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Chapter 10. Zhizi series

Zhizi is fruit of plant Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. It works to deplete Fire and Wetness in the Lung and Heart. Its function is pretty much as same as the Huanglian and Huangqin, as to bring hot and humidity summer into cold and dryness fall.

It should know that, for those herbs that work to deplete Fire, the person with the Fire condition do not need to have higher body temperature, though they have signs of Fire in the body, such as red eyes, skin rash, dry in mouth, constipation, annoyed/impatient/anxiety, etc. However, if the person has high body temperature, Shigao and/or Dahuang is definitely recommended to use.


(1). 栀子豉汤

Zhizi Chi Tang

栀子(擘)十四枚, 香豉(绵裹)四合

Zhizi 22 gram, Xiangzhi (fold with gauze) 80 gram.


Add the Zhizi and 1000 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the liquid in the pot is about 625 ml. Add the Xiangchi in. Continue to boiling until there is 300 ml left. Drink half of the herbal tea. If there is vomiting, stop to drink the next part of the tea.  

24 发汗若下之,而烦热胸中窒者,栀子豉汤主之。

When after sweat therapy or bowel-cleansing therapy, the person feels hot, annoyed emotionally, fullness and pressing feeling in the chest, herb Zhizi Zhi Tang should be used mostly.

25    下利後更烦,按之心下濡者,为虚烦也,宜栀子豉汤。

After bowel-cleansing therapy, if the person feels more annoyed emotionally, if the stomach area is soft when press, the annoyed is weak/hollow annoyed[1], herb Zhizi Zhi Tang should be used.

26 发汗吐下後,虚烦不得眠,若剧者,必反覆颠倒,心中懊倄,栀子豉汤主之;若少气者,栀子甘草豉汤主之;若呕者,栀子生姜豉汤主之。

After sweat therapy, vomiting therapy or bowel-cleansing therapy, if the person feels hollow annoyed emotionally and in severe case, the person may be annoyed even physically, and feels as to vomiting but cannot vomit. In this case, if he further more feels short of breath, Zhizi Gancao Zhi Tang is used; or Zhizi Shenjiang Zhi Tang should be used if he feel nausea.

28   伤寒医以丸药大下之,身热不去,微烦者,栀子豉汤[2]主之。

After bowel-cleaning therapy (with big pills) in a Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, if the person feels hot, mild annoyed emotionally, Zhizi Chi Tang is needed.

37 阳明病,下之,其外有热,手足温,不结胸,心中懊倄,饥不能食,但头汗出者,栀子豉汤主之。

In Yangming stage after bowel-cleansing therapy, if the person feels hot, has warm hands and feet, no Jiexiong syndrome, feels annoyed, feels hunger but cannot eat,[3] has sweat but only on head, the herb Zhizi Zhi Tang should be used.[4]

40 阳明病,脉浮而紧,咽燥口苦,腹满而喘,发热汗出,不恶寒反恶热,身重。若发汗则躁,心愦愦反? y。若加温 ,必怵惕烦躁不得眠。若下之,则胃中空虚,客气动膈,心中懊倄,舌上胎者,栀子豉汤主之。若渴欲饮水,口乾舌燥者,白虎加人参汤主之。若脉浮发热,渴欲饮水,小便不利者,猪苓汤主之。阳明病,汗出多而渴者,不可与猪苓汤,以汗多胃中燥,猪苓汤复利其小便故也。

In Yangming stage, if the person has floating and tight pulse, dry mouth and throat, fullness in Stomach and asthma, hot and sweat, no chilly but dislike hot, and heavy feeling in the body, sweat therapy will cause annoyed and irritable physically (due to depletion of Jingye); a warm therapy will cause annoyed emotionally and physically, and a phobia, scaring feeling; bowel-cleansing therapy will cause empty in the stomach, reverse pushing feeling to the diagram, annoyed in the upper stomach. For such complex condition, if the person has thick tongue covering, use Zhizi Zhi Tang; if he feel dry in mouth and want to drink water, use Baihu Tang jia Renshen Tang; if his pulse is floating and he feels hot, thirsty and want to drink, but has hard in urine, Zhuling Tang should be used. For Yangming stage, if person’s thirsty is due to big sweat, Zhuling Tang should not be given, because the sweat caused dryness in stomach, a depletion of Jingye in the body. The use of Zhuling Tang will further more deplete the Jingye to make the condition worse. 


