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Edmonton AB,   Canada

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Chapter 5. Formulas for phlegm


1. 理饮汤

1. Liyin Tang (Li means clearing here in Chinese, Yin means phlegm, which is almost as water)

This formula is used to treat the condition, in which the Heart-Lung Yang Qi is weak, which cause the Spleen Humidity (Wetness) not go up and the Stomach Qi not move down. The nutrition from the food cannot be turned into the use by the body, so it becomes the Yin Xie. (Xie means it so becomes disease-causing stuff. The Yin here does not mean the Yin in the Yin-Yang concept). If the Yin Xie stops on the stomach, person feels fullness. If it is in the chest, the person feels short of breath, asthma, cough with phlegm. If it accumulates too much in the Upper Jiao, it would block the Heart-Lung Yang Qi. When the stagnated Heart-Lung Yang Qi cannot disperse, it will turn into Fire. Or, the Yin Qi presses the Yang Qi out to cause body hot, press the Yang Qi float to cause deafness. However the person’s pulse must be checked. Only if the pulse is string, late, thin and weak, can this formula be used.

于术(四钱) 干姜(五钱) 桂枝尖(二钱) 甘草(二钱) 茯苓片(二钱) 生杭芍(二钱)桔红(钱半) 川浓朴(钱半)
Baizhu 12 gram, Ganjiang 15 gram, Guizhi tip 6 gram, Zhi Gancao 6 gram, Fulin 6 gram, Baishao 6 gram, Jiehong 4.5 gram, and Houpo 4.5 gram.

After taking of this formula for several days and with the opening and disperse of the Yin Xie, but the person still has weakness in the Qi, add herb Huangqi several gram.

The herbs, Guizhi and Ganjiang in the formula, work to support the Heart-Lung Yang, so to disperse them. The Baizhu, Fuling and Gancao work to clear the humidity in the Spleen-Stomach (the co-use of the Fuling and Gancao works well to clear the humidity). For the herb Houpo, Mr. Ye Tianshi said: “Houpo can break the Qi in large amount, and can promote the Yang Qi moving in small amount.). Its use is to promote the moving down of the Stomach Yang Qi, to promote the water and food move down. The Jiehong helps the Baizhu, Fuling and Gancao to clear the phlegm. The Baishao, for its bitter-calm nature, can prevent the rushing up of the hot herbs (calming herb has down-moving property). For its sour-restraining property, it can suppress the floating Fire. The hot herbs are usually suit to nourish the Spleen-Stomach, but not good for the Liver-Gall Bladder. So, for its cooling property, it works to nourish the Yin of the Liver-Gall Bladder. For its ability to promote urine, when the urine is smooth, the phlegm is easy to clear.

A lady, about 40 years of old, felt fullness and hot in the chest. For every several days, or for every months, there would be an outbreak of asthma for several days. It was little improvement when using Fire-clearing and Qi-dispersing herbs. The herbs worked in only a short time. The condition became worse when the herbs taken for a longer time. When I saw her, her pulse was thin and deep, almost could not be touched. The family member asked: what is this disease? I said: it belongs to the Yang deficiency in the Heart and Lung, which fail to promote the function of the Spleen-Stomach, so cause the accumulation of the phlegm. … With accumulated phlegm stocked in the chest to cause fullness and asthma. It blocks the disperse of the Yang Qi, to cause hot feeling in the chest. Doctors do not the reason for the disease, so used the cooling herbs. It is not strange that long time take of such cold herbal tea would make things worse. For her, I prescribed this formula. Several doses later, she felt cold. So, the herb Baoshao was moved. After about twenty doses, she felt much clear in the chest and the asthma never had outbreak. 

