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Herbs for diarrhea



1. Yi Pi Bing (Yi here means to help in Chinese; Pi means Spleen, or digestive system; Bing means cake).

This formula is used to solve long term diarrhea, which is due to Cold-Wetness in the Spleen-stomach system. The person has reduced appetite, eats less and has non-digested food in the stool.

白术(四两) 干姜(二两) 鸡内金(二两) 熟枣肉(半斤)
Baizhu 120 gram, Ganjiang 60 gram, Jineijin 60 gram, cooked Chinese Date (no kernel) 125 gram.

Grind the Baizhu and Jineijin into powder. Bake. Grind the Ganjian into powder, mix all of three with the Chinese date, stir the mixture into mud then prepare into small cake. Bake the cake to dry. Eat the cake with empty stomach. Chew slowly. I prepared this cake for one of my friend. It has also been used for several other patients. All are recovered. No failure case at all.

A lady, 30 years of old, had diarrhea for several months. She has tried many ways but no effect at all. Her pulse was not cold. She had no non-digested food in the stool. So, it has been used the Baizhu and Chinese date to cool as cake to eat. She got recovered. In this case the Jineijin was not used, since it is not suitable fro diarrhea, though it helps for digestion.




Letter from Mr. Zhang, Qing city, Zhili province:


My sister-in-law was 40 years of old. She was slim and thin and weak in the body condition. She got Spleen-Stomach Cold-Wetness condition, felt pain in the stomach from time to time. She ate little, had diarrhea with non-digested food in the stool. I followed the way of the Yi Pi Bing, and gave her to eat. She got recovered. After second preparation, she was cured.



2. Fu Zhong Tang (Fu here means to support in Chinese; Zhong means middle part of the body, e.g. the Spleen-Stomach system.)

This formula is to solve long term diarrhea. The person has Qi and blood deficiency. The body is slim and thin and is to be the exhausting condition.

于术(一两,炒) 山药(一两) 龙眼肉(一两)
Baizhu 30 gram (fry), Shanyao 30 gram, Longyanrou 30 gram.

If the urine is not smooth, add Huajiao (piperales) 9 gram (fry and grind).

Herb Longyanrou, for its sweet and fragrant in herbal nature, can wake up the Spleen for digestion. It is really the key herb in the Spleen system. The Heart is the mother of the Spleen. The Longyanrou is red in color, so it goes into the Heart in body, so that it can also nourish the Heart. If the Heart is strong, the mother can help the child (the Spleen). Whenever I treat palpitation, I always use Longyanrou about 250 gram. Steam it over water. Let patient to eat it gradually and from time to time. It works well. It is the clear evidence that it can nourish the heart.

The bleeding in stool is usually due to the Spleen weakness condition. In this case, the Longyanrou alone can be eat to solve the bleeding. This is the clear evidence that it can nourish the Spleen.

一妇人,年四十许。初因心中发热,气分不舒,医者投以清火理气之剂,遂泄泻不止。更延他医,投以温补之剂,初服稍轻,久服,则泻仍不止。一日夜四五次,迁延半载,以为无药可治。后愚为诊视,脉虽濡弱,而无弦数之象,知犹可治。但泻久身弱,虚汗淋漓,心中怔忡,饮食减少,踌躇久之,为拟此方,补脾兼补心肾。数剂泻止,而汗则加多。遂于方中加龙骨牡蛎(皆不用 )各六钱,两剂汗止,又变为漫肿。盖从前泻时,小便短少,泻止后,小便仍少,水气下无出路,故蒸为汗,汗止又为漫肿也。斯非分利小便,使水下有出路不可。特其平素常觉腰际凉甚,利小便之药,凉者断不可用。遂用此方,加椒目三钱,连服十剂全愈。

A lady, 40 years of old, felt hot in the heart and stagnation in the chest. Doctor gave her Fire-cleansing and Qi-smoothing herbs. She then developed diarrhea. The second doctor gave her warm-nourishing herbs, the condition was improved little bit in the beginning, but after a long time take of the herbal tea, the diarrhea still continued. It could be four to five times per day and night. The condition has been there for several months and it was thought no way to improve. When I saw her, her pulse was ru and weak, but no string or frequent. It was known to be able to solve. But, the body was weak after a long time diseased condition. She had asthenic sweat, palpitation, and reduced diet. I have planned for a long time, and eventually set up this formula to nourish the Spleen and Heart and Kidney. After several doses, the diarrhea stopped but the sweat increased. So, herb Longgu and Muli were added to the formula, 18 gram each. After two doses, the sweat stopped, but the condition became swelling in the body. Previously, when she had diarrhea, she had less urine. After stop of the diarrhea, her urine was still less. The water has no pathway from the urine, so it was steam into sweat. After stop of the sweat, it became swelling. Therefore, to solve the problem, it must be to open the way for water to go through urine. Especially she usually had cold in the lower back. The Cold herbs to smooth the urine should not be used at all. Then use this formula, with addition of Jiaomu 9 gram. After ten doses, the condition was completely solved.



