bend.


(30). 桂枝人参汤

Guizhi jia Renshen Tang

桂枝  四两, 甘草(炙)四两, 白术三两,  人参三两,  乾姜三两.

Guizhi 60 gram, Gancao (proceeded) 60 gram, Baishu (45 gram), Renshen 45 gram, Ganjiang 45 gram.


Add the Gancao, Baishu, Renshen and Ganjiang and 2250 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil until the liquid volume down to about 1250 ml. Add the Guizhi in and continue to cook until the total liquid volume in the pot is about 750 ml. Collect the liquid (herbal tea). Drink one third of the tea. Drink another one third during the day and the last one third at night.

34  太阳病,外证未除,而数下之,遂协热而利;利下不止,心下痞硬,表 不解者,桂枝人参汤主之。

In Taiyang stage, the invaded disease remains but a bowel-cleansing therapy has been used repeatedly for several times, the diarrhea will be hot-diarrhea; if the diarrhea continuous, the person will feel fullness in stomach. If it is still in Taiyang stage, Guizhi jia Renshen Tang should be used mainly[61].


(31). 白虎加桂枝汤

Baihu jia Guizhi Tang

知母(六两), 甘草(二两,炙), 石膏(一斤), 粳米(二合), 桂枝(去皮,三两)

Zhimu 90 graml, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Shigao 248 gram, Genmi 40 gram, Guizhi 45 gram.


Grind the herbs into powder. Add 6.5 gram of the powder and water 200 ml. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 150 ml liquid left in the pot. Collect the herbal tea, drink the tea when it is warm to get sweat to solve the problem.


If the person feels hot/fever but no cold or chilly, feels pain in the (small) joints and nausea from time to time, and his pulse is normal, this condition is called Wennue[62]. Use Baihu jia Guizhi Tang


(32). 桂枝生姜枳实汤

Guizhi Shengjiang Zhishi Tang

桂枝 生姜
(各三两) 枳实(五枚)
Guizhi 45 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Zhishi 5 badges.


Add the herbs into 1500 ml water. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml left. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.


If the person feels fullness in the chest, pending pain and up-pushing pain in the heart, use Guizhi Shengjiang Zhishi Tang. 


(33). 桂枝茯苓丸方

Guizhi Fuling Wan


Guizhi, Fuling, Mudanpi, Taoren, Shaoyao, equal parts for all.


Prepare the herbal in powder, then into pills with honey as size of 1 cm in diameter. Drink one pill each time before meal. Increase the number of pill each time until the woman feels less bleeding.


If the woman has a history of a mass disease in the abdomen, and this time her period stops but not as long as three months, she now has bleeding from vagina. If the movement feeling is above the naval, the bleeding is due to the mass disease. If the period has stop for six months and she has movement feeling in the abdomen and has bleeding from vagina, it is the fetus movement if the period is regular during the three months before the period stop; other wise it is due to the mass disease in the abdomen. Even if there is both the fetus and the mass disease in the abdomen, the mass disease should be treated so as to save the fetus. Use Guizhi Fuling Wan. 

[1] Tang here means herbal formula that need to be cooked with water. Then the collected water supernatant is to drink for the treatment. English word close to the “Tang” is decoction. We insist to use the Chinese word “Tang” because it will be easier for a communication between the English-speaking people with the Chinese-speaking doctor when they mean the same thing during conversation. In this book, once a word, even if it is an original English word, bears special meaning if its first letter is a big letter.

[2] The dose for the herb ingredients in the <<Shanghan Lun>> has been a question for a long time. One of the major reasons that later doctors stop to use the herbal formula in this book is that they did not use the correct dose. The [Shanghan Lun] book is written 2000 years ago. The scale this book, say, one “liang” is equal to 15.625 gram, whereas it in the later 1000 years in China is about 3 gram. Therefore, doctors nowadays use 9 gram for the herb Guizhi in this formula, whereas according to the book itself, it should be more than 45 gram!  It has been well tested in our clinic and by others that when we apply the dose according to each “liang” is equal to 15.625 gram, the clinic healing effect becomes much fantastic. This result also triggers us to believe that the later doctors apply more and more kinds of herb ingredients in their herb prescriptions, for the fact that, for one reason, they wouldn’t be able to reproduce the marvelous effects by using the herbal formula in the book Shanghan Lun. In another words, the good clinic healing effect by using the herbal formula in this book, for one reason, is due to the higher dose (a proper dose) used, so there is no need to use more herbal ingredients in the formula (in this book, most herbal formula contain only less than 6 ingredients). The dose we translated here refers to the dose, one “liang” is equal to 15.625 gram.