A lady, about 30 years of old, with pretty over-weight body, felt phlegm accumulation in the chest and poor eating. She felt annoying hot in the Upper Jiao. Her condition is occasionally improved by taking herb Menshi Gongtan Wan, so she take it day by day. From beginning, the eating was improved, but later reduced again. Later, she could not eat anything without taking the herbs. Such condition lasted for a long time, but the disease appeared no more improvement at all. She can only eat for only meal. It was hard to digest such little amount of food.  From time to time, she felt hot vapor rush up, strong ringing in the ears to deaf, so that she doubt that the herbs were not the proper ones. When I was asked to see her, her pulse was floating and big, but very soft when pressing. I said, this condition is due to weakness of the Heart-Lung Yang Qi and to the weakness in the Spleen-Stomach Qi, due to over intake of cold herbs. The herbal formula of Liyin Tang was then prescribed to her. The family member told me that, she could not endure herbs, such as Guizhi and Fuzi prescribed by previous doctors. It might be difficult to take the hot herbs. I said: the herb Guizhi and Fuzi are originally not the exact herbs for the Heart, Lung, Spleen and Stomach. If they were use only little amount, the herbs are less than the severity of the disease, the body may not accept it. With my formula, the Liyin Tang, the formula matches the disease exactly, there should have no side effects. If the herbs were really feared, she could try only the Ganjiang 15 gram to try. The family followed my suggestion, and let her drink the Ganjiang tea. After drinking, the ear ringing stopped, later the fullness in the chest released. The Liyin Tang was followed after that. Several doses later, her heart felt cold too. So, the Ganjiang was increased to 30 gram. After twenty doses, the disease was completely improved. 

A lady, about 40 years old, had fullness and annoying in the chest. She liked to eat cold food but if take it occasionally, she would feel more fullness. For a long time, she had diarrhea in the early morning. She later felt also fullness in the abdomen. She visited doctors for help, most of them used half-nourishing and half-breaking herbs, or with little addition of cooling herbs, or with little restraining herbs, none worked. When I saw her, her pulse was string, thin and late. It was suspected to be the Cold-Phlegm accumulation in the chest, which blocked the Qi movement in the chest. The family felt heisted and dared not to use it, the movement I would use the Liyin Tang. I also recommended them to try Ganjiang several grams. After drinking, the lady felt disappear of the annoying. To solve her morning diarrhea, the herb Houpo, Baishao were removed, but herb Jineijing 4.5 gram, and Buguzhi 9 gram were added. After continueous tens of doses, every condition were improved completely.


A lady, about 50 years of old, felt short of breath and poor eating. She also visited many doctors, taking dispersing herbs, or raising-dispersing herbs, or –Spleen-nourishing, or Qi-dispersing herbs, none worked. Later, the disease was delayed, so that she felt less and less eating, very weak to get up. The family thought she got hard-to-cure disease. Later, they heard that I was in another village close by and that I have saved many dangerous cases, so come to ask my help. Her pulse was string, thin and weak to disappear. She spit clear, water-like saliva very frequently. She told that she felt something blocked in her chest, which block the upper stomach, felt the air not moving up. I suspected her condition as Cold Phlegm-Yin block in the chest. She was given the Liyin Tang to drink, in which the herb Ganjiang was increased to 21 gram. After three doses, her appetite was recovered. For her hard to breath, added Hungqi 9 gram in the formula. After tens of doses, the condition was cured.

In medical books, it is said that, the Yin is developed from the Water, while the phlegm from Fire. However, the Yin can also be separated into the Cold and Hot. The Hot Yin is mostly due to over missing-thinking. The person can even have madness. He will not spit even if there is Yin condition in the body. The Cold Yin is due to the Yang deficiency of the Heart-Lung. The clinic manifestations as listed under the Liyin Tang here. The person can spit water-like saliva from time to time, felt short of breath, reduced eating. (Later doctors named the not-thick phlegm as the Yin, the thick phlegm as the phlegm. This is different from the concept in the book
Jin Kuifor the four Yin conditions. )