With the Wince jaundice, the person feels hot in the chest/heart, has willing to vomit, use vomit therapy to cure. (Use Zhizi Chi Tang). 


(2). 栀子甘草汤

Zhizi Gancao Zhi Tang


Add Gancao 30 gram in the Zhizi Zhi Tang. Cook and drink as the Zhizi Zhi Tang. Stop to drink the tea after the person has vomit.

26 发汗吐下後,虚烦不得眠,若剧者,必反覆颠倒,心中懊倄,栀子豉汤主之;若少气者,栀子甘草豉汤主之;若呕者,栀子生姜豉汤主之。

After sweat therapy, vomiting therapy or bowel-cleansing therapy, if the person feels hollow annoyed emotionally and in severe case, the person may be annoyed even physically, and feels as to vomiting but cannot vomit. In this case, if he further more feels short of breath, Zhizi Gancao Zhi Tang is used; or Zhizi Shenjiang Zhi Tang should be used if he feel nausea.


(3). 栀子生姜汤

Zhizi Shenjiang Zhi Tang


Add Fresh Ginger 78 gram into the Zhizi Zhi Tang. Cook and drink as the Zhizi Zhi Tang. Stop to drink the tea whenever the person has vomit.

26 发汗吐下後,虚烦不得眠,若剧者,必反覆颠倒,心中懊倄,栀子豉汤主之;若少气者,栀子甘草豉汤主之;若呕者,栀子生姜豉汤主之。

After sweat therapy, vomiting therapy or bowel-cleansing therapy, if the person feels hollow annoyed emotionally and in severe case, the person may be annoyed even physically, and feels as to vomiting but cannot vomit. In this case, if he further more feels short of breath, Zhizi Gancao Zhi Tang is used; or Zhizi Shenjiang Zhi Tang should be used if he feel nausea.


(4). 栀子厚朴汤

Zhizi Houpo Tang

栀子(擘)十四枚, 厚朴(姜炙)四两, 枳实(去穰,炒)四两.

Zhizi (cut into pieces) 22 gram, Houpo (processed with ginger) 60 gram, Zhishi (remove the kernel, fried) 60 gram.


Add the herbs and 875 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boil until the liquid in the pot is about 375 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea, repeat every two to three hours until there is vomiting.

27 伤寒下後,心烦腹满,卧起不安者,栀子厚朴汤主之。

After bowel-cleansing therapy in a Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, if the person feels annoyed emotionally, full in stomach, irritable to sleep, herb Zhizi Houpo Tang is used mostly. [5]


5 栀子乾姜汤方

Zhizi Ganjiang Tang

栀子(擘)十四枚, 乾姜二两

Zhizi 22 gram, Ganjiang 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 875 ml water into herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boil until the liquid in the pot is about 375 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea, repeat every two to three hours until there is vomiting.

29  伤寒五六日,大下之後,身热不去,心中结痛者,未欲解也,栀子干姜汤主之[6]

After five to six days with Cold-invasion Shanhang disease and after strong bowel-cleansing therapy, if the person feel hot in the body and hard and pain in the upper stomach area, herb Zhizi Ganjiang Tang should be used mostly.


(6). 枳实栀子豉汤

Zhishi Zhizi Chi Tang

枳实(炙)三枚, 栀子(擘)十四枚,淡豆豉(绵裹)一升

Zhishi (processed) three badges, Zhizi 14 badges, Dandouchi 124 gram.


Add the qingjiang water 1750 ml into a herbal pot. Bring to boil then keep in mild boiling until there is 1000 ml left. Add the Zhishi and Zhizi in, continue to boiling until there is 500 ml liquid in the pot. Add the Dandouchi in, continue to boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Collect the herbal tea. Separate it into several parts. Drink one part each time, repeat every 2 to 3 hours until the body has mild sweat. [7]

01  大病差後,劳复者,枳实栀子豉汤主之。若有宿食者,加大黄,如博 子五六枚。(温覆,令微似汗自愈,不取其涌者,以热不在胸而在经也.)