3. Shuyu Zhou (Shuyu here means herb Shanyao in Chinese; Zhou: soup)

This formula is used to solve Yin deficiency with exhausting Fire/Hot, with asthma, or cough, or slippery stool, or hard in urine, all exhausting conditions.

Shanyao (250 gram (grind and filter).

Add the Shanyao powder, 24 gram each time to to 30 gram, into a pot with cold water. Cook with stirring. After two to three boiling, it is ready to eat. For child, it can add some white sugar into the soup.

After a long time drink of the Shanyao soup, the person may feel fullness in the chest or stomach. Drink the western medication Baibushen (?) the same time, there would no such side effect and the person can eat more.

My student, Mr Wu, 21 years of old, got weak and hot. His pulse was asthenic frequent. He could hardly eat. He was asked to drink this Shanyao soup, with the Baibushen. At noon he only took herb Xuanshen 9 gram (cooked as herbal tea to drink). Continuously for several days as such, his appetite increased, and the hot stopped. He body was even more stronger.  

A lady, 30 years of old, had continuous diarrhea for several months. She condition is very danger. She asked others send a letter to her parents. Her father came to her and asked herbal formula from me. He said that, she had tried various doctors for help, no any herb worked for her. So, I asked him to prepare Shanyao soup, to let her drink three times a day. After two days, the condition was solved. She continued the drinking for several days, the body was stronger.

A pregnant woman got epilepsy every day. Her pulse was without pregnant feeling (not slippery pulse), but slightly similar to string and frequent. It was considered to be due to the Yin deficiency, no enough blood. She was asked to drink the Shanyao soup. The condition was solved. After additional several doses, the diarrhea was cured. 

Mrs. Guan, in Fengtian city, got long time of disease. After childbirth, she became very weak and got asthma and cough. She was asked to drink this soup, twice a day. After four to five days, the cough and asthma were solved. After additional several more days, the problem was completely cure.

The daughter of Mr. Zhen, in Fengtian city, was five years of old. In an autumn, she was affected by Cold-Wind. She felt hot in the heart. The doctor did not know to use spicy-cooling herbs to disperse the Wind and Cold, but used Cold-bitter herbs. After tens of herbs, her Spleen-Stomach was damaged. She had slippery diarrhea for months without stop. Her Upper Jiao was more Hot. The doctor quitted to continue. I was so asked for help. At that time, the girl was very thin and slim. Her pulse was thin, mild, floating and frequent. She had Fire in both outside and inside, felt nausea from time to time, could not eat. She had diarrhea tens of times every day. I prescribed this herb soup to her to drink four or five times a day and only several spoons each time. After several days, her condition was cure.


Children in countryside are easy to get such slippery diarrhea at the end of summer and the early autumn. In the farmer, people drink more cold water at this time of the year. This is true especially for children. There are also more fresh fruits and melon at that time. Child is usually eating more. Any non-cook food and cold drink damage the Spleen-Stomach. When the Spleen-Stomach is damaged, there would be such slippery diarrhea. This is natural. The child slippery diarrhea is hard to solve. The child is Shaoyang body, the Yin is not enough yet. The continuous slippery diarrhea is easy to damage the Yin. Usually child with such slippery diarrhea would have hot feeling in the body several days after the diarrhea. The child felt thirsty and dry mouth, and hard in urine, dry nausea and had no appetite but craving for cold thing to eat. At this time, to nourish its boy Yin would prevent the function of the Spleen-Stomach, but to nourish the Spleen-Stomach, the Yin would be exhausted further more. So, neither cooling-wetness or warm-nourishing therapy are suit for the treatment. In addition, it is hard for child to drink bitter herbs. The family is usually following the willing of the child, so that the condition could last for a long time, so as to delaying into a hard-to-solve disease condition. Only the Shanyao, for its ability to nourish both Spleen and Kidney, can clear the upper hot, and fix the lower slippery, to smooth the urine and stop the diarrhea. It is really a fantastic herb. Again, it is actually a regular food. Prepare it as soup, with addition of some sugar, the child is easy to accept it to drink. Drink it twice a day for several days, the condition should be solved. If the sick child is breast milk feeding, could drink soup, or could not drink large amount of the soup each time, prepare it into thick drinks for him to drink. I have saved many sick children with this formula. Doctors’ goal is to save life, don’t neglect it in the healing for its too simple food.