Mr. Han, 44 years of old, was a doctor with family doctor history. Occasionally, he suffered from a strange disease. He would have spasm when he had sleep. It comes and goes quickly, as having a chilly. On the outbreak, he might appear as his breath stopped. When there was no outbreak, touch him by hand may trigue the outbreak. Neither he himself, or other doctors, could help him. After delay for some years, the disease became worse. When I saw him, his pulse was string and thin. When asked, he said he ate very little. It was so suspected to have Spleen-Stomach Yang deficiency, which cannot conduct the food metabolism to produce more Qi and Blood. The insufficient blood cannot nourish the tendons. The Qi deficiency cannot fill up the body, so the spasm happens. The Qi is not smooth during the lying down, so the spasm occurred mostly in lying position. When the Qi is insufficient, the person dislikes touch by others. Therefore the spasm occurred when touched by others. He was given this Liyin Tang. After several doses, his eating was increased and the spasm was also reduced in level. Twenty doses alter, the disease stopped.   



2. Litan Tang. (Li means clearing, tan means phlegm in Chinese)

This formula works for a phlegm accumulation condition. If it accumulates in chest, the person feels fullness in chest, cough and/or asthma. If it is in the upper abdomen, he feels scaring and has poor sleep. If it is in the stomach, the person has stomach bloating, hiccup, burping. If it sticks in the meridian, the person feels numb or has paralysis in the extremes. If it stocks in the joints, or in the bone or tendons, the body cannot bend or stretch smoothly and feels pain. If the phlegm rushes up with the Liver Fire, the person feels dizziness and hard to stand or sit up.

芡实(一两) 半夏(四钱) 黑芝麻(三钱,炒捣) 柏子仁(二钱,炒捣) 生杭芍(二钱)陈皮(二钱) 茯苓片(二钱)
Qianshi 30 gram, Banxia 12 gram, Heizima 9 gram (fried, grind), Boziren 6 gram (fried and grind), Baishao 6 gram, Chenpi 6 gram, Fuling 6 gram  

When treat the Phlegm condition, doctors commonly used the Erchen Tang that introduced in the book
Ju Fang. It is said that this is the root formula for the Phlegm condition. They do not know that this formula can treat the result (symptom) of the Phlegm, but not the reason (source) of the Phlegm. Why? The symptom of the Phlegm is in the Stomach, while the source and the reason for the Phlegm is in the Kidney. The Kidney dominates the holding function, since Urine Bladder is its container. Sometimes, its holding capacity is in disorder, it has to share its Qi to the Urine Bladder. The Urine Bladder becomes full, cannot keep in a empty status, e.g. cannot attract the Water Yin from the Stomach into the Urine Bladder as urine. So the Stomach Yin turns into the Phlegm. … Again, the Kidney Qi is easy to rush up, to push the Stomach Qi up too. The Stomach Qi cannot flow down to transport the Water down. This is another reason for the source of the Phlegm. In this formula, herb Banxia is the king, the leader, the dominating herb, to suppress the reversed Stomach Qi. Using large amount of herb Qianshi is to suppress the up-rushing Qi. More importantly, it works to restrain the Kidney Qi, to enhance its holding capacity, so to solve the reason for the Phlegm. The use of Heizhima and Boziren, for their lubrating capacity, is to solve the dryness side effect of Banxia.  They can also help the Qianshi to nourish the Kidney. Herb Shaoyao can nourish the Yin to help urine; and Fuling can also promote urine. To use Chenpi is not to take its advantage of dissolving Phlegm, but of promoting Qi movement, to help Banxia to suppress the reversed Qi, as well as to reduce the sticky nature of the Qianshi, Zhima and Boziren.

My friend Mr. Mao has treated a lady who was 40 years of old. Her condition was Upper-Extreme-Lower-Weakness. She had lots of phlegm in the chest, had reduced eating, and asthma upon slight physical activity. Previous doctors used Erchen Tang (with some modifications) for the treatment. After three years, the condition was worse. When Mr. Mao saw her, he gave this Litan Tang. After several doses, her condition was improved more than half. He then reduced the amount of Qianshi, added Shangyao 15 gram. After intake of twenty doses, the phlegm disappeared completely. It has been several years pass, no any recur.