For the names of the herbs in the herbal formula, we prefer to use the Chinese pingyin, rather than English or their Arabic names, for the consideration that, once it is listed as the English or Arabic names, even we ourselves cannot understand what do you mean when you ask question about the herbal formula. Anyway, for readers speaking English, we have a list of the herb names in both Chinese pingyin and Arabic names for your reference. 


Readers should know that, one herbal formula may be used in various disease stages. They may be used in the Taiyang stage, Taiyang-Shaoyang stages, or Shaoyin stage or others. They may also be used in other diseases rather than the Shanghan diseases. Here you need to remember in which clinic condition the herbal formula Guizhi Tang is to be used.


[3] Any herb should be chopped into small pieces before cooking unless it is indicated clear not to do so. Drink the water part of the cooked herbs (you can call it decoction or herbal tea) after cooling down for a while. This is principle for the herbal tea preparation. It will not be reminded in the future for other herbal formula unless it is reminded.


Most of the herbal tea does not need the drink of rice soup as the Guizhi Tang here. However, Guizhi Tang has other functions, rather than the sweat therapy here. If it is used for other healing pursers, it is not needed to drink the rice soup. Again, the rice soup should not be replaced with chicken soup or other kind of vegetable soup. Their healing property is not the same. If there is no way to cook a rice soup, you can break down bread into hot water. Keep it for 10 min to drink and eat the bread-water soup instead. There is ways to use some other herbs in the Guizhi Tang, to replace the rice soup drink. We will introduce it in later higher level of herbal therapy class.


Although we introduce the classical herbal tea preparation, in current clinic and in our clinic too, we used already-cooked herbal granule for the treatment. It means that you can buy the Guizhi Tang in a granule form that does not need any cooking process any more. Simply take several tea spoons of the herbs and mix it with water and then drink it. It is pretty simple and easy to use. On our experience, it works as well as the classical fresh cooked herbal tea. If you are TCM practitioner, you can buy it from herb distributor in your area.


Basically we do not explain the function of each herbal ingredient in the herbal formula. One of the reasons for doing this is that the understanding of the herbal function in a herbal formula is different among the TCM practitioner/doctor. Our understanding of their pharmaceutical function is different from those explained in TCM text book. We will introduce the herbal function in later advanced learning course.

[4] Yes, wait for 40 to 50 min and do not drink the rice soup right after drinking the herbal tea, though some doctor and the current TCM text book interprets to drink the rice soup right after the herbal tea.

[5] Heavy sweat after drinking the Guizhi Tang will exhaust the body Yang Qi, so tends to make the disease lasted longer with more disorders. This is because the fact that people need the Guizhi Tang is those who are Wind person whose physical condition are not strong enough to endure heavy sweat therapy.


Guizhi Tang is one of the most important herbal formula in TCM. The clinic application can cover from common cold to asthma, various allergic reactions, bronchitis, chronic fatigue, chronic sweat, hot flash, skin rash, urticaria, shoulder stiff, lower back pain, night urine, eczema, dizziness, and many more. It is also the most important stem herb formula that many other herbal formula are developed from.    

[6] In TCM, the pulse should be felt by three levels: light touch, middle press touch, and the deeper (harder touch). If the pulse is easy to be felt with the light touch, it suggests the disease is in the body surface, not severe yet. If the pulse is felt with hard press to the bottom (to the bone), it means the Yin pulse and suggests that the disease is in later stage, the inner organ and meridian system.

  Although commonly the pulse on the wrist is felt by doctor, the Master asked not to forget to touch the pulse on the neck and front of ankle for collecting more pulse for the information to establish diagnosis.

[7] Here, a clinic manifestation as mild hot, sweat, chilly, dislike wind, nausea, stiff nose and floating pulse indicate the use of Guizhi Tang. So, all of these clinic phenomenon are called Guizhi Tang condition. Basically if a person has most or all of such symptoms and clinic findings (pulse and tongue and others), the herb Guizhi Tang is strongly suggested to use. This book emphasizes such condition diagnosis. This is different from the regular Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood or Wei, Qi, Yin, Blood, of the five element diagnosis system in the current TCM textbooks.  This is actually the most useful and most simple way in the TCM practice, whereas you find more evidence towards the use of a herbal formula, your successful rate will be higher. In our experience, the herbal formula introduced in the Shanghan Lun work as to open a door by its key – very quick if the proper herbal formula is used. So, you are now following me to learn the herb parameter diagnosis system.


