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102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683




Yi Li Zhen Chuan

原著       ·  郑钦安

Author; Zhen Qin-An (Qing dynasty, China)



Diagnosis of Yang deficiency

凡阳虚之人,阴气自然必盛(阴气二字,指水旺,水即血也。血盛则气衰,此阳虚之所由来也)。外虽现一切火症(此火名虚火,与实火有别。实火本客气入阳经,抑郁所致。虚火即阴气上僭,阴指水,气即水中先天之阳,故曰虚火。水气以下流为顺,上行为逆,实由君火太弱,不能镇纳,以致上僭而为病), 近似实火,俱当以此法辨之,万无一失。

Whenever the Yang is in deficiency, the Yin Qi must be in an overwhelming condition (The meaning of the Yin Qi refers to too much of water. The Water means the Blood. When the Blood is too much, the Qi will be in a declined condition. This is the reason for the Yang deficiency). Looked from the body surface, it all appears as a Fire condition (Here the Fire is termed no-shape Fire, Xu Fire. It is deferent from the true Fire. The true Fire is due to the invasion of outside disease-causing Qi into the Yang meridians and suppressed in that meridian. The Xu Fire means the floating of the Yin Qi from the lower part of the body – kidney. The Yin refers to the Water and the Qi here refers to the True Yang in the Kidney. So the Fire is called the Xu Fire. Usually it is normal that the Water Qi (the Yin Qi) flows downwards. It is against the normal rule if it floats up. The real reason for its floating up is the weak of the King Fire in the Heart, which cannot suppress the True Fire (the Yin Qi, e.g. the Minister Fire) floating up, so that the Yin Qi floats up to cause a disease. ), appears as a real Fire, but should be identified by the rules introduced here, to avoid any mistake.   


Patient with the Yang deficiency must have blue-white color on the face, mouth lips, have no-desire expression on the face, feel dizzy and tend to lie down, have low voice and short of breath, hesitate and dislike to talk, feel heavy in the body and fear cold, have clear saliva flowing in the mouth, no taste for food, have blue color tongue, The tongue cover is slippery, or slight yellowish and slippery. The mouth is full of saliva. No desire to drink water. If drink, want to drink hot water (soup). There are frequent bowel movement and frequent urine (even leak). The pulse is floating and feels hollow on the pulse, or the pulse feels very thin and not strong. The patient’s extreme feels cold. Patient has self-sweat. The nails are blue-purple, the stomach feels pain and the scrotum is shrunken. All conditions suggest the truth for the Yang deficiency. In the treatment, the herbs should work to support Yang and suppress the Yin (To support Yang include to support the Yang Qi in the upper, the middle and the lower Jao. The herbs are such as Guizhi, Renshen, Huangqi to support the Upper Yang Qi; the Shenjiang, Ganjiang, Roudouku, Sharen for the middle Yang Qi; and the Wutou, Fuzi, Liuhuang for the lower Yang Qi.

然又有近似实火处,又当指陈。阳虚症,有面赤如硃而似实火者(元阳外越也,定有以上病情可凭),有脉极大劲如石者(元阳暴脱也,定有以上病情可凭),However, there are conditions in the clinic similar to the real Fire condition, which need to be pointed out too. For some people with the Yang deficiency condition, however, his face looks very red in color similar to have high fever (this condition indicates the floating of the Yuan Yang – the Truth Yang from the kidney. Though the face is highly red in color, the patient must have some other evidences above to suggest the real Yang deficiency condition). Some patient’s pulse feels very strong, big, as toughing a stone (this condition suggests a sudden escape of the Yuan Yang).


Some patients have high fever (under this condition, there are three different situations: first, the patient’s Yuan Yang is floating. The patient has no pain, no thirsty. No any other evidence of common cold can be found. Second situation: the women has huge bleeding during birth delivery. The Yang is floating because there is no Yin (the blood) to attach. In the third condition, the patient has vomiting of blood. The Yuan Yang has no Yin (the blood) to attach. Vomiting triggers the Qi escaping out of the body, so the Yuan Yang out too.)


Some patients with the Yang deficiency have bleeding in the teeth (it is due to the weakness of the Yang Qi, so the blood is overwhelming and spills out of the blood vessels). Some patients have short of the breath and asthma, with huge amount of phlegm (The lung is clear organ, cannot endure any Yin Qi in it. Now, the Yang Qi in the heart and in the lung is deficient, cannot suppress the floating Yin Qi. The Yin Qi here means the Kidney Water and Kidney Fire. This paragraph discusses the damage inside of the body).


Some patients have difficult in the bowel movement and urination (because the Yang fails to govern the Yin). Here are just some examples. More information is listed under the Chapter for the Yang deficiency.

【阐释】郑氏谓:天雄、附子、硫黄扶下之阳,是有特点的。李时珍《本草纲目》谓乌、附、天雄皆是补下焦命门阳虚之药,以其皆同种而异名,同具辛、热气味而有毒,须制熟始可用,确为治下焦阳虚的要药。至硫黄亦大热纯阳,能补命门真火不足,龙绘堂《蠢子医》并谓:"硫黄原是火之精,一切湿热它能清。"但因其味酸有毒,一般少用以内服,惟张钖纯善用之,其所著《医学衷中参西录》云:"十馀年间,用生硫黄治愈沉寒痼冷之病不胜计。盖硫黄原无毒,其毒即其热也,使少服不会觉热,即于人分毫无损,故不用制熟即可服,更可常服也。且自古论硫黄者,莫不谓其功胜桂、附,惟径用生者系愚之创见,而实由自家徐徐尝验,确知其功效甚奇,又甚稳妥,然后敢以之治病。今邑中日服生硫黄者数百人,莫不饮食加多,身体强壮,皆愚为之引导也。"笔者亦常用硫黄为人治病,凡命门火衰,沉寒痼冷之症,用之特效,惟不用生者,需制熟而后用于汤药或丸药。其法以萝卜剜空,入硫黄在内,合定,放锅内煮二小时,去其臭气;或用豆腐同煮二小时亦可。患者刘××,食不下,饮水都吐,经检查为贲门癌,必须手术切除。笔者诊断为哽噎病,阳虚症状明显,命门火衰,即用附子理中汤加味,入硫黄20 克至30 克,服药三月而全愈,今已五年未复发,足证硫黄功用,尚可推广。至于郑氏提到满口齿缝流血,系阳虚不能统血,血盛因而外越,亦属确见。笔者常本"齿属肾"之义,用四逆汤加上桂以治此等症候,而取得显著效果。有气喘促、咳嗽痰涌者,郑氏指为心肺之阳不足,故不能制僭上之肾水肾火,确属经验有得之言。笔者对治此种病症,只要所吐系白泡沫痰或涎痰,略带咸味,气喘促,恶寒,投以附子理中汤加砂仁,无不应手辄效。至大便不利,有如羊矢,一般都认为火大,郑氏指出有阳不化阴,亦即阴结。笔者师其意,而用附子理中汤合半硫丸加肉苁蓉、麻仁、杏仁取效。硫黄性大热,能补命门真火,推动阳气以疏利大肠,又佐半夏之降浊。故半硫丸向为治阴结之良剂。

(This paragraph does not belong to the original book, so not translate)