Mr. Mao also treated another lady, who suffered from Dianfeng (epilepsy and seizures). The disorder had outbreak once every two to three months, gradually once every two to three days. Her pulse was slippery. She was overweight. It is so believed to be a Phlegm condition. She was given this Litan Tang, with addition of Daizheshi 9 gram. Several doses even cured the condition. Later, when we met, he told me this case. I was very happy and said: in the beginning when I set up this formula, I did not know that it can treat seizures. With addition of Daizheshi by you, it works so marvelous. You bright this formula!


Comment: if this formula is used for the seizures, Zhusha (cinnabar), Shenqieluo can be added. Or, the formula can be cooked with Modao water[1], instead of pure water.



3. Longmu Litan Tang

Longmu Litan Tang treats the Phlegm-Fire condition, in which the Phlegm is due to over worry and the Fire is due to the Phlegm, so the heart-spirit is not calm.

半夏(四钱) 龙骨(六钱,捣细) 牡蛎(六钱,捣细) 生赭石(三钱,轧细) 朴硝(二钱)黑芝麻(三钱,炒捣) 柏子仁(三钱,炒捣) 生杭芍(三钱) 陈皮(二钱) 茯苓(二钱)
Banxia 12 gram, Longgu 18 gram (grind), Muli 18 gram (grind), Daizheshi 9 gram, Puxiao 6 gram, Black Zhima 9 gram (fried and grind), Boziren 9 gram (fried and grind), Baishao 9 gram, Chenpi 6 gram, Fuling 6 gram.


This formula is modified from above Litan Tang, in which, the herb Qianshi is replaced by Longgu and Muli, and herb Daizheshi and Puxiao are added. The reason for such modification is that, this formula is set to solve the Phlegm, which is weak but also condensed Phlegm. Condensed Phlegm should be breaken, using Puxiao and Daihuang as in the formula Mengshi Gongtan Wan; the weak Phlegm condition should be nourished, or be supplied.  If the Phlegm is due to Kidney deficiency, the Shenqi Wan should be used to expel the Phlegm. For such condition with both weak and condensed Phlegm, there should be herbs both to break and to nourish, so that the herbs match the disease, such as the use of Longgu and Muli.

The Heart and the Kidney in the body, in normal condition, works and helps each other. In Kidney deficiency, the Kidney Water cannot be transported up to nourish the Heart, so the Heart tends to develop Fire. This is the condition, the Kidney disease develops into the Heart. If the Heart worries very much to develop Fire, it would attract the Water in the Kidney to save itself. The Kidney would be exhausted to deficiency. This is the condition, in which the Heart disease develops to the Kidney. When both the Heart and the Kidney get sick, the worry is more, the Fire is more. The Fire would burn Water in the body to produce Phlegm. Only the Longgu and Muli can cool down the Heart Fire and too enhance the Kidney. The two herbs were stated by Dr. Xhen Xiuyuan, as the marvelous herbs for the treatment of Phlegm. This is true. Therefore, they are used to replace the Qianshi. For the consideration that the over accumulated Phlegm cannot be cleared completely, the Daizheshi and Puxiao are used to conduct the Phlegm down to expel.