4. Shuyu Jizihuang soup (Shuyu here means Shanyao, e.g the Chinese yam in Chinese; Jizihuang: egg yolk.)


This formula is used for long term slippery diarrhea.

 This formula is the same as the previous Shanyao soup (the Chinese Yam soup) but wityh addition of three egg yolk 

A man, 50 years of old, had diarrhea for half year more. His body was very thin and weak. He send another person come and aske for prescription. It was said that he had had tried many doctors and herbs, but no effect. I told him this formula. Several days later, it was said that, the formula worked somehow, but the diarehea did not stop completely yet. So, I asked him to cook several chicken eggs. Got the egg yolk. Breaked it and mixed it into the Chinese yam soup to eat. After two days, the diarrhea stopped. The egg yolk has function of stopping diarrhea. It is also easier than the egg white to digest. Later, this formula has been used for several times. All worked.



Letter from Mr.Zhang, Qing city in Zhili province:


Mr. Liu lived in Hejian city and about 50 years of old. He got severe leaking hernia. It was not solved after a long time treatment. Later he got the slippery diarrhea. Since the slippery diarrhea, so none of the medicine worked. His pulse was small and weak. His condition was thought to be in exhausting condition. He was asked to use this Shuyu Jizihuang Tang. After one day, the diarrhea stopped. After three days, his spirit is excellent. After ten days, the body body was stronger. Later, whenever I met such patients with slippery diarrhea and used this formula, all worked.



5. Shyyu Mu Tang (Shyyu means Chinese yam here; Mu means herb Plantain seeds)


This formula is used in Yin deficiency with Kidney Dryness. The person has hard urine and slippery diarrhea. It also works for cough with phlegm in exhausting condition.

山药(一两,轧细) 车前子(四钱)
Shanyao 30 gram, Cheqianzi (plantain seed) 12 gram.

Cook the two ingredients into thick soup to eat, three times a day. The urine would be smooth and the slippery diarrhea should stop. The Shanyao can solidify the stool. In the Yin deficiency with hard urine, it also works to smooth urine. The Cheqianzi can smooth the urine. It can also nourish the Yin, works as a helper in the Kidney-nourishing herbs. It can also help the Shanyao to solidify the stool. The two ingredients are thick in soup, so as able to hold in the intestine to function. To treat cough in exhausting condition, the amount of the Cheqianzi should be reduced to half. The Cheqianzi can conduct the water pass, so can also clear the phlegm. It also works to nourish the Yin, so it is better in the Yin deficiency with phlegm. It should not be used over dose however, for the consideration that over dose may cause over depletion of water, so as to damage the Yin.

Comments: the Cheqianzi can promote urine but sudden use has no such effect. It should be fried (buy the original one, fry by yourself to slight cooked. If over fried, there may have not healing effect).


Again: use the Cheqianzi alone 45 gram, cook as soup to drink all once. It works for the slippery diarrhea too. Mrs. Huang had the slippery diarrhea. None of the herbs worked for her. She heard this formula and tried. After one dose, the diarrhea stopped. However, the original Cheqianzi can be in the soup form after cooking. The fried one cannot.



6. Jiawei Tianshui San (Jiawei means with addion of; Tian means sky; Shui means water, San means powder form).

This formula is for continuous diarrhea in summer. The person feels hot on the skin, dry and thirsty, hard in urine, or has asthma. It is common in child. This formula is more suit.

山药(一两) 滑石(六钱) 甘草(三钱) 作汤服.

Shanyao (Chiese yam) 30 gram, Huashi (talc) 18 gram, Gancao (licorice) 9 gram. Cook as herbal tea to drink.

This is a condition, in which the Yin has been damaged due to long time diarrhea, plus the summer Hot attack. The Tianshui San used in the formula to clear the summer Hot. The amount of Gancai is three times of original formula (in original formula, the Huashi is six and the Gancao is one, so it is called Six-one powder). The strong state of the Gancao and the mild taste of the Huashi helps each other, able to clear the Hot in Yin deficiency. Large amount of Shanyao is used to nourish the True Yin and the Yuan Qi. When the True Yin is sufficient, the urine is easier. If the Yuan Qi is sufficient, the diarrhea stops. The thick nature of the Shanyao and the calm nature of the Gancao can hold Huashi longer time in the intestine to function slowly, make the cooling nature of the Huashi, from Stomach to Spleen, from Spleen to the Lung. When the water-humidity disperses all over the body, conducts to the urine bladder, how would the whole body hot and the dryness and thirst in the Upper Jiao not disappear right away?