It the person gets sick due to Laofu,[8] us Zhishi Zhizi Chi Tang. If he has old food remaining in his Stomach[9], add Dahuang (about 5 to 6 badges, about 1 cm in diameter each) in the formula. After drinking of the herbal tea, lie down and cover the body to get mild sweat.


(7). 栀子柏皮汤

Zhizi Bopi Tang

栀子(擘)十五枚, 茵陈蒿 一两[10], 黄柏二两

Zhizi 23 gram, Yinchenhao 15 gram, Huangbo 30 gram.


Add the herbs and 1000 ml water into a herb pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until the total liquid volume in the pot is about 300 to 400 ml. Collect the herbal tea, drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day.

56   伤寒身黄发热,栀子柏皮汤主之。

In Cold-invasion Shanghan disease, if the person has jaundice and hot, Zhizi Bopi Tang is used mainly. [11]


(8). 栀子大黄汤方

Zhizi Dahuang Tang

 十四枚,大黄 一两,枳实 五枚,豆豉 一升

Zhizi 14 badges, Dahuang 15 gram, Zhishi 5 badges, Douchi 124 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml herbal tea left. Collect the tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


With the Wine jaundice, the person feels difficult in urine, feels hot in the chest and sole[12]. (Use Zhizi Dahuang Tang).


[1] Opposite concept is concrete annoyed or solid annoyed, meaning that the annoyed is caused by some solid disease mass. This is a pretty common TCM term. If it is solid annoyed, herb Dahuang Huanglian Xiexin Tang should be used.

[2] In original version, it is Zhizi Ganjiang Tang.

[3] In clinic, not every people who feet hungry can eat. Hungry feeling and eating is different things. Also, To feel dry mouth and feel thirsty is different clinic phenomenon. To feel thirsty and to drink is different thing too. TCM doctor mush distinguish them clearly.

[4] The annoyed feeling, hunger but cannot eat, sweat only on head, all indicate Yangming hot steaming in upper part of the body, not a indication for hard stool in the Stomach. It indicates a Yangming surface level disorder, not a organ level disorder.

[5] After bowel-cleansing therapy, and if the person feels full in stomach but no annoyed, if the reason is accumulation of Hot in the stomach, herb Da Chenqi Tang is needed; if it is caused by attack of Cold in the stomach, herb Hou Jiang Xia Cao Renshen Tang is needed. If the person feels annoyed but no such fullness in stomach, if it is due to Hot in the chest, herb Zhuye Shigao Tang is the choice; if it is with nausea, herb Zhizi Zhi Tang is the main formula. Now, the person feels both fullness and annoyed, the Zhizi Houpo Tang is the best one.

[6] In original version, it is Zhizi Ganjiang Tang.

[7] For the herbal formula here is not the same as the Zhizi Chi Tang introduced in Taiyang stage for the cooking procedures. The formula used in Taiyang stage is for vomiting therapy, while used here for Laofu condition, for a sweat therapy.

[8] For a Shanghan disease, the Xieqi comes and invades from outside of the body. In the Laofu, the Xieqi develops and expands from inside of the body. Lao means over-labor work; fu means return. So Laofu means the sick is due to the over-labor work that makes the disease comes back again, though the clinic manifestations may not be the same as original disease.

[9] When the letter “s” is as a big letter, it means a special meaning in Chinese: Stomach so means whole digestion system, from stomach, to small and large intestine, to colon.

[10] In original version, it is herb Gancao.

[11] Mahuang Lianqiao Chixiaodou Tang, Yinchenhao Tang and this Zhizi Bopi Tang all are used in jaundice. The mahuang Lianqiao Chixiaodou Tang is used for the jaundice person with more evidence of Taiyang surface conditions; the Yinchenhao Tang is used with inside disorders (fullness, hard stool, etc.), whereas this Zhizi Popi Tang is used for person without either Taiyang evidence or inside organ conditions of the Yangming stage.

[12] Hot feeing in the sole: the fire in the stomach meridian.