[8] In the Guizhi Tang condition, the Rongqi is weak but the Weiqi is strong. That’s the reason to cause the sweat.  

[9] For the fact that menopause syndrome shows hot flash and sweat, the Guizhi Tang can be considered.

[10] This paragraph is hard to understand.

[11] Most importance parameter to tell the exist of disease in the surface of the body is the feeling of chilly. If there is such chilly feeling, the bowel-cleansing therapy should not be used. This is principle.

[12] Reverse pushing feeling: one feels as an air or gas pushing from stomach to chest or to the throat.

[13] If the pulse is floating but weak and if the person has his own sweat, Guizhi Tang, but not the Mahuang Tang should be used.

[14] In original version, it is “if there is headache”.

[15] Fever and headache can be seen in both Taiyang and Yangming stage. If it is hard to tell, check the urine. In Yangming, the urine should be yellow or little.

[16] If the person’s pulse feels big and if he has heavy sweat and very thirst, his disease may have come into the Yangming stage.

[17] Usually after sweat, the pulse should be deeper and becomes soft on touch. Now, the sweat is strong but the pulse is big, suggesting that the invaded disease has not been fully removed out of the body yet. The body is activating its defense system to counteract the disease, so the pulse is big. Further more Guizhi Tang will help the body to do the last expel work.

[18] Take two part of Guizhi Tang and one part of regular amount of Mahuang Tang. Mix them together to drink.

[19] In original version, there is no “feels hot”.

[20] In one book version, there is no “feel hot”. If there is no hot, the large sweat and chilly suggest the surface weakness, the herb Guizhi jia Fuzi Tang is needed, not the Guizhi Tang alone.

[21] The pulse in the Yangming stage should be big and long. If the pulse is slow and the person has no chilly, it means the Xieqi has come into the Yangming stage completely. Here, the person still feel hot and chilly, indicating that the Xieqi is partly in the Taiyang stage. So, remove the Xieqi from the Taiyang stage first. 

[22] For a malaria-like hot-sweat feeling, it can be in a Yangming stage or in a Wind-invasion Taiyang stage. It should be told from the pulse: if the pulse is strong and big, it is in Yangming stage; if it is floating and weak, it is in Taiyang stage. So the herbal formula is different. In clinic, there are lots of patients with such malaria-like hot-sweat symptoms.

[23] Whenever there is inside Taiyin, Shaoyin and Jueyin conditions and surface condition, solve the inside Yin conditions first.

[24] No matter the person has his own sweat or not. Here, it implies that the Guizhi Tang can be used to person without sweat – if he is in Yin condition and he is weak inside of the body.

[25] Bentun syndrome/condition: the person feels as there is a pig running in the abdomen.

[26] There is herb Shaoyao in the standard Guizhi Tang. Now simply increasing the amount of one ingredient in the formula, the function of the whole formula has been changed. This is a common phenomenon in the TCM. Therefore, if readers tend to guess the function of a herb formula by checking its ingredients but not the exact amount in it, they will be confused. So many times, the secret of the TCM herbal therapy is the dose of the herb ingredients.

[27] Here the Guizhi Tang per se is not a proper one, since the pulse is not floating.

[28] There is herb Shaoyao in the standard Guizhi Tang. Now simply increasing the amount of one ingredient in the formula, the function of the whole formula has been changed. This is a common phenomenon in the TCM. Therefore, if readers tend to guess the function of a herb formula by checking its ingredients but not the exact amount in it, they will be confused. So many times, the secret of the TCM herbal therapy is the dose of the herb ingredients.

[29] Here the Guizhi Tang per se is not a proper one, since the pulse is not floating.

[30] Gangjing: gang means strong and hard here.

[31] Roujing: rou here means soft, not hard.

[32] Jia here means to add and to include in.

[33] Sweating therapy means a herbal therapy that creates sweat. Sweat is one of the ways Chinese medicine use it to expel Xieqi out of body. Many herb formula work as a sweating therapy. Guizhi Tang is among the most commonly used.

[34] Continuous sweat after sweat therapy suggests the person is weak inside and his body cannot tolerate ordinary extent of sweat therapy. The involvement of herb Fuzi here is to support the body condition.