The child Shaoyang body is difficult to endure the summer Hot so is easy to be attacked by the Hot. In the daily life, the child tends to stay in a cold place and drink and eat cold stuff, so he is easy to get the diarrhea. After a long time diarrhea, the Yin would be damaged to cause the Hot, which makes him more dislike the Hot from weather. The out Hot and the inside Hot work together, so the treatment is difficult. This formula uses only three ingredients, but the meaning is complete. No matter the inside or outside Xie Qi, it can solve all the same time. After one or two doses, the summer Hot disappears gradually, and the amount of Huashi can be reduced accordingly. By this way, there is no case not worked. The long time diarrhea in summer causes asthenic Hot reverse up to combine with the summer Hot, both of which fill up the stomach to cause nausea and reduce appetite. This formula not only clears the Hot and nourishes the Yin, but also calm and harmony the middle part of the body to stop diarrhea. Its heavy nature can also calm and reverse the up-reversed stomach Qi, making the reversed Qi and the summer Hot gradually move down and leave the body through the urine, so that the nausea and vomit stops.


In the beginning when I set up this formula, I asked my student Mr. Gao cited down. Another day, Mr. Gao turned back his home town. A child had diarrhea in summer for months. His body was hot and thirsty and craved for cold water. If forced to eat, the child would have nausea and vomit. He was sent to try many herbs but none have effects. Mr. Gao used this formula to the child. After one dose, the thirsty and diarrhea reduced to half level. After another dose, the child could eat and the condition was cured.



7. Jiawei Sishen Wan (Si here means number four in Chinese; Shen means angles)


This formula is used for diarrhea, stomach pain in early morning.

(六两酒炒) 吴茱萸(三两,盐炒) 五味子(四两,炒) 肉豆蔻(四两,面裹煨)花椒(一两微焙) 硫黄(六钱) 大枣(八十一枚) 生姜(六两,切片)
Buguzhi 180 gram (fry with liquor), Wuzhuyu 90 gram (fry with salt), Wuweizi 120 gram (fry), Roudoukou 120 gram (bake with wheat), Huajiao 30 gram, Liuhuang (brimstone) 18 gram, Chinese date 81 , fresh ginger 180 gram (chop).

Cook the fresh ginger first for ten boiling. Add Chinese date to cook until the date is ready. Remove the ginger. Prepare other ingredients into powder, mix them with the date mud into pills, each as 1 cm in diameter.


Human being is born from the sky Qi and the earth Qi. The body is a small universe too. The Yang Qi is born in the Zi shi (middle night), so at the middle night, we could fee kind of shacking on the back, e.g. the movement of the Yang Qi in the body. Upon the early morning, it is the time of the three Yang Qi. The body Yang Qi raises along with the natural Qi circle, from the Lower Jiao up to the Middle Jiao. If the person for a long time is weak in the root of the Yuan Yang, or under the naval, there is Cold-clot block, there would be pain in the lower abdomen. After a while, if the Yangqi cannot combat the sticky Cold, it would return down, the stool would also move down as diarrhea. This is the reason for the diarrhea in the early morning.


The Yang Qi in the Lower Jiao is the Shao Fire, e.g. the Xiang Fire. It borns in the Mingmen (Life gate), but lives in the Liver-Gall Bladder. So, in the Sishen Wan, Buguzhi works to nourish the Mingmen; Wuzhuyu to nourish the Liver-Bladder, to enhance the root for the Fire. However, the diarrhea is related to the Lower Jiao, but also to the Middle Jiao too. So, Roudoutou is used, for its spicy warm, to warm-nourish the Spleen-Stomach. The Roudoutou is spicy and astringent, together with the sour-restraining nature of Wuweizi, it can solidify the large intestine and to enhance the Lower Jiao. When cooked with the ginger and Chinese date, making the spicy-sweet mixture, the mixture can conduct the Yang Qi in the Lower Jiao up to the Middle Jiao. For mild case, this formula works. In severe cases, it may not work so well from time to time, for no enough ability to nourish the Fire. For this reason, add Huajiao and Liuhuang to nourish the Yuan Yang, to make it work in all cases.