一人,年三十余。常觉胆怯,有时心口或少腹 动后,须臾觉有气起自下焦,上冲胸臆,郁而不伸,连作呃逆,脖项发热,即癫狂唱呼。其夹咽两旁内,突起若瘰 ,而不若瘰 之硬。且精气不固,不寐而遗,上焦觉热,下焦觉凉。其脉左部平和,微嫌无力,右部直上直下(李士材脉诀云直上直下冲脉昭昭),仿佛有力,而按之非真有力。从前屡次医治皆无效。此肾虚,致冲气挟痰上冲,乱其心之神明也。投以此汤,减浓朴之半,加山萸肉(去净核)五钱,数剂诸病皆愈,惟觉短气。知系胸中大气下陷(理详升陷汤下),投以拙拟升陷汤,去升麻柴胡,加桂枝尖二钱,两剂而愈。盖此证,从前原有逆气上干,升麻柴胡能升大气,恐兼升逆气。桂枝则升大气,兼降逆气,故以之代升、柴也。
A man, about 30 years of old, felt fear quite often. Sometimes, he felt a tingling in the upper or lower abdomen, then there was a feeling of Qi rushing up to the chest and blocking there, so that he felt hiccups, hot in the neck and then cry and behave mad. There was mass along the side of throat. The mass is not as hard as a tumor. He had also leak of semen even no in sleep. He felt hot in the upper body, but cold in the lower body. His left pulse was calm with little weak, but the right pulse was straight, appearing to be hard, but not hard when touched hard. None of the previous treatments worked. This condition belongs to Kidney deficiency that causes the up-rushing Qi bring the Phlegm up to disturb the Heart. He was given this Longmu Litang Tang, with reduction of Puxiao to half of amount, and addition of Shangyurou (removal of kernel) 15 gram. After several doses, the condition was much improved, with only short of breath. It was considered the Qi-skink condition (see the chapter for the Qi-sink), so he was given the Shengxian Tang, with removal of Shengma and Chaihu, but add Guizhi Tip 6 gram. Two doses solved the condition. For this case, there was previously the reversed Qi rushing up, the use of Shengma and Chaiju may promote the reverse Qi again. Guizhi can raise the Big Qi, and also suppress the reversed Qi, so it is used to replace the Shengma and Chaihu.


An old lay, 62 years of old, was slim and weak for her whole life. One day after a common cold, she suddenly had delebious speak and watch, appearing as she was very fear or scared, mad movement of arms and legs. She felt thirsty and hungry but dared not to drink or eat. Her lower abdomen shrink down, but the chest bloated up. The pulse was big, double amount as usual, but weak when touch heavier. Her condition is considered to be: the Liver-Kidney was weak; the Chong Qi rushed up; the Phlegm and Fire rushed up to bother the Heart. She was given this Longmu Litang Tang, with removal of Puxiao, double the Daizheshi, addition of Shanyao 18 gram, Shanyurou (remove kernel) 18 gram, and Shengdi 18 gram. The herbs were cooked in Modao water, not in pure water. One dose solved all disorders. Additional dose was used for a maintenance.



4. Jianpi Huatan Wan

This formula is used to solve Spleen-Stomach weak, so they could not digest food, and cause Phlegm.

白术(二两) 鸡内金(二两,去净瓦石糟粕)
Baizhu 60 gram, Jineijin 60 gram.


The two herbs were grinded to thin powder, separately. Then bake with mild fire (do not bake over). Mix them and make into pills with honey as 1 cm diameter. Take 9 gram each time. Swallow with help of warm water. Herb Baizhu is the main herb to nourish the Spleen. However, if it is taken for a long time, the person may feel fullness in the stomach. The Jineijin (the inside membrane of stomach) is good to melt and to dissolve accumulated mass, so to solve this side effect. The combination of them works both for nourishing and dispersing. When the middle Qi works, the nutrition distributes to the body; the clear Qi rising and the heavy Qi flowing down; the source for Phlegm is removed. This formula can not only be used in the treatment of Phlegm, but also of any poor-eating conditions. Long term of take helps to increase eating, to dissolve any mass in the stomach too. In the beginning to set up this formula, it is prepared into pills with water. A long time intake of such pills may cause dry throat and/or constipation. After change to use honey, the side effect no longer is a problem.



5. Qiyi Bing. (Qi means hope; Yi means long life span, and Bing means cake.)

This formula is for old man. He/she has Qi insufficiency, hard to cleansing the Phlegm, which is so accumulated and causes fullness in the chest and pain on the side of abdomen. It works for any people with overwhelming Phlegm in the body. It also works for hernia.

芡实(六两) 鸡内金(三两) 白面(半斤) 白沙糖(不拘多少)
Qianshi 180 gram, Jineijin 90 gram, white wheat flour 180 gram, white sugar some amount.