[35] For Taiyang stage, asthma and cough without sweat needs Mahuang Xingren Shigao Gancao Tang; asthma with sweat: Guizi jia Houpo Xingren Tang; cough without sweat: Xiao Qinglong Tang; there is cough but no asthma in Shaoyang stage: Xiao Chaihu Tang; or Xiao Chaihu Tang jia Ganjiang and Wuweizi; there is asthma but no cough in Yangming stage: it needs Da Chengqi Tang. Yangming stage, asthma with diarrhea: Gegen Huangqing Huanglian Tang;


For the three Yin stages, only in the Shaoyin stage, is there either cough or asthma. In this case, asthma needs Sini Tang jia Ganjiang and Wuweizi; cough needs Zhenwu Tang jia Ganjiang and Wuweizi. Couth and asthma with diarrhea: Zhuling Tang.

[36] Remember we said before that, if the person has asthma and diarrhea, Gegen Huangqin Huanglian Tang is considered?

[37] Person with long history of asthma is called Asthma person.

[38] This is a condition in which the Kidney Yangqi is not enough to hold the Yin – the fine.

[39] Hollow pulse: blood depletion.

[40] Slow pulse: Cold condition.

[41] Palpitation and annoyed suggests the weakness inside, therefore a sweat therapy should not be used.

[42] Palpitation and annoyed emotionally suggest weakness inside of the body. Xiao Jiangzhong Tang works to improve the condition in the middle part of the body, e.g. the Spleen and Stomach system so to help to expel disease out of the body.

[43] For the Guizhi jia Longgu Muli Tang, it is the Guizhi Tang plus Longgu and Muli; the Xiao Jiangzhong Tang is the Guizhi Tang plus Jiaoyi; and the Huangqi Jiangzhong Tang is the Guizhi Tang plus Huangqi and Jiaoyi. Here the readers should remember that the Guizhi Tang is used for a weat therapy for Taiyang Wind-invasion condition, but it is also used for the nourishing therapy for various exhausting conditions too.

[44] Xuebi, Xue means blood. Bi means tightness or pain when refers to joints.

[45] For Fengbi disease, the person has moving pain in the small joints. The Xuebi disease has no such joint pain, but discomfort feeling in whole body. Fengbi, here Feng means wind.

[46] In original version, there is no word “sweat”.

[47] Improper use of bowel-cleansing therapy in this Taiyang stage will deplete the body Yang Qi, so person feels bloating in the chest with faster pulse. Dislike-cold feeling suggests the depletion is too much, so herb Fuzi should be furthermore added. 

[48] In original version, there is no word “sweat”.

[49] Improper use of bowel-cleansing therapy in this Taiyang stage will deplete the body Yang Qi, so person feels bloating in the chest with faster pulse. Dislike-cold feeling suggests the depletion is too much, so herb Fuzi should be furthermore added. 

[50] On the day of eight to nine, the person has no nausea (Shaoyang stage) or thirsty (Yangming stage), suggesting that he has no Shanghan disease.

[51] Pain in whole body suggests Wind invasion.

[52] Harsh pulse means Coldshi and the Xieqi is in the meridian.

[53] In original version it is Guizhi que Guizhi jia Fuling Baishu Tang.

[54] For liquid/water syndrome, the liquid or water has to be removed from the urine.

[55] In original version it is Guizhi que Guizhi jia Fuling Baishu Tang.

[56] Such condition may happen when the person has had Shuiqi accumulation in the upper stomach area. Shuiqi is a TCM term, meaning kind of water, or humidity, or water vapor. This condition is also similar to Jiexiong syndrome, but the Shuiqi accumulation syndrome has difficult in urine. Suiqi accumulation belongs to Liquid syndrome (water syndrome) in TCM.

[57] Clearly, it is asked to drink the herbal tea according to the improvement of the symptoms. If there is mild sweat and the person starts to have good appetite, stop to drink the remaining tea.

[58] There is different ways to cause depletion of Yangqi from the body. If Da Qinglong Tang is mis-used to cause heavey sweat so the Yangqi is depleted, use Zhenwu Tang to solve the problem. Here, the Yangqi depletion is caused due to Fire invasion, that disturbs the Heart to floating and disappear. The Guizhi que Shaoyao, jia Shuqi Longgu Muli Tang is used.

[59] In TCM, the sweat and the blood is connected, the same source. Over sweat will also exhaust the amount of blood. Lack of the blood then makes the heart weak in function. Therefore the person feel palpitation and hollowness in the heart area.

[60] This is Shaoyin condition, in which the Fire is more severe to affect the whole throat. This formula is more suitable for Shaoyin Cold condition.

[61] If in this situation, the pulse is not weak, Gancao Xiexing Tang can be considered.

[62] Wen here means warm. Nue means malaria like disease. The Nue disease has Wennue (hot Nue disease and Hannue (cold Nue disease).