Wash the Qianshi with water. Remove floating peel, dry naturally under sunshine, grind into powder. Gring Jineijin into powder (remove any debrits), rinse it in boiling water for half day. Add the Qianshi powder, wheat flour and sugar in. Prepare the mixture into cake. Bake it and eat it.

Jineijin works to help the Spleen-Stomach to function, can help digestion and wear down any accumulated mass in the stomach. When the food is well digested and accumulated mass disappears, there is no way to have Phlegm in the body. In old person with lots of phlegm, the most common reason is the weakness in the Lower Jiao, in which the Qi movement is reduced and the phlegm rushes up. Qianshi can restrain the Qi and to govern the Qi movement in the Lower Jiao. Together with the wheat flour, one helps the Heart and one helps the Kidney, making the Heart and Kidney work and help in a harmony manner, e.g. the Fire and Water in a harmony status, the phlegm of course would disappear.

It might be asked: the phlegm in old people, if it is due to Qi deficiency, why not add some Qi-nourishing herbs? Answer: the Qi-nourishing herbs, after a long time intake, could cause side effect. The ingredients used in this formula, one is wheat (wheat flour), one is meat (Jineijin), mixed with sugar, so can be eaten as regular food. It can increase the eating, so the Qi deficiency is solved.

此方去芡实,治小儿疳积痞胀,大人 瘕积聚。

After removal of Qianshi from this formula, it can be used to treat accumulated mass in the children, and mass in adult.



6. Solve the phlegm – Massage on the Tiantu point

To massage on the Tiantu point to solve coma due to block by phlegm is well known by acupuncturist. In my clinic experience, there are some subtle tricks to do it. The Tiantu point is in the hollow under the Adam’s apple….

一妇人,年二十许。数日之前,觉胸中不舒,一日忽然昏昏似睡,半日不醒。适愚自他处归,过其村。病家见愚喜甚,急求延医。其脉沉迟,兼有闭塞之象。唇 动。凡唇动者,为有痰之征。脉象,当系寒痰壅滞上焦过甚。遂令人扶之坐,以大指点其天突穴,俾其喉痒作嗽。约点半点钟,咳嗽十余次,吐出凉痰一碗,始能言语。又用干姜六钱,煎汤饮下而愈。
A lady, 20 years of old, felt fullness and discomfort in the chest several days ago. One day, she suddenly fall into drowsy and sleep for half day without wake. By chance, I was pass this village. The family was happy and invited me to have a look. Her pulse was deep and late with somehow close/block feeling. Her mouth lips were moving. The moving mouth lips is the indication of phlegm. The pulse should suggest that the Cold Phlegm accumulated too much in the Upper Jiao. So, I asked the help her sit up; used my thumb to massage her Tiantu point to making her feel tingling to couch. After about 30 min, she coughed ten times and spitted out one bowl of cold phlegm, and started to speak. Then I prescribed Ganjiang 18 gram to cook and to drink. The problem was solved. 


One early spring, the weather was very cold. It was raining and snowing. A soldier had his dressing all wet. For cold, he could not walk. Upon walked to the village where I was, he lost consciousness, without any response upon calling. He was arranged close to a fire to warm him. He was not waked up for the whole night. The people heard that I had been in that village solved a person with the Tiantu point massage, so came for help. When I came to see the sick soldier, he lied there without any movement and without any breath. His pulse seems with pulsing. When touched his mouth with my hand, I felt some warm, so I thought there was chance to save him. I asked help to let him sit up, use the Tiantu Massage, in addition with the use of throat-holding technique. After about two hours, he coughed twenty times, spitted out one and half bowl of cold phlegm, and started to have breath. He was also given the Ganjiang water to drink for a final cure.


The throat-holding technique was learned from my friend in Canzhou city, Mr. Zhang. It works much better to let people feel itch to cough. To practice it, you can hold your own Adam’s apple, see in which way you would feel itch to cough. That is the way. However, when the Qi is not conducting, the Tiantu point massage can make the Qi moves. The throat-holding technique stimulates cough, the Qi then conducts. Therefore, the two techniques are usually used together.

If put a heavy-freezing person close to fire, the cold would come into the body, and the save of his life would be difficult. The frozen person should be put in cold room, or put in a place without wind. Take off his clothes, massage his body with snow or cold water; or put his body in cold water to massage. When the extremes become soft, practice artificial breath to him. At this time, continue the massage without stop. When the person can have breath by himself, cover him with thin covering, then gradually with heavier covering and move him into warm room.


Comment: this procedure is used when the person is frozen to ice and has no any breath. If it is not frozen to such level, the saving technique is somehow different. This technique works, but if there is cold phlegm block, the Tiantu point massage and the throat-holding technique should be used to save the life.

(this paragraph tells how to practice artificial breath saving technique).

Ming Fan Tang: Baifan (alum) is good at solving sticky and hot phlegm. It works in many emergency conditions. It should not be used in cold phlegm at all. A lady, 20 years of old, due to cry too much, had phlegm block in the stomach. The Stomach Qi accumulated more and it reversely rushed up to cause dry nausea, which appeared also as hiccups. She felt the air could only reach to the throat, not further. When the condition is severe, her body was shacking as to die. Doctor had tried to let her drink Ganjiang tea, but she could not endure. When I saw her, her left pulse was deep and ru, right pulse could not be touched at all. Since she could no endure the Ganjiang tea, it was considered to belong to Hot Phlegm, not Cold Phlegm. Her pulse as such could be due to the block of the pulse by the phlegm. Her face was red in color, suggesting the Hot Phlegm too. So, she was asked to drink the Baifan (alum) 6 gram in water. The condition was solved right away. This formula has been used by my self several times, knowing it works in the Hot Phlegm condition, even if the condition is so severe to threaten the life.

Shexiang Xiangyou Pouring: Dr. Yan Yunhe said: “In the condition of stroke with loss of consciousness, use the Shexiang Xiangyou to pour.” There was a case. The person was 20 years of old. Due to quarrel with his wife, he suddenly had his body straight and fall backwards. His teeth bite tightly, and his mouth spit white bubble. When I saw him, three hours has past. His pulse was blocked. He was first given herbs into nose to make him sneeze. He then said he felt very thirsty. When asked again, he fall into loss of consciousness again, with only mouth slightly open. Since remembered the Dr. Yang method, it is used for loss of consciousness in stroke, it should also work for the loss of consciousness in Phlegm block condition. In addition, his condition now might also be with inner Wind attack. So, take Xiangyou (sesame oil) 60 ml warm up, mix it with Shexiang (musk) 0.3 gram. Pour the mixture into his mouth and he waked up.

Addition comment: Pengsha (Borax) 12 gram, dissolved in water, can be used to replace alum in the treatment of Phlegm-stroke condition. It is much  safe. To treat Cold Phlegm, use hot pepper powder. Mix the pepper with water, pouring into his anus, to replace the use fresh ginger juice, or Ganjiang (dried ginger) juice.



Letter from Mr. Dong, from Can city:


A lady, Mrs. Zhu, had childbirth for some months. Everything was ok. One day, after eating one bowl of food, she suddenly fall down, lost consciousness, with spasm and shacking in arms and legs. When I saw her, there were no any pulses. This is a condition, in which the body was empty in side body after childbirth. The empty inside was suddenly filled with large amount of food, which blocked the Big Qi in chest, so that every Qi movement was stopped to function. There was no time to buy herbs, so I used Tiantu massage technique and throat-holding technique, together with acupuncture on Shixuan point and Shaoshang point. Soon, she spitted out some stick phlegm, with sound in the stomach and slight sweat on the skin. The condition was solved.

[1] Modao water. Water collected in cutlerring iron stuff. Mo means cutler; dao means knife in Chinese.